All Classes and Interfaces

The AboutController provides build-related information such as group and artifact.
Identifies that this glossary term describes an abstract concept.
Base class that all search operations that retrieve entities should implement.
Base class that all graph operations should implement.
Base class that all metadata instance history retrieval operations should implement.
General utilities for the mapping of any instance data.
Base class that all read operations should implement.
Base class that all search operations that retrieve entities should implement.
Base class that all search operations should implement.
Base class that all transaction functions should implement.
AccessServiceAdmin is the interface that an access service implements to receive its configuration.
AccessServiceConfig provides the configuration for a single Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
AccessServiceConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a AccessServiceConfig object as a response.
AccessServiceDescription provides a list of registered OMAS services.
AccessServiceRegistrationEntry is used by an access service to register its admin services interface.
AccessServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of services that are configured in an OMAG Server Platform.
The ActionControlInterface provides the methods used by governance services to initiate new automated actions.
ActionTarget provides some standard action type names to use in the implementation of governance services.
ActionTargetElement describes an element that a person owning a "To Do" action should process.
ActionTargetElement describes an element that a governance action service should process.
ActionTargetStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties that sit in the ActionTarget relationship.
ActionTargetType characterises one of the types of open metadata element supported by a specific governance service.
ActiveDirectoryLDAPSecurityConfig provides the properties for
This is a Term that describes an activity
Identifies that this glossary term describes an activity.
ActivityDescriptionProperties is used to classify a glossary that describes an activity.
Different types of activities.
ActorProfileBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents an actor profile.
ActorProfileConverter generates a ActorProfileElement bean from a ActorProfile entity.
ActorProfileConverter generates a ActorProfileElement bean from a ActorProfile entity.
ActorProfileConverter generates a ActorProfileElement bean from a ActorProfile entity.
The ActorProfileElement describes an individual, system, team or organization.
The ActorProfileElement describes an individual, system, team or organization.
The ActorProfileElement describes an individual, system, team or organization.
ActorProfileHandler provides the exchange of metadata about actor profiles between the repository and the OMAS.
ActorProfileListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of profile elements.
ActorProfileListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of profile elements.
ActorProfileListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of profile elements.
The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
ActorProfileRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on ActorProfile entities.
ActorProfileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ActorProfileElement object as a response.
ActorProfileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ActorProfileElement object as a response.
Transaction function for adding an entity.
AddEntityExecutor provides the executor for the addEntity and addExternalEntity methods.
Transaction function for adding an EntityProxy.
Transaction function for adding a Relationship.
AddRelationshipExecutor provides the executor for the addEntity and addExternalEntity methods.
AdjacentLocationProperties describes the properties for the AdjacentLocation relationship between adjacent locations.
AdminClientRESTExceptionHandler is managing the receipt of exceptions in the response from a REST call and converting them into Admin Exceptions.
AdminServicesAPIResponse provides a common header for admin services managed response to its REST API.
AccessServicesConfigHeader provides a common header for configuration properties.
AssetOwnerRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the Admin Services REST APIs.
AgreementProperties represents the properties of an agreement between two parties.
PersonRoleAppointee is the bean used to return a role and current appointee(s).
AgreementRoleProperties describes a relationship between a role and an agreement.
The AnalysisStep enum describes an analysis step in a survey.
AnalysisStepType describes an analysis step of a survey action service it is part of the metadata to help tools understand the operations of a service.
AnalyticsIntegrator is the client library for the Analytics Integrator OMIS's REST API.
AnalyticsIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Analytics Integrator OMIS.
The AnalyticsIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
AnalyticsIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Analytics Integrator OMIS.
AnalyticsIntegratorContext is the context for cataloging metadata from an analytics tool.
AnalyticsIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of the DataManagerIntegrator integration service
The AnalyticsIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
AnalyticsIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
AnalyticsIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
Annotation is used to record information gleaned from a discovery service.
Annotation is used to record information gleaned from a survey action service.
AnnotationBuilder supports the creation of the entities and relationships that describe an Open Discovery Framework (ODF) Annotation.
AnnotationConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an Annotation bean.
AnnotationHandler manages the storage and retrieval of metadata relating to annotations as defined in the Survey Action Framework (ODF).
AnnotationListResponse is the response structure used on OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Annotations objects as a response.
AnnotationResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a Annotation object as a response.
AnnotationReviewBuilder supports the creation of the entities and relationships that describe an Governance Action Framework (GAF) AnnotationReview and the link to the annotation.
An AnnotationStatus defines the current status for an annotation plus some default descriptive text.
An AnnotationStatus defines the current status for an annotation plus some default descriptive text.
The AnnotationStore provides the interface used by a survey action service to store annotations in the open metadata repositories.
The AnnotationType enum describes the annotation types used by a survey action service.
AnnotationTypeType describes an annotation type of survey action service it is part of the metadata to help tools understand the operations of a service.
AnonRepositoryServicesResource provides the server-side support for the OMRS Repository REST Services API that do not include a userId.
Link between glossary terms that have the opposite meaning.
Mapping methods to map between the antonym and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
The ApacheAtlasAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The ApacheAtlasErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Apache Atlas REST connector.
ApacheAtlasIntegrationConnector exchanges glossary terms between Apache Atlas and the open metadata ecosystem.
ApacheAtlasIntegrationProvider is the connector provider for the Apache Atlas integration connector that publishes glossary terms to Apache Atlas.
ApacheAtlasRESTConnector is responsible for issuing calls to the Apache Atlas REST APIs.
ApacheAtlasRESTProvider is the connector provider for the Apache Atlas REST connector that provides a Java API to the Apache Atlas REST API.
ApacheHiveIntegrationModule manages the cataloguing of Apache Hive entities stored in Apache Atlas into the open metadata ecosystem.
ApacheKafkaAdminConnector provides access to an Apache Kafka's Admin API.
ApacheKafkaAdminProvider is the connector provider for the Apache Kafka Admin connector that provides a Java API to the Apache Kafka's Admin interface.
The ApacheKafkaAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The ApacheKafkaErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Apache Kafka Admin connector.
ApacheKafkaIntegrationModule maps Apache Kafka resources catalogued in Apache Atlas into the open metadata ecosystem.
APIBasedOpenLineageLogStoreConnector provides a connector implementation for an API based open lineage log.
APIBasedOpenLineageLogStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the API based open lineage log store.
APIConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a API bean.
APIElement contains the properties and header for a DeployedAPI entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
APIIntegrator is the client library for the API Integrator OMIS's REST API.
APIIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the API Integrator OMIS.
The APIIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
APIIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the API Integrator OMIS.
APIIntegratorContext is the context for managing resources from a relational api server.
APIIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of the API integrator integration service
The APIIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
APIIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
APIIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
APIManagerClient is the client for managing APIs from an API Manager.
APIManagerInterface defines the client side interface for the Data Manager OMAS that is relevant for API assets that provide call-based services.
APIManagerProperties describes the API managing capability of a server
APIManagerRequestBody describes the basic properties of an API manager's software server capability.
APIManagerResource is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for APIs.
APIManagerRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for apis.
APIOperation describes an API command used as part of an API schema.
EventTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from EventTypeElement.
EventTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from EventTypeElement.
APIOperationElement contains the properties and header for an APIOperation entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
APIOperationHandler provides the exchange of metadata about APIOperation schema types between the repository and the OMAS.
APIOperationProperties is a class for an operation within an API specification.
APIOperationRequestBody describes the properties of the API operation plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
APIOperationResponse is a response object for passing back a single APIOperation element or an exception if the request failed.
CommentResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a Comment object as a response.
APIOperations supports an iterator over a list of API operations elements that make up a schema.
APIOperationsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of APIOperations or an exception if the request failed.
APIOperationsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of SchemaType objects as a response.
APIParameterConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a APIParameterElement bean.
APIParameterElement contains the properties and header for a APIParameter entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
EventTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from EventTypeElement.
APIParameterListElement contains the properties and header for an APIParameterList entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
APIParameterListHandler provides the exchange of metadata about APIParameterList schema types between the repository and the OMAS.
APIParameterListProperties is a class for representing the list of parameters for an API operation's header, request or response payload.
APIParameterListRequestBody describes the properties of the API parameter list plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
APIParameterListResponse is a response object for passing back a single APIParameterList element or an exception if the request failed.
APIParameterListsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of APIParameterLists or an exception if the request failed.
An APIParameterListType defines which parameter list relationship to use when attaching an APIParameterList to an operation.
APIParameterProperties is a class for representing a parameter in an API specification.
APIParameterResponse is a response object for passing back a single APIParameter element or an exception if the request failed.
APIParametersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of APIParameters or an exception if the request failed.
APIProperties is a class for representing an API deployed to an API Gateway or supported by an application.
APIRequestBody describes the properties of the API plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
APIResponse is a response object for passing back a single API element or an exception if the request failed.
APISchemaType describes the header of an API Schema.
APIsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of APIs or an exception if the request failed.
App bean used to store app description
The AppInfoBean is a spring bean used to store the title and description of this runtime.
ApplicationProperties describes an collection of processes (application) that implements support for the business.
ApplicationRequestBody describes the basic properties of an application's software server capability.
GovernanceAppointee describes an individual's appointment as a governance officer or to a specific governance role.
AppointmentHandler is responsible for managing the relationship between a person role and a profile.
ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
AppointmentRequestBody provides the request body payload for linking roles to people.
AppointmentRequestBody provides a structure for appointing a person to a role.
ArchiveProperties defined the properties that are stored when a data source is archived or deleted.
ArchiveProperties defined the properties that are stored when a data source is archived or deleted.
ArchiveProperties defined the properties that are stored when a data source is archived or deleted.
ArchiveRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update connection properties.
ArchiveRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset as archived (or deleted).
ArchiveRequestBody provides a structure for passing the archive information for a metadata element.
ArchiveRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update connection properties.
ArrayPropertyValue stores the values of an array within an entity or relationship properties.
Maps singular ArrayPropertyValues between persistence and objects.
ArrayTypePropertyValue stores the values of an array within an entity or relationship properties.
AssertionFailureException is used when a test case fails an assertion.
Asset is a java bean used to create assets associated with the external data engine.
Asset holds asset properties that are used for displaying details of an asset in summary lists or hover text.
Asset is a set of properties that describes an open metadata asset.
AssetAuditHeader provides details of the audit header for a specific asset
AssetBuilder creates the parts of a root repository entity for an asset.
The Asset Catalog Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) provides an interface to search for assets including data stores, event feeds, APIs and data sets, related assets and relationships.
AssetCatalogAdmin is the class that is called by the OMAG Server to initialize and terminate the Asset Catalog OMAS.
AssetCatalogAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Asset Catalog OMVS.
The AssetCatalogAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The AssetCatalogAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
AssetCatalogBean object holds properties that are used for displaying details of an asset-catalog bean, plus the properties and classifications and relationships.
AssetCatalogBean object holds properties that are used for displaying details of an asset bean from the metadata catalog, plus the properties and classifications and relationships.
AssetConverter is a helper class that maps the OMRS objects to Asset Catalog model.
The AssetCatalogErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Asset Catalog OMAS Services.
The AssetCatalogErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Asset Catalog OMAS Services.
AssetCatalogEvent describes the structure of the events emitted by the Asset Catalog OMAS.
AssetCatalogEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Asset Catalog OMAS Out Topic.
AssetCatalogEventInterface is the interface that a client implements to register a listener to receive the events from the Asset Catalog OMAS's out topic.
AssetCatalogEventListener is the interface that a client implements to process the received events from the Asset Catalog OMAS's out topic.
AssetCatalogException provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Asset Catalog OMAS services.
Asset Catalog Handler supports the lookup of the assets from the repositories.
AssetCatalogInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
AssetCatalogInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the access service instances.
AssetCatalogInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
The Asset Catalog Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) provides services to search for data assets including data stores, event feeds, APIs and data sets.
AssetElement object is used to describe the elements returned by the search method
AssetCatalogItemElement object is used to describe the elements returned by the search method
AssetCatalogResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns a list of asset catalog beans object as a response.
AssetCatalogResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns a list of asset catalog beans object as a response.
AssetCatalogOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Asset Catalog OMAS managed responses to its REST API.
AssetCatalogOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Asset Catalog OMVS managed responses to its REST API.
The Asset Catalog OMAS Service provides an interface to search for assets using the Asset Catalog OMAS client
AssetCatalogOMRSTopicListener receives details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
AssetCatalogOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the client side connector that receives events from the Asset Catalog OMAS's OutTopic.
The AssetCatalogOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting AssetCatalogOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
AssetCatalogRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The AssetCatalogRelationshipService provides the server-side implementation of the Asset Catalog Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The AssetCatalogResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Asset Catalog Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
AssetCatalogResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns an asset description object as a response.
AssetCatalogResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns an asset description object as a response.
The AssetCatalogService provides the server-side implementation of the Asset Catalog Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The AssetCatalogRESTServices provides the implementation of the Asset Catalog Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
AssetCatalogSearchPublisher is publishing asset indexing events.
AssetCatalogSupportedTypes is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns the Open Metadata Types supported for search as a response.
AssetCatalogSupportedTypes is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns the Open Metadata Types supported for search as a response.
The AssetCertificationInterface provides the ability to manage the certification types that can be associated with elements.
AssetCertificationManager is the java client for managing certification types and the certification of elements.
AssetCertificationsResource sets up the certification types that are part of an organization governance.
The AssetClassificationInterface is used by the asset owner to add classifications and detailed definitions to the asset.
AssetCollaborationInterface defines the operations to manage comments snd note logs attached to assets and their attachments.
The CollectionManagementInterface adds methods for managing collections that can be attached to assets and their related elements.
ManageConnections provides methods to define connections and their supporting objects The interface supports the following types of objects Connections - the connections used to create connector instances that can access the connection. ConnectorTypes - description of a specific that can be used to access the connection. ConnectorCategories - the network information needed to access the connection. Endpoints - the network information needed to access the connection.
AssetConnectionProperties describes the properties used when creating an AssetConnection relationship.
AssetConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new relationship between an asset and a connection.
AssetConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new relationship between an asset and a connection.
AssetConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new relationship between an asset and a connection.
The Asset Consumer Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
AssetConsumerAdmin manages the startup and shutdown of the Asset Consumer OMAS.
AssetConsumerAssetInterface supports queries to retrieve information about an asset.
The AssetConsumerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The AssetConsumerErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Asset Consumer OMAS.
AssetConsumerEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Asset Consumer OMAS Out Topic.
AssetConsumerEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the events produced by the Asset Consumer OMAS
AssetConsumerEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Asset Consumer OMAS.
AssetConsumerEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Asset Consumer OMAS.
AssetConsumerFeedbackInterface supports the ability to add and remove feedback for an asset.
AssetConsumerGlossaryInterface supports the lookup of the meaning of a glossary term.
AssetConsumerLoggingInterface supports the ability to add log messages to the local server's audit log about an asset.
AssetConsumerOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Asset Consumer OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
AssetConsumerOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Asset Consumer OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
AssetConsumerOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Data Manager beans converters.
AssetConsumerOMASFVT provides the main program for the Asset Consumer OMAS Functional Verification Tests (FVTs).
AssetConsumerOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
AssetConsumerOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Asset Consumer OMAS's OutTopic.
The AssetConsumerOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting AssetConsumerOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
AssetConsumerOutTopicEvent describes the structure of the events emitted by the Asset Consumer OMAS that are about assets.
AssetConsumerOutTopicPublisher is responsible for sending events on the IT Infrastructure OMAS's out topic.
AssetConsumerOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Asset Consumer OMAS's OutTopic.
The AssetConsumerOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting AssetConsumerOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
AssetConsumerRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The AssetConsumerResource provides the server-side implementation of the Asset Consumer Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
AssetConsumerRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAG REST APIs.
The AssetConsumerRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Asset Consumer Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
AssetConsumerServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
AssetConsumerTaggingInterface support the management and use of informal tags, whether public or private.
The asset context provides the entire lineage graph with vertices and edges.
The Asset Context Handler provides methods to build graph context for schema elements.
AssetConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an DataAssetElement bean.
AssetConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from AssetProperties.
AssetConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an AssetElement bean.
AssetConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from AssetElement.
AssetConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an Asset bean.
AssetConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an Asset bean.
The AssetDecommissioningInterface covers the steps that the asset owner needs to perform at the end of life of the asset.
AssetDeploy illustrates the use of the IT Infrastructure OMAS APIs to catalog different types of infrastructure.
This is the base class for a connected asset.
AssetDetail extends AssetSummary to provide all the properties related to this asset.
AssetElement contains the properties and header for an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
AssetElement contains the properties and header for an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
AssetElement contains the properties and header for an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
Asset holds asset properties that are used for displaying details of an asset in summary lists or hover text.
AssetElement contains the properties and header for an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
AssetElement contains the properties and header for an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
ElementBase provides the common identifier and type information for all properties objects that link off of the asset and have a guid associated with them.
The ElementType bean provides details of the type information associated with a metadata element.
AssetElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a AssetElement bean object as a response.
DataAssetElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of assets or an exception if the request failed.
AssetElementsResponse returns a list of assets from the server.
AssetExtensionsRequestBody provides the request body payload for relationships between assets.
AssetExternalReferenceResource sets up the external references that are part of an organization governance.
Feedback contains the comments, tags, ratings and likes that consumers of the asset have created.
AssetHandler manages B objects and optionally connections in the property server.
AssetKnowledgeInterface provides basic information about the types of access supported in the open metadata ecosystem
The AssetLicenseInterface supports the management of the types of licenses (terms and conditions) associated with elements.
AssetLicenseManager is the java client for managing license types and the licensing of elements.
AssetLicensesResource sets up the license types that are part of an organization governance.
RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
Lineage shows the origin of the connected asset.
AssetLineageAdmin is the class that is called by the OMAG Server to initialize and terminate the Asset Lineage OMAS.
The AssetLineageAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
Constants for Open Metadata Types names used to build lineage functionality
The AssetLineageErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Asset Lineage OMAS Services.
AssetLineageEventHeader provides a common base for all events from the Data Engine access service.
AssetLineageEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the configuration events produced by the Asset Lineage OMAS.
AssetLineageEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Asset Lineage's out topic.
AssetLineageEventType describes the different types of events can be produced by the Asset Lineage OMAS.
AssetLineageException provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Asset Lineage OMAS services.
AssetLineageInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the access service instances.
The Asset Lineage OMAS provides services to query the lineage of business terms and data assets.
AssetLineageOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
AssetLineageOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Asset Lineage OMAS's OutTopic.
The AssetLineageOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting AssetLineageOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
AssetLineagePublisher is the connector responsible for publishing lineage context information about new and changed assets.
The AssetLineageResource class is a Spring REST controller that provides endpoints for querying and publishing asset lineage information.
The AssetLineageRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Asset Lineage Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
AssetLineageServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
Constants for Open Metadata Types names used to build lineage functionality
Using the JobConfiguration as parent, this class adds more elements to the data map of the job: the asset lineage client and the server where it runs, the local user ID.
AssetListResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns an assets object as a response.
AssetListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of hosts or an exception if the request failed.
AssetListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of hosts or an exception if the request failed.
AssetListResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMVS REST API calls that returns a list of asset objects as a response.
AssetLocationProperties describes the properties for the AssetLocation relationship between an asset and a location.
AssetLookUp illustrates the use of the Asset Consumer OMAS API to search for and display the metadata linked to an Asset.
AssetManagerAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Asset Manager OMAS.
The AssetManagerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
AssetManagerBaseClient supports the common properties and functions for the Asset Manager OMAS.
AssetManagerClientBase supports the APIs to maintain assets and their related objects.
AssetManagerConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SoftwareCapabilityElement bean.
Common routines for converters from Asset Manager OMAS
AssetManagerElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents the asset manager that is using the Asset Manager OMAS.
The AssetManagerErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Asset Manager OMAS Services.
AssetManagerEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Asset Manager OMAS Out Topic.
AssetManagerEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the configuration events produced by the Asset Manager OMAS.
AssetManagerEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Asset Manager OMAS's out topic.
AssetManagerEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Asset Manager OMAS.
AssetManagerIdentifiersRequestBody provides the identifiers for an asset manager.
AssetManagerOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Asset Manager OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
AssetManagerOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Asset Manager beans' converters.
AssetManagerOMASFVTSuite provides the main program for the Asset Manager OMAS Functional Verification Tests (FVTs).
AssetManagerOMASRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
Server-side REST API support for asset manager independent REST endpoints
AssetManagerOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
AssetManagerOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Asset Manager OMAS's OutTopic.
The AssetManagerOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting AssetManagerOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
AssetManagerOutTopicEvent provides the structure of the Asset Manager OMAS's OutTopic events.
AssetManagerOutTopicPublisher is responsible for sending events on the Asset Manager OMAS's out topic.
AssetManagerOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Asset Manager OMAS's OutTopic.
The AssetManagerOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting AssetManagerOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
AssetManagerProperties describes the properties of an external asset manager.
AssetManagerRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
The AssetManagerRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services that are generic for all types of asset managers.
AssetManagerServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
AssetManagerTestBase provides common functions for test cases.
AssetMapper provides property name mapping for assets.
AssetOnboardingAvroFileInterface provides the client-side interface for an asset owner to set up the metadata about an Avro file asset.
AssetOnboardingCSVFileInterface provides the client-side interface for an asset owner to set up the metadata about a CSV file asset.
AssetOnboardingFileSystem provides specialist methods for building up folder structures for a file system and cataloguing the files within them.
AssetOnboardingInterface provides the client-side interface for an asset owner to set up the metadata about their asset.
AssetOnboardingValidValues provides the API operations to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
AssetOriginProperties provides a structure for passing information about an asset's origin.
AssetOwner provides the generic client-side interface for the Asset Owner Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
AssetOwnerAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Asset Owner OMAS.
The AssetOwnerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
AssetOwnerBaseClient supports the common properties and functions for the Community Profile OMAS.
Base class converter for Asset Owner OMAS.
The AssetOwnerErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Asset Owner OMAS Services.
AssetOwnerEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Asset Owner OMAS Out Topic.
AssetOwnerEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the events produced by the Asset Owner OMAS
AssetOwnerEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Asset Owner OMAS.
AssetOwnerEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Asset Owner OMAS.
AssetOwnerFactory uses the Asset Owner OMAS methods to create assets and schema elements that can be used by Asset Consumer OMAS.
AssetOwnerOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Asset Owner OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
AssetOwnerOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Asset Owner OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
AssetOwnerOMASFVT provides the main program for the Asset Owner OMAS Functional Verification Tests (FVTs).
AssetOwnerOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
AssetOwnerOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Asset Owner OMAS's OutTopic.
The AssetOwnerOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting AssetOwnerOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
AssetOwnerOutTopicEvent describes the structure of the events emitted by the Asset Owner OMAS that are about assets.
AssetOwnerOutTopicPublisher is responsible for sending events on the IT Infrastructure OMAS's out topic.
AssetOwnerOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Asset Owner OMAS's OutTopic.
The AssetOwnerOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting AssetOwnerOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
AssetOwnerResource provides the generic server-side interface for the Asset Owner Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
AssetOwnerRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
AssetOwnerRESTServices provides part of the server-side support for the Asset Owner Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
AssetOwnerServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
AssetOwnerType defines the identifier used in an Asset's owner property.
DataAssetProperties is a java bean used to create assets associated with the external asset manager.
AssetProperties holds asset properties that are used for displaying details of an asset in summary lists or hover text.
AssetProperties describes an asset.
AssetProperties is a java bean used to create assets associated with the data manager.
AssetProperties is a java bean used to create assets associated with the IT landscape.
AssetProperties is a java bean used to describe assets managed by the governance program.
AssetProperties is a java bean used to create assets associated with the IT landscape.
AssetProperties is a java bean used to describe assets managed by the governance program.
The AssetPropertyBase class is a base class for all properties that link off of the connected asset.
This property header implements any common mechanisms that all property objects need.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
AssetRelationshipElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the repository.
AssetRelationshipListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships between assets or an exception if the request failed.
The AssetRelationshipsResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the RelatedElementsManagementInterface.
AssetRequestBody describes the properties of the asset for creation and update.
AssetRequestBody describes the properties of the asset for creation and update.
AssetListResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns a list of assets object as a response.
AssetResponse is a response object for passing back a single asset element or an exception if the request failed.
AssetResponse is a response object for passing back a single asset element or an exception if the request failed.
AssetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a asset bean object as a response.
AssetResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMVS REST API calls that returns an asset object as a response.
The AssetReviewInterface is used by the asset owner to review the state of the asset including any quality and usage metrics associated with the asset.
AssetSetUp illustrates the use of a variety of OMAS APIs to catalog a file in the open metadata ecosystem.
AssetsResponse returns a list of assets from the server.
A SummaryAsset is a summary of an asset.
AssetSummary holds asset properties that are used for displaying details of an asset in summary lists or hover text.
AssetUniverse extends AssetDetail which extends AssetSummary.
AssignmentScopeProperties provides a details of the scope of work/influence expected by the assigned actor(s).
AssignmentScopeProperties provides a details of the scope of work/influence expected by the assigned actor(s).
AssignmentScopeProperties provides details of the scope of work/influence expected by the assigned actor(s).
The AtlasAnnotationType enum describes the annotation types used by the Apache Atlas survey action service.
AtlasAttributeDef describes a single attribute of an Apache Atlas type definition.
AtlasAttributeSearchResult describes matching attributes.
AtlasAuditEventV2 describes the structure of an audit event
AtlasAuditOperation describes the operation that an audit event describes.
AtlasBusinessMetadataDef describes the properties of a business metadata type.
AtlasCardinality describes the cardinality of an attribute or relationship.
AtlasClassification describes an Atlas classification tag.
AtlasClassificationAssociateRequest seems to be used to do a bulk update of entities with a classification.
AtlasClassificationDef describes a type of tag.
AtlasCondition is used in forming queries.
AtlasConstraintDef captures details of a constraint.
AtlasElementDef describes a single valid value in an EnumDef.
AtlasEntity describes an entity instance.
AtlasEntityDef describes the type definition for an entity.
AtlasEntityExtInfo contains a map of GUIDs to entity instances.
AtlasEntityHeader provides the summary information about an entity instance.
AtlasEntityHeaders defines a map of GUID to Atlas entities
AtlasEntityMutationResponse returns information of new/updated entities
AtlasEntityOperation describes the change to a collection of entities.
AtlasEntityWithExtInfo describes an entity with additional entity elements.
AtlasEnumDef describes the structure of an EnumDef.
AtlasFilterCriteria can represent a single condition or group of conditions.
AtlasFullTextResult returns search for entity results with match score.
AtlasGlossaryAnchorElement describes the relationship between a glossary and one of its terms/categories.
AtlasGlossaryBaseProperties describes the common properties found on all an Apache Atlas glossary elements.
AtlasGlossaryElement describes an Apache Atlas glossary category and its related terms/categories retrieved from Apache Atlas.
AtlasGlossaryElement describes an Apache Atlas glossary and its terms/categories retrieved from Apache Atlas.
AtlasGlossaryIntegrationModule exchanges glossary terms between Apache Atlas and the open metadata ecosystem.
AtlasGlossaryMemberBaseProperties is the base class for terms and categories.
AtlasGlossaryProperties provides the properties of a glossary - used as part of a request body.
AtlasGlossaryTermElement describes an Apache Atlas glossary term used to call Apache Atlas.
AtlasIndexType describes the data type of the indexable value.
AtlasInformalTagsIntegrationModule synchronizes InformalTags from the open metadata ecosystem to Apache Atlas.
AtlasInstanceStatus describes the different status values for instances in Apache Atlas.
The ApacheAtlasAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The ApacheAtlasErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Apache Atlas integration connector.
AtlasIntegrationModuleBase defines the interface that classes that support the synchronization of particular types of metadata with Apache Atlas.
AtlasLineageDirection describes the direction of lineage flow.
AtlasLineageInfo captures lineage for an entity instance like hive_table.
AtlasLineageInfoOnDemand controls dynamic lineage queries.
AtlasLineageIntegrationModule synchronizes lineage from Apache Atlas to the open metadata ecosystem.
AtlasLineageOnDemandConstraints provides constraints for lineage on demand.
AtlasLineageRelationship describes a lineage relationship between two entities.
AtlasMetric describes the metrics from Apache Atlas that are captured by the Apache Atlas Survey Action Service.
AtlasMetrics returns information about a running Apache Atlas.
AtlasMetricsData returns information about a running Apache Atlas.
AtlasMetricsGeneral describes the high-level metrics of the system.
AtlasMetricsSystem describes the infrastructure that Apache Atlas is running on.
AtlasMetricsTag defines a map of classification type names to the number of entities attached to each tag.
AtlasObjectId describes a reference to an Atlas entity instance.
AtlasOperator is used in the formulations of queries.
PlaceholderProperty provides some standard definitions for placeholder properties used to pass properties to services that use templates.
AtlasPropagateTags defines whether tags (Atlas classifications) are propagated along a relationship.
AtlasQueryType describes the different types of query interfaces provided by Apache Atlas.
AtlasReferenceClassificationsIntegrationModule synchronizes a valid value set of classification definitions from the open metadata ecosystem to Apache Atlas as classification definitions.
AtlasRegisteredIntegrationModuleBase defines the common classes for integration modules that are working with assets from Apache Atlas.
AtlasRelatedTermHeader describes the relationship between a glossary and one of its categories.
AtlasRelatedElementsIntegrationModule synchronizes related entities and classifications attached to Apache Atlas originating entities within the open metadata ecosystem.
AtlasRelatedObjectId describes an entity related by a relationship.
AtlasRelatedTermHeader describes the relationship between a glossary and one of its terms.
AtlasRelationship describes a relationship instance in Apache Atlas.
AtlasRelationshipAttributeDef describes an attribute introduced to an entity via a relationshipDef
AtlasRelationshipCategory describes any implied lifecycle relationship between entities linked via a relationship.
AtlasRelationshipDef describes a relationship between two entities.
AtlasRelationshipEndDef describes the entity at one end of a relationship.
AtlasRelationshipHeader contains a summary of a relationship.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
AtlasSearchParameters describes a query request to Apache Atlas.
AtlasSearchResult describes the response structure for an Atlas search request.
AtlasSortOder defines the order of results returned from a query.
Provides the common properties for an Apache Atlas instance.
AtlasStructDef describes a struct type and also acts as a base class for most type defs.
The AtlasDiscoveryAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The AtlasDiscoveryErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Apache Atlas REST connector.
AtlasTermAssignmentHeader describes a glossary term that is linked to an instance via a semantic assignment.
AtlasTermAssignmentStatus describes the status of a semantic assignment relationship.
AtlasTermRelationshipStatus describes the status of a relationship between terms.
AtlasTimeBoundary describes the effective time for an Atlas entity.
AtlasTypeCategory describes the different categories of type definition supported by Apache Atlas.
