Class ProjectHandler<B>
- Type Parameters:
- class that represents the project
ProjectHandler provides the exchange of metadata about projects between the repository and the OMAS.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler
assetActionDescription, auditLog, beanClass, converter, defaultZones, errorHandler, invalidParameterHandler, localServerUserId, publishZones, qualifiedNamePropertyNamesList, repositoryHandler, repositoryHelper, securityVerifier, serverName, serviceName, supportedZones
Constructor Summary
(OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter<B> converter, Class<B> beanClass, String serviceName, String serverName, InvalidParameterHandler invalidParameterHandler, RepositoryHandler repositoryHandler, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String localServerUserId, OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier securityVerifier, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog) Construct the handler with information needed to work with B objects. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String actorProfileGUID, String actorProfileGUIDParameterName, String teamRole, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Add a project team (ActorProfile) to a project.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String dependsOnProjectGUID, String dependsOnProjectGUIDParameterName, String dependencySummary, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Add a project dependency.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String personRoleGUID, String personRoleGUIDParameterName, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Add a project manager (PersonRole) to a project.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String subprojectGUID, String subprojectGUIDParameterName, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Add a subproject.createProject
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String qualifiedName, String identifier, String name, String description, Date startDate, Date plannedEndDate, String projectPhase, String projectHealth, String projectStatus, int priority, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, String suppliedTypeName, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, boolean setCampaignClassification, boolean setTaskClassification, String projectTypeClassification, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create the project object.findProjects
(String userId, String searchString, String searchStringParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve the list of project metadata elements that contain the search string.getActorProjects
(String userId, String profileGUID, String profileGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Return the projects attached to a supplied actor profile via the project team relationship.getDependentProjects
(String userId, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Return the projects that are dependent on this project.getDependsOnProjects
(String userId, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Return the projects that this project depends on.getProjectByGUID
(String userId, String guid, String guidParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve the project metadata element with the supplied unique identifier.getProjects
(String userId, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve the list of project metadata elements with a matching qualified or display name.getProjectsByName
(String userId, String name, String nameParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve the list of project metadata elements with a matching qualified or display name.getRoleProjects
(String userId, String personRoleGUID, String personRoleGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Return the projects attached to a supplied person role via the project management relationship.getSubProjects
(String userId, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Return the projects that this project is managing via the ProjectHierarchy relationship.getSuperProjects
(String userId, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Return the projects that manage this project via the ProjectHierarchy relationship.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String actorProfileGUID, String actorProfileGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove a project team (ActorProfile) from a project.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove the metadata element representing a project.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String dependsOnProjectGUID, String dependsOnProjectGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove a project dependency.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String personRoleGUID, String personRoleGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove a project manager (PersonRole) from a project.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String subprojectProfileGUID, String subprojectGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove a subproject.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String qualifiedName, String identifier, String name, String description, Date startDate, Date plannedEndDate, String projectPhase, String projectHealth, String projectStatus, int priority, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, String suppliedTypeName, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean isMergeUpdate, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the anchor object that all elements in a project (terms and categories) are linked to.Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.ReferenceableHandler
