Class OMRSOperationalServices


public class OMRSOperationalServices extends Object
OMRSOperationalServices provides the OMAG Server with access to the OMRS capabilities. This includes managing the local metadata repository, connecting and disconnecting from the metadata highway and supporting administrative actions captured through the OMAG REST interface. Examples of the types of capabilities offered by the OMRS Manager include:
  • Initialize and Shutdown the OMRS
  • See the state of the cohort
  • See the state of the connectors
  • View the audit log
  • Load new connector JARs
  • Connect/disconnect from the metadata highway
  • Constructor Details

    • OMRSOperationalServices

      public OMRSOperationalServices(String localServerName, String localServerType, String organizationName, String localServerUserId, String localServerPassword, String localServerURL, int maxPageSize)
      Constructor used at server startup.
      localServerName - name of the local server
      localServerType - type of the local server
      organizationName - name of the organization that owns the local server
      localServerUserId - user id for this server to use in outbound REST calls and internal calls when processing inbound messages.
      localServerPassword - password for this server to use on outbound REST calls.
      localServerURL - URL root for this server.
      maxPageSize - maximum number of records that can be requested on the pageSize parameter
  • Method Details

    • getEnterpriseOMRSTopicConnector

      public OMRSTopicConnector getEnterpriseOMRSTopicConnector()
      Return the Enterprise OMRS Topic Connector.
      OMRSTopicConnector for use by the Conformance Test Services or Access Services.
    • getEnterpriseOMRSRepositoryConnector

      public OMRSRepositoryConnector getEnterpriseOMRSRepositoryConnector(String callingServiceName)
      Create repository connector for an access service.
      callingServiceName - name of the access service name.
      a repository connector that is able to retrieve and maintain information from all connected repositories.
    • getEnterpriseConnectorManager

      public OMRSEnterpriseConnectorManager getEnterpriseConnectorManager()
      Return the enterprise connector manager. This is used by the conformance suite to get access to connectors to registered members of the cohorts that this server is connected to. That way it can exercise their APIs and compare them with the events being received over the cohort topic. This method is called after the OMRS is initialized. The enterprise connector manager is created whether there are OMASs activated or not.
      enterprise connector manager.
    • getAuditLog

      public OMRSAuditLog getAuditLog(int componentId, ComponentDevelopmentStatus componentDevelopmentStatus, String componentName, String componentDescription, String componentWikiURL)
      Create an audit log for an external component.
      componentId - numerical identifier for the component
      componentDevelopmentStatus - development status
      componentName - display name for the component
      componentDescription - description of the component
      componentWikiURL - link to more information
      new audit log object
    • initializeAuditLog

      public void initializeAuditLog(RepositoryServicesConfig repositoryServicesConfig, String serverTypeClassification)
      Initialize the OMRS component for the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) for a basic server. By that it means, for any type of server that is not a metadata server. In a basic server, only the audit log is enabled.
      repositoryServicesConfig - current configuration values
      serverTypeClassification - classification of server that will drive initialization
    • initializeCohortMember

      public void initializeCohortMember(RepositoryServicesConfig repositoryServicesConfig) throws RepositoryErrorException
      Initialize the OMRS component for the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS). The configuration is taken as is. Any configuration errors are reported as exceptions.
      repositoryServicesConfig - current configuration values
      RepositoryErrorException - there is a problem accessing an open metadata archive
    • startOutboundEvents

      public void startOutboundEvents()
      The local repository (if configured) has been started while the archives were loaded and the cohorts initialized. During this time, outbound repository events have been buffered. Calling start() releases these buffered events into the cohort(s).
    • initializeGovernanceServer

      public void initializeGovernanceServer(RepositoryServicesConfig repositoryServicesConfig)
      Initialize the OMRS component for the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS). The configuration is taken as is. Any configuration errors are reported as exceptions.
      repositoryServicesConfig - current configuration values
    • initializeViewServer

      public void initializeViewServer(RepositoryServicesConfig repositoryServicesConfig)
      Initialize the OMRS component for the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS). The configuration is taken as is. Any configuration errors are reported as exceptions.
      repositoryServicesConfig - current configuration values
    • setSecurityVerifier

      public void setSecurityVerifier(OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier securityVerifier)
      Set up a new security verifier (the handler runs with a default verifier until this method is called). The security verifier provides authorization checks for access and maintenance changes to open metadata. Authorization checks are enabled through the OpenMetadataServerSecurityConnector.
      securityVerifier - new security verifier
    • addOpenMetadataArchive

      public void addOpenMetadataArchive(String serverName, Connection openMetadataArchiveConnection, String archiveSource) throws InvalidParameterException, RepositoryErrorException
      Add an open metadata archive to the local repository.
      serverName - name of called server
      openMetadataArchiveConnection - connection to the archive
      archiveSource - descriptive name of the archive source
      InvalidParameterException - the archive resource is not found
      RepositoryErrorException - there is a problem with the archive manager
    • addOpenMetadataArchive

      public void addOpenMetadataArchive(String serverName, OpenMetadataArchiveStore openMetadataArchive, String archiveSource) throws InvalidParameterException, RepositoryErrorException
      Add an open metadata archive to the local repository.
      serverName - name of called server
      openMetadataArchive - content the archive
      archiveSource - descriptive name of the archive source
      InvalidParameterException - the archive resource is not found
      RepositoryErrorException - there is a problem with the archive manager
    • disconnect

      public boolean disconnect(boolean permanent)
      Shutdown the Open Metadata Repository Services.
      permanent - boolean flag indicating whether this server permanently shutting down or not
      boolean indicated whether the disconnect was successful.