AtlasTypeDefBase provides the common attributes found in all type definitions.
AtlasTypesDef describes the gallery of types sent and returned to Apache Atlas.
AtlasVersion describes the version of the connected Apache Atlas
The AttachedClassification bean describes a single classification associated with an element.
Attribute is a java bean used to create schema attributes associated with the external data engine.
AttributeCardinality is used on an association from one TypeDef to another.
The AttributeTypeDef class is used to identify the type of an attribute.
The AttributeTypeDefCategory defines the list of valid types of an attribute (property) for an open metadata instance.
AttributeTypeDefListResponse provides a simple bean for returning an array of AttributeTypeDefs
AttributeTypeDefListResponse provides a simple bean for returning an array of AttributeTypeDefs
AttributeTypeDefResponse provides a response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns an AttributeTypeDef object.
AttributeTypeDefResponse provides a response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns an AttributeTypeDef object.
AuditableServerServiceInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
AuditableServerServiceInstanceHandler supports registered services that have an audit log.
AuditLog is the superclass of audit log implementations.
Count up the number of records of each severity logged by a component.
AuditLogDestination provides the support to push audit log records to the desired locations for either storage or processing.
AuditLoggingComponent is an interface that components can implement to indicate that they can make use of an audit log.
AuditLogMessageDefinition extends MessageDefinition to provide a container that describes a single instance of a message for an audit log record.
AuditLogMessageSet is the interface implemented by an enum that contains the collection of message definitions for a component.
AuditLogMessageSetTest is a base class for unit test cases that are validating audit log message sets.
AuditLogRecord provides a carrier for details about a single log record in the audit log.
AuditLogRecordSeverity defines the different levels of severity for log records stored in an AuditLogRecord.
AuditLogRecordSeverityLevel defines the different levels of severity for log records stored in the AuditLogRecord.
AuditLogReport is a container for returning information about a hierarchy of audit logs.
AuditLogReportingComponent describes the component issuing the audit log record.
AuditLogReportResponse describes the response structure for an OMRS REST API that returns an AuditLogReport object.
The AuditLogServicesClient supports the OMRS Repository Services APIs for retrieving audit logs.
AuditLogServicesResource provides the server-side support for the OMRS Repository REST Services API that provide information about the local server's audit log.
AuditLogSeveritiesResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of Audit log severity definition objects.
AuthController provides the simple token service that can be used to log a user into open metadata.
Handles AuthenticationException for different instances of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter used for different authentication mechanism used
Handles AuthenticationException for different instances of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter used for different authentication mechanism used
AutomatedCurationAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Automated Curation OMVS.
The AutomatedCurationAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
AutomatedCurationInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
AutomatedCurationInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
AutomatedCurationRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The AutomatedCurationResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Automated Curation Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The AutomatedCurationRESTServices provides the implementation of the Automated Curation Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
AvroFileAssetOwner provides specialist methods for working with Avro files.
AvroFileReaderSample illustrates the use of the Asset Consumer OMAS API to create connectors to Avro files.
An abstract base class providing common methods for glossary authoring services.
The BasicFileConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Basic File Connector.
The BasicFilesIntegrationConnectorsAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The BasicFilesIntegrationConnectorsErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Basic File Connector.
BasicFilesMonitorIntegrationConnectorBase provides common methods for the connectors in this module.
BasicFileStore defines the interface to access a file.
BasicFileStoreConnector works with files to retrieve simple objects.
BasicFileStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the basic file store connector.
BasicFolderConnector works with files to retrieve simple objects.
BasicFolderProvider is the one of the OCF connector provider for the basic file store connector.
ServerPropertiesRequestBody is the request body to add the basic server properties to an OMAG Server's configuration document.
BasicServerPropertiesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a BasicServerProperties object as a response.
FFDCResponseBasedTest is
BigGlossariesArchiveWriter creates 10 glossaries, each containing 10,000 unique terms.
BigGlossaryArchiveBuilder provides API metadata.
BooleanRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passed a boolean flag.
BooleanResponse is the response structure used on OMAG REST API calls that return a boolean response.
BooleanResponse is the response structure used on the OMRS REST API calls that return a boolean response.
The breadcrumb handler is initialised with Subject Area Node clients clients (allowing calls to the Subject Area OMAs to be made) and the userId under which those calls should be issued.
An instance event that is buffered because the OMRSRepositoryEventManager is not active yet.
The BusinessAreaDefinition is used to feed the definition of the organization's business areas (which are types of business capabilities) for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
BusinessCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a business capability entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
BusinessCapabilityManagement supports the maintenance, linking and reporting associated with business capabilities.
BusinessCapabilityProperties represents one of an organization's business capabilities.
ByteOrdering defines the hardware byte ordering
CalculatedValueClassificationRequestBody is used to identify the schema elements that are calculated (derived) rather than stored.
CalculatedValueClassificationRequestBody is used to identify the schema elements that are calculated (derived) rather than stored.
CanonicalGlossaryOwlArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file for the data model and glossary content.
A Canonical Glossary summary is a summary of a canonical glossary.
A Glossary that is both a taxonomy and a Canonical Glossary is summarized with this class.
Identifies a glossary that contains unique terms.
Mapping methods to map between CanonicalVocabulary and the omrs equivalents.
CanonicalVocabularyProperties is used to classify a glossary that has no term definitions with the same name.
CapabilityDeploymentProperties describes the properties for the SupportedSoftwareCapability relationship between a ITInfrastructure asset and a Software Capability.
CapabilityDeploymentProperties describes the properties for the SupportedSoftwareCapability relationship between a ITInfrastructure asset and a Software Capability.
CapabilityManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain software server capabilities and their related objects.
CatalogIntegrator is the client library for the Catalog Integrator OMIS's REST API.
CatalogIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Catalog Integrator OMIS.
The CatalogIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
CatalogIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Catalog Integrator OMIS.
CatalogIntegratorContext provides a wrapper around the Asset Manager OMAS client.
CatalogIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of an integration service
The CatalogIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
CatalogIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
CatalogIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
CatalogTarget contains the properties for one of the integration connector's catalog targets.
CatalogTargetConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a CatalogTarget bean.
CatalogTargetConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a CatalogTarget bean.
CatalogTargetEnum characterises the type of third party technology supported by a specific integration connector.
CatalogTargetIntegrator is an optional interface that an integration connector can implement to walk through the catalog targets assigned to the integration connector.
Properties for the CatalogTarget relationship.
Properties for the CatalogTarget relationship.
CatalogTargetResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a CatalogTarget element object as a response.
CatalogTargetResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a CatalogTarget element object as a response.
CatalogTargetsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of CatalogTarget objects as a response.
CatalogTargetsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of CatalogTarget objects as a response.
CatalogTargetType characterises the type of third party technology supported by a specific integration connector.
TermCategorizationRelationship is a relationship between a Category and an Term.
CategoryAnchorRelationship is a relationship a Glossary and a Category.
Mapping methods to map between the categoryAnchor and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
FVT resource to call subject area category client API
FVT resource to call Glossary Author View category API
FVT to call subject area category client API to create a category hierarchy, based on given DEPTH and WIDTH values.
FVT to call Glossary Author View API to create a category hierarchy, based on given DEPTH and WIDTH values.
CategoryHierarchyLink is a parent child relationship between a Categories; it is used to create nested categories
Mapping methods to map between the categoryHierarchyLink and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
Mapping methods to map between Category (or a subtype of Category) and EntityDetail.
Server-side implementation of the Glossary View Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
A SummaryCategory is a summary of a category.
CaughtException is used when an unexpected exception occurs during a test.
CertificateIdRequestBody provides a structure for the unique certificate identifier.
CertificateIdRequestBody provides a structure for the unique certificate identifier.
The Certification bean extends the Certification from the OCF properties package with a default constructor and setter methods.
CertificationConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an Certification bean.
CertificationElement contains the properties and header for a certification for an element.
CertificationElement contains the properties and header for a certification for an element.
CertificationHandler manages Certification objects.
CertificationTypeListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of certifications as a response.
CertificationTypeListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of certifications as a response.
The CertificationManagementInterface provides the ability to manage the certification types that can be associated with elements.
CertificationManager is the java client for managing certification types and the certification of elements.
CertificationProperties describe the details of a certificate that shows that an element is certified with a particular certification type.
CertificationProperties describe the details of a certificate that shows that an element is certified with a particular certification type.
CertificationRESTServices is the java client for managing certification types and the certification of elements.
CertificationRESTServices is the java client for managing certification types and the certification of elements.
Certifications supports an iterator over a list of certifications awarded to the asset.
CertificationsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Certification objects as a response.
CertificationTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from CertificationTypeElement.
CertificationTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from CertificationTypeElement.
CertificationTypeElement contains the properties and header for a certification type retrieved from the metadata repository.
CertificationTypeElement contains the properties and header for a certification type retrieved from the metadata repository.
CertificationTypeListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of certification types as a response.
CertificationTypeListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of certification types as a response.
Many regulations and industry bodies define certifications that can confirm a level of support, capability or competence in an aspect of a digital organization's operation.
Many regulations and industry bodies define certifications that can confirm a level of support, capability or competence in an aspect of a digital organization's operation.
Many regulations and industry bodies define certifications that can confirm a level of support, capability or competence in an aspect of a digital organization's operation.
CertificationTypeRequestBody provides a structure used when creating certification types.
CertificationTypeRequestBody provides a structure used when creating certification types.
CertificationTypeResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a certification type object as a response.
CertificationTypeResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a certification type object as a response.
FVT to call Glossary Author View API for checking serialization.
Classification object holds properties that are used for displaying details about the classification.
The Classification bean defines a single classification for an asset.
A Classification
The Classification class stores information about a classification assigned to an entity.
Classification object holds properties that are used for displaying details about the classification.
ClassificationAccumulator accumulates and validates an entity received from a collection of open metadata repositories.
ClassificationAnnotation recommends classifications for either an asset or a data field.
ClassificationAnnotation recommends classifications for either an asset or a data field.
The ClassificationCondition class provides support for searching against a single classification, either based only on its name or also combined with a set of property-based conditions.
The ClassificationCondition class provides support for searching against a single classification, either based only on its name or also combined with a set of property-based conditions.
ClassificationDef stores the properties for the definition of a type of classification.
Capture the differences between classification instances.
ClassificationEntityExtension is used to represent a single classification for an entity.
The ClassificationErrorException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when a classification for a specific entity instance is either not defined for this type of entity or is not currently attached to the requested entity.
The ClassificationException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when an error occurs during a classification value.
A factory to create new instances of classes of open metadata classifications by name.
A list of exiting classifications are compared with a list of requested Classifications, and the classifications are grouped into whether they need to be added (if they are requested but do not exist), removed (if they are not requested but already exist) or updated if they exist and are requested.
The Classification Handler maps classifications attached with an entity to an lineage entity.
ClassificationsResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns a classification object as a response.
ClassificationListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of Classification objects.
ClassificationsResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns a classification object as a response.
Static mapping methods to map between an OMAS Classification and the OMRS Classification.
Maps the properties of Classifications between persistence and objects.
ClassificationOrigin describes the provenance of a classification attached to an entity.
ClassificationOrigin describes the provenance of a classification attached to an entity.
ClassificationPropagationRule is part of a relationship definition (RelationshipDef).
ClassificationProperties provides the base class for classification items.
ClassificationProperties provides the base class for classifications items.
ClassificationProperties provides the base class for classification items.
ClassificationProperties provides the base class for classification items.
ClassificationProperties provides the base class for classification items.
ClassificationProperties provides the base class for classification items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
ClassificationProxyRequest is used when working with classifications using an entity proxy.
ClassificationRequest carries the properties needed to create a classification.
ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when classifying/reclassifying elements.
ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when attaching classification to elements.
ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when attaching classification to elements.
ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when attaching classification to elements.
ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when attaching classification to elements.
ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when attaching classification to elements.
ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when attaching classification to elements.
ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when attaching classification to elements.
ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when classifying/reclassifying elements.
ClassificationResponse describes the response structure for an OMRS REST API that returns a Classification object.
ClassificationWithEntityRequest carries a classification that has changed along with its entity.
Transaction function for adding / updating a classification to an entity.
RestoreEntityExecutor provides the executor for the restoreEntity method.
Transaction function for adding / updating a classification to an entity proxy (including creating that entity proxy if it does not already exist in the repository).
ClientConstructorTest provides the methods to verify that all the clients can be constructed with or without security.
ClientConstructorTest provides the methods to verify that all of the clients can be constructed with or without security
ClientConstructorTest provides the methods to verify that all of the clients can be constructed with or without security
ClientConstructorTest provides the methods to verify that all of the clients can be constructed with or without security
ClientConstructorTest provides the methods to verify that all of the clients can be constructed with or without security
ClientConstructorTest provides the methods to verify that all of the clients can be constructed with or without security
ClientConstructorTest provides the methods to verify that all of the clients can be constructed with or without security
ClientConstructorTest provides the methods to verify that all of the clients can be constructed with or without security
ClientConstructorTest provides the methods to verify that all of the clients can be constructed with or without security
A Clock service to get current time as date based on a java.time.Clock object.
ClockService manages a Clock instance and provides an utility method for getting the current dte and time
CloneableRepositoryExecutor describes the interface for a repository executor that can be cloned to run in parallel.
CocoArchiveHelper extends the archive helpers provided by core egeria (egeria.git).
CocoArchivesWriter provides the main method to run the open metadata archive writers that create each of the open metadata archives used in the open metadata labs and other scenarios with Coco Pharmaceuticals.
CocoBaseArchiveWriter provides a base class for utilities creating a physical open metadata archive file containing definitions for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
CocoBusinessSystemsArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file containing the descriptions of the data flows from Coco Pharmaceuticals business systems to the data lake.
CocoClinicalTrialsArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file containing the clinical trials templates needed by Coco Pharmaceuticals.
CocoComboArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file containing the combination of Coco Pharmaceuticals open metadata instances.
CocoGovernanceEnginesArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file containing the governance engine definitions needed by Coco Pharmaceuticals.
CocoGovernanceProgramArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file containing the core definition of Coco Pharmaceuticals' governance program.
The CocoGovernanceZoneDefinition is used to feed the definition of the governance zones for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
CocoOrganizationArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file containing basic definitions for Coco Pharmaceuticals' featured persona.
CocoPharmaPlatformSecurityConnector overrides the default behavior for the security connector to allow requests the Coco Pharmaceutical's server administrator APIs.
CocoPharmaPlatformSecurityConnector overrides the default behavior for the security connector to allow requests the Coco Pharmaceutical's server administrator APIs.
CocoPharmaPlatformSecurityProvider is the connector provider to the sample platform security connector for the Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
CocoPharmaPlatformSecurityProviderTokenBased is the connector provider to the sample platform security connector for the Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
CocoPharmaServerSecurityConnector provides a specific security connector for Coco Pharmaceuticals users that overrides the default behavior of that open metadata security connector that does not allow any access to anything.
CocoPharmaServerSecurityProvider is the connector provider to the sample server security connector for the Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
The CocoSubjectAreaDefinition is used to feed the definition of the subject areas for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
CocoSustainabilityArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file containing basic definitions for Coco Pharmaceuticals' sustainability initiative.
CocoTypesArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file containing the additional specialized types needed by Coco Pharmaceuticals.
CohortConfig provides the configuration properties used to connect to an open metadata repository cohort.
CohortConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a CohortConfig object as a response.
CohortConnectionStatus defines the status of the local server's connection to the metadata highway for a specific cohort.
CohortDescription describes a single cohort.
CohortListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of cohort description objects.
CohortMemberConfigurationClient provides the interfaces to add an OMAG Server to an Open Metadata Repository Cohort.
CohortMembership describes the structure of the cohort registry store.
CohortMembershipListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of cohort member registration objects.
CohortListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of cohort description objects.
CohortTopicStructure defines the type of topic organization to use in a cohort.
CollaborationExchangeClient is the client for managing comments, ratings, likes and tags.
The CollaborationExchangeInterface supports the exchange of comments, likes, reviews/ratings and informal tags.
The CollaborationExchangeResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The AssetManagerRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
CollaborationExchangeService is the context for managing user collaboration elements such as comments, ratings, likes and tags.
CollaborationExchangeClient is the client for managing comments, ratings, likes and tags.
The CollaborationManagementInterface supports the exchange of comments, likes, reviews/ratings and informal tags.
CollaborationManagerHandler is the handler for managing comments, ratings, likes and tags.
Collection is a java bean used to create collections associated with the external data engine.
CollectionBuilder is able to build the properties for a Collection entity.
CollectionBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a collection.
CollectionConverter generates a CollectionElement from a Collection entity
CollectionConverter generates a CollectionElement from a Collection entity
CollectionConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Collection bean.
CollectionConverter generates a CollectionElement from a Collection entity
CollectionDef supports the definition of a collection type.
This enum defines the list of open metadata collection types.
CollectionElement contains the properties and header for a collection retrieved from the metadata repository.
CollectionElement contains the properties and header for a collection retrieved from the metadata repository.
CollectionElement contains the properties and header for a collection retrieved from the metadata repository.
CollectionElement contains the properties and header for a collection retrieved from the metadata repository.
CollectionFolderProperties defines the properties used to create a Folder classification for a collection.
CollectionFolderProperties defines the properties used to create a Folder classification for a collection.
CollectionHandler provides the exchange of metadata about collections between the repository and the OMAS.
CollectionListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of collection elements.
CollectionListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of collection elements.
CollectionManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain collections and their related objects.
The CollectionManagementInterface adds methods for managing collections that can be attached to communities and personal profiles.
CollectionManagerAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Collection Manager OMVS.
The CollectionManagerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
CollectionManagerInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
CollectionManagerInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
CollectionManagerRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The CollectionManagerResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Collection Manager Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The CollectionManagerRESTServices provides the implementation of the Collection Manager Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
CollectionMemberConverter generates a CollectionMember bean from a RelatedMetadataElement.
CollectionMemberConverter generates a CollectionMember bean from a RelatedMetadataElement.
CollectionMemberListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of collection membership elements.
CollectionMemberListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of collection membership elements.
CollectionMemberResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a CollectionMember object as a response.
CollectionMemberResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a CollectionMember object as a response.
CollectionMembershipConverter generates a CollectionBean from a CollectionMembership relationship and Collection entity
CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
CollectionMemberStatus specifies the status of an element's membership in a collection.
CollectionMemberStatus specifies the the status of the member in a collection.
CollectionMemberStatus specifies the the status of the member in a collection.
CollectionMemberStatus specifies the status of the member in a collection.
CollectionProperties describes the core properties of a collection.
CollectionProperties describes the core properties of a collection.
CollectionProperties describes the core properties of a collection.
CollectionProperties describes the core properties of a collection.
CollectionResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a CollectionElement object as a response.
CollectionResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a CollectionElement object as a response.
CollectionRESTServices provides the API operations to create and maintain collection information.
The CollectionsClient supports requests related to collections.
The CollectionsInterface adds methods for managing collections.
CollectionStatus specifies which subset of a collection should be returned.
CollectionStatus specifies which subset of a collection should be returned.
CollectionType lists suggested collection type values.
Transfers metadata of a column
CombinedSchemaRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new schema to attach to an asset.
Comment entity in the Subject Area OMAS.
The Comment bean stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
CommentBuilder is able to build the properties for a Comment entity.
Stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
CommentConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an CommentElement bean.
CommentConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from CommentProperties.
CommentConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Comment bean.
CommentElement contains the properties and header for a Comment entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
CommentElement contains the properties and header for a Comment entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
CommentElement contains the properties and header for a comment retrieved from the metadata repository.
CommentElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
CommentElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
CommentElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
CommentExchangeHandler is the server side handler for managing comments.
CommentHandler manages Comment objects.
CommentLifecycleTest calls the AssetConsumerClient to create a comment and attach it to assets and schemas and then retrieve the results.
The CommentProperties bean stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
The CommentProperties bean stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
The CommentProperties bean stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
The CommentProperties bean stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
CommentReplies supports an iterator over a list of Comment objects.
The CommentRequestBody bean stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
CommentRequestBody provides a structure for passing a comment as a request body over a REST API.
CommentResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a Comment object as a response.
CommentResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
Comments supports an iterator over a list of Comment objects.
CommentsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Comment objects as a response.
Descriptor for a comment that indicated its intent.
The CommentType allows comments to be used to ask and answer questions as well as make suggestions and provide useful information to other users.
CommentTypeListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
CommentTypeListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
Common Handler supports the lookup types and metadata collection.
CommonMapper provides property name mapping for entities.
CommonServicesDescription provides a list of fixed services that support the platform.
CommunityBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a community.
CommunityConverter generates an CommunityElement bean from an CommunityProperties entity.
The CommunityDefinition is used to feed the definition of the projects for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
CommunityElement contains the properties and header for a community.
CommunityForum is used to maintain the content for a community forum.
CommunityForumContribution is used to add an entry to a community forum.
CommunityHandler provides the exchange of metadata about communities between the repository and the OMAS.
CommunityListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of community elements.
CommunityManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain communities and their related objects.
The CommunityManagementInterface provides methods for managing communities, their membership and content.
CommunityMembershipElement describes an individual who is a member of a community.
CommunityMembershipProperties provides a details of the purpose (and privileges) of the membership role.
CommunityMembershipType specifies the role of a member in the community.
CommunityProfileAdmin controls the startup and shutdown of the Community Profile OMAS for a server.
The CommunityProfileAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
CommunityProfileBaseClient supports the common properties and functions for the Community Profile OMAS.
CommunityProfileCheckedExceptionBase provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Community Profile OMAS services.
Provide base converter functions for the Community Profile OMAS.
The CommunityProfileErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Community Profile OMAS Services.
CommunityProfileEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Data Manager OMAS Out Topic.
CommunityProfileEventHeader provides a common base for all events from the access service.
CommunityProfileEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the events produced by the Community Profile OMAS.
CommunityProfileEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Community Profile OMAS's out topic.
CommunityProfileOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Community Profile OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
CommunityProfileOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Community Profile OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
CommunityProfileOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Community Profile beans converters.
CommunityProfileOMASFVTSuite provides the main program for the ProjectProperties Profile OMAS Functional Verification Tests (FVTs).
CommunityProfileOMRSTopicListener examines each OMRS Topic event to (1) determine if karma points should be awarded to an individual who has contributed to open metadata (2) determine if the event relates to metadata instances that should result in a Community Profile OMAS event on its Out Topic.
CommunityProfileOutboundEvent describes the structure of the events emitted by the Community Profile OMAS.
CommunityProfileOutboundEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Community Profile OMAS.
CommunityProfileOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Community Profile OMAS's OutTopic.
The CommunityProfileOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting CommunityProfileOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
CommunityProfileOutTopicPublisher is responsible for publishing events about changes to personal profiles, communities and related elements.
CommunityProfileOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Community Profile OMAS's OutTopic.
The CommunityProfileOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting CommunityProfileOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
UserIdentityResource provides the APIs for maintaining user identities and their relationships with profiles.
CommunityProfileRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the Community Profile OMAS REST APIs.
The DataManagerRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services that are generic for all types of data managers.
CommunityProfileServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
The CommunityProfileValidValuesResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the ValidValueManagementInterface.
CommunityProperties describes the core properties of a community.
The CommunityResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the CommunityManagementInterface.
CommunityResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a CommunityElement object as a response.
CommunityRESTServices provides the API operations to create and maintain community information.
Future that represents a task that has already completed.
CompletionStatus defines the completion status of a governance action service.
CompletionStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties to record that a governance service finished a governance action.
ComplexSchemaType describes a schema with multiple attributes.
ComplexSchemaTypeProperties describes a schema with multiple attributes.
ComponentDescription is an interface implemented by an enum that describes the components using the audit log
ComponentDevelopmentStatus describes the development status of a component.
ComponentIdReport outputs a list of component identifiers used by popular Egeria services and connectors.
This component is responsible to provide the configuration properties used by UI to show/hide components.
This component is responsible to provide model used by UI to show/hide components
OMRSFuture which has a list of child futures.
Concept in the model
ConceptModelDecoration defines an enum for the type of concept bead link.
Methods for building up complex conditions used by the queries.
Defines the level of confidence that should be placed in the accuracy of related data items.
ConfidenceGovernanceClassification defines the level of confidence that should be placed in the accuracy of related data items.
ConfidenceGovernanceClassification defines the level of confidence that should be placed in the accuracy of related data items.
Defines the level of confidence to place in the accuracy of a data item.
ConfidenceLevel identifies the level of confidence to place in the accuracy of a data item.
Mapping methods to map between Confidence and the omrs equivalents.
Defines the level of confidentiality of related data items.
ConfidentialityGovernanceClassification defines the level of confidentiality of related data items.
ConfidentialityGovernanceClassification defines the level of confidentiality of related data items.
Defines how confidential a data item is.
Defines how confidential a data item is.
Mapping methods to map between Confidentiality and the omrs equivalents.
Config is used by the Subject Area OMAS to retrieve useful configuration information when using the subject area APIs
ConfigAccessServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata Access Services (OMASs).
ConfigAccessServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata Access Services (OMASs).
ConfigAccessServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata Conformance Suite services in an OMAG server.
ConfigDefaultsResource sets properties in the configuration document that are used as default values when configuring the subsystems in an OMAG Server.
ConfigDefaultsResource sets properties in the configuration document that are used as default values when configuring the subsystems in an OMAG Server.
ConfigEngineServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata Engine Services (OMESs).
The ConfigException is thrown by the connector when its configuration is inadequate.
FVT resource to call subject area client APIs to test the config API
FVT resource to call glossary author view APIs to test the config API
ConfigIntegrationServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata Integration Services (OMISs).
ConfigLineageWarehouseResource provides the configuration for setting up the Lineage Warehouse server.
ConfigMetadataServerSample illustrates how to use the MetadataAccessStoreConfigurationClient to configure a Metadata Server.
ConfigOpenMetadataServerSecurityResource provides the API to configure the security connector that validates Open Metadata and Governance requests issued to a specific OMAG server.
ConfigPropertiesResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the administrative interface for an Open Metadata and Governance (OMAG) Server.
ConfigRepositoryServicesResource provides the configuration services for setting up the repository services subsystems.
OMAGServerConfigResource returns the current configuration document for the server.
OMAGServerConfigsResource exposes APIs for server configurations.
ConfigStoreResource provides the API to configure the connector that should be used to manage configuration documents.
ConfigurationItemProperties provides the base class for infrastructure items.
ConfigurationItemProperties provides the base class for infrastructure items.
ConfigurationItemProperties provides the base class for infrastructure items.
ConfigurationItemProperties provides the base class for infrastructure items.
ConfigurationManagementClient is able to issue calls to an OMAG Server Platform that manages configuration for OMAG Servers.
ConfigurationPropertyType characterises one of the configuration parameters supported by a specific connector.
OMAGServerConfigResource returns the current configuration document for the server.
ConfigViewServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata View Services (OMVSs).
ConfigViewServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata View Services (OMVSs).
Conformance exception provides a base class for exceptions that indicate there is a failure in the conformance tests.
ConformanceServicesAPIResponse provides a common header for admin services managed response to its REST API.
ConformanceServicesInstance provides the references to the active services for an instance of an OMAG Server.
ConformanceServicesInstanceMap provides the mapping between server name and the Java instances of the active services for a server.
The ConformanceSuiteAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
ConformanceSuiteCheckedExceptionBase provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Open Metadata Conformance Suite services.
ConformanceSuiteConfig provides the configuration for an OMAG server that is running the Open Metadata Conformance suite.
ConformanceSuiteConnectorConsumer receives connector objects for servers connected to the same cohort(s) as the conformance suite OMAG server.
The ConformanceSuiteErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the Open Metadata Conformance Suite It is used in conjunction with conformance suite exceptions, both Checked and Runtime (unchecked).
ConformanceSuiteOMRSTopicListener receives details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the OMAG server running the Conformance suite is connected to.
ConformanceSuiteOperationalServices provides the server side control for the Open Metadata Conformance Suite.
ConformanceSuiteResource provides the REST API for running the Open Metadata Conformance Suite.
ConformanceSuiteRuntimeException is used for all logic errors detected by the Open Metadata Conformance Suite.
ConformanceSuiteTestLabServices supports the REST API for the CTS.
ConformanceTestServerConfigurationClient provides the configuration services needed by The Conformance Test Server.
ConnectedAPIOperations provides the open metadata iterator for the operations of an API.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
ConnectedAssetClientBase provides a base calls for clients that support an OCF interface.
ConnectedAssetLineage is the open metadata implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF)'s AssetLineage object.
ConnectedAssetProperties is associated with a Connector.
ConnectedAssetRatings provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Ratings abstract class.
RelatedAssetProperties is associated a related asset for a connector's EgeriaConnectedAssetProperties.
The ConnectedAssetResource is the server-side implementation of the REST services needed to populate the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Connected Asset Properties.
ConnectedAssetUniverse is the client library implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) AssetUniverse object.
ConnectedComments provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Comments abstract class.
ConnectedComments provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Comments abstract class.
ConnectedConnections provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Connections abstract class.
ConnectedExternalIdentifiers provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) ExternalIdentifiers abstract class.
ConnectedExternalReferences provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) ExternalReferences abstract class.
ConnectedFeedback provides the open metadata extension to the Open Connector Framework (OCF)'s AssetFeedback class that returned the comments, tags, likes and ratings associated with an asset.
ConnectedInformalTags provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) InformalTags abstract class.
ConnectedLicenses provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Licenses abstract class.
ConnectedLikes provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Likes abstract class.
ConnectedLocations provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Locations abstract class.
ConnectedNoteLogs provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) NoteLogs abstract class.
ConnectedLikes provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Likes abstract class.
ConnectedAssetAssets provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) AssetAssets abstract class.
ConnectedRelatedMediaReferences provides the open metadata concrete implementation of the Open Connector Framework (OCF) RelatedMediaReferences abstract class.
ConnectedSchemaAttributes provides the open metadata iterator for the attributes of a schema.
The Connection object contains the properties needed to access a specific data assets.
Connection is a java bean used to create connections associated with the external data engine.
The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
Connection is a set of properties that describes an open metadata asset.
ConnectionBuilder is able to build the properties for both a Connection entity and a VirtualConnection entity.
ConnectionCheckedException provides a checked exception for reporting errors found in connection objects.
ConnectionConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail and Relationship objects into a Connection bean (or a VirtualConnection bean).
ConnectionConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail and Relationship objects into a Connection bean (or a VirtualConnection bean).
ConnectionConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Connection bean.
ConnectionConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail and Relationship objects into a Connection bean (or a VirtualConnection bean).
ConnectionConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail and Relationship objects into a Connection bean (or a VirtualConnection bean).
ConnectionConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail and Relationship objects into a Connection bean (or a VirtualConnection bean).
ConnectionConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail and Relationship objects into a Connection bean (or a VirtualConnection bean).
