Direct Known Subclasses:
AssetGraph, AssetSearchMatches, AssetSummary, RelatedAsset

public class Asset extends GovernedReferenceable
Asset holds asset properties that are used for displaying details of an asset in summary lists or hover text. It includes the following properties:
  • type - metadata type information for the asset
  • guid - globally unique identifier for the asset
  • url - external link for the asset
  • qualifiedName - The official (unique) name for the asset. This is often defined by the IT systems management organization and should be used (when available) on audit logs and error messages. (qualifiedName from Referenceable - model 0010)
  • resourceName - name extracted from the resource. (Sourced from attribute name within Asset - model 0010)
  • resourceDescription - description extracted from the resource. (Sourced from attribute description within Asset - model 0010)
  • displayName - A consumable name for the resource for use on user interfaces and messages. (Sourced from attribute displayName within GlossaryTerm - model 0330)
  • displaySummary - A short description of the resource for use on user interfaces and messages. (Sourced from attribute summary within GlossaryTerm - model 0330)
  • displayDescription - A full description of the resource in business terminology for use on user interfaces. (Sourced from attribute description within GlossaryTerm - model 0330)
  • abbreviation - A short name or acronym for the resource. (Sourced from attribute abbreviation within GlossaryTerm - model 0330)
  • usage - A description of how the resource is used by the business. (Sourced from attribute usage within GlossaryTerm - model 0330)
  • classifications - list of all classifications assigned to the asset
  • extendedProperties - list of properties assigned to the asset from the Asset subclasses
  • additionalProperties - list of properties assigned to the asset as additional properties
  • Field Details

    • resourceName

      protected String resourceName
    • resourceDescription

      protected String resourceDescription
    • versionIdentifier

      protected String versionIdentifier
    • deployedImplementationType

      protected String deployedImplementationType
    • displayName

      protected String displayName
    • displaySummary

      protected String displaySummary
    • displayDescription

      protected String displayDescription
    • abbreviation

      protected String abbreviation
    • usage

      protected String usage
  • Constructor Details

    • Asset

      public Asset()
      Default constructor
    • Asset

      public Asset(Asset template)
      Copy/clone constructor. Note, this is a deep copy
      template - template values for asset summary
  • Method Details

    • getResourceName

      public String getResourceName()
      Return the name of the resource that this asset represents.
      string resource name
    • setResourceName

      public void setResourceName(String name)
      Set up the name of the resource that this asset represents.
      name - string resource name
    • getResourceDescription

      public String getResourceDescription()
      Return the description associated with the resource.
    • setResourceDescription

      public void setResourceDescription(String resourceDescription)
      Set up the description associated with the resource.
      resourceDescription - text
    • getVersionIdentifier

      public String getVersionIdentifier()
      Set up the version identifier of the resource.
      string version name
    • setVersionIdentifier

      public void setVersionIdentifier(String versionIdentifier)
      Set up the version identifier of the resource.
      versionIdentifier - string version name
    • getDeployedImplementationType

      public String getDeployedImplementationType()
      Retrieve the name of the technology used for this asset.
      string name
    • setDeployedImplementationType

      public void setDeployedImplementationType(String deployedImplementationType)
      Set up the name of the technology used for this asset.
      deployedImplementationType - string name
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Returns the stored display name property for the asset. If no display name is available then resource name is returned.
      String name
    • setDisplayName

      public void setDisplayName(String displayName)
      Set up the stored display name property for the asset.
      displayName - String name
    • getDisplaySummary

      public String getDisplaySummary()
      Return the short display description for tables and summaries.
      string description
    • setDisplaySummary

      public void setDisplaySummary(String displaySummary)
      Set up the short display description for tables and summaries.
      displaySummary - string description
    • getDisplayDescription

      public String getDisplayDescription()
      Return the full business description.
      string description
    • setDisplayDescription

      public void setDisplayDescription(String displayDescription)
      Set up the full business description.
      displayDescription - string description
    • getAbbreviation

      public String getAbbreviation()
      Return the abbreviation or acronym associated with the resources display name.
      string name
    • setAbbreviation

      public void setAbbreviation(String abbreviation)
      Set up the abbreviation or acronym associated with the resources display name.
      abbreviation - string name
    • getUsage

      public String getUsage()
      Return the usage information for the resource. This typically describes how the organization uses the resource.
      string description
    • setUsage

      public void setUsage(String usage)
      Set up the usage information for the resource. This typically describes how the organization uses the resource.
      usage - string description
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Standard toString method.
      toString in class GovernedReferenceable
      print out of variables in a JSON-style
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare)
      Compare the values of the supplied object with those stored in the current object.
      equals in class GovernedReferenceable
      objectToCompare - supplied object
      boolean result of comparison
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Return hash code based on properties.
      hashCode in class GovernedReferenceable