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Find entity

Find a Data Engine related entity, based on provided criteria

More examples on finding an entity can be found in the sample collection

POST {{base-url}}/servers/{{server-id}}/open-metadata/access-services/data-engine/users/{{user-id}}/find
    "identifiers" : {
        "qualifiedName": "(file)=CSVFILE.CSV"
    "externalSourceName": "(organization)=Company::(project)=ExternalDataPlatform",
    "type": "Referenceable"

qualifiedName - entity identifier (mandatory) externalSourceName - qualifiedName of the external data engine tool (optional) Note that you need to register the data engine tool with register-data-engine-tool before creating any process
type - type of file to be search (optional - defaults to Referenceable) GUIDListResponse - response containing list of GUIDs, that match find criteria