ConnectionElement contains the properties and header for a connection retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectionElement contains the properties and header for a connection retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectionElement contains the properties and header for a connection retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectionElement contains the properties and header for a connection retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectionElement contains the properties and header for a connection retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectionElement contains the properties and header for a connection retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectionExchangeClient is the client for managing Connections, Endpoints and ConnectorTypes.
ConnectionExchangeHandler is the server-side for managing Connections, Connector Types and Endpoints.
ConnectionExchangeInterface provides methods to define connections and their supporting objects The interface supports the following types of objects Connections - the connections used to create connector instances that can access the connection. ConnectorTypes - description of a specific that can be used to access the connection. ConnectorCategories - the network information needed to access the connection. Endpoints - the network information needed to access the connection.
ConnectionExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for connections, endpoints and connector types.
ConnectionExchangeRESTServices is the server-side for managing Connections, Endpoints and ConnectorTypes.
ConnectionExchangeService is the context for managing connections and associated elements such as connector types and endpoints.
ConnectionHandler manages Connection objects.
ConnectionListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of connections as a response.
ConnectionManager provides the API operations to create and maintain connection definitions and their related objects.
ConnectionManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain connections and their related objects.
ConnectionManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain connections and their related objects.
ManageConnections provides methods to define connections and their supporting objects The interface supports the following types of objects Connections - the connections used to create connector instances that can access the connection. ConnectorTypes - description of a specific that can be used to access the connection. ConnectorCategories - the network information needed to access the connection. Endpoints - the network information needed to access the connection.
ConnectionResource is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for topics.
The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
ConnectionProperties is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
ConnectionRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update connection properties.
ConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new asset.
ConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for describing a connection.
ConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for describing a connection.
ConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for describing a connection.
ConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new asset.
ConnectionResponse is a response object for passing back a single connection object.
ConnectionResponse is a response object for passing back a single connection object.
ConnectionResponse is a response object for passing back a single connection object.
ConnectionResponse is a response object for passing back a single connection object.
ConnectionResponse is a response object for passing back a single connection object.
ConnectionResponse is a response object for passing back a single connection object.
ConnectionResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Connection object as a response.
ConnectionResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a Connection object as a response.
ConnectionResponse is the response structure used on OMAS REST API calls that return a Connection object as a response.
ConnectionResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a Connection object as a response.
ConnectionRESTServices provides the ability to manage connection information.
ConnectionRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for connections, connector types and endpoints.
ConnectionRESTServices provides the ability to manage connection information.
Connections supports an iterator over a list of connections.
ConnectionsBuildingResource provides the API operations to create and maintain connections.
ConnectionsManagerInterface provides methods to define connections and link them to their supporting objects
ConnectionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connection objects.
ConnectionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connection objects.
ConnectionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connection objects.
ConnectionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connection objects.
ConnectionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connection objects.
ConnectionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connection objects.
ConnectionsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Connection objects as a response.
The Connector is the interface for all connector instances.
The ConnectorBase is an implementation of the Connector interface.
ProtectedConnection provides a subclass to Connection in order to extract protected values from the connection in order to supply them to the Connector implementation.
The ConnectorBroker is a generic factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) Connectors.
ConnectorCheckedException provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using OCF connectors.
ConnectorConfigPropertiesRequestBody describes the request body used to update the configuration properties of an integration connector.
ConnectorConfigurationFactory sets up default configuration for the OMRS components.
The ConnectorConfigurationFactoryErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the ConnectorConfigurationFactory.
ConnectorFactoryInterface is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
ConnectorFactoryService is the service for creating connectors to the data and services of a digital resource (represented by an asset).
The ConnectorProvider is a formal plug-in interface for the Open Connector Framework (OCF).
ConnectorProviderBase is a base class for a connector provider.
ConnectorReport is a collection of information provided by a connector provider that describes the operation of a connector.
ConnectorReportResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a ConnectorType object as a response.
ConnectorType is a java bean used to create connector types associated with the external data engine.
The ConnectorType describe the implementation details of a particular type of OCF connector.
ConnectorTypeBuilder is able to build the properties for an ConnectorType entity from an ConnectorType bean.
ConnectorTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ConnectorTypeElement bean.
ConnectorTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ConnectorTypeElement bean.
ConnectorTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ConnectorTypeElement bean.
ConnectorTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ConnectorTypeElement bean.
ConnectorTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ConnectorTypeElement bean.
ConnectorTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ConnectorTypeElement bean.
ConnectorTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an ConnectorType bean.
ConnectorTypeElement contains the properties and header for a connector type retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectorTypeElement contains the properties and header for a connector type retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectorTypeElement contains the properties and header for a connector type retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectorTypeElement contains the properties and header for a connector type retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectorTypeElement contains the properties and header for a connector type retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectorTypeElement contains the properties and header for a connector type retrieved from the metadata repository.
ConnectorTypeHandler manages ConnectorType objects.
ConnectorTypeListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of connector types as a response.
ConnectorTypeManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain connector types .
ConnectorTypeManagerInterface provides methods to define connector types.
The ConnectorTypeProperties describe the implementation details of a particular type of connector.
The ConnectorTypeProperties describe the implementation details of a particular type of connector.
The ConnectorTypeProperties describe the implementation details of a particular type of connector.
The ConnectorTypeProperties describe the implementation details of a particular type of connector.
The ConnectorTypeProperties describe the implementation details of a particular type of connector.
The ConnectorTypeProperties describe the implementation details of a particular type of connector.
The ConnectorType describe the implementation details of a particular type of OCF connector.
ConnectorTypeRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update connector type properties.
ConnectorTypeRequestBody carries the parameters for describing a connector type.
ConnectorTypeRequestBody carries the parameters for describing a connector type.
ConnectorTypeRequestBody carries the parameters for describing a connector type.
ConnectorReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single connector type object.
ConnectorReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single connector type object.
ConnectorReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single connector type object.
ConnectorReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single connector type object.
ConnectorReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single connector type object.
ConnectorReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single connector type object.
ConnectorTypeResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a ConnectorType object as a response.
ConnectorTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connector type objects.
ConnectorTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connector type objects.
ConnectorTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connector type objects.
ConnectorTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connector type objects.
ConnectorTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connector type objects.
ConnectorTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connector type objects.
ConsoleAuditLogStoreConnector provides a connector implementation for a console (stdout) audit log.
ConsoleAuditLogStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the console audit log store.
ConsolidatedDuplicatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with consolidated duplicates.
Constants for Open Metadata Types (names and guid)
A set of constants to use across mappings.
ContactDetailsBuilder is able to build the properties for a ContactDetails entity.
ContactDetailHandler manages the ContactDetails entity.
ContactMethodConverter generates a ContactMethodProperties bean from a ContactMethodProperties entity.
ContactMethodConverter generates a ContactMethodProperties bean from a ContactMethodProperties entity.
ContactMethodConverter generates a ContactMethodProperties bean from a ContactMethodProperties entity.
ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.
ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.
ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.
ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.
ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.
ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.
ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.
ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
ContactMethodRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on ContactMethod entities.
ContactMethodRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on ContactMethod entities.
ContactMethodRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on ContactMethod entities.
ContactMethodType specifies the contact mechanism to use to contact an individual.
ContactMethodType specifies the contact mechanism to use to contact an individual.
ContactMethodType specifies the contact mechanism to use to contact an individual.
The ContactMethodTypeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the contactMethodType valid value set for Coco Pharmaceuticals' employees.
The ContactTypeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the contactType valid value set for Coco Pharmaceuticals' employees.
Identifies a glossary term that describes a context where processing or decisions occur.
The ContributionRecord holds the information about an individual's contribution to the open metadata ecosystem.
The ContributionRecord holds the information about an individual's contribution to the open metadata ecosystem.
ContributionRecordBuilder is able to build the properties for a ContributionRecord entity.
ContributionRecordConverter generates a ContributionRecordProperties bean from a ContributionRecord entity.
ContributionRecordElement contains the properties and header for a contribution record retrieved from the metadata repository.
ContributionRecordElement contains the properties and header for a contribution record retrieved from the metadata repository.
ContributionRecordHandler manages the ContributionRecord entity that records the karma points for an individual.
ControlFlowConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a ControlFlowElement bean.
ControlFlowConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a ControlFlowElement bean.
ControlFlowElement contains the properties and header for a control flow relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
ControlFlowElement contains the properties and header for a control flow relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
ControlFlowElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
ControlFlowElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
ControlFlowElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of control flow relationships or an exception if the request failed.
ControlFlowElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of control flow relationships or an exception if the request failed.
ControlFlowProperties describe the properties for a control flow relationship.
ControlFlowProperties describe the properties for a control flow relationship.
ControlFlowRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements within processes.
ControlFlowRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements within processes.
Simple POJO that represents a Controlled Term
Simple POJO that represents a Controlled Term
ControlledGlossaryTermRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update controlled glossary term properties.
ControlledGlossaryTermRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update controlled glossary term properties.
The converter is used for creating and mapping required properties between different objects.
CountResponse defines the response structure for the OMAS REST API calls that returns a number as a response.
The CountryCodeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the CountryCode valid value set for Coco Pharmaceuticals' employees and locations.
CreateAssetTest calls the AssetOwnerClient to create an asset with attachments and then retrieve the results.
CreateAvroFileAssetSample creates a simple asset definition in the open metadata repositories for a file.
CreateConnectionTest calls the ConnectionClient to create a connection with endpoints and connectorTypes and then retrieve the results.
CreateConnectionTest calls the ConnectionClient to create a connection with endpoints and connectorTypes and then retrieve the results.
CreateConnectionTest calls the ConnectionClient to create a connection with endpoints and connectorTypes and then retrieve the results.
CreateConnectionTest calls the ConnectionClient to create a connection with endpoints and connectorTypes and then retrieve the results.
CreateCSVFileAssetSample creates a simple asset definition in the open metadata repositories for a file.
CreateDatabaseTest calls the DataAssetClient to create a database with schemas tables and columns and then retrieve the results.
CreateDatabaseTest calls the AssetOwner client to create a database with schemas tables and columns and then retrieve the results.
CreateDatabaseTest calls the DatabaseManagerClient to create a database with schemas tables and columns and then retrieve the results.
CreateDefinitionTest manages governance definitions.
CreateDuplicatesTest calls the GovernanceContextClient to create different types of duplicates and then retrieve the results with different options.
CreateEngineTest calls the EngineManagerClient to create a database with schemas tables and columns and then retrieve the results.
CreateTopicTest calls the EventBrokerClient to create a topic with schemas tables and nested attributes and then retrieve the results.
CreateExchangeGlossaryTest calls the GlossaryExchangeClient to create a glossary with categories and terms and then retrieve the results.
CreateGovernanceZoneSample illustrates the use of the Governance Program OMAS API to create governance zones for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
CreateLocationsTest calls the LocationManagement to create a site location with nested facilities and then retrieve the results.
CreateLocationsTest calls the LocationManagement to create a site location with nested facilities and then retrieve the results.
CreateExchangeGlossaryTest calls the GlossaryManagementClient to create a glossary with categories and terms and then retrieve the results.
CreateMetadataSourceTest calls the MetadataSourceClient to check that metadata sources can be created for third party sources of user information.
CreateProfileTest calls the ProfileManagerClient to create a database with schemas tables and columns and then retrieve the results.
CreateSchemasTest builds complex schema structures.
CreateSchemasTest builds complex schema structures.
CreateSubjectAreasSample illustrates the use of the Governance Program OMAS API to create subject areas for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
CreateValidValuesSetTest calls the ValidValueManagement to create a valid values set with nested definitions and then retrieve the results.
CreateValidValuesSetTest calls the ValidValueManagement to create a valid values set with nested definitions and then retrieve the results.
CreateValidValuesSetTest calls the ReferenceDataManager to create a valid values set with nested definitions and then retrieve the results.
Defines how critical the related data items are to the organization.
CriticalityGovernanceClassification defines how critical the related data items are to the organization.
CriticalityGovernanceClassification defines how critical the related data items are to the organization.
Defines how important a data item is to the organization.
CriticalityLevel defines how important a data item is to the organization.
Mapping methods to map between Criticality and the omrs equivalents.
CSVFile is a java bean used to create CSVFiles associated with the external data engine.
CSVFileAssetOwner provides specialist methods for working with CSV files.
The CSVFileConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the CSV File Connector.
CSVFileReaderSample illustrates the use of the Asset Consumer OMAS API to create connectors to CSV files.
CSVFileStore defines the specific connector api for working with CSV files.
CSVFileStoreConnector works with structured files to retrieve simple tables of data.
CSVFileStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the structured file store connector.
The CSVLineageImporterAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The CSVLineageImporterErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Basic File Connector.
CSVSurveyService is a survey action service implementation for analysing CSV Files to columns and profile the data in them.
CSVSurveyServiceProvider provides the connector provider for the CSV Survey Action Service
CyberLocation indicates that a location is a cyber location rather than a physical location.
DataAssetElement contains the properties and header for an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
DataAssetElement contains the properties and header for an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
DataAssetElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
DataAssetElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of assets or an exception if the request failed.
DataAssetExchangeClient is the client for managing Data Assets, Schemas and Connections.
DataAssetExchangeClient is the server-side for managing Data Assets.
DataAssetExchangeInterface provides methods to define data assets, their schemas and connections, along with supporting objects, and lineage.
DataAssetExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for data asset such as data sets.
DataAssetExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for relational databases.
DataAssetExchangeService is the context for managing data assets and associated elements such as schemas.
PlatformManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain software server platforms and their related objects.
DataAssetExchangeInterface provides methods to define data assets.
DataAssetProperties is a java bean used to create assets associated with the external asset manager.
DataAssetProperties is a java bean used to create assets associated with the IT Infrastructure.
DataAssetRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update asset properties.
Database is a java bean used to create Databases associated with the external data engine.
DatabaseColumnConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DatabaseColumn bean.
DatabaseColumnConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DatabaseColumnElement bean.
DatabaseColumnElement contains the properties and header for a database column entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
DatabaseColumnProperties describes the properties of a database column.
DatabaseColumnResponse is a response object for passing back a single database column element or an exception if the request failed.
DatabaseColumnsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database columns or an exception if the request failed.
DatabaseColumnTypeElement contains the properties and header for a database column type entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
DatabaseConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Database bean.
DatabaseConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DatabaseElement bean.
DatabaseElement contains the properties and header for a database entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
The database schema event of Data Engine OMAS.
DatabaseForeignKeyProperties describes a foreign key relationship between two columns in different tables in a database.
DatabaseIntegrationModuleBase abstracts the process of synchronizing relational metadata from Apache Atlas, so it is independent of the actual Apache Atlas types.
DatabaseIntegrator is the client library for the Database Integrator OMIS's REST API.
DatabaseIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Database Integrator OMIS.
The DatabaseIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
DatabaseIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Database Integrator OMIS.
DatabaseIntegratorContext is the context for managing resources from a relational database server.
DatabaseIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of the DataManagerIntegrator integration service
The DatabaseIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
DatabaseIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
DatabaseIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
DatabaseManagerClient is the client for managing resources from a relational database server.
DatabaseManagerConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SoftwareCapabilityElement bean.
DatabaseManagerInterface defines the client side interface for the Data Manager OMAS that is relevant for relational database assets.
DatabaseManagerProperties describes the DBMS capability of a database server
DatabaseManagerRequestBody describes the basic properties of a database manager's software server capability.
DatabaseManagerRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for relational databases.
DatabaseManagerRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for relational databases.
DatabasePrimaryKeyProperties describes the properties of a primary key.
DatabaseProperties is a class for representing a generic database.
DatabaseQueryProperties describes the properties of query that is used to derive a column in a database.
DatabaseReport illustrates the use of the Data Manager OMAS API to search for and display the metadata describing a database.
DatabaseRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update databases.
DatabaseResponse is a response object for passing back a single database element or an exception if the request failed.
DatabaseSchema is a java bean used to create DatabaseSchemas associated with the external data engine.
DatabaseSchemaConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DatabaseSchema bean.
DatabaseSchemaConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DatabaseSchemaElement bean.
DatabaseSchemaElement contains the properties and header for a deployed database schema asset entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
The database schema event of Data Engine OMAS.
DatabaseSchemaProperties is a class for representing the top level database schema.
DatabaseSchemaRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update database schemas.
DatabaseSchemaResponse is a response object for passing back a single database schema element or an exception if the request failed.
DatabaseSchemasResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database schemas or an exception if the request failed.
DatabaseSchemaTypeProperties is a java bean used to create the database schema type associated with the database.
DatabasesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of databases or an exception if the request failed.
DatabaseTableConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a RelationalTable bean.
DatabaseTableConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an DatabaseTable bean.
DatabaseTableElement contains the properties and header for a database table entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
DatabaseTableProperties is a class for representing a relational database table.
DatabaseTableResponse is a response object for passing back a single database table element or an exception if the request failed.
DatabaseTablesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database tables or an exception if the request failed.
Creates the database root of the metadata structure the follows
TabularColumnConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a TabularColumnElement bean.
DatabaseViewElement contains the properties and header for a database view entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
DatabaseViewProperties is a class for representing a relational database view.
DatabaseViewResponse is a response object for passing back a single database view element or an exception if the request failed.
DatabaseViewsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database views or an exception if the request failed.
DataClassAnnotation recommends a data class that potentially matches this data field.
DataClassAnnotation recommends a data class that potentially matches this data field.
The DataClassAssignmentStatus defines the status of the relationship between a data class and an element that represents data.
DataContainerConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DataContainerElement bean.
DataContainerElement contains the properties and header for a data container entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
SchemaAttributeProperties represents a data field that is part of a complex schema type.
DataContainerRequestBody describes the properties of the data container plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
DataContainerResponse is a response object for passing back a single data container element or an exception if the request failed.
DataContainersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of data containers or an exception if the request failed.
DataContentForDataSetProperties defines a query on an asset that returns all or part of the values for a dataset.
DataContentForDataSetProperties defines a query on an asset that returns all or part of the values for a dataset.
DataDiscoveryAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Data Discovery OMVS.
The DataDiscoveryAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
DataDiscoveryInstance caches references to the objects it needs for a specific server.
DataDiscoveryInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
DataDiscoveryRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The DataDiscoveryResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the Data Discovery OMVS.
The DataDiscoveryRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Data Discovery Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
DataEngineAdmin is the class that is called by the OMAG Server to initialize and terminate the Data Engine OMAS.
The DataEngineAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
DataEngineClient provides the client-side interface for a data engine tool to create processes with ports, schemas and relationships.
DataEngineCollectionHandler manages collection objects.
DataEngineCommonHandler manages objects from the property server.
DataEngineConnectionAndEndpointHandler manages Connection and Endpoint objects from the property server.
Base implementation of a Data Engine Connector, implementing all the required methods any Data Engine Connector is expected to provide (via the DataEngineInterface).
The DataEngineConnectorProviderBase provides a base class for the connector provider supporting Data Engine Connectors.
DataFileHandler manages DataFile objects from the property server.
The DataEngineErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Data Engine OMAS Services.
DataEngineEventClient implements Data Engine client side events interface using provided topic connector.
DataEngineEventHeader provides a common base for all events from the Data Engine access service.
The Data Engine event processor is processing events from external data engines about metadata changes.
DataEngineEventType describes the different types of events can be consumed by the Data Engine OMAS.
DataEngineEventTypeHandler manages event type objects.
Manages find operations for DataEngine related objects
FolderHierarchyHandler manages FileFolder objects from the property server.
DataEngineInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the access service instances.
Required methods expected to be implemented by any Data Engine Connector.
DataEngineInTopicClientConnector is the java implementation of the client side connector that send events to the Data Engine OMAS input topic.
The DataEngineInTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting DataEngine topic connectors.
The Data Engine in topic processor is listening events from external data engines about metadata changes.
DataEngineOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Data Engine OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
PortHandler manages Port objects from the property server.
ProcessHandler manages Process objects from the property server.
The DataEngineProxyAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
DataEngineProxyConfig caches the properties that are used to setup up the connector to a Data Engine Proxy in the server.
The DataEngineProxyErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Data Engine Proxy.
DataEngineProxyException provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Data Engine Proxy.
DataEngineProxyOperationalServices is responsible for controlling the startup and shutdown of of the Data Engine Proxies.
DataEngineProxyResource provides the API for configuring a data engine proxy in an OMAG server.
Class to handle periodically polling a Data Engine for changes, for those data engines that do not provide any event-based mechanism to notify on changes.
The Data engine registration event for registering external source as engine.
DataEngineRegistrationHandler manages Engine objects from external data engines.
DataEngineRegistrationRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update engines.
DataEngineRelationalDataHandler manages Databases and RelationalTables objects from the property server.
The DataEngineResource provides the server-side implementation of the Data Engine Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The Data Engine Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) provides an interface for data engine tools to create processes with ports, schemas and relationships.
DataEngineRESTConfigurationClient provides an extension to the client-side REST interface for obtaining Data Engine access service configuration specifics.
The DataEngineRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Data Engine Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
DataEngineSchemaAttributeHandler manages schema attributes objects from the property server.
DataEngineSchemaTypeHandler manages schema types objects from the property server.
DataEngineServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
DataEngineTopicHandler manages topic objects.
DataField describes a single data field (column, attribute or property) discovered during the analysis of an asset.
DataFieldAnnotation is a common base class for annotations that are attached to a data field.
DataFieldAnnotation is a common base class for annotations that are attached to a data field.
DataFieldConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DataFieldElement bean.
DataFieldElement contains the properties and header for a data field entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
Handler for data fields which are part of discovery reports.
DataFieldLink describes the properties of a peer to peer relationship between data fields.
DataFieldProperties is a class for representing a data field within a Form, Report or Que
DataFieldQueryProperties is used to provide the properties that can be used to extract an element by the data values classification.
DataFieldQueryProperties is used to provide the properties that can be used to extract an element by the data values classification.
DataFieldRequestBody describes the properties of the data field plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
DataFieldResponse is a response object for passing back a single data field element or an exception if the request failed.
DataFieldsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of data fields or an exception if the request failed.
DataFieldValuesProperties is used to provide the characterizations of the data values stored in a data field described by the attached element.
DataFieldValuesProperties is used to provide the characterizations of the data values stored in a data field described by the attached element.
DataFile is a java bean used to create DataFiles associated with the external data engine.
DataFileConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DataFileElement bean.
DataFileConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DataFile bean.
DataFileConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a DataFileElement bean.
DataFileElement contains the properties and header for a data file retrieved from the metadata repository.
The data file event of Data Engine OMAS.
DataFileProperties describes the property of a single data file.
DataFileRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update data files.
DataFileRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new file asset.
DataFileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a file.
DataFilesMonitorIntegrationConnector monitors a file directory and catalogues the files it finds.
DataFilesMonitorIntegrationProvider is the OCF connector provider for the Data Files Monitor Integration Connector.
DataFilesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database views or an exception if the request failed.
DataFlow is a java bean used to create data flow relationships.
DataFlowConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a DataFlowElement bean.
DataFlowConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a DataFlowElement bean.
DataFlowElement contains the properties and header for a data flow relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
DataFlowElement contains the properties and header for a data flow relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
DataFlowElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
DataFlowElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
DataFlowElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.
DataFlowElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of data flow relationships or an exception if the request failed.
DataFlowProperties describe the properties for a data flow relationship.
DataFlowProperties describe the properties for a data flow relationship.
DataFlowRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements within processes.
DataFlowRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements within processes.
The Data Flows event of Data Engine OMAS.
DataFlowsRequestBody describes the request body used to create data flow relationships
DataFolderConnector works with folders to retrieve simple objects.
The DataFolderConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Data Folder Connector.
DataFolderMonitorIntegrationConnector monitors a file directory that is linked to a DataFolder asset and maintains the update time of the DataFolder each time one of the files or embedded directories change in some way.
DataFolderMonitorIntegrationProvider is the OCF connector provider for the Data Folder Monitor Integration Connector.
DataFolderProvider is the OCF connector provider for the data folder connector.
DataFileRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new file asset.
DataItemSortOrder is used for schema attributes that may have multiple instances.
DataItemSortOrder is used for schema attributes that may have multiple instances.
DataManagerAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Data Manager OMAS.
The DataManagerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
DataManagerBaseClient supports the common properties and functions for the Data Manager OMAS.
The DataManagerErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Data Manager OMAS Services.
DataManagerEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Data Manager OMAS Out Topic.
DataManagerEventHeader provides a common base for all events from the access service.
DataManagerEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the configuration events produced by the Data Manager OMAS.
DataManagerEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Data Manager OMAS's out topic.
DataManagerInterface provides the interface for retrieving the identity of an external data manager.
DataManagerOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Data Manager OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
DataManagerOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Data Manager OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
DataManagerOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Data Manager beans converters.
DataManagerOMASFVTSuite provides the main program for the Data Manager OMAS Functional Verification Tests (FVTs).
DataManagerOMASRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
Server-side REST API support for data manager independent REST endpoints
DataManagerOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
DataManagerOutboundEvent describes the structure of the events emitted by the Data Manager OMAS.
DataManagerOutboundEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Data Manager OMAS.
DataManagerOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Data Manager OMAS's OutTopic.
The DataManagerOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting DataManagerOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
DataManagerOutTopicPublisher is responsible for sending events on the Data Manager OMAS's out topic.
DataManagerOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Data Manager OMAS's OutTopic.
The DataManagerOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting DataManagerOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
DataManagerRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
The DataManagerRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services that are generic for all types of data managers.
DataManagerServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
The DataManagerValidValuesResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the ValidValueManagementInterface.
DataPrivacyAdmin manages the start-up and shutdown of the Data Privacy OMAS.
The DataPrivacyAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
DataPrivacyElementHeader provides a common base for all instance information from the access service.
The DataPrivacyErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Data Privacy OMAS Services.
DataPrivacyEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Data Privacy OMAS.
DataPrivacyOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Data Privacy OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
DataPrivacyOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
DataPrivacyRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The DataPrivacyResource provides the server-side implementation of the Data Privacy Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The DataPrivacyRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Data Privacy Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
DataPrivacyServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
DataProcessingEngineProperties describes an engine.
DataProcessingEngineRequestBody describes the basic properties of a data processing engine's software server capability.
DataProfileAnnotation holds properties that describe the characteristics of a specific field within a data source.
DataProfileLogAnnotation is an annotation that is used when the profile data generated is too big to store in the metadata server and has been located in log files instead.
DataScienceAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Stewardship Action OMAS.
The DataScienceAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The DataScienceErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Data Science OMAS Services.
DataScienceOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Data Science OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
DataScienceOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Data Science OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
DataScienceOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
DataScienceRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The DataScienceResource provides the server-side implementation of the Data Science Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The DataScienceRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Stewardship Action Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
DataScienceServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
DataSetProperties is a class for representing a generic data set.
DataSetProperties is a class for representing a generic data set.
DataSourceMeasurementAnnotation describes properties that describe the characteristics of the data source as a whole.
DataSourceMeasurementAnnotation describes properties that describe the physical characteristics of a data source.
DataStore is a java bean used to create DataStore associated with the external data engine.
The DataStoreDefinition is used to feed the definition of the organization's data stores for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
DataStoreProperties is a class for representing a generic data store.
DataStoreProperties provides the JavaBean for describing a data store.
DataStoreProperties is a class for representing a generic data store.
Identifies that this glossary term describes a data value.
DaysOfWeekGovernanceActionConnector uses the current time to output the day of the week as a guard.
DaysOfWeekGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the "Days Of the Week" Governance Action Service.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
Transaction function for removing a classification to an entity.
Transaction function for removing a classification to an entity.
Transaction function for removing a classification to an entity.
DedicatedTopicList returns the names of the topics used for the dedicated topic structure.
DedicatedTopicListResponse returns the names of the topics used for the dedicated topic structure.
The OMAS client library implementation of the Subject Area OMAS.
Future that starts out as unfinished can can be delegated to a different Future once processing takes place.
Transaction function for soft-deleting an entity.
The delete event of Data Engine OMAS.
Base transaction function for deleting instances.
Transaction function for soft-deleting a relationship.
DeleteRequestBody describes the request body used to delete an entity.
DeleteRequestBody provides a structure for passing the qualified name of an object to be deleted.
DeleteSemantic defines the different types of delete for an entity HARD - Hard-delete strategy.
Properties used to configure the demo users authentication service.
Return details of the users defined in the demo users yaml file.
An asset that is a DeployedAPI has a schema made up of operations.
An asset's schema provides information about how the asset structures the data it supports.
DeployedCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a SupportedSoftwareCapability relationship retrieved from the repository.
DeployedImplementationType describes the standard deployed implementation types supplied with Egeria.
DeploymentElement contains the properties and header for a DeployedOn relationship retrieved from the repository.
DeploymentManagementInterface describes the deployment of IT infrastructure assets.
DeploymentProperties describes the properties for the DeployedOn relationship between an IT Infrastructure asset and a destination asset.
DeploymentProperties describes the properties for the DeployedOn relationship between an IT Infrastructure asset and a destination asset.
DeploymentRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with the relationships between software server platforms and hosts.
The DeptDefinition is used to feed the definition of the organization's departments for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTarget defines a query on a schema element that returns all or part of the value for a derived schema type.
DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTargetProperties defines a query on a schema element that returns all or part of the value for a derived schema type.
DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTargetProperties defines a query on a schema element that returns all or part of the value for a derived schema type.
DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTargetProperties defines a query on a schema element that returns all or part of the value for a derived schema type.
DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTargetRequestBody describes the properties of a query target plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
DesignModelAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Design Model OMAS.
DesignModelArchiveBuilder creates the open metadata compliant instances for content that is typically found in a common/standard design model.
The DesignModelAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The DesignModelErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Design Model OMAS Services.
DesignModelOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Design Model OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
DesignModelOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Design Model OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
DesignModelOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
DesignModelRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The DesignModelResource provides the server-side implementation of the Design Model Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The DesignModelRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Design Model Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
DesignModelServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
DevOpsAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Stewardship Action OMAS.
The DevOpsAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The DevOpsErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the DevOps OMAS Services.
DevOpsOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for DevOps OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
DevOpsOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for DevOps OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
DevOpsOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
DevOpsRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The DevOpsResource provides the server-side implementation of the DevOps Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The DevOpsRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Stewardship Action Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
DevOpsServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
General class for capturing differences.
Defines the valid values for the differences.
DigitalArchitectureAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Digital Architecture OMAS.
The DigitalArchitectureAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The DigitalArchitectureErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Digital Architecture OMAS Services.
DigitalArchitectureEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Digital Architecture OMAS Out Topic.
DigitalArchitectureEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the events produced by the Digital Architecture OMAS
DigitalArchitectureEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Digital Architecture OMAS.
DigitalArchitectureEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Digital Architecture OMAS.
DigitalArchitectureOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Digital Architecture OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
DigitalArchitectureOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Data Manager beans converters.
