Class MetadataElementHandler<B>
MetadataElementHandler manages MetadataElement objects from the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
These objects are 1-1 with an open metadata entity.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler
assetActionDescription, auditLog, beanClass, converter, defaultZones, errorHandler, invalidParameterHandler, localServerUserId, publishZones, qualifiedNamePropertyNamesList, repositoryHandler, repositoryHelper, securityVerifier, serverName, serviceName, supportedZones
Constructor Summary
(OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter<B> converter, Class<B> beanClass, String serviceName, String serverName, InvalidParameterHandler invalidParameterHandler, RepositoryHandler repositoryHandler, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String localServerUserId, OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier securityVerifier, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog) Construct the handler for metadata elements. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, ArchiveProperties archiveProperties, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Archive a specific metadata element.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, String classificationName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Add a new classification to the metadata element.convertOpenMetadataRelationships
(List<Relationship> relationships, String methodName) Convert OMRS relationships into OpenMetadataRelationshipscreateMetadataElementFromTemplate
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String suppliedMetadataElementTypeName, String anchorGUID, boolean isOwnAnchor, boolean allowRetrieve, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, String templateGUID, ElementProperties templateProperties, Map<String, String> placeholderPropertyValues, String parentGUID, String parentRelationshipTypeName, ElementProperties parentRelationshipProperties, boolean parentAtEnd1, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new metadata element in the metadata store from a template.createMetadataElementInStore
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementTypeName, ElementStatus initialStatus, Map<String, ElementProperties> initialClassifications, String anchorGUID, boolean isOwnAnchor, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, ElementProperties properties, String parentGUID, String parentRelationshipTypeName, ElementProperties parentRelationshipProperties, boolean parentAtEnd1, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new metadata element in the metadata store.createRelatedElementsInStore
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String relationshipTypeName, String metadataElement1GUID, String metadataElement2GUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a relationship between two metadata elements.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, String metadataElementGUIDParameterName, String metadataElementTypeName, String classificationName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove the named classification from a specific metadata element.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Delete a specific metadata element.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String relationshipGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Delete a relationship between two metadata elements.findMetadataElements
(String userId, String metadataElementTypeName, List<String> metadataElementSubtypeName, SearchProperties searchProperties, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, SearchClassifications searchClassifications, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startingFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) Return a list of metadata elements that match the supplied criteria.findMetadataElementsWithString
(String userId, String searchString, String typeName, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) Retrieve the metadata elements that contain the requested string.findRelationshipsBetweenMetadataElements
(String userId, String relationshipTypeName, SearchProperties searchProperties, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) Return a list of relationships that match the requested conditions.getElementPropertiesAsOMRSMap
(ElementProperties properties) Convert an element properties object into a map.getMetadataElementByGUID
(String userId, String elementGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date asOfTime, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve the metadata element using its unique identifier.getMetadataElementByUniqueName
