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Create an event type

Create an event type, with the associated event schema attributes. More examples with all available properties for an event type can be found in the sample collection

POST {serverURLRoot}/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/access-services/data-engine/users/{userId}/event-types

    "externalSourceName": "(organization)=Company::(project)=ExternalDataPlatform",
    "topicQualifiedName": "(topic)=test-topic",
    "eventType": {
        "qualifiedName": "(topic)=test-topic::(eventType)=test-event",
        "displayName": "test-event",
        "eventSchemaAttributes": [
                "qualifiedName": "(topic)=test-topic::(eventType)=test-event::(eventAttribute)=event-attribute",
                "displayName": "event-attribute"

externalSourceName - qualifiedName of the external data engine tool. Note that you need to register the data engine tool with register-data-engine-tool before creating any process GUIDResponse - response containing the topic GUID, with status and error message if failing