DigitalArchitectureOMASFVT provides the main program for the Digital Architecture OMAS Functional Verification Tests (FVTs).
DigitalArchitectureOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
DigitalArchitectureOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Digital Architecture OMAS's OutTopic.
The DigitalArchitectureOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting DigitalArchitectureOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
DigitalArchitectureOutTopicEvent describes the structure of the events emitted by the Digital Architecture OMAS that are about assets.
DigitalArchitectureOutTopicPublisher is responsible for sending events on the IT Infrastructure OMAS's out topic.
DigitalArchitectureOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Digital Architecture OMAS's OutTopic.
The DigitalArchitectureOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting DigitalArchitectureOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
DigitalArchitectureRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The DigitalArchitectureResource provides the server-side implementation of the Digital Architecture Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
DigitalArchitectureRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs and managing exceptions returned in the responses.
The DigitalArchitectureRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Digital Architecture Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
DigitalArchitectureServicesInstance caches references to the runtime objects for a specific server.
DigitalLocationProperties carries the parameters for marking a location as a digital (cyber) location.
DigitalLocationRequestBody carries the parameters for marking a location as a digital (cyber) location.
DigitalProductProperties describes the properties that describe a digital product.
The InstanceStatus defines the status of an instance (classification, relationship or an entity) in the metadata collection.
DigitalRolesInterface covers the definition of person roles and their appointments.
DigitalService is an anchor object for tracking the lifecycle of one of an organization's digital service.
DigitalServiceAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Stewardship Action OMAS.
The DigitalServiceAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
DigitalServiceBaseClient supports the common properties and functions for the Digital Service OMAS.
FileSystemBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a file system definition.
Provide base converter functions for the Digital Service OMAS.
DigitalServiceDependencyDirection documents the direction of the digital service dependency graph.
The DigitalServiceDependencyGraph is used to return a dependency graph for a digital service.
DigitalServiceDependencyProperties describes a dependency relationship between two digital services.
DigitalServiceElement contains the properties and header for a digital service entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
The Egeria DigitalServiceProperties entity handler.
The DigitalServiceErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the DigitalServiceProperties OMAS Services.
DigitalServiceEventHeader provides a common base for all events from the access service.
DigitalServiceImplementationStyle characterizes the implementation style of the digital service.
DigitalServiceListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of digital service elements.
DigitlaServiceMapper provides property name mapping for Egeria Digital Service.
DigitalServiceOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for DigitalServiceProperties OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
DigitalServiceOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for DigitalServiceProperties OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
DigitalServiceOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
DigitalServiceOperatorProperties describes the scope of responsibilities that an organization has in operating a digital service.
DigitalServiceOutboundEvent describes the structure of the events emitted by the Data Manager OMAS.
DigitalServiceOutboundEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Digital Architecture OMAS.
DigitalServiceProperties is an object for tracking the lifecycle of one of an organization's digital services.
DigitalServiceRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The DigitalServiceResource provides the server-side implementation of the DigitalServiceProperties Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
ValidValueResponse is a response object for passing back a single digital service object.
DigitalServiceResponsibility documents whether the digital service is a data controller or a data processor.
DigitalServiceResponsibility documents whether the digital service is a data controller or a data processor.
DigitalServiceRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
The DigitalServiceRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Digital Service Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
DigitalServiceServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
The DigitalServicesInterface supports the management of digital services.
DigitalServiceStatus tracks the life cycle of a digital service.
DigitalServiceStatus tracks the life cycle of a digital service.
DigitalServiceVisibility documents who can make use of a digital service.
DigitalServiceVisibility documents who can make use of a digital service.
DigitalSubscriptionProperties describes the agreement between a subscriber to one or more digital products.
DigitalSupportProperties describes the properties between a digital service and a business capability.
DinoViewAdmin is the class that is called by the UI Server to initialize and terminate the Dino OMVS.
The DinoAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The DinoViewErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the OMVS It is used in conjunction with all OMVS Exceptions.
The DinoViewHandler is initialised with the configured resource endpoints.
DinoViewInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
DinoViewOMVSAPIResponse provides a common header for the Dino OMVS managed rest to its REST API.
DinoViewRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The DinoViewRESTResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Dino Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The DinoViewRESTServices provides the implementation of the Dino Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
DinoViewServicesInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
DirectoryBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStore provides the mechanisms to store and retrieve files from the directory based open metadata archive store.
The DirectoryBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStoreConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the Audit Log.
The DirectoryBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStoreConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the DirectoryBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStoreConnector.
DirectoryBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the file based server configuration store.
DiscoveryAnalysisReport describes the properties for a discovery analysis report.
DiscoveryAnalysisReportStore provides a client to the open metadata repository that manages the content of the discovery analysis report.
The DiscoveryAnnotationStore provides the interface used by a discovery engine to store annotations in the annotation store.
DiscoveryAssetCatalogStore provides access to the asset catalog to enable it to step through the assets available in the asset catalog.
DiscoveryAssetStore defines the interface to a connector broker backed by a metadata store that returns information about the Asset that a Discovery Engine is to analyze.
DiscoveryConfigurationServer defines the external interface used to define information about a discovery engine.
DiscoveryContext provides the discovery service with access to information about the discovery request along with the open metadata repository interfaces.
DiscoveryEngine provides the interface for a discovery engine.
DiscoveryEngineException indicates there is a problem with a request to a specific discovery engine.
DiscoveryEngineProperties describe the properties needed to describe a specific discovery engine.
OpenMetadataAccess provides an interface to the open metadata store.
DiscoveryPipeline is a discovery service that is responsible for choreographing the discovery services passed on initializeEmbeddedConnectors.
DiscoveryRequestStatus defines the current status for a discovery request made to a discovery engine.
DiscoveryService describes a specific type of connector that is responsible for analyzing the content of a specific asset.
DiscoveryServiceException indicates there has been a problem running a discovery service.
DiscoveryServiceProperties contains the definition of a discovery service.
DiscoveryServiceProvider implements the base class for the connector provider for a discovery service.
DisplayApplicationClient is the client for managing reports from an Application that displays data to users.
ApplicationInterface defines the client side interface for the Data Manager OMAS that is relevant for form assets that provide data displays and other business functions to an organization.
DisplayApplicationResource is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for forms, reports and queries.
DisplayApplicationRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for forms.
DisplayDataContainerHandler manages the schemas for display data containers.
DisplayIntegrator is the client library for the Display Integrator OMIS's REST API.
DisplayIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Display Integrator OMIS.
The DisplayIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
DisplayIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Display Integrator OMIS.
DisplayIntegratorContext is the context for cataloging topics from a display application server.
DisplayIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of the DataManagerIntegrator integration service
The DisplayIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
DisplayIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
DisplayIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
Distributes audit log events from one or more embedded topic connectors to one or more embedded audit log destinations.
DistributeAuditEventsFromKafkaProvider is the connector provider for the LoadAuditEventsFromKafka connector that publishes insights about the audit log events being published to a kafka topic.
The DistributeKafkaAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The DistributeKafkaErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Kafka monitor integration connector.
The DocStoreErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the encrypted file based doc store.
The DocStoreErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the unencrypted file based doc store.
CSVDiscoveryService is a discovery service implementation for analysing the weekly measurements for the drop foot clinical trial.
DropFootWeeklyMeasurementsDiscoveryServiceProvider provides the connector provider for the Discovery Service that validates the weekly measurements file that the hospitals supply
CreateAssetTest calls the AssetOwnerClient to create an asset with with attachments and then retrieve the results.
CreateAssetTest calls the StewardshipActionClient to create an asset with with attachments and then retrieve the results.
DuplicateElement contains the header for PeerDuplicateLink relationship, its properties and the header of the peer element.
DuplicateEntityIterator retrieves the list of entities that need to be processed for a specific entity.
DuplicateManagementInterface defines the operations to manage the linking of elements that are duplicates of one another.
DuplicateManagementInterface defines methods that are used by governance services to manage duplicates in open metadata.
DuplicatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with duplicates.
DuplicatesProperties provides a structure for passing the properties associated with duplicates.
DuplicatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with duplicates.
DuplicatesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of duplicates.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
DynamicArchiveProvider implements the base class for the connector provider for an archive service.
The DynamicArchiveConnectorsAuditCode is used to define the message content for the Audit Log.
The DynamicArchiverConnectorsErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Basic File Connector.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
RequestType provides a template for defining the request type for a governance service.
DynamicArchiveService describes a specific type of connector that is responsible for managing the content of a specific open metadata archive.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
Edge describes a relationship in the lineage graph.
EditingGlossaryProperties is used to provide the properties for an EditingGlossary classification.
FVT resource to call subject area client APIs to test the effectivity dates
FVT resource to call Glossary Author View APIs to test the effectivity dates
ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an element as external with the effective time set up.
MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an element as external with the effective time set up.
EffectiveTimeRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EffectiveTimeRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
EgeriaCataloguerIntegrationConnector catalogues a deployment of Egeria.
EgeriaCataloguerIntegrationProvider is the connector provider for the Egeria infrastructure integration connector that catalogues Egeria's OMAG Server Platforms.
EgeriaConnectedAssetProperties is associated with a Connector.
The EgeriaInfrastructureConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The EgeriaInfrastructureConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Egeria infrastructure integration connector.
EgeriaPlatformReport illustrates the use of the Platform Services, Admin Services and Repository Services to pull together a report of an OMAG Server Platform's services and active servers.
EgeriaReport provides utilities to allow a report to print to the screen and create a markdown file at the same time.
ElasticsearchIntegrationConnector provides common methods for the connector in this module.
The ElasticsearchIntegrationConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
OpenAPIMonitorIntegrationProvider is the base class provider for the open API integration connector.
The ElasticsearchIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
Element object holds properties that are used for displaying details of an entity.
Element object holds properties that are used for displaying details of an entity.
ElementBase provides the common identifier and type information for all properties objects that link off of the asset and have a guid associated with them.
The ElementClassification bean describes a single classification associated with an element.
The ElementClassificationHeader bean describes the header for a classification associated with an element.
The ElementControlHeader bean provides details of the origin and changes associated with the element.
ElementHeader provides the common identifier and type information for all properties objects that link off of the asset and have a guid associated with them.
ElementHeaderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ElementHeader bean.
ElementHeaderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ElementHeader bean.
ElementHeaderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ElementHeader bean.
ElementHeaderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ElementHeader bean.
ElementHeaderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ElementHeader bean.
ElementHeaderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ElementHeader bean.
ElementHeaderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ElementHeader bean.
ElementHeaderConverter provides the root converter for the element beans.
ElementHeaderResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the header for a element.
ElementHeaderResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the header for a element.
ElementHeaderResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the header for a element.
ElementHeaderResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the header for a element.
ElementHeadersResponse is a response object for passing back a list of element headers or an exception if the request failed.
ElementHeadersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of element headers or an exception if the request failed.
ElementHeadersResponse is a response object for passing back a list of element headers or an exception if the request failed.
Request lineage from a specific node.
The ElementOrigin object holds information about the origin of the retrieved element.
The ElementType bean provides details of the type information associated with a metadata element.
The ElementOrigin object holds information about the origin of the retrieved element.
ElementOriginCategory defines where the metadata comes from.
The ElementProperties class provides support for properties to be added to a metadata element, classification or relationship instances.
Elements object is used to describe the elements returned by the search method
Elements object is used to describe the elements returned by the search method
The ElementStatus defines the status of an element in the metadata collection.
ElementStatusRequestBody describes the status of an asset.
ElementStub is used to identify an element.
ElementStubConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityProxy object into an ElementStub bean.
ElementStubConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityProxy object into an ElementStub bean.
ElementStubConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityProxy object into an ElementStub bean.
ElementStubConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityProxy object into an ElementStub bean.
ElementStubConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityProxy object into an ElementStub bean.
ElementStubListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
ElementStubListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
ElementStubResponse is a response object for passing back the header of a Referenceable element or an exception if the request failed.
ElementStubResponse is a response object for passing back the header of a Referenceable element or an exception if the request failed.
ElementStubResponse is a response object for passing back the header of a Referenceable element or an exception if the request failed.
ElementStubResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns element stub object as a response.
ElementStubsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of element stubs or an exception if the request failed.
ElementStubListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
ElementStubListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
ElementStubListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
ElementStubListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
ElementStubListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
ElementStubListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
The ElementType bean provides details of the type information associated with a metadata element.
ElementVersions provides the version information for the element plus details of the creation time and last update time.
The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection.
EmbeddedConnectionBuilder is able to build the properties for the relationship between a connection and its embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnectionProperties is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
EmbeddedConnectionProperties provides a facade for the properties of a Connection that is embedded in a VirtualConnection.
The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnectionRequestBody is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnectionRequestBody is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmbeddedConnectionRequestBody is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
The EmployeeTypeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the EmployeeType valid value set for Coco Pharmaceuticals' employees.
EncryptedFileBasedServerConfigStoreConnector is the OCF connector for the encrypted file based server configuration store.
EncryptedFileBasedServerConfigStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the encrypted file based server configuration store.
The Endpoint describes the network information necessary for a connector to connect to the server where the Asset is accessible from.
The Endpoint describes the network information necessary for a connector to connect to the server where the Asset is accessible from.
EndpointBuilder is able to build the properties for an Endpoint entity.
EndpointConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a EndpointElement bean.
EndpointConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a EndpointElement bean.
EndpointConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Endpoint bean.
EndpointConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a EndpointElement bean.
EndpointConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a EndpointElement bean.
EndpointConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a EndpointElement bean.
EndpointConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an Endpoint bean.
EndpointElement contains the properties and header for an endpoint retrieved from the metadata repository.
EndpointElement contains the properties and header for an endpoint retrieved from the metadata repository.
EndpointElement contains the properties and header for an endpoint retrieved from the metadata repository.
EndpointElement contains the properties and header for an endpoint retrieved from the metadata repository.
EndpointElement contains the properties and header for an endpoint retrieved from the metadata repository.
EndpointElement contains the properties and header for an endpoint retrieved from the metadata repository.
EndpointHandler manages Endpoint objects.
EndpointManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain connections and their related objects.
EndpointManagerInterface provides methods to define endpoints.
EndpointProperties describes the properties of a server endpoint.
EndpointProperties describes the properties of a server endpoint.
EndpointProperties describes the properties of a server endpoint.
EndpointProperties describes the properties of a server endpoint.
EndpointProperties describes the properties of a server endpoint.
EndpointProperties describes the properties of a server endpoint.
The Endpoint describes the network information necessary for a connector to connect to the server where the Asset is accessible from.
EndpointRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update endpoint properties.
EndpointRequestBody carries the parameters for describing an endpoint.
EndpointRequestBody carries the parameters for describing an endpoint.
EndpointRequestBody carries the parameters for describing an endpoint.
EndpointResponse is a response object for passing back a single endpoint object.
EndpointResponse is a response object for passing back a single endpoint object.
EndpointResponse is a response object for passing back a single endpoint object.
EndpointResponse is a response object for passing back a single endpoint object.
EndpointResponse is a response object for passing back a single endpoint object.
EndpointResponse is a response object for passing back a single endpoint object.
EndpointsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of endpoint objects.
EndpointsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of endpoint objects.
EndpointsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of endpoint objects.
EndpointsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of endpoint objects.
EndpointsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of endpoint objects.
EndpointsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of endpoint objects.
Engine is a java bean used to create the external data engine.
EngineActionBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents an engine action.
EngineActionConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Governance Action bean.
EngineActionElement contains the properties and header for a EngineAction entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents the execution of a call to a governance engine.
EngineActionElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a EngineAction element object as a response.
EngineActionElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of EngineActionElement objects as a response.
EngineActionEvent is used to inform the engine that there is an engine action to run.
EngineActionHandler manages EngineAction objects from the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
EngineActionStatus defines the current status for a engine action.
EngineActionStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing a new EngineActionStatus.
EngineConfig provides the properties to configure a single governance engine in an service (in an engine hosting server).
EngineConfigurationRefreshThread is the class responsible for establishing the listener for configuration updates.
EngineConfigurationResource provides the Spring wrapper for the Governance Engine Configuration Services
GovernanceEngineClient is a client-side library for calling a specific governance engine with a governance server.
EngineHostConfigurationClient provides the configuration services for Engine Host OMAG Servers.
IntegrationDaemonInstance maintains the instance information needed to execute requests on behalf of an integration daemon.
EngineHostOperationalServices is responsible for controlling the startup and shutdown of the engine host services.
EngineHostRESTClient is responsible for issuing the REST API calls
AssetAnalysisRESTServices provides the external service implementation for a governance engine.
The EngineHostServicesAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
EngineHostServicesConfig provides the properties to configure an engine host OMAG server.
The EngineHostServicesErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Engine Host Services.
EngineHostServicesResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
EngineHostServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of engine services that are configured for an engine host OMAG Server.
EngineHostServicesViewResource provides the configuration for setting up an Engine Host.
EngineServiceAdmin is the interface that an engine service implements to receive its configuration.
EngineServiceConfig provides the properties to configure a single engine service in an engine hosting server.
EngineServiceConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a EngineServiceConfig object as a response.
EngineServiceDescription provides a list of registered engine services.
EngineServiceRegistrationEntry is used by an engine service to register its admin services interface.
EngineServiceRequestBody passes the minimum information to set up an engine service.
EnterpriseAccessConfig describes the properties that control the enterprise access services that the OMRS provides to the Open Metadata Access Services (OMASs).
EnterpriseOMRSConnection provides a valid connection for the EnterpriseOMRSConnector.
EnterpriseOMRSConnectorProperties provides information about the connections and the metadata collections that the EnterpriseOMRSRepositoryConnector is retrieving information from.
In the Open Connector Framework (OCF), a ConnectorProvider is a factory for a specific type of connector.
EnterpriseOMRSRepositoryConnector supports federating calls to multiple metadata repositories.
EnterpriseRepositoryServicesClient provides a client interface for calling the enterprise repository services in a remote server.
EnterpriseRepositoryServicesResource provides the server-side support for the OMRS Repository REST Services API calls that are directed to an enterprise connector.
EntitiesAccumulator accumulates and validates entities received from a collection of open metadata repositories.
EntityConflictException provides a checked exception for reporting that an entity can not be added because it conflicts with an entity already stored.
EntityCreateRequest carries the properties needed to create a new entity.
EntityDef describes a type of entity in the metadata collection.
EntityDetail stores all the type-specific properties for the entity.
ClassificationAccumulator accumulates and validates an entity received from a collection of open metadata repositories.
Capture the differences between EntityDetail objects.
This class provides a mapping between OMRS object EntityDetail and Subject Area OMAS object Node.
Maps the properties of EntityDetails between persistence and objects.
EntityDetailResponse describes the response structure for an OMRS REST API that returns an EntityDetail object.
Converts an OMRS EntityDetail into this OMAS's GlossaryViewEntityDetail
EntityFindRequest restricts a find request to entities with specific classifications.
EntityHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.
EntityHistoryAccumulator accumulates and validates historical versions of entities received from a collection of open metadata repositories.
EntityListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of EntityDetail objects.
EntityNeighborhoodFindRequest adds the ability to restrict a neighborhood find request to only traversing specific relationship types.
TypeLimitedHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.
The EntityNotDeletedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when an entity is not deleted value.
EntityNotDeletedException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when a request is made to purge or restore a specific entity instance and the entity is not in DELETED status.
The EntityNotKnownException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when a specific entity instance is requested but this entity is not known in the metadata collection.
EntityPropertyFindRequests restricts a find request to entities with specific classifications.
EntityPropertyHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.
EntityProxy summarizes an entity instance.
Capture the differences between EntityProxy objects.
Maps the properties of EntityProxies between persistence and objects.
The EntityProxyOnlyException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when a specific entity instance is requested but this only a proxy version of the entity is in the metadata collection.
EntitySummary provides the basic header attributes for an open metadata entity.
ClassificationAccumulator accumulates and validates an entity received from a collection of open metadata repositories.
Capture the differences between EntitySummary objects.
Maps the properties of EntitySummaries between persistence and objects.
EntitySummaryResponse describes the response structure for an OMRS REST API that returns an EntitySummary object.
The EnumDef describes an open metadata enumeration.
EnumElementDef describes a single valid value defined for an enum.
An EnumPropertyValue stores the value for an enum property.
Maps singular EnumPropertyValues between persistence and objects.
EnumSchemaType describes a schema element that has a a fixed set of values.
EnumSchemaTypeProperties carries the specialized parameters for creating or updating enum schema types.
EnumSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
An EnumTypePropertyValue stores the value for an enum property.
EnvVarSecretsStoreConnector retrieves secrets from environment variables.
EnvVarSecretsStoreProvider is the connector provider for the Apache Atlas integration connector that publishes glossary terms to Apache Atlas.
A thread-safe way of capturing errors for a given transaction for error-handling purposes across threads.
EvaluateAnnotationsGovernanceActionConnector is currently a placeholder for a governance action service that will look through the annotations from a survey report and set up guards to drive actions that process the different types.
EvaluateAnnotationsGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the "Evaluate Annotations" Governance Action Service.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
EventBrokerClient is the client for managing topics from an Event Manager.
EventBrokerInterface defines the client side interface for the Data Manager OMAS that is relevant for topic assets that provide event-based services.
EventBrokerProperties describes the server than manages the exchange of events between independent services.
EventBrokerRequestBody describes the basic properties of a event broker's software server capability.
EventBrokerResource is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for topics.
EventBrokerRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for topics.
EventBusConfig caches the default properties that are used to set up event-based connectors in the server.
EventBusConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a EventBusConfig object as a response.
EventDisplayAuditLogStoreConnector provides a connector implementation for a console (stdout) audit log.
EventDisplayAuditLogStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the console audit log store.
TabularColumnProperties is a class for representing a column within a table type structure.
EventTopicAuditLogStoreConnector provides a connector implementation for an event topic audit log destination.
EventTopicAuditLogStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the event topic audit log store destination.
The EventType type
EventTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a EventType bean.
EventTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from EventTypeElement.
EventTypeElement contains the properties and header for a EventType entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
The event type event of Data Engine OMAS.
EventTypeHandler provides the exchange of metadata about EventType schema types between the repository and the OMAS.
EventTypeProperties is a class for representing the top-level element for an event.
EventTypeProperties is a class for representing the top-level element for an event's schema.
EventTypeRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update event types.
EventTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the event type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
EventTypeResponse is a response object for passing back a single EventType element or an exception if the request failed.
EventTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of EventTypes or an exception if the request failed.
ExceptionAccumulatorBase collections exception responses from multiple queries.
The ExceptionBean is used to capture an exception in JSON
Exception handler used to capture OMRSCheckedExceptionBase and AssetCatalogException
ExceptionMessageDefinition extends MessageDefinition to provide a container that describes a single instance of a message for an exception.
ExceptionMessageSet is the interface implemented by an enum that contains the collection of message definitions for a component's exceptions.
ExceptionMessageSetTest is a base class for unit test cases that are validating exception message sets.
ExchangeClientBase provides the base class for the clients called XXXXExchangeClient
ExecutionPointElement is the bean used to return an execution point definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
ExecutionPointProperties describes the behavior of a component that automates a governance action.
ExternalAssetManagerClient is the client for setting up the SoftwareServerCapabilities that represent asset managers.
ExternalAssetManagerInterface provides the interface for retrieving the identity of an external asset manager.
ExternalDataEnginePropertiesBuilder is able to build the properties for an Engine entity.
ExternalGlossaryElementLinkElement contains the properties and header for a link to a equivalent external glossary category retrieved from the metadata repository.
ExternalGlossaryLinkProperties describes the properties of URL link to a remote glossary.
ExternalGlossaryElementLinkRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update links to external glossary elements.
Simple POJO that represents an External Glossary Link
Simple POJO that represents an External Glossary Link
ExternalGlossaryLinkElement contains the properties and header for a link to a equivalent external glossary retrieved from the metadata repository.
ExternalGlossaryLinkElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of external glossary links or an exception if the request failed.
ExternalGlossaryLinkProperties describes the properties of URL link to a remote glossary.
ExternalGlossaryLinkRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update links to external glossary elements.
ExternalIdentifier stores information about an identifier for the asset that is used in an external system.
GlossaryConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a GlossaryElement bean.
ExternalIdentifierConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Referenceable bean.
ExternalIdentifierHandler manages ExternalIdentifier objects.
ExternalIdentifierManagerInterface provides the interface for managing external identifiers.
ExternalIdentifierProperties describes the properties used to pass information about an external identifier.
ExternalIdentifiers supports an iterator over a list of external identifiers.
ExternalIdentifiersResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of ExternalIdentifier objects as a response.
ExternalReference stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this asset.
ExternalReferenceBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents an external reference.
ExternalReferenceConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ExternalReferenceElement bean.
ExternalReferenceConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ExternalReferenceElement.
ExternalReferenceConverter generates an ExternalReferenceProperties bean from an ExternalReferenceProperties entity and a Relationship to it.
ExternalReferenceConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ExternalReferenceElement.
ExternalReferenceConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Referenceable bean.
ExternalReferenceElement stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
ExternalReferenceElement stores information about a link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
ExternalReferenceElement stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
ExternalReferenceElement stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
ExternalReferenceElement stores information about a link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
ExternalReferenceElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
ExternalReferenceElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
ExternalReferenceExchangeClient is the client for managing external references.
ExternalReferenceExchangeHandler is the server side handler for managing externalReference content.
GlossaryExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for glossaries.
ExternalReferenceExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for glossaries.
DataAssetExchangeService is the context for managing data assets and associated elements such as schemas.
ExternalReferenceHandler manages ExternalReference objects.
ExternalReferenceIdRequestBody provides a structure for the unique external reference identifier.
ExternalReferenceIdRequestBody provides a structure for the unique external reference identifier.
ExternalReferenceConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ExternalReferenceElement bean.
ExternalReferenceLinkElement stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
ExternalReferenceElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
ExternalReferenceLinkElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
ExternalReferenceLinkHandler manages retrieval of ExternalReference objects attached to a specific element.
ExternalReferenceLinkProperties provides a structure for the properties that link an external reference to an object.
ExternalReferenceLinkProperties provides a structure for the properties that link an external reference to an object.
ExternalReferenceLinkProperties provides a structure for the properties that link an external reference to an object.
ExternalGlossaryLinkRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update links to external glossary elements.
ExternalReferenceRequestBody describes the properties of the external reference plus the optional identifiers for an owning element.
ExternalReferenceListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of external references as a response.
ExternalReferenceListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of external references as a response.
ExternalReferenceManagementInterface defines the Java API for managing external references.
ExternalReferenceManager is the java client for managing external references and their links to all types of governance definitions.
ExternalReferenceManager is the java client for managing external references and their links to all types of governance definitions.
ExternalReferenceManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain links to external documentation and other resources.
ExternalReferenceManagerInterface defines the Java API for managing external references.
ExternalReferenceProperties describes the properties of URL link to a remote source of information.
ExternalReferenceProperties stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
ExternalReferenceProperties stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to a personal profile or a community.
ExternalReferenceProperties stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to an Asset.
ExternalReferenceProperties stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
ExternalReferenceRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update external reference properties.
ExternalReferenceRequestBody provides a structure for a new ExternalReference.
ExternalReferenceRequestBody describes the properties of the external reference plus the optional identifiers for an owning element.
ExternalReferenceRequestBody provides a structure for a new ExternalReference.
ExternalReferenceResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a external reference object as a response.
ExternalReferenceResponse is a response object for passing back a single external reference element or an exception if the request failed.
ExternalReferenceResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a external reference object as a response.
ExternalReferenceRESTServices is the server-side for managing external references and their links to all types of governance definitions.
ExternalReferenceRESTServices is the server-side for managing external references and their links to all types of governance definitions.
ExternalReferences supports an iterator over a list of external references.
The ExternalReferencesInterface is used by the governance team to define external references to elements within the governance program.
The ExternalReferencesInterface is used by the governance team to define external references to elements within the governance program.
The ExternalReferencesInterface is used by the governance team to define external references to elements within the governance program.
ExternalReferencesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of external references or an exception if the request failed.
ExternalReferencesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of ExternalReference objects as a response.
ExternalSchemaType links to another schema defined to be reusable in many assets' schema.
ExternalSchemaTypeProperties carries a reusable schema type.
ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an element as external.
ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
ExternalStandardMapping defines a mapping of TypeDefs and TypeDefAttributes to an external standard.
ExternalStandardTypeMapping defines a mapping of TypeDefs and TypeDefAttributes to an external standard.
The FacilityDefinition is used to feed the location definitions for the sites and facilities that Coco Pharmaceuticals operates.
The FacilityTypeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the FacilityTypes valid value set for Coco Pharmaceuticals' sustainability program.
FederationControl defines the API for control logic that manages a federated query across the repositories registered with the enterprise connector manager.
FederationControlBase provides the base class for control logic that manages a federated query across the repositories registered with the enterprise connector manager.
FeedbackManagerAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Feedback Manager OMVS.
The FeedbackManagerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
FeedbackManagerInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
FeedbackManagerInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
FeedbackManagerRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The FeedbackManagerResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Feedback Manager Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The FeedbackManagerRESTServices provides the implementation of the Feedback Manager Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
FeedbackProperties provides a base class for passing feedback objects as a request body over a REST API.
FeedbackProperties provides a base class for passing feedback objects as a request body over a REST API.
FeedbackProperties provides a base class for passing feedback objects as a request body over a REST API.
FeedbackRequestBody provides a base class for passing feedback objects as a request body over a REST API.
FeedbackRequestBody provides a base class for passing feedback objects as a request body over a REST API.
FeedbackTargetElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
FeedbackTargetElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
FFDCResponse is the top-level class for a response object used to return results on REST APIs.
FFDCResponseBase provides the base class for REST API responses.
RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
FileBasedAuditLogStoreConnector provides a connector implementation for a file based audit log.
FileBasedAuditLogStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the file based audit log store.
FileBasedOpenLineageLogStoreConnector provides a connector implementation for a file based open lineage log.
FileBasedOpenLineageLogStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the file based open lineage log store.
FileBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStoreConnector provides a connector that can read an Open Metadata Archive file coded in JSON.
The FileBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStoreConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the Audit Log.
The FileBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStoreConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the FileBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStoreConnector.
FileBasedOpenMetadataArchiveStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the file based server configuration store.
FileBasedRegistryStoreConnector uses JSON to store details of the membership of the open metadata repository cohort on behalf of the OMRSCohortRegistry.
The FileBasedRegistryStoreConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the Audit Log.
FileBasedRegistryStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the file based cohort registry store.
FileBasedServerConfigStoreConnector provides a connector that manages a configuration document for an OMAG Server in a file
FileBasedServerConfigStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the file based server configuration store.
FileClassification holds the classification information for a specific file
Manages different types of classifications for files.
FileDirectoryListenerInterface is the interface to implement if your integration connector wishes to monitor the changing files (and directories) within a root directory.