(String userId, String uniqueName, String uniqueNameParameterName, String uniqueNamePropertyName, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, String sequencingPropertyName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve the metadata element using its unique name (typically the qualified name).getMetadataElementGUIDByUniqueName
(String userId, String uniqueName, String uniqueNameParameterName, String uniqueNamePropertyName, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, String sequencingPropertyName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve the unique identifier of a metadata element using its unique name (typically the qualified name).getMetadataElementRelationships
(String userId, String metadataElementAtEnd1GUID, String relationshipTypeName, String metadataElementAtEnd2GUID, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) Retrieve the relationships linking to the supplied elements.getMetadataElementsByType
(String userId, String typeName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) Retrieve the metadata elements that are of the correct type.getRelatedMetadataElements
(String userId, String elementGUID, int startingAtEnd, String relationshipTypeName, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) Retrieve the metadata elements connected to the supplied element.getRelationshipsByType
(String userId, String typeName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) Retrieve the relationships that are of the correct type.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, String classificationName, boolean replaceProperties, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the properties of a classification that is currently attached to a specific metadata element.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, String classificationName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the effectivity dates of a specific classification attached to a metadata element.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the effectivity dates control the visibility of the element through specific APIs.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, boolean replaceProperties, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the properties of a specific metadata element.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, ElementStatus newElementStatus, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the status of specific metadata element.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String relationshipGUID, boolean replaceProperties, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the properties associated with a relationship.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String relationshipGUID, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the effectivity dates of a specific relationship between metadata elements.Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.ReferenceableHandler
addAssignmentScope, addDataFieldValuesClassification, addGovernanceActionClassification, addGovernanceDefinitionScope, addGovernanceExpectationsClassification, addGovernanceMeasurementsClassification, addGovernedBy, addImplementedBy, addMoreInformation, addOwner, addRetentionClassification, addSecurityTags, addStakeholder, addSubjectAreaClassification, addTemplateClassification, clearBusinessSignificant, getAssignedActors, getAssignmentScope, getBeanByQualifiedName, getBeanByQualifiedName, getBeanGUIDByQualifiedName, getBeanGUIDByQualifiedName, getCatalogTemplateList, getCollectionMembers, getCommissionedByStakeholder, getDataFieldValuesClassifiedElement, getDescriptiveElements, getElementsSourceFrom, getEntityByUniqueQualifiedName, getGovernanceActionClassifiedElements, getGovernanceDefinitionScope, getGovernedElements, getMeanings, getMoreInformation, getMoreInformation, getOwnersElements, getReferenceValueAssignees, getResourceList, getRetentionClassifiedElements, getSecurityTagsClassifiedElements, getSemanticAssignments, getSourceElements, getStakeholders, getSubjectAreaMembers, getSubjectAreaMembers, getSupportedByResource, getSupportedByTemplate, getValidValueConsumers, getVendorProperties, linkConsolidatedDuplicate, linkElementsAsPeerDuplicates, removeAssignmentScope, removeCatalogTemplate, removeDataFieldValuesClassification, removeGovernanceActionClassification, removeGovernanceDefinitionScope, removeGovernanceExpectationsClassification, removeGovernanceMeasurementsClassification, removeGovernedBy, removeImplementedBy, removeMoreInformation, removeOwner, removeResourceListMember, removeRetentionClassification, removeSecurityTags, removeSemanticAssignment, removeStakeholder, removeSubjectAreaClassification, removeTemplateClassification, saveCatalogTemplate, saveResourceListMember, saveSemanticAssignment, saveSemanticAssignment, saveSemanticAssignments, setBusinessSignificant, setVendorProperties, unlinkElementsAsPeerDuplicates