addAssignmentScope, addDataFieldValuesClassification, addGovernanceActionClassification, addGovernanceDefinitionScope, addGovernanceExpectationsClassification, addGovernanceMeasurementsClassification, addGovernedBy, addImplementedBy, addMoreInformation, addOwner, addRetentionClassification, addSecurityTags, addStakeholder, addSubjectAreaClassification, addTemplateClassification, clearBusinessSignificant, getAssignedActors, getAssignmentScope, getBeanByQualifiedName, getBeanByQualifiedName, getBeanGUIDByQualifiedName, getBeanGUIDByQualifiedName, getCatalogTemplateList, getCollectionMembers, getCommissionedByStakeholder, getDataFieldValuesClassifiedElement, getDescriptiveElements, getElementsSourceFrom, getEntityByUniqueQualifiedName, getGovernanceActionClassifiedElements, getGovernanceDefinitionScope, getGovernedElements, getMeanings, getMoreInformation, getMoreInformation, getOwnersElements, getReferenceValueAssignees, getResourceList, getRetentionClassifiedElements, getSecurityTagsClassifiedElements, getSemanticAssignments, getSourceElements, getStakeholders, getSubjectAreaMembers, getSubjectAreaMembers, getSupportedByResource, getSupportedByTemplate, getValidValueConsumers, getVendorProperties, linkConsolidatedDuplicate, linkElementsAsPeerDuplicates, removeAssignmentScope, removeCatalogTemplate, removeDataFieldValuesClassification, removeGovernanceActionClassification, removeGovernanceDefinitionScope, removeGovernanceExpectationsClassification, removeGovernanceMeasurementsClassification, removeGovernedBy, removeImplementedBy, removeMoreInformation, removeOwner, removeResourceListMember, removeRetentionClassification, removeSecurityTags, removeSemanticAssignment, removeStakeholder, removeSubjectAreaClassification, removeTemplateClassification, saveCatalogTemplate, saveResourceListMember, saveSemanticAssignment, saveSemanticAssignment, saveSemanticAssignments, setBusinessSignificant, setVendorProperties, unlinkElementsAsPeerDuplicates
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPITemplateHandler
createBeanFromTemplate, createBeanFromTemplate
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIGenericHandler
addAnchorGUIDToBuilder, archiveBeanInRepository, archiveBeanInRepository, countAttachments, createBeanInRepository, createBeanInRepository, deleteAnchoredEntity, deleteBeanInRepository, deleteBeanInRepository, deleteBeanInRepository, deleteRelationship, findAttachmentLinks, findBeans, findBeans, findBeans, findEntities, findEntities, findEntities, findEntities, getAllAttachmentLinks, getAttachedElement, getAttachedElementGUID, getAttachedElementGUID, getAttachedElementGUIDs, getAttachedElementGUIDs, getAttachedElements, getAttachedElements, getAttachedElements, getAttachedEntities, getAttachedEntities, getAttachedEntities, getAttachedEntity, getAttachedEntity, getAttachmentLink, getAttachmentLink, getAttachmentLinks, getAttachmentLinks, getAttachmentLinks, getBeanByUniqueName, getBeanByUniqueName, getBeanByValue, getBeanFromEntity, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanGUIDByUniqueName, getBeanGUIDByUniqueName, getBeanGUIDsByClassification, getBeanHistory, getBeansByIntValue, getBeansByType, getBeansByType, getBeansByValue, getBeansByValue, getEntitiesByIntValue, getEntitiesByType, getEntitiesByType, getEntitiesByValue, getEntitiesByValue, getEntityByValue, getEntityByValue, getEntityFromRepository, getEntityFromRepository, getEntityFromRepository, getEntityGUIDByValue, getEntityGUIDsByValue, getRelationshipHistory, getSpecification, getSupplementaryProperties, getUniqueAttachmentLink, getUniqueAttachmentLink, getValidatedBeans, getValidatedEntities, getValidatedEntities, linkElementToElement, linkElementToElement, linkElementToElement, maintainSupplementaryProperties, multiLinkElementToElement, relinkElementToNewElement, relinkElementToNewElement, removeClassificationFromRepository, removeClassificationFromRepository, setClassificationInRepository, setClassificationInRepository, setClassificationInRepository, setClassificationInRepository, uncheckedLinkElementToElement, undoBeanUpdateInRepository, undoBeanUpdateInRepository, undoBeanUpdateInRepository, unlinkAllElements, unlinkConnectedElement, unlinkElementFromElement, unlinkElementFromElement, unlinkElementFromElement, unlinkElementFromElement, updateBeanEffectivityDates, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanPropertyInRepository, updateBeanStatusInRepository, updateBeanStatusInRepository, updateClassificationEffectivityDates, updateElementToElementLink, updateElementToElementLink, updateElementToElementLink, updateRelationshipEffectivityDates, updateRelationshipProperties, validateAnchorEntity, validateAnchorGUID, validateEntitiesAndAnchorsForRead, validateEntityAndAnchorForRead, validateEntityAndAnchorForRead, validateRelationship, validateUniqueProperty, verifyExternalSourceIdentity, visibleToUserThroughRelationship
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler
addAnchorsClassification, getAnchorGUIDForEntity, getAnchorGUIDFromAnchorsClassification, getDomainName, getDomainName
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler
getConverter, getElementStub, getRepositoryHandler, getRepositoryHelper, getServerName, getServiceName, getSupportedZones, getTypeDefByName, setSecurityVerifier
Constructor Details
public ProjectHandler(OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter<B> converter, Class<B> beanClass, String serviceName, String serverName, InvalidParameterHandler invalidParameterHandler, RepositoryHandler repositoryHandler, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String localServerUserId, OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier securityVerifier, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog) Construct the handler with information needed to work with B objects.- Parameters:
- specific converter for this bean classbeanClass
- name of bean class that is represented by the generic class BserviceName
- name of this serviceserverName
- name of the local serverinvalidParameterHandler
- handler for managing parameter errorsrepositoryHandler
- manages calls to the repository servicesrepositoryHelper
- provides utilities for manipulating the repository services objectslocalServerUserId