FileElement contains the properties and header for a file retrieved from the metadata repository.
The FileException is thrown by the connector when it is not possible to retrieve the requested file.
The FileException is thrown by the connector when it is not possible to retrieve details about the requested file.
FileExtension describes the standard file extensions recognized by Egeria.
FileFolder is a java bean used to create FileFolders associated with the external data engine.
FileFolderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a FileFolderElement bean.
FileFolderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a FileFolderElement bean.
FileFolderConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a FileFolderElement bean.
FileFolderElement contains the properties and header for a file folder entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
FileFolderProperties defines an asset that is a folder.
FileFolderResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a folder.
FileFoldersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database views or an exception if the request failed.
FileListenerInterface is the interface to implement is your integration connector wishes to monitor a single file the changing files within a root directory.
FileSystemProperties describes an application that manages a collection of files.
FileManagerProperties describes the root node of a file system.
FolderMetric describes the metrics for a directory (folder) that are captured by the Folder Survey Action Service.
FileName describes the standard file names recognized by Egeria.
FileProperties describes the property of a single data file.
The FileReadException is thrown by the connector when it is not possible to retrieve the requested record.
FilesAndFoldersClient is the client for managing the creation of files and folder assets.
FilesAndFoldersHandler provides the support for managing catalog entries about files and folders.
FilesAndFoldersInterface is the interface used to record metadata about files and folders.
FilesIntegrator is the client library for the Files Integrator OMIS's REST API.
FilesIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Files Integrator OMIS.
The FilesIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
FilesIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Files Integrator OMIS.
FilesIntegratorContext provides a wrapper around the Data Manager OMAS clients.
FilesIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of the Files Integrator integration service.
The FilesIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
FilesIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
FilesIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
FilesListenerManager uses the Apache Commons IO capabilities to support the ability for an Integration Connector to monitor changes in the file system.
FilesResource supports the server-side capture of REST calls to add new file-based asset definitions.
FilesRESTServices provides the server-side implementation for managing files and folder assets in a file system.
FileSurveyService is a survey action service implementation for extracting properties about a file.
FileSurveyServiceProvider provides the connector provider for the File Survey Action Service
FileSystemAssetOwner provides specialist methods for onboarding details of a file system and the files within it.
FileSystemConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a FileSystemElement bean.
FileSystemConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a FileSystemElement bean.
FileSystemElement contains the properties and header for a file system retrieved from the metadata repository.
FileSystemElement contains the properties and header for a SoftwareCapability entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
FileSystemOnboardingResource supports the server-side capture of REST calls to add new file-based asset definitions.
FileSystemProperties describes the root node of a file system.
FileSystemProperties describes the root node of a file system.
FileSystemProperties describes the root node of a file system.
FileSystemResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a file system.
FileSystemResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a file system.
FileSystemRESTServices provides the server-side implementation for managing files and folder assets in a file system.
FileType describes the standard file types supplied with Egeria.
StringRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passed a string.
AssetOriginProperties provides a structure for passing information about an asset's origin.
AssetOriginProperties provides a structure for passing information about an asset's origin.
FindByPropertiesRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
FindByPropertiesRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
Implements the 'findEntities' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
FindEntitiesByClassificationExecutor is the executor for the findEntitiesByClassification request.
FindEntitiesByPropertyExecutor is the executor for the findEntitiesByProperty request.
Implements the 'findEntitiesByPropertyValue' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
FindEntitiesByPropertyValueExecutor is the executor for the findEntitiesByPropertyValue request.
FindEntitiesExecutor is the executor for the findEntities request.
The data file event of Data Engine OMAS.
FindNameProperties is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
FindNameProperties is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
FindProperties provides the base class for find by property requests.
FindProperties provides the base class for find by property requests.
FindRelationshipRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for the find relationships request.
Implements the 'findRelationships' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
FindRelationshipsByPropertyExecutor is the executor for the findRelationshipsByProperty request.
Implements the 'findRelationshipsByPropertyValue' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
FindRelationshipsByPropertyValueExecutor is the executor for the findRelationshipsByPropertyValue request.
FindRelationshipsExecutor is the executor for the findRelationships request.
FindRequest is used by the Subject Area OMAS to specify paging information for find calls.
FindRequestBody describes the request body used to search for an entity
FindRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for the find request.
FindRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for the find request.
FirstGovernanceActionProcessStepElement contains the properties and header for a governance action process step entity plus the properties of a NextGovernanceActionProcessStep relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
FirstGovernanceActionProcessStepResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Action Framework (GAF) API calls that returns a FirstGovernanceActionProcessStep element object as a response.
FixedLocation describes a specific fixed physical location.
FixedLocationProperties carries the parameters for marking a location as a fixed physical location.
FixedLocationRequestBody carries the parameters for marking a location as a fixed physical location.
FolderElement contains the properties and header for a Folder retrieved from the metadata repository.
FolderMetric describes the metrics for a directory (folder) that are captured by the Folder Survey Action Service.
FolderProperties defines an asset that is a folder.
FolderResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a folder.
FolderSurveyService is a survey action service implementation for analysing the files nested in a folder.
FolderSurveyServiceProvider provides the connector provider for the Folder Survey Action Service
ForeignKeyProperties describes a foreign key relationship between two columns in different tables in a database.
ForeignKeyRequestBody describes the request body used when creating a foreign key relationship.
Transfers metadata of a foreign key
FormConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Form bean.
FormElement contains the properties and header for a form entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
FormProperties is a class for representing a display of data fields for a user to supply data values.
FormRequestBody describes the properties of the form plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
FormResponse is a response object for passing back a single form element or an exception if the request failed.
FormsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of forms or an exception if the request failed.
FormulaRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new CalculatedValue classification.
The FunctionNotSupportedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when a function is not supported value.
FunctionNotSupportedException provides a checked exception for reporting that an OMRS repository connector does not support the method called.
FVTAuditLogDestination is the logging destination for FVT tests.
Created by david on 29/11/2018.
Constants that provide defaults to the FVT Suite.
Created by Sachin on 16/10/2021.
FVTResults holds the results from running a number of FVT tests.
FVTSuiteBase provides the common functions for calling the Access Services FVT Test suite as a main program.
FVTTestFailureException is the exception thrown when a test fails.
FVTUnexpectedCondition is an exception used by the FVT test cases to indicate that an unexpected condition has occurred.
FVT utilities
FVT utilities
The GAF error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with GAF Components.
GAFMetadataManagementInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
GAFMetadataManagementInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the access service instances.
GAFMetadataOperationalServices initializes the REST Services that support the Governance Action Framework (GAF) open metadata store calls.
GAFRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
The GAFRuntimeException is used for all runtime exceptions from GAF components.
GeneralGovernanceActionService describes the base class for a specific type of connector that is responsible for preforming specific governance actions on demand.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
RequestType provides a template for defining the request type for a governance service.
MonitorForNewAssetGovernanceActionConnector is a Watchdog Governance Action Service that listens for new or refreshed Assets and kicks off a governance action process to validate that this Asset is correctly set up.
GenericElementWatchdogGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the generic element monitor governance action service.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
RequestType provides a template for defining the request type for a governance service.
GenericFolderWatchdogGovernanceActionConnector listens for events relating to the files in a folder.
GenericFolderWatchdogGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the Generic Folder Watchdog Governance Action Service.
The GenericHandlersAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The GenericHandlersErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Repository Handler Services.
If an OMAS uses Generic types to implement it's Java API, then the responses can implement this interface.
GenericWatchdogGovernanceActionConnector provides a base class for generic watchdog functions.
GenericWatchdogGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the Generic WatchDog Governance Action Service.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
GenericWatchdogListener implements the watchdog listener interface for the GenericWatchdogGovernanceActionConnectors.
GetAllTypesExecutor provides the executor for the getAllType executor
Base class to retrieve entity information.
GetEntityDetailExecutor provides the executor for the isEntityKnown and getEntityDetail methods.
GetEntityDetailHistoryExecutor is the executor for the findEntitiesByPropertyValue request.
GetEntityExecutor provides the common base executor for the getEntityXXX methods.
Implements the 'getEntityDetailHistory' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
Implements the 'getEntityNeighborhood' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
GetEntitySummaryExecutor provides the executor for the getEntitySummary method.
Implements the 'getLinkingEntities' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
Implements the 'getRelatedEntities' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
Base class to retrieve relationship information.
GetRelationshipExecutor provides the executor for the isRelationshipKnown and getRelationship methods.
Implements the 'getRelationshipHistory' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
Implements the 'getRelationshipsForEntity' operation of the OMRS metadata collection interface.
GetRelationshipsForEntityExecutor is the executor for the getRelationshipsForEntity request.
Simple POJO that represents a Glossary
Glossary object
GlossaryProperties is a class for representing a generic glossary.
Simple POJO that represents a Glossary
GlossaryArtifactsRelatedEntityType describes the different types of entity that can change related to Glossaries , Glossary Categories and Glossary Terms.
GlossaryArtifactsType describes the different types of glossary artifacts
The GlossaryAuthorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Glossary Author OMVS Services.
Test exception for FVT
The GlossaryAuthorGraphRESTResource provides the server-side implementation of the Glossary Author OMVS.
GlossaryAuthorViewAdmin is the class that is called by the UI Server to initialize and terminate the Glossary Author OMVS.
The GlossaryAuthorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The class acts as a wrapper class for calling the REST services for Glossary Author Category related services.
The GlossaryAuthorRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.viewervices.glossaryauthor.server implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for categories.
The GlossaryAuthorViewCategoryRESTServices provides the implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The class acts as a wrapper class for calling the REST services for Glossary Author Config related services.
The GlossaryAuthorRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.viewservices.glossaryauthor.server implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for glossaries.
The GlossaryAuthorViewCategoryRESTServices provides the implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The class acts as a wrapper class for calling the REST services for Glossary Author Glossary related services.
The GlossaryAuthorRESTServicesInstance provides the server implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for glossaries.
The GlossaryAuthorViewGlossaryRESTServices provides the implementation of the GlossaryAuthor Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The class acts as a wrapper class for calling the REST services for Glossary Author Graph related services.
The GlossaryAuthorViewProjectRESTServices provides the implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
GlossaryAuthorViewInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the access service instances.
The class acts as a wrapper class for calling the REST services for Glossary Author Project related services.
The GlossaryAuthorRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.viewservices.glossaryauthor.server implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for projects.
The GlossaryAuthorViewProjectRESTServices provides the implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
GlossaryAuthorRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The GlossaryAuthorRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.viewservices.glossaryauthor.server implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for relationships.
The GlossaryAuthorViewRelationshipRESTServices provides the implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The class acts as a wrapper class for calling the REST services for Glossary Author Relationship related services.
GlossaryAuthorViewServicesInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
GlossaryAuthorViewServicesInstanceMap provides the mapping for inbound REST requests to the appropriate instances for the requested server.
The class acts as a wrapper class for calling the REST services for Glossary Author SubjectAreaDefinition related services.
The class acts as a wrapper class for calling the REST services for Glossary Author Term related services.
The GlossaryAuthorRESTServicesInstance provides the server implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for terms.
The GlossaryAuthorViewTermRESTServices provides the implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
GlossaryBrowserAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Glossary Browser OMVS.
The GlossaryBrowserAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
GlossaryBrowserInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
GlossaryBrowserInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
GlossaryBrowserRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The GlossaryBrowserResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Glossary Browser Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The GlossaryBrowserRESTServices provides the implementation of the Glossary Browser Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
GlossaryBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a glossary.
Simple POJO that represents a Category
Simple POJO that represents a Category
GlossaryCategoryBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a glossary category.
GlossaryCategoryConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a GlossaryCategoryElement bean.
The GlossaryCategoryDefinition is used to populate the teddy bear drop foot glossary.
The GlossaryCategoryDefinition is used to populate the sustainability glossary.
GlossaryCategoryElement contains the properties and header for a deployed glossary schema asset entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
GlossaryElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
GlossaryCategoryElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
GlossaryCategoryHandler provides the exchange of metadata about glossary categories between the repository and the OMAS.
GlossaryCategoryProperties describes grouping of glossary terms that have similar characteristics.
The Glossary Context Handler provides methods to build graph context for glossary terms.
GlossaryConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a GlossaryElement bean.
GlossaryDynamicArchiverConnector catalogs a glossary - either as a single snapshot or as a long running listener.
GlossaryDynamicArchiverProvider is the OCF connector provider for the Glossary Dynamic Archiving Service.
GlossaryElement contains the properties and header for a glossary entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
GlossaryElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
GlossaryElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
GlossaryExchangeClient is the client for managing resources from a glossary.
GlossaryExchangeHandler is the server side handler for managing glossary content.
GlossaryExchangeInterface defines the client side interface for the Asset Manager OMAS that is relevant for managing glossaries.
GlossaryExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for glossaries.
GlossaryExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for glossaries.
GlossaryExchangeService is the client for managing resources from a glossary.
FVT resource to call subject area glossary client API.
FVT resource to call Glossary author glossary API.
GlossaryHandler provides the exchange of metadata about glossaries between the repository and the OMAS.
GlossaryManagementClient is the client for managing resources from a glossary.
GlossaryManagementInterface defines the client side interface for the Asset Manager OMAS that is relevant for managing glossaries.
Mapping methods to map between Glossary (or a subtype of Glossary) and EntityDetail.
Model provides the top level anchor for the model content
GlossaryNameRequestBody is the request body structure used on Glossary REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
GlossaryNameRequestBody is the request body structure used on Glossary REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
Identifies a project that is defining new glossary terms and categories or maintaining an existing glossary.
Mapping methods to map between GlossaryProject and the omrs equivalents.
GlossaryProperties is a class for representing a generic glossary.
GlossarySearchStringRequestBody is the request body structure used on GlossaryCategory/Term REST API calls that passes a regular expression to use as a search string and the scope of the results can be optionally restricted by glossary.
GlossarySearchStringRequestBody is the request body structure used on GlossaryCategory/Term REST API calls that passes a regular expression to use as a search string and the scope of the results can be optionally restricted by glossary.
Server-side implementation of the Glossary View Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
A SummaryGlossary is a summary of a glossary.
GlossaryTemplateRequestBody describes the request body used to create a new glossary term from a template.
GlossaryTemplateRequestBody describes the request body used to create a new glossary term from a template.
Simple POJO that represents a Term
GlossaryTerm contains detailed descriptions about the meaning of a word or phrase.
Simple POJO that represents a Term
A GlossaryTermActivityType defines the type of activity described by a glossary term.
GlossaryTermActivityTypeListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
GlossaryTermActivityTypeListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
The GlossaryTermAssignmentStatus defines the status of the relationship between a glossary term and an element that represents data.
GlossaryTermBuilder is able to build the properties for a GlossaryTerm entity from a GlossaryTerm bean.
GlossaryTermCategorization describes a type of relationship between a glossary term and a glossary category in a glossary.
GlossaryTermContextDefinition describes a type of context that a glossary term represents.
GlossaryTermConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a GlossaryTermElement bean.
The GlossaryTermDefinition is used to populate the teddy bear drop foot glossary.
The GlossaryTermDefinition is used to populate the sustainability glossary.
The GovernanceZoneDefinitions is used to feed the definition of the governance zones for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
GlossaryTermElement contains the properties and header for a glossary term entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
GlossaryTermElement contains the properties and header for a glossary term entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
GlossaryTermElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
GlossaryTermElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
GlossaryTermHandler retrieves Glossary Term objects from the property server.
GlossaryTermListResponse returns a list of meanings from the server.
GlossaryTermListResponse returns a list of meanings from the server.
GlossaryTermProperties contains the semantic definition (meaning) of a word or phrase (term - collectively called terminology).
GlossaryTermProperties contains the semantic definition (meaning) of a word or phrase (term - collectively called terminology).
GlossaryTermRelationship describes a type of relationship between two glossary terms in a glossary.
GlossaryTermRelationshipRequestBody is the request body structure used on Glossary REST API calls that request the retrieval of glossary term relationships.
A GlossaryTermRelationshipStatus defines the status of a relationship with a glossary term.
GlossaryTermRelationshipStatusListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
GlossaryTermRelationshipStatusListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
GlossaryTermResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Glossary Term object as a response.
GlossaryTermResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Glossary Term object as a response.
The GlossaryTermStatus defines the status of a glossary term.
The GlossaryTermStatus defines the status of a glossary term.
GlossaryTermStatusListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
GlossaryTermStatusListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
GlossaryTermStatusRequestBody describes the request body used to update a glossary term's status.
GlossaryTermStatusRequestBody describes the request body used to update a glossary term's status.
Called by the OMAG Server to initialize and terminate the Glossary View OMAS.
Defines the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
Simple POJO that represents a Classification
Simple POJO that represents a Classification
The Glossary View Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) provides an interface to query for glossaries, categories and terms.
This controller serves all requests for glossaries, categories and terms.
Simple POJO that represents any entity queried from the OMRS, and needs to be returned to the client
Simple POJO that represents any entity queried from the OMRS, and needs to be returned to the client
Actual response that is sent to the client.
Actual response that is sent to the client.
GlossaryViewInstanceHandler provides the bridge between the REST call and the server instance.
Composes OMRS calls into needed operations, handles the exceptions specific to this OMAS, converts result to needed format
Generic exception used when unknown exceptions are coming from the omrs layer.
Stores references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
GlossaryWorkflowAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Glossary Workflow OMVS.
The GlossaryWorkflowAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
GlossaryWorkflowInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
GlossaryWorkflowInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
GlossaryWorkflowRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The GlossaryWorkflowResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Glossary Workflow Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The GlossaryWorkflowRESTServices provides the implementation of the Glossary WorkflowOpen Metadata View Service (OMVS).
GlossaryWorkflowSamples demonstrates different patterns of managing controlled updates to glossary terms.
GovernanceActionAdmin is called during server start-up and initializes the Governance Action OMES.
GovernanceActionAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Governance Action OMES.
The GovernanceActionAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The GovernanceActionConnectorsAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The GovernanceActionConnectorsErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Basic File Connector.
GovernanceContext provides the governance action service with access to information about the governance request along with the open metadata repository interfaces.
GovernanceActionConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Governance Action bean.
GovernanceActionTypeElement contains the properties and header for a GovernanceAction entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents a governance action type (plus relevant relationships and properties).
GovernanceActionElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceAction element object as a response.
GovernanceActionElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionElement objects as a response.
GovernanceActionEngineClient is a client-side library for calling a specific governance action OMES within an engine host server.
The GovernanceActionEngineHandler is responsible for running governance action services on demand.
GovernanceEngineHandler factory class for the Governance Action OMES.
GovernanceActionEngineResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring that target a specific governance action engine hosted in a engine host server.
The GovernanceActionErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Governance Action Engine Services.
GovernanceActionInstance maintains the instance information needed to execute requests on behalf of an engine host server.
GovernanceActionOpenLineageIntegrationConnector is an integration connector to listen for governance actions executing in the open metadata ecosystem, generate open lineage events for them and publish them to any integration connector running in the same instance of Lineage Integration OMIS.
The GovernanceActionOpenLineageIntegrationProvider provides the connector provider for GovernanceActionOpenLineageIntegrationConnector.
GovernanceActionProcessConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceActionProcessElement.
GovernanceActionProcessConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceActionProcessElement.
GovernanceActionProcessElement contains the properties and header for a governance action process entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
GovernanceActionProcessElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceActionProcess element object as a response.
GovernanceActionProcessElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceActionProcess element object as a response.
GovernanceActionProcessElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionProcessElement objects as a response.
GovernanceActionProcessElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionProcessElement objects as a response.
GovernanceActionProcessGraph contains the complete flow of a governance action process.
FirstGovernanceActionProcessStepResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Action Framework (GAF) API calls that returns a FirstGovernanceActionProcessStep element object as a response.
GovernanceActionProcessInterface maintains Governance Action Processes and their Governance Action Process Steps.
GovernanceActionProcessProperties defines the properties of a governance action process.
The GovernanceActionProcessRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services used by an external user to define governance action processes.
GovernanceActionProcessStepBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance action process step.
GovernanceActionProcessStepConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceActionProcessStepElement.
GovernanceActionProcessStepElement contains the properties and header for a governance action process step entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
GovernanceActionProcessStepHandler manages GovernanceActionProcessStep entities and their relationships.
GovernanceActionProcessStepProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a governance action process step.
GovernanceActionProcessStepElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceActionProcessStep element object as a response.
GovernanceActionProcessStepsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionProcessStepElement objects as a response.
GovernanceActionRESTClient is responsible for issuing the REST API calls
GovernanceActionRESTServices provides the external service implementation for a governance action engine services.
A marker interface to identify the service that this connector works with.
GovernanceActionServiceConnector describes the base class for a specific type of connector that is responsible for preforming specific governance actions on demand.
GovernanceActionServiceHandler provides the thread to run a governance action service.
GovernanceActionServiceProviderBase implements the base class for the connector provider for a governance action service.
GovernanceActionStatusResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a GovernanceActionStatus enum.
GovernanceActionTypeBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance action type.
GovernanceActionTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceActionTypeElement.
GovernanceActionTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceActionTypeElement.
GovernanceActionTypesElement contains the properties and header for a governance action type entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
GovernanceActionTypeElement contains the properties and header for a governance action type entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
GovernanceActionTypeElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceActionType element object as a response.
GovernanceActionTypeElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionTypeElement objects as a response.
GovernanceActionTypeHandler manages GovernanceActionType entities and their relationships.
GovernanceActionTypeInterface maintains Governance Action Types.
GovernanceActionTypeProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a governance action type.
GovernanceActionTypeProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a governance action type.
GovernanceActionTypeElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceActionType element object as a response.
GovernanceActionTypesResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionTypeElement objects as a response.
GovernanceAppointee describes an individual's appointment as a governance officer or to a specific governance role.
GovernanceArchiveHelper creates elements for governance.
GovernanceAuthorAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Governance Author OMVS.
The GovernanceAuthorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
GovernanceAuthorInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
GovernanceAuthorInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
GovernanceAuthorRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The GovernanceAuthorResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Governance Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The GovernanceAuthorRESTServices provides the implementation of the Governance Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
GovernanceCertificationsResource sets up the certification types that are part of an organization governance.
GovernanceClassificationBase defines the common properties for the governance action classifications.
GovernanceClassificationBase defines the common properties for the governance action classifications.
GovernanceClassificationBase defines the common properties for the governance action classifications
GovernanceClassificationBase defines the common properties for the governance action classifications.
This is the level of the GovernanceLevel classification.
GovernanceClassificationLevelInterface defines the levels of the standard governance classifications of Impact, Criticality, Retention, Confidence and Confidentiality.
GovernanceClassificationLevelManager is the Java client used to manage the definitions of the level values used in governance classifications.
GovernanceClassificationProperties defines the properties for a Confidentiality, Confidence, Criticality Governance Action Classifications.
GovernanceClassificationProperties defines the properties for a Confidentiality, Confidence, Criticality Governance Action Classifications.
Governance actions are classifications that are important for goverance programs.
Defines the status values of a governance action classification.
GovernanceClassificationStatus identifies the status of one of the governance action classification.
GovernanceCompletionInterface provides support for completing a governance service.
The GovernanceConfigRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the configuration services from the Open Governance Framework (ODF).
The GovernanceConfigRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the configuration services from the Open Governance Framework (ODF).
GovernanceConfigurationHandler provides the open metadata server side implementation of GovernanceConfigurationServer which is part of the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
GovernanceContext provides the governance action service with access to information about the governance request along with the open metadata repository interfaces.
GovernanceContextClient sits in the governance context of a governance action service when it is running in the engine host OMAG server.
GovernanceContextClient sits in the governance context of a governance action service when it is running in the engine host OMAG server.
GovernanceContextClientBase sits in the governance context of a governance action service when it is running in the engine host OMAG server.
GovernanceContextResource supports the REST APIs for running Governance Services.
GovernanceDefinitionBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance definition.
GovernanceDefinitionConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceDefinitionElement.
GovernanceDefinitionConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceDefinitionElement.
GovernanceDefinitionElement is the superclass used to return the common properties of a governance definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
GovernanceDefinitionElement is the superclass used to return the common properties of a governance definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
GovernanceDefinitionElement is the superclass used to return the common properties of a governance definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
GovernanceDefinitionGraph documents the linked governance definitions of the governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceDefinitionGraph.
GovernanceDefinitionGraphResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance definition graph object as a response.
GovernanceDefinitionHandler provides the exchange of metadata about definition definitions between the repository and the OMAS.
GovernanceDefinitionListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance definitions as a response.
GovernanceDefinitionManager is the java client for managing the definitions for the governance drivers, policies and controls that define the motivation, goals and implementation approach for the governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionMetricProperties defines the properties that link a metric to a governance definition.
GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionRequestBody provides a structure used when creating governance definitions.
GovernanceDefinitionResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance definition object as a response.
GovernanceDefinitionManager is the java client for managing the definitions for the governance drivers, policies and controls that define the motivation, goals and implementation approach for the governance program.
The GovernanceDefinitionsInterface supports the definition of the governance drivers, policies and controls that define the motivation, goals and implementation approach for the governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionsResource sets up the governance definitions that are part of an organization governance.
GovernanceDefinitionsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance definitions as a response.
GovernanceDefinitionStatus indicates whether the definition is complete and operational or in a state that means it is either under development or obsolete.
GovernanceDefinitionStatus indicates whether the definition is complete and operational or in a state that means it is either under development or obsolete.
GovernanceDefinitionStatus indicates whether the definition is complete and operational or in a state that means it is either under development or obsolete.
GovernanceDefinitionStatus indicates whether the definition is complete and operational or in a state that means it is either under development or obsolete.
GovernanceDefinitionStatus indicates whether the definition is complete and operational or in a state that means it is either under development or obsolete.
GovernanceDelegation is used to show a relationship between different GovernanceDefinitions.
GovernanceDomain defines the different governance domains that open metadata seeks to unite.
GovernanceDomainBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a GovernanceDomainDescription.
GovernanceDomainConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceDomainElement.
The GovernanceDomainDefinition is used to feed the definition of the governance domains for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
GovernanceDomainElement is the bean used to return a governance domain definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
GovernanceDomainHandler provides the exchange of metadata about governance domains between the repository and the OMAS.
GovernanceDomainInterface sets up the governance domains that are part of an organization governance.
GovernanceDomainListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance domain definitions as a response.
GovernanceDomainManager sets up the governance domains that are part of an organization governance.
GovernanceDomainProperties describes a governance domain and the identifier used to group the governance definitions together for this domain.
GovernanceDomainResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance domain definition object as a response.
GovernanceDomainRESTServices sets up the governance domains that are part of an organization governance.
GovernanceDomainSetConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceDomainSetElement.
GovernanceDomainSetElement is the bean used to return a governance domain set definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
GovernanceDomainSetListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance domain definition sets as a response.
GovernanceDomainSetProperties describes a collection of related governance domains.
GovernanceDomainResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance domain definition object as a response.
GovernanceDomainsResource sets up the governance domains that are part of an organization governance.
GovernanceEngineAdmin is called during server start up to set up the Governance Engine OMAS.
The GovernanceEngineAuditLog is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
GovernanceEngineConfiguration supports the configuration of governance engine and governance services.
GovernanceEngineConfiguration supports the configuration of governance engine and governance services.
GovernanceEngineConfigurationClient supports the configuration of governance engine and governance services.
GovernanceEngineConfigurationClient supports the configuration of Governance Server and governance services.
GovernanceEngineConfigurationClient supports the configuration of governance engine and governance services.
GovernanceEngineConfigurationEvent is used to inform the listening engine hosts that the configuration of one of the Governance Engines has changed.
GovernanceConfigurationHandler provides the open metadata server side implementation of GovernanceConfigurationServer which is part of the Open Governance Framework (ODF).
EngineConfigurationResource provides the Spring wrapper for the Governance Engine Configuration Services
GovernanceEnginePropertiesConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a GovernanceEngineProperties bean.
GovernanceEnginePropertiesConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a GovernanceEngineProperties bean.
GovernanceEngineElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents a governance engine.
GovernanceEngineElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents a governance engine.
GovernanceEngineElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceEngine element object as a response.
GovernanceEngineElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceEngine element object as a response.
GovernanceEngineElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceEngineElement objects as a response.
GovernanceEngineElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceEngineElement objects as a response.
The GovernanceEngineErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Governance Engine Access Service.
GovernanceEngineEvent provides a common base for all events from the access service.
GovernanceEngineConfigurationClient supports the configuration of governance engine and governance services.
GovernanceEngineEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the configuration events produced by the Governance Engine OMAS.
GovernanceEngineEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Governance Engine OMAS's out topic.
GovernanceEngineEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Governance Engine OMAS.
The GovernanceEngineHandler is responsible for running governance services on demand.
GovernanceEngineHandlerFactory defines the create method for the governance engine handler that each engine service must implement.
GovernanceEngineInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
GovernanceEngineMap provides a thread safe mapping of governance engine names to governance engine handlers.
GovernanceEngineOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Governance Engine OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
GovernanceEngineOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Governance Engine beans converters.
GovernanceEngineOMASResource supports the REST APIs for running Governance Action Service
GovernanceEngineOMRSTopicListener is the listener that registers with the repository services (OMRS) to monitor changes to the metadata.
GovernanceEngineOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Governance Engine OMAS's OutTopic.
The GovernanceEngineOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting GovernanceEngineOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
GovernanceEngineOutTopicListener is a class that is registered to listen on the Governance Engine OMAS's out topic to receive any changes to metadata.
GovernanceEngineOutTopicPublisher is responsible for pushing events to the Governance Engine OMAS's out topic.
GovernanceEngineOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the server-side connector that send events to the Governance Engine OMAS's OutTopic.
The GovernanceEngineOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting GovernanceEngineOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
GovernanceEngineProperties describe the properties needed to describe a specific governance engine.
GovernanceEngineProperties describe the properties needed to describe a specific governance engine.
GovernanceEngineRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
The GovernanceEngineRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services used by the governance engine as it is managing requests to execute open governance services in the governance server.
GovernanceEngineStatus defines the status of a governance engine.
GovernanceEngineSummariesResponse provides a container for transporting the status of a collection of governance engines.
GovernanceEngineSummary is a summary of the properties known about a specific governance engine.
GovernanceEngineSummaryResponse provides a container for transporting the status of each of the governance engines.
GovernanceExchangeClient is the client for managing governance policies and rules.
The GovernanceExchangeInterface enables the exchange of governance definitions between an external asset manager and open metadata.
GovernanceExchangeService is the context for managing governance definitions such as policies and rules.
GovernanceExpectationsProperties defines the values expected in the operation of the linked referenceable.