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPITemplateHandler
createBeanFromTemplate, createBeanFromTemplate
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIGenericHandler
addAnchorGUIDToBuilder, archiveBeanInRepository, archiveBeanInRepository, countAttachments, createBeanInRepository, createBeanInRepository, deleteAnchoredEntity, deleteBeanInRepository, deleteBeanInRepository, deleteBeanInRepository, deleteRelationship, findAttachmentLinks, findBeans, findBeans, findBeans, findEntities, findEntities, findEntities, findEntities, getAllAttachmentLinks, getAttachedElement, getAttachedElementGUID, getAttachedElementGUID, getAttachedElementGUIDs, getAttachedElementGUIDs, getAttachedElements, getAttachedElements, getAttachedElements, getAttachedEntities, getAttachedEntities, getAttachedEntities, getAttachedEntity, getAttachedEntity, getAttachmentLink, getAttachmentLink, getAttachmentLinks, getAttachmentLinks, getAttachmentLinks, getBeanByUniqueName, getBeanByUniqueName, getBeanByValue, getBeanFromEntity, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanGUIDByUniqueName, getBeanGUIDByUniqueName, getBeanGUIDsByClassification, getBeanHistory, getBeansByIntValue, getBeansByType, getBeansByType, getBeansByValue, getBeansByValue, getEntitiesByIntValue, getEntitiesByType, getEntitiesByType, getEntitiesByValue, getEntitiesByValue, getEntityByValue, getEntityByValue, getEntityFromRepository, getEntityFromRepository, getEntityFromRepository, getEntityGUIDByValue, getEntityGUIDsByValue, getRelationshipHistory, getSpecification, getSupplementaryProperties, getUniqueAttachmentLink, getUniqueAttachmentLink, getValidatedBeans, getValidatedEntities, getValidatedEntities, linkElementToElement, linkElementToElement, linkElementToElement, maintainSupplementaryProperties, multiLinkElementToElement, relinkElementToNewElement, relinkElementToNewElement, removeClassificationFromRepository, removeClassificationFromRepository, setClassificationInRepository, setClassificationInRepository, setClassificationInRepository, setClassificationInRepository, uncheckedLinkElementToElement, undoBeanUpdateInRepository, undoBeanUpdateInRepository, undoBeanUpdateInRepository, unlinkAllElements, unlinkConnectedElement, unlinkElementFromElement, unlinkElementFromElement, unlinkElementFromElement, unlinkElementFromElement, updateBeanEffectivityDates, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanPropertyInRepository, updateBeanStatusInRepository, updateBeanStatusInRepository, updateClassificationEffectivityDates, updateElementToElementLink, updateElementToElementLink, updateElementToElementLink, updateRelationshipEffectivityDates, updateRelationshipProperties, validateAnchorEntity, validateAnchorGUID, validateEntitiesAndAnchorsForRead, validateEntityAndAnchorForRead, validateEntityAndAnchorForRead, validateRelationship, validateUniqueProperty, verifyExternalSourceIdentity, visibleToUserThroughRelationship
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler
addAnchorsClassification, getAnchorGUIDForEntity, getAnchorGUIDFromAnchorsClassification, getDomainName, getDomainName
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler
getConverter, getElementStub, getRepositoryHandler, getRepositoryHelper, getServerName, getServiceName, getSupportedZones, getTypeDefByName, setSecurityVerifier
Constructor Details
public MetadataElementHandler(OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter<B> converter, Class<B> beanClass, String serviceName, String serverName, InvalidParameterHandler invalidParameterHandler, RepositoryHandler repositoryHandler, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String localServerUserId, OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier securityVerifier, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog) Construct the handler for metadata elements.- Parameters:
- specific converter for this bean classbeanClass
- name of bean class that is represented by the generic class BserviceName
- name of this serviceserverName
- name of the local serverinvalidParameterHandler
- handler for managing parameter errorsrepositoryHandler
- manages calls to the repository servicesrepositoryHelper
- provides utilities for manipulating the repository services objectslocalServerUserId
- userId for this serversecurityVerifier
- open metadata security services verifiersupportedZones
- list of zones that the access service is allowed to serve Asset instances from.defaultZones
- list of zones that the access service should set in all new Asset instances.publishZones
- list of zones that the access service sets up in published Asset instances.auditLog
- destination for audit log events.