- userId for this serversecurityVerifier
- open metadata security services verifiersupportedZones
- list of zones that the access service is allowed to serve B instances fromdefaultZones
- list of zones that the access service should set in all new B instancespublishZones
- list of zones that the access service sets up in published B instancesauditLog
- destination for audit log events
Method Details
public String createProject(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String qualifiedName, String identifier, String name, String description, Date startDate, Date plannedEndDate, String projectPhase, String projectHealth, String projectStatus, int priority, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, String suppliedTypeName, Map<String, throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerExceptionObject> extendedProperties, boolean setCampaignClassification, boolean setTaskClassification, String projectTypeClassification, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create the project object.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectqualifiedName
- qualified name of projectidentifier
- unique identifier of project - typically allocated externallyname
- display namedescription
- descriptionstartDate
- date the project startedplannedEndDate
- date the project is expected to endprojectPhase
- lifecycle phase of projectprojectHealth
- how well is the project tracking to planprojectStatus
- status of the projectpriority
- priority of projectadditionalProperties
- additional properties for a projectsuppliedTypeName
- type name from the caller (enables creation of subtypes)extendedProperties
- properties for a governance project subtypesetCampaignClassification
- should the Campaign classification be set?setTaskClassification
- should the Task classification be set?projectTypeClassification
- add special classification that defines the type of project - eg GlossaryProject or GovernanceProjecteffectiveFrom
- the time that the relationship element must be effective from (null for any time, new Date() for now)effectiveTo
- the time that the relationship must be effective to (null for any time, new Date() for now)effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- unique identifier of the new project object
- Throws:
- qualifiedName or userId is nullPropertyServerException
- problem accessing property serverUserNotAuthorizedException
- security access problem
public void updateProject(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String qualifiedName, String identifier, String name, String description, Date startDate, Date plannedEndDate, String projectPhase, String projectHealth, String projectStatus, int priority, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, String suppliedTypeName, Map<String, throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerExceptionObject> extendedProperties, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean isMergeUpdate, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the anchor object that all elements in a project (terms and categories) are linked to.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the project to updateprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter passing the projectGUIDqualifiedName
- qualified name of projectidentifier
- unique identifier of project - typically allocated externallyname
- display namedescription
- descriptionstartDate
- date the project startedplannedEndDate
- date the project is expected to endprojectPhase
- lifecycle phase of projectprojectHealth
- how well is the project tracking to planprojectStatus
- status of the projectpriority
- priority of projectadditionalProperties
- additional properties for a governance projectsuppliedTypeName
- type of projectextendedProperties
- properties for a governance project subtypeeffectiveFrom
- the time that the relationship element must be effective from (null for any time, new Date() for now)effectiveTo
- the time that the relationship must be effective to (null for any time, new Date() for now)isMergeUpdate
- should the properties be merged with the existing properties or completely over-write themforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- qualifiedName or userId is nullPropertyServerException
- problem accessing property serverUserNotAuthorizedException
- security access problem
public void addActorToProject(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String actorProfileGUID, String actorProfileGUIDParameterName, String teamRole, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Add a project team (ActorProfile) to a project.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the projectprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the projectGUIDactorProfileGUID
- unique identifier of the element that is being added to the projectactorProfileGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the actorProfileGUIDteamRole
- why is the team attached to the project? (optional)effectiveFrom
- the time that the relationship element must be effective from (null for any time, new Date() for now)effectiveTo
- the time that the relationship must be effective to (null for any time, new Date() for now)forLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public void removeActorFromProject(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String actorProfileGUID, String actorProfileGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove a project team (ActorProfile) from a project.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the projectprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the projectGUIDactorProfileGUID