GovernanceExternalReferenceResource sets up the external references that are part of an organization governance.
GovernanceLeadershipSample provides a client program that calls the Governance Program OMAS.
A Governance level is a type of Governance Action classification that has an associated GovernanceClassificationLevel.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierElement is the bean used to return a governance level identifier definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance classification level identifiers as a response.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierProperties describes a single level identifier for a specific governance classification.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance classification level identifier object as a response.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetElement documents the level identifier values for a specific governance classification.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance classification level identifier sets as a response.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetProperties describes a collection of level identifiers for a specific governance classification.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance classification level identifier set object as a response.
GovernanceLicensesResource sets up the license types that are part of an organization governance.
GovernanceLink is used to show a relationship between different governance definitions of the same type.
GovernanceListenerManager manages the watchdog listeners through a single registration to the Governance Engine OMAS's out topic.
GovernanceMeasurementsDataSetProperties provides a details of how a data set supports governance metrics by providing measurement data.
GovernanceMeasurementsProperties defines the values that have been observed in the operation of the linked referenceable.
GovernanceMetricBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance metric.
GovernanceMetricConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceMetricElement.
GovernanceMetricElement is the bean used to return a governance metric stored in the open metadata repositories.
GovernanceMetricHandler provides the exchange of metadata about governanceMetrics between the repository and the OMAS.
The GovernanceMetricImplementation defines the query and data set that supports the measurements for a GovernanceMetricProperties.
GovernanceMetricConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceMetricImplementation.
GovernanceMetricListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance metrics along with details of the data sets where measurements are kept as a response.
GovernanceMetricListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance metric as a response.
GovernanceMetricProperties stores information about the way activity associated with a governance definition is to be measured.
GovernanceMetricResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance metric object as a response.
The GovernanceMetricsInterface supports the definition of the metrics that measure the success of the governance program.
GovernanceMetricsManager is the java client for managing governance metrics and their links to all types of governance definitions.
GovernanceMetricsResource sets up the governance metrics that are part of an organization governance.
GovernanceMetricsRESTServices is the server-side for managing governance metrics and their links to all types of governance definitions.
GovernanceProgramAdmin controls the startup and shutdown of the Governance Program OMAS for a server.
The GovernanceProgramAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
GovernanceProgramBaseClient supports the common properties and functions for the Community Profile OMAS.
The GovernanceProgramErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Governance Program OMAS Services.
GovernanceProgramOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Governance Program OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
GovernanceProgramOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Governance Program OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
GovernanceProgramOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Governance Program beans converters.
GovernanceProgramOMASFVTSuite provides the main program for the Governance Program OMAS Functional Verification Tests (FVTs).
The GovernanceProgramResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the RelatedElementsManagementInterface.
RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the Governance Program OMAS REST APIs.
The GovernanceProgramRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the GovernanceProgram Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The GovernanceProgramReviewInterface supports the periodic review of the governance program.
The GovernanceProgramReviewInterface supports the periodic review of the governance program.
GovernanceProgramServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
GovernanceResultsProperties defines the properties that link a metric to a data set that contains the measurements.
GovernanceReviewResource reviews the status of the governance program.
The GovernanceReviewRESTServices supports the periodic review of the governance program.
GovernanceRoleAppointee is the bean used to return a governance role and current appointee(s).
GovernanceRoleAppointeeListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance roles and their appointees as a response.
GovernanceRoleConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an GovernanceRoleElement bean.
The SustainabilityRoleDefinition is used to feed the definition of the governance roles for Coco Pharmaceuticals' sustainability program.
GovernanceRoleElement is the bean used to return a governance role description.
GovernanceRoleHistory is the bean used to return a governance officer role definition and its appointees over time.
GovernanceRoleHistoryResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a governance role object with details of who is and has been appointed to the role as a response.
GovernanceRoleListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance roles as a response.
GovernanceRoleManager provides one of the client-side interface for the Governance Program Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
The GovernanceRoleProperties describes a role within the governance program.
GovernanceDefinitionRequestBody provides a structure used when creating governance definitions.
GovernanceRoleResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance role object as a response.
GovernanceRolesInterface covers the definition of governance roles and their appointments.
The GovernanceRolesResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the GovernanceRolesInterface.
The GovernanceRolesRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the GovernanceRolesInterface from the Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
GovernanceServerAdmin is called during server start up to set up the Governance Server OMAS.
The GovernanceEngineAuditLog is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
GovernanceServerConfigurationClient provides the common configuration for all types of governance server.
The GovernanceEngineErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Governance Server Access Service.
GovernanceEngineEvent provides a common base for all events from the access service.
GovernanceServerEventClient supports the configuration of Governance Server and governance services.
GovernanceServerEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the configuration events produced by the Governance Server OMAS.
GovernanceServerEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Governance Server OMAS's out topic.
GovernanceServerEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Governance Server OMAS.
GovernanceEngineInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
GovernanceServerOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Governance Server beans converters.
GovernanceEngineOMASFVTSuite provides the main program for the Governance Server OMAS Functional Verification Tests (FVTs).
GovernanceServerOMASResource supports the REST APIs for running governance servers.
GovernanceEngineOMRSTopicListener is the listener that registers with the repository services (OMRS) to monitor changes to the metadata.
GovernanceEngineOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Governance Server OMAS's OutTopic.
The GovernanceEngineOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting GovernanceEngineOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
GovernanceServerOutTopicListener is a class that is registered to listen on the Governance Server OMAS's out topic to receive any changes to the governance engines' configuration or new governance actions.
GovernanceServerOutTopicListener is a class that is registered to listen on the Governance Server OMAS's out topic to receive any changes to the integration groups' configuration.
GovernanceEngineOutTopicPublisher is responsible for pushing events to the Governance Server OMAS's out topic.
GovernanceEngineOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the server-side connector that send events to the Governance Server OMAS's OutTopic.
The GovernanceEngineOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting GovernanceEngineOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
The GovernanceEngineRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services used by the governance engine as it is managing requests to execute open governance services in the governance server.
GovernanceServerServiceInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
GovernanceServerServiceInstanceHandler provides the base class for a governance server's instance handler.
GovernanceServiceCache maintains the information about a registered governance service.
GovernanceServiceConfigurationEvent is used to inform listening engine hosts that the configuration of one of the governance services has changed.
GovernanceServicePropertiesConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a GovernanceServiceProperties bean.
GovernanceServicePropertiesConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a GovernanceServiceProperties bean.
GovernanceServiceElement contains the properties and header for an entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents a governance service.
GovernanceServiceElement contains the properties and header for an entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents a governance service.
GovernanceServiceElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceService element object as a response.
GovernanceServiceElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceService element object as a response.
GovernanceServiceElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceServiceElement objects as a response.
GovernanceServiceElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceServiceElement objects as a response.
GovernanceServiceException indicates there is a problem with a request to a specific governance engine.
GovernanceServiceHandler provides the thread to run a governance service.
GovernanceServiceProperties contains the definition of a governance service.
GovernanceServiceProperties contains the definition of a governance service.
GovernanceServiceProviderBase implements the base class for the connector provider for a governance service.
GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody provides a structure for passing details of a governance service that is to be registered with a governance engine.
GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody provides a structure for passing details of a governance service that is to be registered with a governance engine.
GovernanceServicesDescription provides a list of subsystems that support the various governance servers.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierElement is the bean used to return a governance level identifier definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
GovernanceStatusIdentifierProperties describes a single status level identifier for a specific governance element.
GovernanceStatusIdentifierSetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance classification level identifier object as a response.
GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetElement documents the level identifier values for a specific governance classification.
GovernanceStatusIdentifierSetListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance classification level identifier sets as a response.
GovernanceStatusIdentifierSetProperties describes a collection of level identifiers for governance elements.
GovernanceStatusIdentifierSetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance classification level identifier set object as a response.
GovernanceStatusLevelInterface defines the status levels of status for governance elements.
GovernanceStatusLevelManager is the Java client used to manage the definitions of the level values used in governance classifications.
GovernanceDefinitionRequestBody provides a structure used when creating governance definitions.
GovernanceZoneBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance zone definition.
GovernanceZoneConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceZoneElement.
A governance zone defines a group of assets.
GovernanceZoneDefinitionResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a governance zone with the linked governance definitions.
The GovernanceZoneDefinitions is used to feed the definition of the governance zones for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
GovernanceZoneElement is the bean used to return a governance zone definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
GovernanceZoneHandler provides the exchange of metadata about governance zones between the repository and the OMAS.
GovernanceZoneListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance zones.
GovernanceZoneManager is the Java client used to manage governance zones.
GovernanceZoneProperties describes a governance zone which is a grouping of assets that are used for a specific purpose.
GovernanceZoneResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a governance zone.
GovernanceZoneRESTServices provides the server side logic for the Governance Zone Manager.
The GovernanceZoneSampleDefinitions is used to feed the definition of the governance zones for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
The GovernanceZonesInterface is used by the governance team to define the zones where the assets can be located.
The GovernanceZonesResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the GovernanceZonesInterface.
The Security Officer Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) provides an interface to support a policy engine such as Apache Ranger.
GovernedAssetEvent describes the structure of the Governance Asset events published by the Security Officer OMAS.
ConnectionHandler retrieves Connection objects from the property handlers.
The Security Officer Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is used by enforcement engines to retrieve asset and classification information in a suitable form for implementing policies
TagMapResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a TagMap object as a response.
TagMapResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a TagMap object as a response.
The GovernedAssetRESTServices provides the handlers-side implementation of the GovernanceEngine Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
A governed Node is a node that can have associated governance classifications.
GovernedReferenceable adds governance relationships and classifications to a referenceable that represents an asset.
A graph contain A Node is a Glossary Artifact in the subject area omas that has a type NodeType, name, qualified name and description.
Graph holds the nodes (vertices) and edges of a subgraph extracted from the open metadata repositories.
A graph context contains two LineageEntity and the relationship between them.
FVT resource to call subject area term client API
FVT resource to call Glossary Author View Graph API
The GraphOMRSAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The GraphOMRSErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the OMRS It is used in conjunction with all OMRS Exceptions, both Checked and Runtime (unchecked).
The GraphOMRSMetadataCollection provides a local open metadata repository that uses a graph store as its persistence layer.
The GraphOMRSRepositoryConnector is a connector to a local open metadata repository that uses a graph store for its persistence.
In the Open Connector Framework (OCF), a ConnectorProvider is a factory for a specific type of connector.
GroupConfigurationRefreshThread is the class responsible for establishing the listener for configuration updates.
GroupConfigurationResource provides the Spring wrapper for the Integration Group Configuration Services
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
GuardType describes a guard.
ServerOps provides a utility for starting and stopping servers on an OMAG Server Platform.
GUIDListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of unique identifiers (guids) as a response.
The GuidOrientatedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when an error occurs that has an associated guid.
GUIDResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a unique identifier (guid) object as a response.
The common handler provide common methods that is generic and reusable for other handlers.
Defines the relationship between a spine object and a spine attribute.
Describe the graph direction
HierarchyType describes the direction of a lineage graph request.
HistoryRequest carries the date/time for a historical query.
HistoryRequest carries the date/time for a historical query.
HistoryRequestBody describes the start and stop time of the historical query.
HistoryRequestBody describes the start and stop time of the historical query.
HistorySequencingOrder is used for retrieval of history against a metadata collection.
The HomeEntityException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when reference copy maintenance requests are issued on a home entity instance in the metadata collection.
The HomeRelationshipException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when reference copy maintenance requests are issued on a home relationship instance in the metadata collection.
The HostDefinition is used to feed the definition of the organization's IT machines (hosts) for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
HostElement contains the properties and header for a host retrieved from the metadata repository.
HostElement contains the properties and header for a host retrieved from the metadata repository.
HostListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of hosts or an exception if the request failed.
HostListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of hosts or an exception if the request failed.
HostManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain hosts and their related objects.
HostManagerInterface defines the client side interface for the IT Infrastructure OMAS that is relevant for host assets.
DatabaseManagerProperties is a class for representing a database platform.
DatabaseManagerProperties is a class for representing a database platform.
HostRequestBody describes the properties of the software server for creation and update.
HostRequestBody describes the properties of the software server for creation and update.
HostResponse is a response object for passing back a single host element or an exception if the request failed.
HostResponse is a response object for passing back a single host element or an exception if the request failed.
The HostTypeDefinition is used to set up the open metadata type of host.
HTTPHeadersThreadLocal keeps ThreadLocal HTTP headers to be available for request thread.
Turn off client-side checking of certificates.
HTTPRequestHeadersFilter is a Java Servlet Filter that receives a list of http header names which are then saved from the request in HTTPHeadersThreadLocal.
A SummaryIcon is a summary of an icon.
ImpactGovernanceClassification defines how much of an impact a particular situation is to the operation of the organization.
ImpactSeverity defines the severity of the impact that a situation has.
IncidentDependency describes a link to an IncidentReport previous raised that covers a similar or the same issue on these resources.
IncidentImpactedElement describes the element that is impacted by the incident reported by the incident report.
IncidentReportRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new incident report.
IncidentReportStatus defines the status of an incident report.
An event that was received from a connector
The state of an event that was received from a connector
InformalTag stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InformalTagBuilder is able to build the properties for an InformalTag entity.
InformalTagConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an InformalTagElement bean.
InformalTagConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an InformalTagElement bean.
InformalTagConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an InformalTagElement bean.
InformalTagConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an InformalTag bean.
InformalTagElement contains the properties and header for a InformalTag entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
InformalTagElement contains the properties and header for a InformalTag entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
InformalTagElement contains the properties and header for an informal retrieved from the metadata repository.
InformalTagHandler manages InformalTag objects.
InformalTagLifecycleTest calls the AssetConsumerClient to create a tag and attach it to assets and schemas and then retrieve the results.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InformalTagResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Tag object as a response.
InformalTagResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Tag object as a response.
InformalTags supports an iterator over a list of informal tags.
InformalTagsResponse returns a list of tags from the server.
InformalTagsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of InformalTag objects as a response.
InformalTagsResponse returns a list of tags from the server.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InfrastructureExchangeClient is the client for managing Servers and their services and infrastructure.
The InfrastructureExchangeInterface supports the exchange of metadata about Hosts, SoftwareServerPlatforms, SoftwareServers and SoftwareServerCapabilities such as Applications.
InfrastructureExchangeService is the context for managing infrastructure definitions such as applications, servers and hosts.
InfrastructureIntegrator is the client library for the Infrastructure Integrator OMIS's REST API.
InfrastructureIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Infrastructure Integrator OMIS.
The InfrastructureIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
InfrastructureIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Infrastructure Integrator OMIS.
InfrastructureIntegratorContext provides a wrapper around the IT Infrastructure OMAS client.
InfrastructureIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of an integration service
The InfrastructureIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
InfrastructureIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
InfrastructureIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
EngineActionRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new engine action.
InitiateGovernanceActionProcessRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for initiating a new instance of a governance action process.
GovernanceActionTypeRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for initiating a new instance of an engine action from a governance action type.
The InMemoryOMRSMetadataCollection represents a metadata repository that supports an in-memory repository.
The InMemoryOMRSRepositoryConnector is a connector to a local in memory repository.
In the Open Connector Framework (OCF), a ConnectorProvider is a factory for a specific type of connector.
InMemoryOpenMetadataTopicConnector provides a concrete implementation of the OpenMetadataTopicConnector that uses an in-memory list as the event/messaging infrastructure.
InMemoryOpenMetadataTopicProvider provides implementation of the connector provider for the InMemoryOpenMetadataTopicConnector.
INodeMapper<N extends Node>
Interface for mapping between a Subject Area OMAS Node to an OMRS EntityDetail
Methods used for rest API input validation
InstanceAuditHeader manages the attributes that are common to classifications, entities and relationships.
Maps the properties of InstanceAuditHeaders between persistence and objects.
InstanceElementHeader provides a common base for all instance information from the metadata collection.
InstanceFindRequest adds match properties to a find request.
InstanceGraph stores a subgraph of entities and relationships and provides methods to access its content.
InstanceGraphAccumulator provides the accumulator for an instance graph - this is a collection of related entities and relationships.
InstanceGraphRequest is the request structure for an OMRS REST API call that sends an instance graph object.
InstanceGraphResponse is the response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns an instance graph object.
InstanceHeader manages the attributes that are common to entities and relationship instances.
Maps the properties of InstanceHeaders between persistence and objects.
InstanceHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.
The InstanceProperties class provides support for properties to be added to an entity, classification or relationship instances.
Capture the differences between instance properties.
Maps the properties of InstanceProperties between persistence and objects.
InstancePropertiesRequest carries the properties needed to update an entity, relationship or classification.
The InstancePropertyCategory defines the list of value types for the properties for open metadata.
InstancePropertyValue provides a common class for holding an instance type and value.
Maps singular InstancePropertyValues between persistence and objects.
InstanceProvenanceType defines where the metadata comes from and, hence if it can be updated.
The InstanceStatus defines the status of an instance (classification, relationship or an entity) in the metadata collection.
InstanceType contains information from the instance's TypeDef that are useful for processing the instance.
The IntegrationConfigRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services to configure integration groups and integration connectors.
The IntegrationConfigRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services to configure integration groups and integration connectors.
IntegrationConnector is the abstract interface for a connector that is managed by the integration services.
IntegrationConnectorBase is the base class for an integration connector.
IntegrationConnectorCacheMap maintains the map of connectorIds to integration connector handlers.
IntegrationConnectorConfig provides the configuration properties used to create and manage an integration connector that exchanges metadata with a third party technology.
IntegrationGroupConfigurationEvent is used to inform listening integration daemons that the configuration of one of the integration groups has changed.
IntegrationConnectorPropertiesConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a IntegrationConnectorProperties bean.
IntegrationConnectorPropertiesConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a IntegrationConnectorProperties bean.
IntegrationConnectorDedicatedThread is the thread that runs a connector that issues
IntegrationConnectorElement contains the properties and header for an entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents an integration connector.
IntegrationConnectorElement contains the properties and header for an entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents an integration connector.
IntegrationConnectorElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a IntegrationConnector element object as a response.
IntegrationConnectorElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a IntegrationConnector element object as a response.
IntegrationConnectorElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of IntegrationConnectorElement objects as a response.
IntegrationConnectorElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of IntegrationConnectorElement objects as a response.
IntegrationConnectorReport provides information on the operation of a single connector within an integration service.
IntegrationConnectorProperties contains the definition of an integration connector.
IntegrationConnectorProperties contains the definition of an integration connector.
The IntegrationConnectorProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting Integration Connectors.
IntegrationConnectorReport provides information on the operation of a single connector within an integration service.
IntegrationConnectorStatus describes the status of an integration connector.
IntegrationContext is the base class for the integration context provided to the integration connector to provide access to open metadata services.
IntegrationContextManager is the base class for the context manager that is implemented by each integration service.
IntegrationContextRefreshProxy is used to provide a protected mechanism for the integration daemon to set isRefreshInProcess.
IntegrationDaemon is the client library for the Integration Daemon's REST API.
IntegrationDaemonAPI is the interface to control and monitor an integration daemon.
IntegrationDaemonConfigurationClient provides the configuration services for integration daemons.
IntegrationDaemonInstance maintains the instance information needed to execute requests on behalf of an integration daemon.
IntegrationDaemonInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the integration daemon instances.
IntegrationDaemonOperationalServices is responsible for controlling the startup and shutdown of the integration daemon services.
IntegrationDaemonResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
IntegrationDaemonRESTServices provides the external service implementation for an integration service and integration group.
The IntegrationDaemonServicesAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
IntegrationDaemonConfig provides the specialist properties used to initialize an integration daemon.
The IntegrationDaemonServicesErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Daemon Services.
IntegrationDaemonServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of engine services that are configured for an integration daemon OMAG Server.
IntegrationDaemonStatus provides a container for transporting the status of each of the integration services and integration groups running in an integration daemon.
IntegrationDaemonStatusResponse provides a container for transporting the status of each of the integration services running in an integration daemon.
IntegrationDaemonThread is the class responsible for managing executing integration connectors within an integration daemon.
IntegrationGovernanceContext provides access to extra services from the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
IntegrationGroupConfig provides the properties to configure a dynamic integration group in an integration daemon.
IntegrationGroupConfiguration supports the configuration of integration group and integration connectors.
IntegrationGroupConfiguration supports the configuration of integration group and integration connectors.
IntegrationGroupConfigurationClient supports the configuration of integration group and integration connectors.
IntegrationGroupConfigurationClient supports the configuration of integration group and integration connectors.
IntegrationGroupConfigurationClient supports the configuration of integration group and integration connectors.
IntegrationGroupConfigurationEvent is used to inform listening integration daemons that the configuration of one of the integration groups has changed.
GovernanceConfigurationHandler provides the open metadata server side implementation of GovernanceConfigurationServer which is part of the Open Governance Framework (ODF).
GroupConfigurationResource provides the Spring wrapper for the Integration Group Configuration Services
IntegrationGroupConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a IntegrationGroupProperties bean.
IntegrationGroupConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a IntegrationGroupProperties bean.
IntegrationGroupElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents an integration group.
IntegrationGroupElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents an integration group.
IntegrationGroupElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a IntegrationGroup element object as a response.
IntegrationGroupElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a IntegrationGroup element object as a response.
IntegrationGroupElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of IntegrationGroupElement objects as a response.
IntegrationGroupElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of IntegrationGroupElement objects as a response.
The IntegrationGroupHandler is responsible for maintaining information about the integration connectors in an integration group.
IntegrationGroupProperties describe the properties needed to describe a specific integration group.
IntegrationGroupProperties describe the properties needed to describe a specific integration group.
IntegrationGroupsResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of integration groups that are configured in an OMAG Server Platform.
IntegrationGroupStatus defines the status of a integration group.
IntegrationGroupSummary is a summary of the properties known about a specific integration group.
IntegrationGroupSummaryResponse provides a container for transporting the status of an integration group.
IntegrationReport contains the properties for one of the integration connector's integration report.
IntegrationReportBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents an integration report.
AssetConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an DataAssetElement bean.
IntegrationReportProperties contains the properties for an integration report.
IntegrationReportResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns an IntegrationReport object as a response.
IntegrationReportsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of IntegrationReport objects as a response.
IntegrationReportWriter is responsible for managing the assembly and production of IntegrationReports.
IntegrationServiceConfig provides the configuration for a single Open Metadata Integration Service (OMIS).
IntegrationServiceConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a IntegrationServiceConfig object as a response.
IntegrationServiceDescription provides a list of registered integration services.
IntegrationServiceHandler provides the support for a specific integration service running in the integration daemon.
IntegrationServiceRegistration is used to describe an integration service and register it with the integration daemon registry.
IntegrationServiceRegistry maintains the list of registered integration services and the mapping to the specialized context manager/integration connector APIs.
IntegrationServiceRequestBody passes the minimum information to set up an integration service.
IntegrationServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of services that are configured in an OMAG Server Platform.
IntegrationServiceSummary provides a structure to return the status of the connectors associated with an integration service.
IntegrationServiceSummaryResponse provides a container for transporting the status of each of the integration services running in an integration daemon.
The IntegrationViewServiceConfig class is a specialization of ViewServiceConfig for integration-level view services
Internal Asynchronous message processing context.
InvalidEntityException provides a checked exception for reporting that an entity can not be added because its content is invalid.
The InvalidParameterException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when a parameter is null or an invalid value.
The InvalidParameterException is thrown by the connector when a parameter is null or an invalid value.
The InvalidParameterException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when the parameters passed to a repository connector, or its accompanying metadata collection, are not valid.
InvalidParameterHandler is a common error handler.
InvalidParameterTest calls each non-constructor method with a series of null or invalid parameters.
InvalidParameterTest calls each non-constructor method with a series of null or invalid parameters.
InvalidParameterTest calls each non-constructor method with a series of null or invalid parameters.
InvalidParameterTest calls each non-constructor method with a series of null or invalid parameters.
InvalidParameterTest calls each non-constructor method with a series of null or invalid parameters.
InvalidParameterTest calls each non-constructor method with a series of null or invalid parameters.
InvalidParameterTest calls each non-constructor method with a series of null or invalid parameters.
InvalidParameterTest calls each non-constructor method with a series of null or invalid parameters.
InvalidRelationshipException provides a checked exception for reporting that a relationship can not be added because its content is invalid.
InvalidTypeDefException provides a checked exception for reporting that a typedef can not be added because its content is invalid.
Interface for mapping between a Subject Area OMAS Relationship to an OMRS Relationship
Link between a more general glossary term and a more specific definition.
Mapping methods to map between the iSARelationship and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
Defines an inheritance relationship between two spine objects.
IsATypeOfDeprecated it is deprecated; move your instances to use IsATypeOf instead.
Mapping methods to map between the isATypeOf and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
ITAssetResource is the server-side of AssetManagerClientBase.
ITAssetRESTService is the server-side of ExternalSourceClientBase.
ITInfrastructureAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the IT Infrastructure OMAS.
The ITInfrastructureAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
ITInfrastructureBuilder provides the builder functions for classifications and relationships.
The ITInfrastructureErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the IT Infrastructure OMAS Services.
ITInfrastructureEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the IT Infrastructure OMAS Out Topic.
ITInfrastructureEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the configuration events produced by the IT Infrastructure OMAS.
ITInfrastructureEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the IT Infrastructure OMAS's out topic.
ITInfrastructureEventType describes the different types of events produced by the IT Infrastructure OMAS.
OperatingPlatformHandler provides the exchange of metadata about hosts, software server platforms and software servers between the repository and the OMAS.
DataManagerOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Data Manager OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
ITInfrastructureOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for IT Infrastructure OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
DataManagerOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Data Manager beans converters.
ITInfrastructureOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
ITInfrastructureOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the IT Infrastructure OMAS's OutTopic.
The ITInfrastructureOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting ITInfrastructureOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
ITInfrastructureOutTopicEvent provides the structure of the IT Infrastructure OMAS's OutTopic events.
ITInfrastructureOutTopicPublisher is responsible for sending events on the IT Infrastructure OMAS's out topic.
ITInfrastructureOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the IT Infrastructure OMAS's OutTopic.
The ITInfrastructureOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting ITInfrastructureOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
ITInfrastructureProperties is a java bean used to create software servers, hosts and platforms.
ITInfrastructureProperties is a java bean used to create software servers, hosts and platforms.
ITInfrastructureRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The ITInfrastructureResource provides the server-side implementation of the IT Infrastructure Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
ITInfrastructureRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
The ITInfrastructureRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the IT Infrastructure Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
ITInfrastructureServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
ActorProfileConverter generates a ActorProfileElement bean from a ActorProfile entity.
The ITProfileElement describes a system, any contact methods and linked userIds.
The ITProfileElement describes a system, any contact methods and linked userIds.
ITProfileListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of profile elements.
ITProfileListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of profile elements.
OrganizationManagement is the client used by the Organization Integrator OMIS that is responsible with synchronizing organizational structures, profiles rules and users with open metadata.
ITProfileManagerInterface defines the client interface for setting up the profile and userId for a piece of IT infrastructure.
The ITProfileProperties describes a automated agent that is taking governance action.
The ITProfileProperties describes a automated agent that is taking governance action.
The ITProfileProperties describes a automated agent that is taking governance action.
ITProfileRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on ActorProfile entities.
ITProfileRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on ActorProfile entities.
The ITProfileResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the ITProfileManagerInterface.
ITProfileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ActorProfileElement object as a response.
ITProfileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ActorProfileElement object as a response.
The ITProfileRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the IT Infrastructure Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS) capability for IT Profile management.
Utility class that delegates requests to jdbc
The JDBCAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
Represents a catalog as returned by the JDBC api.
Represents a column as returned by the JDBC api.
JDBCConfigurationProperty provides definitions for the configuration properties used with the JDBC Integration Connector.
CatalogTargetEnum characterises the type of third party technology supported by a specific integration connector.
JDBCDataValue is used when inserting new rows into a table.
The JDBCErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Kafka monitor integration connector.
Represents a foreign key as returned by the JDBC api.
Manages the getTables call to jdbc to extract tables
Manages the getTables call to jdbc to extract views
JDBCIntegrationConnector supports the cataloguing of database schema via the JDBC interface.
The JDBCIntegrationConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the Audit Log.
The JDBCErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Kafka monitor integration connector.
JDBCResourceConnector works exclusively with JDBC API to retrieve metadata.
Transfers metadata from jdbc in an exploratory way.
Represents a primary key as returned by the JDBC api.
JDBCResourceConnector provides basic implementation of DataSource interface in order to get a Connection to target database.
JDBCResourceConnectorProvider is the OCF connector provider for the jdbc resource connector.
Represents a schema as returned by the JDBC api.
Represents a table or a view as returned by the JDBC api.
Used for setting up the configuration for a Quartz scheduled job using the lineage graph as part of the data map.
The JobLevelDefinition is used to feed the definition of the JobLevel valid value set for Coco Pharmaceuticals' employees.
The KafkaAnnotationType enum describes the annotation types used by the Apache Kafka survey action service.
Wrapper class for kafka configuration that allows us to get at its properties.
IncomingEvent that came from Kafka
The KafkaIntegrationConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The KafkaIntegrationConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The KafkaIntegrationConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Kafka monitor integration connector.
The KafkaIntegrationConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Kafka monitor integration connector.
KafkaMetric describes the metrics from Apache Kafka that are captured by the Apache Kafka Survey Action Service.
KafkaMonitorIntegrationConnector catalogues active topics in a kafka broker.
KafkaMonitorIntegrationProvider is the connector provider for the kafka integration connector that extracts topic names from the broker.
KafkaOpenMetadataEventConsumer is used to process events from kafka topic and is part of native Apache Kafka event/messaging infrastructure.
Configurable properties for the KafkaOpenMetadataEventConsumer
KafkaOpenMetadataEventProducer manages the sending of events on Apache Kafka.
KafkaOMRSTopicConnector provides a concrete implementation of the OMRSTopicConnector that uses native Apache Kafka as the event/messaging infrastructure.
The KafkaOpenMetadataTopicConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the Audit Log.
The KafkaOpenMetadataTopicConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Apache Kafka connector.
KafkaOpenMetadataTopicProvider provides implementation of the connector provider for the KafkaOpenMetadataTopicConnector.
PlaceholderProperty provides some standard definitions for placeholder properties used to pass properties to services that use templates.
The KafkaDiscoveryAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The KafkaDiscoveryErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Apache Kafka Admin connector.
KafkaTopicIntegrationConnector catalogues active topics in a kafka broker.
KafkaMonitorIntegrationProvider is the connector provider for the kafka integration connector that extracts topic names from the broker.
A KeyPattern defines the type of External Identifier in use for an asset, or the type of Primary Key used within an asset.
Keywords for re-use across the various transaction functions.
