Class ITInfrastructureHandler<B>

public class ITInfrastructureHandler<B> extends AssetHandler<B>
OperatingPlatformHandler provides the exchange of metadata about hosts, software server platforms and software servers between the repository and the OMAS.
  • Constructor Details

    • ITInfrastructureHandler

      public ITInfrastructureHandler(OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter<B> converter, Class<B> beanClass, String serviceName, String serverName, InvalidParameterHandler invalidParameterHandler, RepositoryHandler repositoryHandler, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String localServerUserId, OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier securityVerifier, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog)
      Construct the operating platform handler with information needed to work with B objects.
      converter - specific converter for this bean class
      beanClass - name of bean class that is represented by the generic class B
      serviceName - name of this service
      serverName - name of the local server
      invalidParameterHandler - handler for managing parameter errors
      repositoryHandler - manages calls to the repository services
      repositoryHelper - provides utilities for manipulating the repository services objects
      localServerUserId - userId for this server
      securityVerifier - open metadata security services verifier
      supportedZones - list of operating platforms that the access service is allowed to serve B instances from.
      defaultZones - list of operating platforms that the access service should set in all new B instances.
      publishZones - list of operating platforms that the access service sets up in published B instances.
      auditLog - destination for audit log events.
  • Method Details

    • setupHostClusterMember

      public void setupHostClusterMember(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String hostClusterGUID, String hostClusterGUIDParameterName, String hostGUID, String hostGUIDParameterName, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create a relationship between a host cluster and a host.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      hostClusterGUID - unique identifier of the host cluster
      hostClusterGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the hostClusterGUID
      hostGUID - unique identifier of the member host
      hostGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the hostGUID
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearHostClusterMember

      public void clearHostClusterMember(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String hostClusterGUID, String hostClusterGUIDParameterName, String hostGUID, String hostGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove a relationship between a host cluster and a host member.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      hostClusterGUID - unique identifier of the host cluster
      hostClusterGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the hostClusterGUID
      hostGUID - unique identifier of the member host
      hostGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the hostGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupSoftwareServerDeployment

      public void setupSoftwareServerDeployment(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerPlatformGUID, String softwareServerPlatformGUIDParameterName, String softwareServerGUID, String softwareServerGUIDParameterName, Date deploymentTime, String deployer, int serverStatus, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create a relationship between a software server platform and a software server.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      softwareServerPlatformGUID - unique identifier of the software server platform
      softwareServerPlatformGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareServerPlatformGUID
      softwareServerGUID - unique identifier of the software server
      softwareServerGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareServerGUID
      deploymentTime - date/time that the capability was deployed
      deployer - user who issued the deploy command
      serverStatus - operational status of the server
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearSoftwareServerDeployment

      public void clearSoftwareServerDeployment(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerPlatformGUID, String softwareServerPlatformGUIDParameterName, String softwareServerGUID, String softwareServerGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove a relationship between a software server platform and a software server.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      softwareServerPlatformGUID - unique identifier of the software server platform
      softwareServerPlatformGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareServerPlatformGUID
      softwareServerGUID - unique identifier of the software server
      softwareServerGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareServerGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupSoftwareServerEndpoint

      public void setupSoftwareServerEndpoint(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerGUID, String softwareServerGUIDParameterName, String endpointGUID, String endpointGUIDParameterName, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create a relationship between a software server and one of its endpoints.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      softwareServerGUID - unique identifier of the software server
      softwareServerGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareServerGUID
      endpointGUID - unique identifier of the endpoint
      endpointGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the endpointGUID
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearSoftwareServerEndpoint

      public void clearSoftwareServerEndpoint(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerGUID, String softwareServerGUIDParameterName, String endpointGUID, String endpointGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove a relationship between a software server and one of its endpoints.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      softwareServerGUID - unique identifier of the software server
      softwareServerGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareServerGUID
      endpointGUID - unique identifier of the endpoint
      endpointGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the endpointGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupSupportedSoftwareCapability

      public void setupSupportedSoftwareCapability(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerGUID, String softwareServerGUIDParameterName, String softwareCapabilityGUID, String softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName, Date deploymentTime, String deployer, int serverCapabilityStatus, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create a relationship between a software server and a software capability.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      softwareServerGUID - unique identifier of the software server
      softwareServerGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareServerGUID
      softwareCapabilityGUID - unique identifier of the software capability
      softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareCapabilityGUID
      deploymentTime - date/time that the capability was deployed
      deployer - user who issued the deploy command
      serverCapabilityStatus - operational status of the capability
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearSupportedSoftwareCapability

      public void clearSupportedSoftwareCapability(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerGUID, String softwareServerGUIDParameterName, String softwareCapabilityGUID, String softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove a relationship between a software server and a software capability.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      softwareServerGUID - unique identifier of the software server
      softwareServerGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareServerGUID
      softwareCapabilityGUID - unique identifier of the software capability
      softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareCapabilityGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupSoftwareCapabilityAssetUse

      public void setupSoftwareCapabilityAssetUse(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareCapabilityGUID, String softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName, String assetGUID, String assetGUIDParameterName, String description, int useType, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create a relationship between a software capability and an asset.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      softwareCapabilityGUID - unique identifier of the software capability
      softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the softwareCapabilityGUID
      assetGUID - unique identifier of the asset
      assetGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the assetGUID
      description - description of the use
      useType - server asset use type
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearSoftwareCapabilityAssetUse

      public void clearSoftwareCapabilityAssetUse(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareCapabilityGUID, String softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName, String assetGUID, String assetGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove a relationship between a software server and a software capability.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      softwareCapabilityGUID - unique identifier of the software capability
      softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the assetGUID
      assetGUID - unique identifier of the asset
      assetGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the assetGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupHostNetwork

