Class CatalogIntegratorConnector

All Implemented Interfaces:
AuditLoggingComponent, SecureConnectorExtension, VirtualConnectorExtension, IntegrationConnector, CatalogIntegratorOMISConnector
Direct Known Subclasses:
ApacheAtlasIntegrationConnector, DistributeAuditEventsFromKafkaConnector, OSSUnityCatalogInsideCatalogSyncConnector, OSSUnityCatalogServerSyncConnector

public abstract class CatalogIntegratorConnector extends IntegrationConnectorBase implements CatalogIntegratorOMISConnector
CatalogIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Catalog Integrator OMIS.
  • Constructor Details

    • CatalogIntegratorConnector

      public CatalogIntegratorConnector()
  • Method Details

    • setContext

      public void setContext(CatalogIntegratorContext context)
      Set up the context for this connector. It is called by the context manager.
      context - context for this connector's private use.
    • getContext

      Return the context for this connector. It is called by the connector.
      context for this connector's private use.
      ConnectorCheckedException - internal issue setting up context