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In development

A component that is in development means that the Egeria community is still building the function. The code is added continuously in small pieces to help the review and socialization process. It may not run, or do something useful - it only promises not to break other function. Expect to find git issues describing the end state.

Asset Catalog Open Metadata View Service (OMVS)

The Asset Catalog OMVS provides services to search for data resources including:

  • data stores
  • event feeds
  • APIs
  • data sets

The search locates data resources based on the content of the asset metadata itself and the metadata that links to it. This includes:

  • glossary terms
  • schema elements
  • assets
  • lineage

The Asset Catalog REST API supports:

  • the retrieval of assets based on unique identifiers
  • the retrieval of asset's relationships and classifications
  • the query for related assets and lineage
  • the retrieval of assets based on their type
  • the retrieval of glossaries and their content

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