- unique identifier of the element that is being added to the projectactorProfileGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the actorProfileGUIDforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public void addSubProject(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String subprojectGUID, String subprojectGUIDParameterName, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Add a subproject. This creates a hierarchical relationship between the projects.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the projectprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the projectGUIDsubprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the subproject that is being added to the projectsubprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the subprojectGUIDeffectiveFrom
- the time that the relationship element must be effective from (null for any time, new Date() for now)effectiveTo
- the time that the relationship must be effective to (null for any time, new Date() for now)forLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public void removeSubProject(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String subprojectProfileGUID, String subprojectGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove a subproject. This deletes a hierarchical relationship between the projects.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the projectprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the projectGUIDsubprojectProfileGUID
- unique identifier of the subproject that is being added to the projectsubprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the subprojectProfileGUIDforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public void addProjectDependency(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String dependsOnProjectGUID, String dependsOnProjectGUIDParameterName, String dependencySummary, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Add a project dependency. This adds a ProjectDependency relationship between the projects.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the projectprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the projectGUIDdependsOnProjectGUID
- unique identifier of the project that is being added to the project as a dependencydependsOnProjectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the dependsOnProjectGUIDdependencySummary
- why is the team attached to the project? (optional)effectiveFrom
- the time that the relationship element must be effective from (null for any time, new Date() for now)effectiveTo
- the time that the relationship must be effective to (null for any time, new Date() for now)forLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public void removeProjectDependency(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String dependsOnProjectGUID, String dependsOnProjectGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove a project dependency. This removes a ProjectDependency relationship between the projects.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the projectprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the projectGUIDdependsOnProjectGUID
- unique identifier of the project that is being added to the project as a dependencydependsOnProjectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the dependsOnProjectGUIDforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public void addProjectManager(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String personRoleGUID, String personRoleGUIDParameterName, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Add a project manager (PersonRole) to a project.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the projectprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the projectGUIDpersonRoleGUID
- unique identifier of the element that is being added to the projectpersonRoleGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the personRoleGUIDeffectiveFrom
- the time that the relationship element must be effective from (null for any time, new Date() for now)effectiveTo
- the time that the relationship must be effective to (null for any time, new Date() for now)forLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public void removeProjectManager(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, String personRoleGUID, String personRoleGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove a project manager (PersonRole) from a project.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the projectprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the projectGUIDpersonRoleGUID
- unique identifier of the element that is being added to the projectpersonRoleGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the personRoleGUIDforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public void removeProject(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove the metadata element representing a project. This will delete the project and all categories and terms because the Anchors classifications are set up in these elements.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- unique identifier of the software capability that owns this projectexternalSourceName
- unique name of the software capability that owns this projectprojectGUID
- unique identifier of the metadata element to removeprojectGUIDParameterName
- parameter supplying the projectGUIDforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public List<B> findProjects(String userId, String searchString, String searchStringParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the list of project metadata elements that contain the search string. The search string is treated as a regular expression.- Parameters:
- calling usersearchString
- string to find in the propertiessearchStringParameterName
- name of parameter supplying the search stringstartFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of matching metadata elements
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public List<B> getProjectsByName(String userId, String name, String nameParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the list of project metadata elements with a matching qualified or display name. There are no wildcards supported on this request.- Parameters:
- calling username
- name to search fornameParameterName
- parameter supplying namestartFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of matching metadata elements
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public List<B> getProjects(String userId, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the list of project metadata elements with a matching qualified or display name. There are no wildcards supported on this request.- Parameters:
- calling userstartFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of matching metadata elements
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
public List<B> getActorProjects(String userId, String profileGUID, String profileGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, PropertyServerException, UserNotAuthorizedException Return the projects attached to a supplied actor profile via the project team relationship.- Parameters:
- calling userprofileGUID
- identifier for the entity that the projects are attached toprofileGUIDParameterName
- name of parameter supplying the GUIDstartingFrom
- where to start from in the listpageSize
- maximum number of results that can be returnedforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of objects or null if none found
- Throws:
- the input properties are invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- user not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- problem accessing the property server
public List<B> getRoleProjects(String userId, String personRoleGUID, String personRoleGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, PropertyServerException, UserNotAuthorizedException Return the projects attached to a supplied person role via the project management relationship.- Parameters:
- calling userpersonRoleGUID
- identifier for the entity that the projects are attached topersonRoleGUIDParameterName
- name of parameter supplying the GUIDstartingFrom
- where to start from in the listpageSize
- maximum number of results that can be returnedforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of objects or null if none found
- Throws:
- the input properties are invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- user not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- problem accessing the property server
public List<B> getDependentProjects(String userId, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, PropertyServerException, UserNotAuthorizedException Return the projects that are dependent on this project.- Parameters:
- calling userprojectGUID
- identifier for the entity that the contact details are attached toprojectGUIDParameterName
- name of parameter supplying the GUIDstartingFrom
- where to start from in the listpageSize
- maximum number of results that can be returnedforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of objects or null if none found
- Throws:
- the input properties are invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- user not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- problem accessing the property server
public List<B> getDependsOnProjects(String userId, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, PropertyServerException, UserNotAuthorizedException Return the projects that this project depends on.- Parameters:
- calling userprojectGUID
- identifier for the entity that the contact details are attached toprojectGUIDParameterName
- name of parameter supplying the GUIDstartingFrom
- where to start from in the listpageSize
- maximum number of results that can be returnedforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of objects or null if none found
- Throws:
- the input properties are invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- user not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- problem accessing the property server
public List<B> getSuperProjects(String userId, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, PropertyServerException, UserNotAuthorizedException Return the projects that manage this project via the ProjectHierarchy relationship.- Parameters:
- calling userprojectGUID
- identifier for the entity that the contact details are attached toprojectGUIDParameterName
- name of parameter supplying the GUIDstartingFrom
- where to start from in the listpageSize
- maximum number of results that can be returnedforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of objects or null if none found
- Throws:
- the input properties are invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- user not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- problem accessing the property server
public List<B> getSubProjects(String userId, String projectGUID, String projectGUIDParameterName, int startingFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, PropertyServerException, UserNotAuthorizedException Return the projects that this project is managing via the ProjectHierarchy relationship.- Parameters:
- calling userprojectGUID
- identifier for the entity that the contact details are attached toprojectGUIDParameterName
- name of parameter supplying the GUIDstartingFrom
- where to start from in the listpageSize
- maximum number of results that can be returnedforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of objects or null if none found
- Throws:
- the input properties are invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- user not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- problem accessing the property server
public B getProjectByGUID(String userId, String guid, String guidParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the project metadata element with the supplied unique identifier.- Parameters:
- calling userguid
- unique identifier of the requested metadata elementguidParameterName
- parameter name of guidforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- matching metadata element
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)