Method Details
public B getMetadataElementByGUID(String userId, String elementGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date asOfTime, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the metadata element using its unique identifier.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdelementGUID
- unique identifier for the metadata elementforLineage
- the retrieved element is for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceasOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.effectiveTime
- only return the element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- metadata element properties
- Throws:
- the unique identifier is null or not known.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public B getMetadataElementByUniqueName(String userId, String uniqueName, String uniqueNameParameterName, String uniqueNamePropertyName, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, String sequencingPropertyName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the metadata element using its unique name (typically the qualified name).- Parameters:
- caller's userIduniqueName
- unique name for the metadata elementuniqueNameParameterName
- name of the parameter that passed the unique name (optional)uniqueNamePropertyName
- name of the property from the open types to use in the lookuplimitResultsByStatus
- By default, relationships in all statuses (other than DELETE) are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (for example ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values.asOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.sequencingPropertyName
- String name of the property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).sequencingOrder
- Enum defining how the results should be ordered.forLineage
- the retrieved element is for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- only return the element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- metadata element properties
- Throws:
- the unique identifier is null or not known.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public String getMetadataElementGUIDByUniqueName(String userId, String uniqueName, String uniqueNameParameterName, String uniqueNamePropertyName, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, String sequencingPropertyName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the unique identifier of a metadata element using its unique name (typically the qualified name).- Parameters:
- caller's userIduniqueName
- unique name for the metadata elementuniqueNameParameterName
- name of the parameter that passed the unique name (optional)uniqueNamePropertyName
- name of the property from the open types to use in the lookuplimitResultsByStatus
- By default, relationships in all statuses (other than DELETE) are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (for example ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values.asOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.sequencingPropertyName
- String name of the property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).sequencingOrder
- Enum defining how the results should be ordered.forLineage
- the retrieved element is for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- only return the element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- metadata element unique identifier (guid)
- Throws:
- the unique identifier is null or not known.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public List<B> findMetadataElementsWithString(String userId, String searchString, String typeName, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the metadata elements that contain the requested string.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdsearchString
- name to retrievetypeName
- optional type name to restrict search to a specific type of element (and their subtypes)limitResultsByStatus
- By default, relationships in all statuses (other than DELETE) are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (for example ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values.asOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.sequencingProperty
- String name of the property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).sequencingOrder
- Enum defining how the results should be ordered.forLineage
- the retrieved element is for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- only return the element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.startFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedmethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of matching metadata elements (or null if no elements match the name)
- Throws:
- the qualified name is nullUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public List<B> getMetadataElementsByType(String userId, String typeName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the metadata elements that are of the correct type.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdtypeName
- specific type of element (and their subtypes) to retrieveforLineage
- the retrieved element is for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.limitResultsByStatus
- By default, relationships in all non-DELETED statuses are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (eg ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values except DELETED.asOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.sequencingProperty
- String name of the property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).sequencingOrder
- Enum defining how the results should be ordered.serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- only return the element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.startFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedmethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of matching metadata elements (or null if no elements match the name)
- Throws:
- the qualified name is nullUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public List<RelatedMetadataElement> getRelatedMetadataElements(String userId, String elementGUID, int startingAtEnd, String relationshipTypeName, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the metadata elements connected to the supplied element.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdelementGUID
- unique identifier for the starting metadata elementstartingAtEnd
- indicates which end to retrieve from (0 is "either end"; 1 is end1; 2 is end 2)relationshipTypeName
- type name of relationships to follow (or null for all)limitResultsByStatus
- By default, relationships in all statuses (other than DELETE) are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (for example ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values.asOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.sequencingProperty
- String name of the property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).sequencingOrder
- Enum defining how the results should be ordered.forLineage
- the retrieved element is for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- only return the element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.startFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedmethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of related elements
- Throws:
- the unique identifier is null or not known; the relationship type is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementsPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public List<OpenMetadataRelationship> getMetadataElementRelationships(String userId, String metadataElementAtEnd1GUID, String relationshipTypeName, String metadataElementAtEnd2GUID, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the relationships linking to the supplied elements.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdmetadataElementAtEnd1GUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element at end 1 of the relationshipmetadataElementAtEnd2GUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element at end 2 of the relationshiprelationshipTypeName
- type name of relationships to follow (or null for all)limitResultsByStatus
- By default, relationships in all statuses (other than DELETE) are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (for example ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values.asOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.sequencingProperty
- String name of the property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).sequencingOrder
- Enum defining how the results should be ordered.forLineage
- the retrieved element is for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved elements are for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.serviceSupportedZones
- list of zoneseffectiveTime
- only return an element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.startFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedmethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of related elements
- Throws:
- the unique identifier is null or not known; the relationship type is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementsPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public List<B> findMetadataElements(String userId, String metadataElementTypeName, List<String> metadataElementSubtypeName, SearchProperties searchProperties, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, SearchClassifications searchClassifications, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startingFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Return a list of metadata elements that match the supplied criteria. The results can be returned over many pages.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdmetadataElementTypeName
- type of interest (null means any element type)metadataElementSubtypeName
- optional list of the subtypes of the metadataElementTypeName to include in the search results. Null means all subtypes.searchProperties
- Optional list of entity property conditions to match.limitResultsByStatus
- By default, entities in all statuses (other than DELETE) are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (for example ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values.searchClassifications
- Optional list of classifications to match.asOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.sequencingProperty
- String name of the property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).sequencingOrder
- Enum defining how the results should be ordered.forLineage
- the retrieved element is for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- only return the element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.startingFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedmethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- a list of elements matching the supplied criteria; null means no matching elements in the metadata store.