LastAttachment describes the last attachment to be added to a Referenceable.
LatestChange is a bean that describes the latest change to an asset universe.
LatestChangeAction identifies the type of a change to an asset and its connected entities.
LatestChangeTarget identifies the target of a change to an asset and its connected entities.
Leadership is a relationship between an ActorProfile and another ActorProfile.
LevelIdentifierProperties describes the properties for searching for a governance action classification by its level.
LevelIdentifierProperties describes the properties for searching for a governance action classification by its level.
LibraryCategoryReference is a relationship between a Category and an ExternalGlossaryLink.
LibraryTermReference is a relationship between a Term and an ExternalGlossaryLink.
The data economy brings licensing to data and metadata.
LicenseConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an License bean.
LicenseElement contains the properties and header for a license for an element.
LicenseElement contains the properties and header for a license for an element.
LicenseHandler manages License objects.
LicenseIdRequestBody provides a structure for the unique certificate identifier.
LicenseIdRequestBody provides a structure for the unique certificate identifier.
LicenseListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of licenses as a response.
LicenseListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of licenses as a response.
LicenseProperties describe the details of a license that shows that an element is licensed with a particular license type.
LicenseProperties describe the details of a license that shows that an element is licensed with a particular license type.
LicenseProperties describe the details of a license that shows that an element is licensed with a particular license type.
LicenseRESTServices is the java client for managing license types and the license of elements.
LicenseRESTServices is the java client for managing license types and the license of elements.
Licenses supports an iterator over a list of licenses for the asset.
LicensesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of License objects as a response.
LicenseTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from LicenseTypeElement.
LicenseTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from LicenseTypeElement.
The LicenseTypeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the LicenseTypes for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
LicenseTypeElement contains the properties and header for a licence type retrieved from the metadata repository.
LicenseTypeElement contains the properties and header for a licence type retrieved from the metadata repository.
LicenseTypeListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of license types as a response.
LicenseTypeListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of license types as a response.
LicenseTypeProperties defines a license that the organization recognizes and has governance definitions to support it.
LicenseTypeProperties defines a license that the organization recognizes and has governance definitions to support it.
LicenseTypeProperties defines a license that the organization recognizes and has governance definitions to support it.
LicenseTypeRequestBody provides a structure used when creating license types.
LicenseTypeRequestBody provides a structure used when creating license types.
LicenseTypeResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a license type object as a response.
LicenseTypeResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a license type object as a response.
The Like properties object records a single user's "like" of an asset.
LikeBuilder is able to build the properties for a Like entity.
LikeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an LikeElement bean.
LikeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a RatingElement bean.
LikeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Like bean.
LikeElement contains the properties and header for a Like entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
LikeElement contains the properties and header for a like entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
LikeElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
LikeElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
LikeHandler provides access and maintenance for Like objects and their attachment to Referenceables.
The LikeProperties object records a single user's "like" of an element.
The LikeProperties properties object records a single user's "like" of an asset.
The LikeProperties object records a single user's "like" of an element.
Likes supports an iterator over a list of like objects.
LikesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Like objects as a response.
The lineage entity represents the single node in lineage graph with self contained properties.
The lineage event contains new or updated lineage graph context from assets.
LineageExchangeClient is the client for managing processes and lineage linkage.
The LineageExchangeInterface supports the exchange of process definitions and lineage linkage.
LineageExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for processes, ports and lineage mapping.
LineageExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for processes, ports and lineage mapping.
LineageExchangeService is the context for managing process definitions and lineage linkage.
This component matches the properties provided under lineage-display-config which provide rules based on which the edge's direction will be inverted
LineageIntegrator is the client library for the Lineage Integrator OMIS's REST API.
LineageIntegratorAPI is the interface to call the services provides by the Lineage Integrator OMIS running in an integration daemon.
The LineageIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
LineageIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Lineage Integrator OMIS.
LineageIntegratorContext provides a wrapper around the Asset Manager OMAS client.
LineageIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of an integration service.
The LineageIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
LineageIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
LineageIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
LineageMappingConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant header from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a LineageMappingElement bean.
LineageMappingConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant header from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a LineageMappingElement bean.
LineageMappingElement contains the properties and header for a lineage mapping relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
LineageMappingElement contains the properties and header for a lineage mapping relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
DataFlowElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
LineageMappingElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
LineageMappingElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of lineage mapping relationships or an exception if the request failed.
LineageMappingElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of lineage mapping relationships or an exception if the request failed.
LineageMappingProperties describe the properties for a lineage mapping relationship.
LineageMappingProperties describe the properties for a lineage mapping relationship.
LineageMappingRequestBody describes the request body used when adding a lineage mapping.
Returns lineage node names.
LineageNodeNamesResponse returns a list of node names.
LineagePublishSummary describes details about lineage processing and publish activity completed by Asset Lineage OMAS.
The values that define the
The lineage relationship represents the a lineage relationship in the lineage graph with self contained properties.
The lineage relationship event contains lineage graph context from relationships.
The lineage event contains new or updated lineage graph context from assets.
LineageRequestNode describes the type of node to return.
Return a lineage graph
Returns the graph or error from a lineage query.
LineageSearchRequest describes the properties for a lineage search.
LineageSearchResponse provides a list of nodes (vertices) for a lineage search.
LineageSyncEvent is used to notify external consumers about AssetLineage internal processing.
SyncUpdateContext contains the context for syncing the relationships of a node after an update.
Return lineage types.
Describe a node in a lineage graph.
Return a single node in the lineage graph
Describe a lineage subgraph
LineageWarehouseConfig provides the properties for the lineage-warehouse-services.
The ODF error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with Open Lineage Services.
LineageWarehouseException provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Lineage Warehouse Services.
Extend the standard REST exception handler to support the LineageWarehouseException.
Base class for all implementations of the Lineage Warehouse Graph Connector.
LineageWarehouseGraphStorageService is the API of the Lineage Warehouse Connector's storage service.
OpenLineageOperationalServices is responsible for controlling the startup and shutdown of of the open lineage services.
The OpenLineageResource provides the server-side interface of the Lineage Warehouse Services governance server.
OpenLineageInstance maintains the instance information needed to execute queries on a Open lineage server.
LiteralSchemaType describes a schema element that has a fixed value type.
LiteralSchemaTypeProperties carries the specialized parameters for creating or updating literal schema types.
LiteralSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
LocalOMRSConnectorProvider implements the connector provider for LocalOMRSRepositoryConnector.
LocalOMRSInstanceEventProcessor processes incoming metadata instance events that describe changes to the entities and relationships in other repositories in the connected cohorts.
LocalOMRSMetadataCollection provides a wrapper around the metadata collection for the real local repository.
LocalOMRSRepositoryConnector provides access the local metadata repository plus manages outbound repository events.
LocalRepositoryConfig provides the properties to control the behavior of the metadata repository associated with this server.
LocalRepositoryConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a LocalRepositoryConfig object as a response.
LocalRepositoryMode classifies the capability of the server's local repository.
LocalRepositoryServicesClient provides a client interface for calling the local repository services in a remote server.
LocalRepositoryServicesResource provides the server-side support for the OMRS Repository REST Services API that are directed to the local repository.
Location describes where the asset is located.
LocationBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a location.
LocationConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from LocationElement.
LocationConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from LocationElement.
LocationConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Referenceable bean.
LocationElement contains the properties and header for a location definition retrieved from the metadata repository.
LocationElement contains the properties and header for a location definition retrieved from the metadata repository.
LocationHandler manages Location objects.
LocationListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of location objects.
LocationManager provides the API operations to create and maintain location definitions.
LocationManagementInterface defines the client side interface for the Community Profile OMAS that is relevant for managing definitions of locations.
LocationResource provides the API operations to create and maintain locations.
LocationManager provides the API operations to create and maintain location definitions.
LocationProperties is a class for representing a physical or digital location.
LocationProperties is a class for representing a generic location.
LocationProperties is a class for representing a generic location.
LocationResource provides the API operations to create and maintain locations.
LocationResponse is a response object for passing back a single location object.
LocationResponse is a response object for passing back a single location object.
LocationRESTServices provides the API operations to create and maintain location information.
LocationRESTServices provides the API operations to create and maintain location information.
Locations supports an iterator over a list of locations.
LocationsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of location objects.
LocationsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of ExternalIdentifier objects as a response.
LoggingHandler manages the logging of audit records for the asset.
LoggingRequestFilter is setting up additional diagnostics using the Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) service.
Login request is a record to provide the user's userId and password in the request body of a token request.
LogoutController provides the REST API to log out a user.
LogRecordRequestBody provides a structure for passing a log record as a request body over a REST API.
MaintenanceAccumulator provides a simple accumulator that supports maintenance operations on the metadata repositories.
The ManageCollections adds methods for managing collections.
ManageConnections provides methods to define connections and their supporting objects The interface supports the following types of objects Connections - the connections used to create connector instances that can access the connection. ConnectorTypes - description of a specific that can be used to access the connection. ConnectorCategories - the network information needed to access the connection. Endpoints - the network information needed to access the connection.
ManageConnectionsResource provides the API operations to create and maintain connections.
ManageExternalIdsTest calls the AssetManagerClientBase to ensure it is possible to manage many-to-many relationships between elements in open metadata and external metadata sources.
ManageLocations defines the client side interface for the Digital Architecture OMAS that is relevant for managing definitions of locations.
ManageReferenceData provides the API operations to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
Subject areas group data into topic areas.
The ManageTemplates is used to create and maintain templates.
Factory class for SubjectAreaMapper classes
MapPropertyValue stores the values of a map within an entity, struct or relationship properties.
Maps singular MapPropertyValues between persistence and objects.
MapSchemaType describes a schema element of type map.
MapSchemaType describes a schema element of type map.
MapSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
MapTypePropertyValue stores the values of a map within an entity, struct or relationship properties.
The MatchCriteria enum defines how the metadata instances in the metadata store should be matched against the properties supplied on the search request.
The MatchCriteria enum defines how the metadata instances in the metadata collection should be matched against the properties supplied on the search request.
Meaning is a cut-down summary of a glossary term to aid the asset consumer in understanding the content of an asset.
MeaningConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a MeaningElement bean.
MeaningConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Meaning bean.
MeaningElement contains the properties and header for a GlossaryTerm entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
MeaningProperties is a cut-down summary of a glossary term to aid the asset consumer in understanding the content of an asset.
MeaningProperties is a cut-down summary of a glossary term to aid the asset owner in understanding the content of an asset.
Meaning is a cut-down summary of a glossary term to aid in understanding the content of an element.
MeaningProperties is a cut-down summary of a glossary term to aid the stewardship action in understanding the content of an asset.
MeaningResponse is the response structure used on the OCF Metadata Management REST API calls that returns a Meaning object as a response.
MeaningsResponse returns a list of meanings from the server.
MediaReference is a relationship between a Referenceable and a RelatedMedia.
Defines the type of media.
Defines how a related media reference should be used.
MemberRegistration is a POJO for storing the information about a metadata repository that is a member of the open metadata repository cohort.
MessageDefinition is a container that describes a single instance of a message.
MessageFormatter is the superclass of audit log implementations.
MetadataAccessPointConfigurationClient configures a MetadataAccessPoint OMAG Server.
MetadataAccessServerConfigurationClient configures a MetadataAccessServer OMAG Server.
MetadataAccessStoreConfigurationClient provides the configuration client for a MetadataAccessServer OMAG server.
MetadataCollectionIdRequest is the request structure used on the OMRS REST API calls that use the home metadata collection id as a validator/originator for the request.
MetadataCollectionIdResponse is the response structure used on the OMRS REST API calls that return a String response.
The MetadataCollectionServicesClient represents a remote metadata repository that supports the OMRS Repository REST API.
MetadataCorrelationHeader provides details of the external identifier(s) and other correlation properties to help the connector/client work out the correlation between the open metadata elements and the third party technology elements.
MetadataCorrelationHeadersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of correlation headers or an exception if the request failed.
MetadataCorrelationProperties describes the common properties used to pass the properties of metadata elements to the metadata repositories (aka properties server).
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
MetadataElementBuilder is able to build the properties for an entity that extends OpenMetadataRoot.
MetadataElementConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a OpenMetadataElement bean.
MetadataElementConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a OpenMetadataElement bean.
MetadataElementHandler manages MetadataElement objects from the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
MetadataElementInterface provides an interface to the open metadata store.
The MetadataHighwayServicesClient supports the OMRS Metadata Highway REST API.
MetadataHighwayServicesResource provides the server-side support for the OMRS Repository REST Services API that provide information about the local server's interaction with an open metadata repository cohort.
The MetadataServerUncontactableException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when the OMAG server cannot be contacted value.
MetadataSourceClient is the client for setting up the SoftwareServerCapabilities that represent metadata sources that supply information relating to people and organizations.
MetadataSourceClient is the client for setting up the SoftwareServerCapabilities that represent metadata sources.
MetadataSourceClient is the client for setting up the SoftwareServerCapabilities that represent metadata sources.
MetadataSourceConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a MetadataSourceElement bean.
MetadataSourceElement contains the properties and header for a software server capability retrieved from the metadata repository.
MetadataSourceInterface is the interface used to define information about the third party technologies that an integration daemon is extracting metadata from.
MetadataSourceInterface is the interface used to define information about the third party technologies that an integration daemon is extracting metadata from.
MetadataSourceInterface is the interface used to define information about the third party technologies that an integration daemon is extracting metadata from.
MetadataSourceProperties describe the properties for a capability that is supplying profile information to the Community Profile OMAS.
MetadataSourceProperties describe the properties for a capability that is supplying profile information to the Community Profile OMAS.
MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an element as external.
MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an element as external.
MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an element, classification or relationship as external.
MetadataSourceRequestBody is the request body structure used on OIF REST API calls that requests a new element to represent a new metadata source.
MetadataSourceResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a MetadataSourceElement object as a response.
The Owl RDF Canonical Glossary models are jsonld files.
MoreInformationResponse returns a list of referenceables that are connected to the element identified on the request that is connected by the MoreInformation relationship from the server.
MoveCopyFileGovernanceActionConnector moves or copies files from one location to another and optionally creates lineage between them.
MoveCopyFileGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the Move or Copy File Provisioning Governance Action Service.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
MultiLanguageInterface enables translations of the string properties of a metadata element to be created, maintained and retrieved.
MultiLanguageManagement enables translations of the string properties of a metadata element to be created, maintained and retrieved.
MyPersonalNetworkInterface provides interfaces to query the personal network of the individual.
MyPersonalNotesInterface provides the ability for a person to create and manage their personal notes.
MyPersonalProfileInterface covers the management of a user's personal profile.
MyProfileAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the My Profile OMVS.
The MyProfileAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
MyProfileInstance caches references to the objects it needs for a specific server.
MyProfileInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
MyProfileRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
MyProfileRequestBody provides a structure for passing personal details over a REST API.
The MyProfileResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the My Profile OMVS.
The MyProfileRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the My Profile Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
MyRolesAndActionsInterface covers the ability to query a person's roles and any actions (to dos) assigned to those roles.
Exception thrown when there is a conflict in Apache Atlas names.
NameListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of names as a response.
NameRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
NameRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
NeighborhoodHistoricalFindRequest is used by the Subject Area OMAS to specify information for graph find calls.
NestedLocationProperties describes the properties for the NestedLocation relationship between locations.
An asset's schema provides information about how the asset structures the data it supports.
NewActionTarget identifies an element that a governance action service should process.
NewActionTarget identifies an element that a governance action service should process.
NewClassificationRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new classification for a metadata element.
NewCollectionRequestBody describes the properties to create a new collection.
NewCSVFileAssetRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new CSV file asset.
NewDigitalProductRequestBody describes the properties to create a new collection with a digital product classification.
NewElementRequestBody provides a structure for the common properties when creating an element.
NewElementRequestBody provides a structure for the common properties when creating an element.
NewFileAssetRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new file asset.
NewFileSystemProperties describes the root node of a file system.
NewGovernanceActionProcessRequestBody describes the request body used to create governance action process properties.
NewGovernanceEngineRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties of a new governance engine as a request body over a REST API.
NewGovernanceEngineRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties of a new governance engine as a request body over a REST API.
NewGovernanceServiceRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties of a new governance service as a request body over a REST API.
NewGovernanceServiceRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties of a new governance service as a request body over a REST API.
NewInstanceException is thrown if the OMAG service is not able to register a new instance of itself in its instance map.
NewMetadataElementRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element.
NewMetadataElementRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element.
NewMetadataElementRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element.
NewProjectRequestBody describes the properties to create a new project.
NewRelatedElementsRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new relationship between metadata elements.
NextGovernanceActionProcessStepElement contains the properties and header for a governance action process step entity plus the properties of a NextGovernanceActionProcessStep relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
NextGovernanceActionProcessStepLink contains the properties and ends of a NextGovernanceActionProcessStep relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
NextGovernanceActionProcessStepRequestBody contains the properties for a next action type relationship.
NextGovernanceActionProcessStepsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of NextGovernanceActionProcessStepElement objects as a response.
NextGovernanceActionTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from a GovernanceServiceElement bean and the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a NextGovernanceAction bean.
NextGovernanceActionTypeElement contains the properties and header for a governance action type entity plus the properties of a NextGovernanceActionType relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
NextGovernanceActionTypeElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of NextGovernanceActionTypeElement objects as a response.
NextGovernanceActionTypeRequestBody contains the properties for a next action type relationship.
The NoConnectedAssetException is thrown by the Connected Asset OMAS when there is no asset linked to the supplied connection object.
A Node is an entity in the subject area omas that has a type NodeType, name, qualified name and description.
Describes a node in the lineage graph
Specify a lineage query.
A SummaryNode represents a node in the subject area omas that has a type NodeType, relationship type, name and icon.
Different types of nodes.
Static mapping methods to map between the node type and the Entity Type
The NoProfileForUserException is thrown by the OMAS when a userId passed on a request does not have an associated actor profile.
Note defines the properties of a single note in a note log.
NoteBuilder is able to build the properties for a Note entity.
NoteConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an NoteElement bean.
NoteConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Note bean.
NoteElement contains the properties and header for a Note entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
NoteElement contains the properties and header for a Note entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
NoteElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
NoteElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
NoteLogHandler manages NoteLog objects.
Stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
NoteLogBuilder is able to build the properties for a NoteLog entity.
NoteLogConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an NoteLogElement bean.
NoteLogConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a NoteLogHeader bean.
NoteLogElement contains the properties and header for a NoteLog entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
NoteLogElement contains the properties and header for a NoteLog entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
NoteLogElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
NoteLogElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
NoteLogEntryConverter generates a NoteLogEntryForumContribution from an NoteEntry entity.
NoteLogEntryElement contains the properties and header for an entry in a note log such as a persona note log or a community forum.
NoteLogEntryProperties covers the entries in a community forum and personal notes since they are based on a note log.
NoteLogExchangeHandler is the server side handler for managing note logs and their associated notes.
NoteLogHandler manages NoteLog objects.
NoteLogHeader manages a list of notes for an asset
NoteLogHeaderConverter generates a NoteLogHeaderElement from an NoteLogHeader entity
NoteLogHeaderElement contains the properties and header for the root of a note log such as a personal note log or a community forum.
NoteLogHeaderProperties covers the properties that are common between a community forum and a persona note log.
NoteLogHeader manages a list of notes for an asset
NoteLogHeader manages a list of notes for an asset
NoteLogHeader manages a list of notes for an element
NoteLogResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a NoteLogHeader object as a response.
NoteLogResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
NoteLogs supports an iterator over a list of note logs.
NoteLogsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of NoteLogHeader objects as a response.
NoteLogElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
Note defines the properties of a single note in a note log.
Note defines the properties of a single note in a note log.
Note defines the properties of a single note in a note log.
NoteResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
Notes supports an iterator over a list of notes within a note log.
NotesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Note objects as a response.
NoteElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
NullRequestBody provides a empty request body object for POST requests that do not need to send additional parameters beyond the path variables.
Identifies a glossary term that describes an attribute that can be used to identify an instance.
Mapping methods to map between ObjectIdentifier and the omrs equivalents.
Provides configurations for customizing json bean Jackson object mapper singleton instance configuration and yaml bean Jackson object mapper singleton instance configuration
OCFCheckedExceptionBase provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using OCF connectors.
Validate that the exception is properly populated and supports toString, hashCode and equals.
OCFConverter provides the generic methods for the OCF beans converters.
The OCF error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with OCF Connectors.
The OCFMetadataAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
ConnectedAssetInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the access service instances.
OCFMetadataOperationalServices initializes the REST Services that support the Open Connector Framework (OCF) connected asset properties calls.
The OCFMetadataRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Connected Asset REST interface used by connectors.
OCFMetadataServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
OCFOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Open Connector Framework (OCF) bean-based request bodies.
OCFOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for or Open Connector Framework (OCF) bean-based REST responses.
OCFRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OCF Management REST APIs.
OCFRuntimeException is used for all runtime exceptions generated by the OCF.
The ODF error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with ODF Discovery Services.
The OIFAuditCode is used to define the message content for the Audit Log.
The OIFErrorCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
OIFMetadataOperationalServices initializes the REST Services that support the Open Integration Framework (OIF) open integration calls.
OMAGAccessServiceRegistration provides static methods to enable an access service to dynamically register itself with the OMAG Server.
The OMAGAdminAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The OMAGAdminErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the OMAG Server It is used in conjunction with OMAG Exceptions, both Checked and Runtime (unchecked).
OMAGCheckedExceptionBase provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Open Metadata and Governance (OMAG) services.
The OMAGCommonAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The OMAGCommonErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for common errors.
This class provides support for loading OMAGServerConfig document from different configuration options/styles.
OMAGConfigurationErrorException is used when configuration parameters passed on earlier calls turn out to be invalid or make the new call invalid.
OMAGConformanceSuiteConfigServices configures the Open Metadata Conformance Suite workbenches in an OMAG Server.
OMAGEngineServiceRegistration provides static methods to enable an engine service to dynamically register itself with the OMAG Server.
OMAGGAFAPIResponse provides a common header for Metadata Store Service managed rest to its REST API.
OMAGInvalidParameterException is used when invalid parameters are passed on an OMAG call.
OMAGNotAuthorizedException is used when the calling user does not have permission to issue an OMAG call.
The OMAGOCFErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with OCF Beans.
OMAGOIFAPIResponse provides a common header for Metadata Store Service managed rest to its REST API.
OMAGOperationalServicesInstance provides the references to the active services for an instance of an OMAG Server.
OMAGRuntimeException is used for all runtime exceptions generated by one of the Open Metadata and Governance (OMAG) Services.
OMAGServer provides the main program for the OMAG Server spring-boot based starter application.
Custom exception definition used for managing known server start-up error scenarios.
OMAGServerAdminForAccessServices provides the server-side support for the services that add access services configuration to an OMAG Server.
OMAGServerAdminForEngineServices provides the server-side support for the services that add engine services configuration to an OMAG Server.
OMAGServerAdminForIntegrationDaemonServices provides the server-side support for the services that configure the specialized part of the integration daemon.
OMAGServerAdminForViewServices provides the server-side support for the services that add view services configuration to an OMAG Server.
OMAGServerAdminSecurityServices provides the capability to set up open metadata security connectors.
OMAGServerAdminServices provides part of the server-side implementation of the administrative interface for an Open Metadata and Governance (OMAG) Server.
OMAGServerAdminStoreServices provides the capability to store and retrieve configuration documents.
OMAGServerClientConfig provides the properties to configure a server that connects to an OMAG Server.
OMAGServerConfig provides the properties used to initialize an open metadata and governance (OMAG) server.
OMAGServerConfigOpenLineage provides the configuration services for the Open Lineage Server.
OMAGServerConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a OMAGServerConfig object as a response.
OMAGServerConfigsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a set of OMAGServerConfig objects as a response.
OMAGServerConfigStore provides the interface to the configuration for an OMAG Server.
OMAGServerConfigStoreConnectorBase provides the base class for an OMAG Server's configuration document store.
The OMAGServerConfigStoreProviderBase provides a base class for the connector provider supporting the OMAG server configuration stores.
OMAGServerConfigStoreQueryAll provides a method to retrieve all the stored servers.
OMAGServerConfigurationClient provides common services to configure an OMAG Server.
OMAGServerDataEngineProxyService supports the configuration requests for Data Engine Proxies.
OMAGServerErrorHandler provides common error handling routines for the admin services
OMAGServerExceptionHandler provides common error handling routines for the admin services
The OMAGServerInstanceAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The OMAGServerInstanceErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with OMAG Server instances within the OMAG Server Platform It is used in conjunction with all multi-tenant exceptions, both Checked and Runtime (unchecked).
OMAGServerInstanceHistory documents the start and end of a server instance.
OMAGServerServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for an OMAG server service instance.
OMAGServerOperationalServices will provide support to start, manage and stop services in the OMAG Server.
OMAGServerOperationResource provides the REST API for controlling the start-up, management and shutdown of services in the OMAG Server.
OMAGServerPlatform provides the main program for the OMAG Server Platform.
OMAGServerPlatformActiveResource allow an external caller to determine which servers are active on the platform and the services that are active within them.
OMAGServerPlatformActiveServices allow an external caller to determine which servers are active on the platform and the services that are active within them.
OMAGServerPlatformConfigurationClient provides services to configure an OMAG Server Platform.
OMAGServerPlatformInstanceMap provides part of the mapping for inbound REST requests to the appropriate service instances for the requested server.
OMAGServerPlatformOperationalServices will provide support to start, manage and stop services in the OMAG Server.
OMAGServerPlatformOriginResource provides the Spring wrapper for the origin service that helps the client discover the type of the server platform.
OMAGServerPlatformOriginServices support the origin services for Egeria's OMAG Server.
OMAGServerPlatformSecurityResource provides the API to configure the security connector that validates platform requests that do not reference an OMAG server.
OMAGServerPlatformSecurityServices provides the capability to set up open metadata security connectors.
Provides validation support for OMAG specific application properties.
OMAGServerResource provides the REST API for controlling the start-up, management and shutdown of services in the OMAG Server.
OMAGServerServiceInstance represents an instance of a service in an OMAG Server.
OMAGServerServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for an OMAG server service instance.
OMAGServerServiceStatus contains the status of each of the services running in the server.
ServerListResponse returns the list of servers running in a platform.
OMAGServiceMode sets up whether an open metadata and governance service (OMAS) is enabled or not.
Provides configuration supporting OMAG related components required by the application.
OMAGViewServiceRegistration provides static methods to enable an view service to dynamically register itself with the OMAG Server.
Utility class that delegates requests to designated access service
Triggers the registration of this OMAS.
OMASServiceInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
OMASServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the access service instances.
Represents an instance of an Open Metadata Engine Service (OMES) running in a specific server.
OMESServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the engine service instances.
OMRSAPISearchRequest provides a common header for OMRS managed rest to the OMRS REST API.
OMRSAPIHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.
OMRSAPIPagedFindRequest provides support for the paging parameters of a find request.
OMRSRESTAPIPagedResponse provides the base definition for a paged response.
OMRSAPIRequest provides a common header for complex OMRS request to the OMRS REST API.
OMRSAPIResponse provides a common header for OMRS managed rest to the OMRS REST API.
OMRSArchiveBuilder creates an in-memory copy of an open metadata archive that can be saved to disk or processed by a server.
OMRSArchiveGUIDMap is a utility to create a persisted list of GUIDs used by an archive builder.
OMRSArchiveHelper provides utility methods to help in the construction of open metadata archives.
OMRSArchiveManager manages the loading and unloading of open metadata archives from the local OMRS repository.
OMRSArchiveWriter creates physical open metadata archive files for the supplied open metadata archives encoded using Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) formats.
The OMRSAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
OMRSAuditingComponent provides identifying and background information about the many of the core components writing log records to the OMRS Audit log.
OMRSAuditLog is a class for managing the audit logging of activity for the OMAG components.
OMRSAuditLogDestination provides information needed to log records to the configured audit log destinations for a specific server instance.
OMRSAuditLogDestinationReport is a container for properties about the logging destinations supported by this audit log.
OMRSAuditLogRecord provides a carrier for details about a single log record in the OMRS audit log.
OMRSAuditLogRecordOriginator describes the server that originated an audit log record.
OMRSAuditLogRecordSeverity defines the different levels of severity for log records stored in the OMRSAuditLogRecord.
OMRSAuditLogReport is a structure that describes the properties of the audit log running in a server.
OMRSAuditLogReportingComponent describes the component issuing the audit log record.
AuditLogReportSeverity provides information about the different types of severities defined for the audit log.
OMRSAuditLogRESTServices provides the server-side logic to support the query interface for the audit log.
OMRSAuditLogStore is the specialized data API for an Audit Log destination connector.
OMRSAuditLogStoreConnectorBase is the base class for connectors that support the OMRSAuditLog.
The OMRSAuditLogStoreProviderBase provides a base class for the connector provider supporting OMRS audit log stores.
OMRSAuditLogStoreReport is a bean to describe one of the audit log store connectors registered with a server.
OMRSCheckedExceptionBase provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the OMRS.
Queries OMRS layer.
The OMRSCohortManager manages the components that connect to a single open metadata repository cohort.
OMRSCohortRegistry manages the local server's registration into a cohort and receives registration requests from other servers in the cohort.
OMRSCohortRegistryStore is a connector to a repository that can store registration information for a cohort registry.
OMRSCohortRegistryStoreConnectorBase provides the base class for a cohort registry store.
The OMRSCohortRegistryStoreProviderBase provides a base class for the connector provider supporting OMRS cohort registry stores.
OMRSConfigErrorException is used for all runtime exceptions generated by the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) components that indicate a configuration error.
OMRSConfigurationFactory sets up default configuration for the OMRS components.
OMRSConnectionConsumer provides the interfaces for a connection consumer.
OMRSConnectorConsumer provides the interfaces for a connector consumer.
OMRSConnectorErrorException is used for all runtime exceptions generated by the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) components that indicate a problem with one of its connectors.
OMRSConnectorManager provides the methods for connector consumers to register with the connector manager.
OMRSDynamicTypeMetadataCollectionBase provides a base class for an open metadata repository that has a dynamic type system.
OMRSEnterpriseConnectorManager provides the connectors for all the repositories in the connected metadata repository cohorts to each of the registered connector consumers.
The OMRSErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the OMRS It is used in conjunction with all OMRS Exceptions, both Checked and Runtime (unchecked).
OMRSEvent defines the common content of a message that is sent through the OMRSTopicConnector to all metadata repositories registered in the open metadata repository cohort.
OMRSEventBean provides a common root for all bean versions of the OMRSEvent.
OMRSEventCategory defines the different categories of events that pass through the OMRS Topic.
OMRSEventDirection defines the origin of an OMRSEvent.
OMRSEventErrorCode is a merging of the OMRSRegistryEventErrorCode, OMRSTypeDefEventErrorCode and OMRSInstanceEventErrorCode that is used in OMRSEvent.