      public void setupHostNetwork(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String hostGUID, String hostGUIDParameterName, String networkGUID, String networkGUIDParameterName, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create a relationship between a host and a network.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      hostGUID - unique identifier of the host
      hostGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the hostGUID
      networkGUID - unique identifier of the network
      networkGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the networkGUID
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearHostNetwork

      public void clearHostNetwork(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String hostGUID, String hostGUIDParameterName, String networkGUID, String networkGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove a relationship between a host and a network.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      hostGUID - unique identifier of the host
      hostGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the hostGUID
      networkGUID - unique identifier of the network
      networkGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the networkGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupNetworkGatewayLink

      public void setupNetworkGatewayLink(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String networkGatewayGUID, String networkGatewayGUIDParameterName, String networkGUID, String networkGUIDParameterName, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create a relationship between a network gateway and the network it connects to.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      networkGatewayGUID - unique identifier of the network gateway
      networkGatewayGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the networkGatewayGUID
      networkGUID - unique identifier of The network
      networkGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the networkGUID
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearNetworkGatewayLink

      public void clearNetworkGatewayLink(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String networkGatewayGUID, String networkGatewayGUIDParameterName, String networkGUID, String networkGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove a relationship between a network gateway and the network it connects to.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      networkGatewayGUID - unique identifier of the network gateway
      networkGatewayGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the networkGatewayGUID
      networkGUID - unique identifier of the network
      networkGUIDParameterName - parameter supplying the networkGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • addCloudProviderClassification

      public void addCloudProviderClassification(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String hostGUID, String hostGUIDParameterName, String providerName, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Mark the host as a Cloud Provider.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      externalSourceName - unique name of software capability representing the caller
      hostGUID - unique identifier of host
      hostGUIDParameterName - parameter name supplying hostGUID
      providerName - name of the cloud provider
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship (null for all time)
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - entity not known, null userId or guid
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing property server
      UserNotAuthorizedException - security access problem
    • removeCloudProviderClassification

      public void removeCloudProviderClassification(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String hostGUID, String hostGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove the CloudProvider designation from a host.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      externalSourceName - unique name of software capability representing the caller
      hostGUID - unique identifier of host
      hostGUIDParameterName - parameter name supplying hostGUID
      forLineage - return elements marked with the Memento classification?
      forDuplicateProcessing - do not merge elements marked as duplicates?
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - entity not known, null userId or guid
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing property server
      UserNotAuthorizedException - security access problem
    • addCloudPlatformClassification

      public void addCloudPlatformClassification(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerPlatformGUID, String softwareServerPlatformGUIDParameterName, String implementationType, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Mark the software server platform as a Cloud Platform.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      externalSourceName - unique name of software capability representing the caller
      softwareServerPlatformGUID - unique identifier of software server platform
      softwareServerPlatformGUIDParameterName - parameter name supplying softwareServerPlatformGUID
      implementationType - type of cloud platform implementation
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship (null for all time)
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - entity not known, null userId or guid
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing property server
      UserNotAuthorizedException - security access problem
    • removeCloudPlatformClassification

      public void removeCloudPlatformClassification(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerPlatformGUID, String softwareServerPlatformParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove the Cloud Platform designation from a software server platform.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      externalSourceName - unique name of software capability representing the caller
      softwareServerPlatformGUID - unique identifier of software server platform
      softwareServerPlatformParameterName - parameter name supplying softwareServerPlatformGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - entity not known, null userId or guid
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing property server
      UserNotAuthorizedException - security access problem
    • addCloudTenantClassification

      public void addCloudTenantClassification(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerGUID, String softwareServerGUIDParameterName, String tenantName, String tenantType, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Mark the software server as a Cloud Tenant.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      externalSourceName - unique name of software capability representing the caller
      softwareServerGUID - unique identifier of software server
      softwareServerGUIDParameterName - parameter name supplying softwareServerGUID
      tenantName - name of the tenant
      tenantType - type of tenant
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship (null for all time)
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - entity not known, null userId or guid
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing property server
      UserNotAuthorizedException - security access problem
    • removeCloudTenantClassification

      public void removeCloudTenantClassification(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareServerGUID, String softwareServerGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove the Cloud Tenant designation from a software server.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      externalSourceName - unique name of software capability representing the caller
      softwareServerGUID - unique identifier of software server
      softwareServerGUIDParameterName - parameter name supplying softwareServerGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - entity not known, null userId or guid
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing property server
      UserNotAuthorizedException - security access problem
    • addCloudServiceClassification

      public void addCloudServiceClassification(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareCapabilityGUID, String softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName, String offeringName, String serviceType, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Mark the software capability as a Cloud Service.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      externalSourceName - unique name of software capability representing the caller
      softwareCapabilityGUID - unique identifier of software capability
      softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName - parameter name supplying softwareCapabilityGUID
      offeringName - name of the service
      serviceType - type of service
      effectiveFrom - starting time for this relationship (null for all time)
      effectiveTo - ending time for this relationship (null for all time)
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - entity not known, null userId or guid
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing property server
      UserNotAuthorizedException - security access problem
    • removeCloudServiceClassification

      public void removeCloudServiceClassification(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String softwareCapabilityGUID, String softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove the Cloud Service designation from a software capability.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      externalSourceName - unique name of software capability representing the caller
      softwareCapabilityGUID - unique identifier of software capability
      softwareCapabilityGUIDParameterName - parameter name supplying softwareCapabilityGUID
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - entity not known, null userId or guid
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing property server
      UserNotAuthorizedException - security access problem