- Throws:
- one of the search parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementsPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public List<OpenMetadataRelationship> findRelationshipsBetweenMetadataElements(String userId, String relationshipTypeName, SearchProperties searchProperties, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Return a list of relationships that match the requested conditions. The results can be received as a series of pages.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdrelationshipTypeName
- relationship's type. Null means all types (but may be slow so not recommended).limitResultsByStatus
- By default, relationships in all statuses (other than DELETE) are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (for example ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values.asOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.searchProperties
- Optional list of relationship property conditions to match.sequencingProperty
- String name of the property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).sequencingOrder
- Enum defining how the results should be ordered.forLineage
- the retrieved elements are for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- only return an element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.startFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedmethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- a list of relationships. Null means no matching relationships.
- Throws:
- one of the search parameters are is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementsPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public List<OpenMetadataRelationship> getRelationshipsByType(String userId, String typeName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<ElementStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the relationships that are of the correct type.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdtypeName
- specific type of element (and their subtypes) to retrievelimitResultsByStatus
- By default, relationships in all non-DELETED statuses are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (eg ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values except DELETED.forLineage
- the retrieved element is for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known duplicates.asOfTime
- Requests a historical query of the entity. Null means return the present values.sequencingProperty
- String name of the property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).sequencingOrder
- Enum defining how the results should be ordered.serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- only return the element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.startFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedmethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of matching metadata elements (or null if no elements match the name)
- Throws:
- the qualified name is nullUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not able to access the elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem accessing the metadata store
public List<OpenMetadataRelationship> convertOpenMetadataRelationships(List<Relationship> relationships, String methodName) throws PropertyServerException Convert OMRS relationships into OpenMetadataRelationships- Parameters:
- relationships retrieved from the repositorymethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of relationships or null
- Throws:
- unable to convert relationship
public String createMetadataElementInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementTypeName, ElementStatus initialStatus, Map<String, ElementProperties> initialClassifications, String anchorGUID, boolean isOwnAnchor, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, ElementProperties properties, String parentGUID, String parentRelationshipTypeName, ElementProperties parentRelationshipProperties, boolean parentAtEnd1, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerExceptionCreate a new metadata element in the metadata store. The type name comes from the open metadata types. The selected type also controls the names and types of the properties that are allowed. This version of the method allows access to advanced features such as multiple states and effectivity dates.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementTypeName
- type name of the new metadata elementinitialStatus
- initial status of the metadata elementinitialClassifications
- map of classification names to classification properties to include in the entity creation requestanchorGUID
- unique identifier of the element that should be the anchor for the new element. Set to null if no anchor, or the Anchors classification is included in the initial classifications.isOwnAnchor
- flag to indicate if the new entity should be anchored to itselfeffectiveFrom
- the date when this element is active - null for active on creationeffectiveTo
- the date when this element becomes inactive - null for active until deletedproperties
- properties of the new metadata elementparentGUID
- unique identifier of optional parent entityparentRelationshipTypeName
- type of relationship to connect the new element to the parentparentRelationshipProperties
- properties to include in parent relationshipparentAtEnd1
- which end should the parent GUID go in the relationshipserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective formethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- unique identifier of the new metadata element
- Throws:
- the type name, status or one of the properties is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to create this type of elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public String createMetadataElementFromTemplate(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String suppliedMetadataElementTypeName, String anchorGUID, boolean isOwnAnchor, boolean allowRetrieve, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, String templateGUID, ElementProperties templateProperties, Map<String, String> placeholderPropertyValues, String parentGUID, String parentRelationshipTypeName, ElementProperties parentRelationshipProperties, boolean parentAtEnd1, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerExceptionCreate a new metadata element in the metadata store from a template. The type name comes from the open metadata types. The selected type also controls the names and types of the properties that are allowed. This version of the method allows access to advanced features such as multiple states and effectivity dates.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionsuppliedMetadataElementTypeName
- type name of the new metadata elementanchorGUID
- unique identifier of the element that should be the anchor for the new element. Set to null if no anchor, or the Anchors classification is included in the initial classifications.isOwnAnchor
- flag to indicate if the new entity should be anchored to itselfallowRetrieve
- can an existing element be returned if it existseffectiveFrom
- the date when this element is active - null for active on creationeffectiveTo
- the date when this element becomes inactive - null for active until deletedtemplateGUID
- the unique identifier of the existing asset to copy (this will copy all the attachments such as nested content, schema connection etc.)templateProperties
- properties of the new metadata elementplaceholderPropertyValues
- values to override placeholder variables in the templateparentGUID
- unique identifier of optional parent entityparentRelationshipTypeName
- type of relationship to connect the new element to the parentparentRelationshipProperties
- properties to include in parent relationshipparentAtEnd1
- which end should the parent GUID go in the relationshipserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective formethodName
- calling method- Returns:
- unique identifier of the new metadata element
- Throws:
- the type name, status or one of the properties is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to create this type of elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void updateMetadataElementInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, boolean replaceProperties, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Update the properties of a specific metadata element. The properties must match the type definition associated with the metadata element when it was created. However, it is possible to update a few properties, or replace all them by the value used in the replaceProperties flag.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to updatereplaceProperties
- flag to indicate whether to completely replace the existing properties with the new properties, or just update the individual properties specified on the request.forLineage
- the retrieved elements are for lineage processing so include archived elementsforDuplicateProcessing
- the retrieved element is for duplicate processing so do not combine results from known
- new properties for the metadata elementserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- only return an element if it is effective at this time. Null means anytime. Use "new Date()" for now.methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- either the unique identifier or the properties are invalid in some wayUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to update this elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void updateMetadataElementStatusInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, ElementStatus newElementStatus, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Update the status of specific metadata element. The new status must match a status value that is defined for the element's type assigned when it was created.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to updatenewElementStatus
- new status value - or null to leave as isforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- either the unique identifier or the status are invalid in some wayUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to update this elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void updateMetadataElementEffectivityInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Update the effectivity dates control the visibility of the element through specific APIs.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to updateforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveFrom
- the date when this element is active - null for active noweffectiveTo
- the date when this element becomes inactive - null for active until deletedserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- either the unique identifier or the status are invalid in some wayUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to update this elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void deleteMetadataElementInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Delete a specific metadata element.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to updateforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- the unique identifier is null or invalid in some wayUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to delete this elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void archiveMetadataElementInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, ArchiveProperties archiveProperties, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Archive a specific metadata element.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to updatearchiveProperties
- description of the archiving processforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- the unique identifier is null or invalid in some wayUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to archive this elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void classifyMetadataElementInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, String classificationName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Add a new classification to the metadata element. Note that only one classification with the same name can be attached to a metadata element.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to updateclassificationName
- name of the classification to add (if the classification is already present then use reclassify)effectiveFrom
- the date when this classification is active - null for active noweffectiveTo
- the date when this classification becomes inactive - null for active until deletedproperties
- properties to store in the new classification. These must conform to the valid properties associated with the classification nameforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- the unique identifier or classification name is null or invalid in some way; properties do not match the valid properties associated with the classification's type definitionUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to update this elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void reclassifyMetadataElementInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, String classificationName, boolean replaceProperties, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Update the properties of a classification that is currently attached to a specific metadata element.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to updateclassificationName
- unique name of the classification to updatereplaceProperties
- flag to indicate whether to completely replace the existing properties with the new properties, or just update the individual properties specified on the
- new properties for the classificationforLineage
- the query is to support lineage retrievalforDuplicateProcessing
- the query is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- the unique identifier or classification name is null or invalid in some way; properties do not match the valid properties associated with the classification's type definitionUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to update this element/classificationPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void updateClassificationStatusInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, String classificationName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Update the effectivity dates of a specific classification attached to a metadata element. The effectivity dates control the visibility of the classification through specific APIs.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to updateclassificationName
- unique name of the classification to updateforLineage
- the query is to support lineage retrievalforDuplicateProcessing
- the query is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveFrom
- the date when this element is active - null for active noweffectiveTo
- the date when this element becomes inactive - null for active until deletedserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- either the unique identifier or the status are invalid in some wayUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to update this elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void declassifyMetadataElementInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String metadataElementGUID, String metadataElementGUIDParameterName, String metadataElementTypeName, String classificationName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove the named classification from a specific metadata element.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionmetadataElementGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to updatemetadataElementGUIDParameterName
- name of parameter for GUIDmetadataElementTypeName
- type of the metadata elementclassificationName
- unique name of the classification to removeforLineage
- the query is to support lineage retrievalforDuplicateProcessing
- the query is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- the unique identifier or classification name is null or invalid in some wayUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to remove this classificationPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public String createRelatedElementsInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String relationshipTypeName, String metadataElement1GUID, String metadataElement2GUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Create a relationship between two metadata elements. It is important to put the right element at each end of the relationship according to the type definition since this will affect how the relationship is interpreted.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionrelationshipTypeName
- name of the type of relationship to create. This will determine the types of metadata elements that can be related and the properties that can be associated with this relationship.metadataElement1GUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element at end 1 of the relationshipmetadataElement2GUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element at end 2 of the relationshipforLineage
- the query is to support lineage retrievalforDuplicateProcessing
- the query is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveFrom
- the date when this element is active - null for active noweffectiveTo
- the date when this element becomes inactive - null for active until deletedproperties
- the properties of the relationshipserviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- unique identifier of the new relationship
- Throws:
- the unique identifier's of the metadata elements are null or invalid in some way; the properties are not valid for this type of relationshipUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to create this type of relationshipPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public Map<String,InstancePropertyValue> getElementPropertiesAsOMRSMap(ElementProperties properties) throws InvalidParameterException Convert an element properties object into a map.- Parameters:
- packed properties- Returns:
- properties stored in Java map
- Throws:
- the properties are invalid in some way
public void updateRelatedElementsInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String relationshipGUID, boolean replaceProperties, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, ElementProperties properties, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Update the properties associated with a relationship.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionrelationshipGUID
- unique identifier of the relationship to updatereplaceProperties
- flag to indicate whether to completely replace the existing properties with the new properties, or just update the individual properties specified on the
- new properties for the relationshipforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- optional date for effective time of the query. Null means any effective timemethodName
- calling method- Throws:
- the unique identifier of the relationship is null or invalid in some way; the properties are not valid for this type of relationshipUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to update this relationshipPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void updateRelatedElementsStatusInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String relationshipGUID, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Update the effectivity dates of a specific relationship between metadata elements. The effectivity dates control the visibility of the classification through specific APIs.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionrelationshipGUID
- unique identifier of the relationship to updateeffectiveFrom
- the date when this element is active - null for active noweffectiveTo
- the date when this element becomes inactive - null for active until deletedforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective formethodName
- calling method- Throws:
- either the unique identifier or the status are invalid in some wayUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to update this elementPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store
public void deleteRelatedElementsInStore(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String relationshipGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> serviceSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Delete a relationship between two metadata elements.- Parameters:
- caller's userIdexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this collectionexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this collectionrelationshipGUID
- unique identifier of the relationship to deleteforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?serviceSupportedZones
- list of supported zones for this serviceeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- the unique identifier of the relationship is null or invalid in some wayUserNotAuthorizedException
- the governance action service is not authorized to delete this relationshipPropertyServerException
- there is a problem with the metadata store