The OMRSEventListener manages inbound events from the metadata repository cohort.
OMRSEventOriginator is part of an OMRSEvent's header.
OMRS message processing context.
OMRSEventProtocolVersion provides the identifier for the version number of the event payload.
OMRSEventV1 is the OMRSEvent payload for version 1 of the open metadata and governance message exchange.
OMRSEventV1ErrorSection describes the properties used to record errors detected by one of the members of the open metadata repository cohort.
OMRSEventV1InstanceSection describes the properties specific to instance events
OMRSEventV1RegistrySection describes properties that are used exclusively for registry events.
OMRSEventV1TypeDefSection describes the properties specific to TypeDef related events
OMRSFixedTypeMetadataCollectionBase provides a base class for an open metadata repository that has a fixed type system.
Future wrapper to prevent consumers from directly accessing Futures created by other consumers.
Implementation of OMRSFuture
Structure of an instance event.
OMRSInstanceEventErrorCode defines the list of error codes that are used to record errors in the metadata instance replication process that is used by the repository connectors within the open metadata repository cohort.
OMRSInstanceEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process incoming metadata instance events for an Open Metadata Repository.
OMRSInstanceEventProcessorClassificationExtension adds methods for classifications that include an entity proxy rather than an entity proxy.
OMRSInstanceEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process incoming metadata instance events for an Open Metadata Repository.
OMRSInstanceEventType defines the different types of instance events in the open metadata repository services protocol.
OMRSInstanceRetrievalEventProcessor defines the interface used by the Enterprise OMRS Repository Connector to pass instance metadata retrieved from remote open metadata repository connectors.
OMRSLocalRepository is an interface used by the OMRS components to retrieve information about the local repository, to register listeners and to get access to the connector for the local repository.
OMRSLogicErrorException is used for all runtime exceptions generated by the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) components that indicate a logic error.
OMRSMetadataInstanceStore is the common interface for working with the contents of a metadata repository.
OMRSMetadataInstanceStore is the common interface for working with the contents of a metadata repository.
OMRSRepositoryConnectors are used by OMRS to retrieve metadata from metadata repositories.
OMRSMetadataDefaultEventsSecurity provides a default instance events security filter that allows all events to pass unchanged.
OMRSMetadataDefaultRepositorySecurity provides a default instance repository security support that allows all actions.
OMRSMetadataHighwayManager is responsible for managing the connectivity to each cohort that the local server is a member of.
OMRSMetadataHighwayRESTServices provides the server-side implementation for REST services that support the runtime queries of the connected cohorts.
OMRSOperationalServices provides the OMAG Server with access to the OMRS capabilities.
OMRSRegistryEvent provides the conversion between the properties of a registry event and the serialized event body.
OMRSRegistryEventErrorCode defines the list of error codes that are used to record errors in the registration process that is used by the cohort registries when managing the membership of the open metadata repository cohort.
OMRSRegistryEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process registry events for an Open Metadata Repository's membership of an Open Metadata Repository Cohort.
OMRSRegistryEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process registry events for an Open Metadata Repository's membership of an Open Metadata Repository Cohort.
OMRSRegistryEventPublisher publishes OMRS Events to the supplied OMRSTopicConnector.
OMRSRegistryEventType defines the different types of registry events in the open metadata repository services protocol.
The OMRSRepositoryConnector defines the interface for an OMRS Repository Connector.
The OMRSRepositoryConnectorProviderBase provides a base class for the connector provider supporting OMRS Connectors.
OMRSRepositoryContentHelper provides methods to repository connectors and repository event mappers to help them build valid type definitions (TypeDefs), entities and relationships.
OMRSRepositoryContentManager supports an in-memory cache of TypeDefs for the local server.
OMRSRepositoryContentValidator provides methods to validate TypeDefs and Instances returned from an open metadata repository.
OMRSRepositoryEventBuilder creates OMRS Events ready to be distributed.
OMRSRepositoryEventExchangeRule determines if particular types of events should be exchanged on the OMRS Topic.
OMRSRepositoryEventManager is responsible for managing the distribution of TypeDef and instance events.
OMRSRepositoryEventMapper is the interface to a connector that is converting events received from a non-native local metadata repository into OMRS compliant repository events.
OMRSRepositoryEventMapperBase provides a base class for implementors of OMRSRepositoryEventMapper.
OMRSRepositoryEventMapperBase provides a base class for implementors of OMRSRepositoryEventMapper.
OMRSRepositoryEventMapperProviderBase provides a base class for the connector provider supporting OMRSRepositoryEventMapper connectors.
OMRSRepositoryEventProcessor describes the interface of a component that can process both TypeDef and Instance events from an open metadata repository.
OMRSRepositoryEventPublisher publishes TypeDef and Instance OMRS Events to the supplied OMRSTopicConnector.
OMRSRepositoryHelper provides methods to repository connectors and repository event mappers to help them build valid type definitions (TypeDefs), entities and relationships.
OMRSRepositoryHelper provides methods to repository connectors and repository event mappers to help them build valid type definitions (TypeDefs), entities and relationships.
OMRSRepositoryPropertiesUtilities implements the methods to add and remove values from InstanceProperties objects as defined by the OMRSRepositoryPropertiesHelper interface.
OMRSRepositoryRESTServices provides the server-side support for the OMRS Repository REST Services API.
OMRSRepositoryServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server
OMRSRepositoryServicesInstanceHandler provides the mapping for inbound REST requests to the appropriate instances for the requested server.
OMRSRepositoryValidator provides methods to validate TypeDefs and Instances returned from an open metadata repository.
The OMRSRESTMetadataCollection represents a remote metadata repository that supports the OMRS REST API.
The OMRSRESTRepositoryConnector is a connector to a remote Apache Atlas repository (or any other metadata repository that supports the OMRS REST APIs).
In the Open Connector Framework (OCF), a ConnectorProvider is a factory for a specific type of connector.
OMRSRuntimeException is used for all runtime exceptions generated by the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS).
OMRSTopic defines the interface to the messaging Topic for OMRS Events.
OMRSTopicConnector provides the support for the registration of OMRSTopicListeners and the distribution of OMRS events - both inbound and outbound.
OMRSTopicListener defines the interface that a listener must implement in order to receive events from the OMRSTopicConnector.
OMRSTopicListenerBase provides a base class for a topic listener, so it only needs to override the methods for the events it cares about.
OMRSTopicListenerWrapper is a class that wraps a real OMRSTopicListener when it registers with the OMRSTopicConnector.
OMRSTopicProvider provides implementation of the connector provider for the OMRSTopicConnector.
OMRSTopicRepositoryEventListener defines the interface that a listener must implement in order to receive repository events from the OMRSTopicConnector.
OMRSTypeDefEvent provides the wrapper for an event that relates to a type definition (TypeDef).
OMRSTypeDefEventErrorCode defines the list of error codes that are used to record errors in the TypeDef synchronization process that is used by the repository connectors within the open metadata repository cohort.
OMRSTypeDefEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process incoming TypeDef events for an Open Metadata Repository.
OMRSTypeDefEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process incoming TypeDef events for an Open Metadata Repository.
OMRSTypeDefEventType defines the different types of TypeDef events in the open metadata repository services protocol:
OMRSTypeDefManager provides maintenance methods for managing the TypeDefs in the local cache.
It is responsible for registering itself in the instance map.
OMVSServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
OpenAPIComponents describes the schemas referenced in the API.
OpenAPIContactDetails describes the contact details for the API's owner.
OpenAPIEncoding describes the encoding of the request or response from the API.
OpenAPIExternalDocs holds the links to external documentation.
OpenAPIInfo describes the top level info section of the Open API Specification
The OpenAPIIntegrationConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The OpenAPIIntegrationConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Basic File Connector.
OpenAPILicense describes the license associated with the API.
OpenAPIMediaType describes the content of the request or response for an API.
OpenAPIMonitorIntegrationConnector provides common methods for the connectors in this module.
OpenAPIMonitorIntegrationProvider is the base class provider for the openAPI integration connector.
OpenAPIOperation describes a specific API operation.
OpenAPIParameter describes a single parameter passed on the operation of the API.
OpenAPIPathDescription describes the operations associated with a specific path.
OpenAPIRequestBody describes the request body passed on an API operation.
OpenAPIResponse describes a response to an API operation.
OpenAPISchema describes the type of a parameter.
OpenAPIServer describes a server that supports the API.
OpenAPISpecification provides a java class for Jackson to use to unpack the open API specification retrieved from the server.
OpenAPILicense describes the license associated with the API.
OpenConnectorArchiveWriter creates an open metadata archive that includes the connector type information for all open connectors supplied by the egeria project.
Specific values for setting up the services around the Open Connector Framework (OCF).
A marker interface to identify the service that this connector works with.
OpenGovernanceClientBase provides common governance services that originate in the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
OpenGovernanceClient provides an interface to the services that build, monitor and trigger governance actions.
OpenGovernanceClient provides an interface to the services that build, monitor and trigger governance actions.
OpenGovernanceClient provides an interface to the services that build, monitor and trigger governance actions.
OpenGovernanceClientBase provides common governance services that originate in the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
OpenGovernanceResource supports the REST APIs for common governance functions.
The OpenGovernanceRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services used by the governance engine as it is managing requests to execute open governance services in the governance server.
OpenGovernanceServiceClient provides an interface to the open governance service.
OpenGovernanceServiceClient provides an interface to the open governance service.
The OpenIntegrationAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
OpenIntegrationClient defines the interface of the client that implements calls to the metadata server.
The OpenIntegrationErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Governance Action Framework (GAF) Services.
OpenIntegrationHandler provides the open metadata server side implementation of OpenIntegrationServer which is part of the Open Integration Framework (OIF).
OpenIntegrationInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
OpenIntegrationInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the framework service instances.
OpenIntegrationResource supports the REST APIs for running the Open Integration Service.
OpenIntegrationRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
The OpenIntegrationRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services used by the governance engine as it is managing requests to execute open governance services in the governance server.
OpenIntegrationServiceBase supports the open integration interface.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
OpenLineageCataloguerIntegrationConnector is an integration connector to register an OpenLineage listener with the Lineage Integrator OMIS and to catalog any processes that are not already known to the open metadata ecosystem.
The OpenLineageCataloguerIntegrationProvider provides the connector provider for OpenLineageCataloguerIntegrationConnector.
This controller serves all requests for retrieving lineage details, both vertical and horizontal
This class represents the data quality assertions facet in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents a single data quality assertion in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the data quality metrics facet in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the map of data quality quartiles in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the map of data quality quartiles in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the map of data quality quantiles in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the Common header for facets relating to a data set in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the map of data set facets in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the Common header for facets in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the content of an open lineage documentation data set facet as defined in JSON spec$defs/DocumentationDatasetFacet.
This class represents the content of an open lineage documentation job facet as defined in JSON spec$defs/DocumentationDatasetFacet.
OpenLineageEventListener is implemented by an integration connector that wishes to receive open lineage events as they are sent to the Lineage Integrator OMIS.
OpenLineageEventReceiverIntegrationConnector receives open lineage events from an event broker such as an Apache Kafka topic.
OpenLineageEventReceiverIntegrationProvider is the connector provider for the OpenLineageEventReceiverIntegrationConnector.
This class represents the Common header for facets in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the content of an open lineage input data set as defined in JSON spec
This class represents the Common header for facets relating to an input data set in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the map of input facets in the open lineage standard spec
The OpenLineageIntegrationConnectorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The OpenLineageIntegrationConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Kafka monitor integration connector.
This class represents the content of an open lineage job as defined in JSON spec
This class represents the Common header for job facets in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the map of job facets in the open lineage standard spec.
Interface that supports the connector registering an listener for the open lineage events.
OpenLineageLogStore is the specialized data API for an Open Lineage Log Store destination connector.
OpenLineageLogStoreConnectorBase is the base class for connectors that support the OMRSAuditLog.
This class represents the content of an open lineage schema for the nominal (expected) time of a job run facet as defined in JSON spec$defs/NominalTimeRunFacet.
This class represents the content of an open lineage output data set as defined out JSON spec
This class represents the Common header for facets relating to an output data set in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the map of output facets in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the content of an open lineage documentation data set facet as defined in JSON spec$defs/OutputStatisticsOutputDatasetFacet.
This class represents the content of an open lineage schema for a parent run facet as defined in JSON spec$defs/ParentRunFacet.
This class represents the content of the parent open lineage job.
This class represents the UUID of the parent job.
This class represents the content of an open lineage run event as defined in JSON spec
This class represents the content of an open lineage run event as defined in JSON spec
This class represents the run facet in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the map of run facets in the open lineage standard spec
This class represents the content of an open lineage schema for a data set facet as defined in JSON spec$defs/SchemaDatasetFacet.
This class represents the description of a field in a data set.
OpenLineageSchemaHelper<C extends org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element>
This class responsibility is to interact with Open Lineage Services(OLS), process the returned response and return it in a format understood by view
This class represents the content of an open lineage source code location job facet as defined in JSON spec$defs/SourceCodeLocationJobFacet.
This class represents the Common header for the SQL facet in Job in the open lineage standard spec
OpenMetadataAccess provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataAPIDummyBean is a dummy class for use with Generic Handlers when there is not need to return a real bean
OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter provides the generic methods for the bean converters used to provide translation between specific Open Metadata API beans and the repository services API beans.
OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder provides the common functions for building new entities, relationships and classifications.
OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter provides the generic methods for the bean converters used to provide translation between specific Open Metadata API beans and the repository services API beans.
OpenMetadataAPIGenericHandler manages the exchange of Open Metadata API Bean content with the repository services (via the repository handler).
The properties for an Anchors classification.
OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler provides the common properties for the generic handlers.
OpenMetadataAPITemplateHandler provides the methods for managing the creation of elements using templates.
OpenMetadataArchive defines the structure of the properties in an open metadata archive.
OpenMetadataArchiveBuilder defines the interface for an open metadata archive store connector that is able to manage individual elements of the open metadata archive.
OpenMetadataArchiveCache is an optional interface for a builder that is accumulating the archive contents in memory.
OpenMetadataArchiveElementHeader provides a common base for the content of an open metadata archive.
OpenMetadataArchiveInstanceStore defines the contents of the InstanceStore in an open metadata archive.
OpenMetadataArchiveProperties defines the properties of an open metadata archive.
OpenMetadataArchiveStore is the interface for a connector to an open metadata archive.
OpenMetadataArchiveStoreConnector is the base class for connectors that support the OpenMetadataArchiveStore
The OpenMetadataArchiveProviderStoreBase provides a base class for the connector provider supporting OMRS open metadata archive stores.
OpenMetadataArchiveType defines the origin of the open metadata archive.
OpenMetadataArchiveTypeStore defines the contents of the TypeStore in an open metadata archive.
OpenMetadataAssetSecurity is able to intercede as the zones are set up in an asset and validates what a user is allowed to do with to Assets (often using the zone values).
OpenMetadataAttributeCardinality is used on an association from one OpenMetadataTypeDef to another.
The OpenMetadataAttributeTypeDef class is used to identify the type of an attribute.
The OpenMetadataAttributeTypeDefCategory defines the list of valid types of an attribute (property) for an open metadata instance.
OpenMetadataClassificationDef stores the properties for the definition of a type of classification.
OpenMetadataClassificationPropagationRule is part of a relationship definition (OpenMetadataRelationshipDef).
OpenMetadataClient provides access to metadata elements stored in the metadata repositories.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataCollectionDef supports the definition of a collection type.
This enum defines the list of open metadata collection types.
OpenMetadataConformanceProfilePriority indicates whether a conformance profile is mandatory or optional.
OpenMetadataConformanceProfileResults provides a detailed assessment of a technology's conformance to an open metadata conformance profile, including all evidence collected.
OpenMetadataConformanceProfileSummary provides a summary of the assessment of a technology's conformance to an open metadata conformance profile.
OpenMetadataConformanceRequirementResults documents the conformance assessment of the technology under test for one of the requirements specified for a workbench's profile.
OpenMetadataConformanceRequirementSummary documents the conformance assessment of the technology under test for one of the requirements specified for a workbench's profile, at a summary level (not including all details of every piece of evidence collected).
OpenMetadataConformanceStatus is used to document the level of conformance to requirements (and hence profiles) detected by test cases.
OpenMetadataConformanceTestEvidence is a bean for describing a single piece of the test evidence that a particular conformance requirement is being met that is generated by one of the conformance suite test cases.
OpenMetadataConformanceTestEvidenceType describes the type of evidence that is stored in an OpenMetadataConformanceTestEvidence object.
OpenMetadataConformanceTestLabResults is a bean for collating the results from a specific test lab.
OpenMetadataConformanceTestLabSummary is a bean for collating the summarized results from a specific test lab.
OpenMetadataConformanceTestReport provides the client to call an open metadata conformance suite server to retrieve the results of its test.
OpenMetadataConformanceTestResults provides a base class for test result beans.
The OpenMetadataConformanceWorkbench drives the execution of a batch of tests.
OpenMetadataConformanceWorkbenchResults provides a bean for storing the results of an Open Metadata Conformance Suite Workbench.
OpenMetadataConformanceWorkbenchResults provides a bean for storing the results of an Open Metadata Conformance Suite Workbench.
OpenMetadataConformanceWorkbenchResults provides a bean for storing the results of an Open Metadata Conformance Suite Workbench.
OpenMetadataConformanceWorkbenchWorkPad provides the super type for the work pad used by each of the conformance workbenches.
OpenMetadataConnectionSecurity defines the interface of a security connector that is validating whether a specific user should be given access to a specific Connection object.
OpenMetadataConverterBase provides the generic methods for the bean converters used to provide translation between specific API beans and the Open Metadata services beans from the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
OpenMetadataElement describes an entity in an open metadata repository.
OpenMetadataElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the GAF definition of the OpenMetadataElement.
OpenMetadataElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of GAF OpenMetadataElements or an exception if the request failed.
OpenMetadataElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of GAF OpenMetadataElements or an exception if the request failed.
OpenMetadataEntityDef describes a type of entity in the metadata collection.
OpenMetadataEnum defines the common methods for an open metadata enum type.
The OpenMetadataEnumDef describes an open metadata enumeration.
OpenMetadataEnumElementDef describes a single valid value defined for an enum.
OpenMetadataEventProtocolVersion provides the identifier for the version number of the event payload.
OpenMetadataEventsSecurity defines the optional interface that an Open Metadata Server Security Connector can implement to control whether an event is either sent or received from a cohort.
OpenMetadataExchangeRule controls the sending/receiving of metadata instances on the metadata highway.
OpenMetadataGlossarySecurity assures the access to glossary content.
OpenMetadataGovernanceService provides services for invoking metadata governance services in Egeria.
OpenMetadataPerformanceTestCase is the superclass for an open metadata performance test.
OpenMetadataPlatformSecurity provides the interface for a security connector that validates whether a calling user can access any service on an OMAG Server Platform.
OpenMetadataPlatformSecurityConnector provides the base class for a connector that validates access to the platform services that are not specific to an OMAG Server.
OpenMetadataPlatformSecurityProvider provides implementation of the connector provider for the Open Metadata Platform Security connector.
OpenMetadataPlatformSecurityVerifier provides the plug-in point for the open metadata platform connector
OpenMetadataTestCase is the superclass for an open metadata conformance test.
OpenMetadataPrimitiveDef supports the definition of a primitive type.
This enumeration defines the list of open metadata primitive types.
Provides the definition for all properties defined in the open metadata types.
OpenMetadataRelationshipDef describes the type of a relationship.
RelationshipCardinality is used in a OpenMetadataRelationshipEndDef to indicate how many relationships of this type can be connected to an entity instance.: UNKNOWN: uninitialized cardinality.
OpenMetadataRelationshipEndDef describes the type of the entity and the attribute information for one end of a OpenMetadataRelationshipDef.
OpenMetadataRepositorySecurity defines security checks for accessing and maintaining open metadata types and instances in the local repository.
The OpenMetadataSecurityAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The OpenMetadataSecurityErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with open metadata security connectors.
OpenMetadataServerSecurity provides the root interface for a connector that validates access to Open Metadata services and instances for a specific user.
OpenMetadataServerSecurityConnector provides the base class for an Open Metadata Security Connector for a server.
OpenMetadataServerSecurityProvider provides implementation of the connector provider for the Open Metadata Server Security connector.
OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier provides the plug-in point for the open metadata server connector.
OpenMetadataServiceSecurity provides the interface for a plugin connector that validates whether a calling user can access a specific metadata service.
OpenMetadataStore provides access to metadata elements stored in the metadata repositories.
The OpenMetadataStoreAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataClientBase provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreConverter provides the generic methods for the Governance Action Framework (GAF) beans converters.
The OpenMetadataStoreErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Governance Action Framework (GAF) Services.
OpenMetadataStoreHandler provides an interface to the open metadata store.
OpenMetadataStoreResource supports the REST APIs for running Open Metadata Store Service
The OpenMetadataStoreRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services used by the governance engine as it is managing requests to execute open governance services in the governance server.
OpenMetadataTestCase is the superclass for an open metadata conformance test.
Enumerated type for control of multiphase tests
OpenMetadataTestCaseResults is a bean for storing the result of a single test.
OpenMetadataTestCaseSummary provides basic properties of a test case for use in reporting.
OpenMetadataTopic defines the generic interface to an event bus topic for open metadata events.
OpenMetadataTopicConnector provides the support for the registration of listeners and the distribution of incoming events to the registered listeners.
OpenMetadataTopicConnectorBase is a base class to topic connectors that only send events on the embedded event bus connector
OpenMetadataTopicListener defines the interface that a listener must implement in order to receive events from the open metadata topic.
OpenMetadataTopicListenerConnectorBase is a base class for a connector that is going to embed the OpenMetadataTopicConnector and register a listener with it.
OpenMetadataTopicProvider provides implementation of the connector provider for the OpenMetadataTopicConnector.
OpenMetadataTopicConnectorBase is a base class to topic connectors that only send events on the embedded event bus connector
OpenMetadataType provides property name mapping for the open metadata types.
The OpenMetadataTypeDef is the base class for objects that store the properties of an open metadata type definition (call ed a OpenMetadataTypeDef).
OpenMetadataTypeDefAttribute stores the properties used to describe a attribute within a Classification, Entity or Relationship.
OpenMetadataTypeDefAttributeStatus is an enum that describes the status of a specific typeDef attribute.
The OpenMetadataTypeDefCategory defines the list of valid types of OpenMetadataTypeDef for open metadata instances.
OpenMetadataTypeDefElementHeader provides a common base for all typedef information.
TypeDefGalleryResponse contains details of the AttributeTypeDefs and full TypeDefs supported by a rep
The OpenMetadataTypeDefLink holds basic identifying information used to link one OpenMetadataTypeDef to another.
The OpenMetadataTypeDefProperties class provides support for arbitrary properties that belong to a OpenMetadataTypeDef object.
OpenMetadataTypeDefStatus is an enum that describes the status of a specific typeDef.
The OpenMetadataTypeDefSummary holds basic identifying information for a specific OpenMetadataTypeDef.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive1_2 provides the archive content for the open metadata types that were defined before Release 1.3.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all of the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchive builds an open metadata archive containing all the standard open metadata types.
OpenMetadataTypesArchiveAccessor provides utility methods to help access the content of an open metadata archive.
OpenMetadataTypesArchiveWriter create a physical open metadata archive file for the supplied open metadata archives encoded using Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) formats.
OpenMetadataTypesArchiveWriter create a physical open metadata archive file for the supplied open metadata archives encoded using Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) formats.
OpenMetadataTypesInterface enables callers to query the defined open metadata types.
OpenMetadataValidValues provides the names used in constructing valid value sets for open metadata values.
OperatingPlatformBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents an operating platform (model 0030).
EndpointElement contains the properties and header for an endpoint retrieved from the metadata repository.
OperatingPlatformHandler provides the exchange of metadata about operating platforms between the repository and the OMAS.
OperatingPlatformManagerInterface provides methods to define operating platforms.
OperatingPlatformProperties describes the properties of the operating system and hardware.
OperationalServicesResource provides the REST API for controlling the start up, management and shutdown of services in the OMAG Server.
OperationalStatus defines whether a component is usable.
OrderBy specifies the sequencing to use in a specific collection.
OrganizationalCapabilityProperties describes the scope of responsibility that a team/organization has to a business capability.
The OrganizationDefinition is used to feed the definition of the organizations for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
OrganizationIntegrator is the client library for the Organization Integrator OMIS's REST API.
OrganizationIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Organization Integrator OMIS.
The OrganizationIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
OrganizationIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Organization Integrator OMIS.
OrganizationIntegratorContext provides a wrapper around the Community Profile OMAS client.
OrganizationIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of an integration service
The OrganizationIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
OrganizationIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
OrganizationIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
OrganizationManagement is the client used by the Organization Integrator OMIS that is responsible with synchronizing organizational structures, profiles rules and users with open metadata.
OrganizationManagementInterface defines the client interface for setting up the profiles, roles and relationships for an organization.
OrganizationProfileProperties describes a top-level team in an organization.
The OrganizationResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the OrganizationManagementInterface.
The OrganizationRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Community Profile Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS) capability for organization management.
The OrganizationTypeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the different organizations involved in Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
OriginRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about an asset's origin as a request body over a REST API.
OriginRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about an asset's origin as a request body over a REST API.
OriginSeekerGovernanceActionConnector uses the lineage mapping relationships to determine the origin of the asset that is passed as an action target.
OriginSeekerGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the Origin Seeker Governance Action Service.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
OwnerProperties describes the properties that identifies the owner of an attached element (or the resource it represents).
OwnerRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about an asset owner as a request body over a REST API.
OwnerRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about an asset owner as a request body over a REST API.
AssetOwnerType defines the identifier used in an Asset's owner property.
PageableEntityRepositoryExecutorBase is the executor base class for find requests that return entities.
PagedResponse is used for responses that can contain paged responses
PagedResponse is used for responses that can contain paged responses
PagedResponse is used for responses that can contain paged responses
The PagingErrorException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when the caller has passed invalid paging attributes on a search call.
PagingIterator supports an iterator over a list of objects that extend ElementBase.
ParallelFederationControl uses multiple worker threads to perform the calls to different systems in parallel.
DataFlow is a java bean used to create process hierarchies relationships.
PatchErrorException provides a checked exception for reporting that a typedef can not be updated because there are problems with the supplied TypeDefPatch.
PathNameRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new FolderProperties asset.
PathNameRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new FileFolder asset.
PathNameRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new FileFolder asset.
PeerDefinitionProperties provides a details of how two governance definitions are related.
PeerDuplicatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with duplicates.
PerformanceProfile defines the list of performance profiles for an open metadata and governance (OMAG) server platform.
PerformanceSuiteConnectorConsumer receives connector objects for servers connected to the same cohort(s) as the conformance suite OMAG server.
PerformanceSuiteOMRSTopicListener receives details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the OMAG server running the Conformance suite is connected to.
PerformanceWorkbench provides the thread that drives the performance workbench from the Open Metadata Conformance Suite.
PerformanceWorkPad provides the thread safe place to assemble results from the performance workbench.
OMAS permissions WRITE - can create children UPDATE - can update DELETE -can delete
PermittedSynchronization defines the permitted directions of flow of metadata updates between open metadata and a third party technology.
Manages the persistence layer: for now, primarily indicating the version of the connector for which data has been persisted, to validate migration starting points.
Personal message is a comment added to a personal profile.
PersonalNote is used to add a personal note to a personal profile.
PersonalNoteLog is used to maintain the list of personal notes for a personal profile.
The PersonalProfileElement describes an individual who has (or will be) appointed to one of the governance roles defined in the governance program.
The PersonalProfileElement describes an individual who has (or will be) appointed to one of the governance roles defined in the governance program.
PersonalProfileListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of personal profile objects.
PersonalProfileManagementInterface defines the client interface for an administrator setting up a profile for an individual.
The PersonalProfileProperties describes an individual.
The PersonalProfileProperties describes an individual.
PersonalDetailsRequestBody provides a structure for passing personal details over a REST API.
PersonalProfileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a PersonalProfileUniverse object as a response.
PersonalProfileUniverse contains the properties and header for a personal profile retrieved from the metadata repository along with details of the contribution record, user ids, contact methods, peers and roles that the profile is linked to.
PersonalDetailsRequestBody provides a structure for passing personal details over a REST API.
PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
PersonalRoleProperties provides a structure for describe a role assigned to a person.
PersonalRoleProperties provides a structure for describe a role assigned to a person.
PersonalRoleProperties provides a structure for describe a role assigned to a person.
PersonalRoleProperties provides a structure for describe a role assigned to a person.
The PersonDefinition is used to feed the definition of the Actors that work for/with Coco Pharmaceuticals.
PersonRoleAppointee describes an individual's appointment to a specific governance role.
PersonRoleAppointee is the bean used to return a role and current appointee(s).
PersonRoleAppointee describes an individual's appointment to a specific governance role.
PersonRoleListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of person role elements.
PersonRoleListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of person role elements.
PersonRoleBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a person role plus manages the properties for the relationships.
PersonRoleConverter generates a PersonRoleProperties bean from an PersonRoleProperties entity and the relationships connected to it.
PersonRoleConverter generates a PersonRoleProperties bean from an PersonRoleProperties entity and the relationships connected to it.
PersonRoleConverter generates a PersonRoleProperties bean from an PersonRoleProperties entity and the relationships connected to it.
PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
PersonRoleElement is the bean used to return a person role description.
PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
PersonRoleHandler provides the exchange of metadata about roles between the repository and the OMAS.
PersonRoleHistory is the bean used to return a role definition and its appointees over time.
PersonRoleListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of person role elements.
PersonRoleListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of person role elements.
PersonRoleListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of person role elements.
PersonRoleListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of person role elements.
PersonRoleProperties covers a role that has been defined in an organization.
PersonRoleProperties covers a role that has been defined in an organization.
PersonRoleProperties provides a structure for describe a role assigned to a person.
PersonRoleProperties covers a role that has been defined in an organization.
PersonRoleProperties covers a role that has been defined in an organization.
PersonRoleRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on PersonRole entities.
PersonRoleRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on PersonRole entities.
PersonRoleResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a PersonRoleElement object as a response.
PersonRoleResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a PersonRoleElement object as a response.
PersonRoleResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a PersonRoleElement object as a response.
PersonRoleResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a PersonRoleElement object as a response.
PlaceholderProperty provides some standard definitions for placeholder properties used to pass properties to services that use templates.
PlaceholderProperty provides some standard definitions for placeholder properties used to pass properties to services that use templates.
PlaceholderPropertyType characterises one of the placeholder properties used in a template.
PlatformConformanceProfile defines the list of functional profiles for an open metadata and governance (OMAG) server platform.
PlatformConformanceProfileRequirement documents the different requirements for each of the platform workbench's profiles.
PlatformConformanceWorkbench provides the thread that drives the platform workbench from the Open Metadata Conformance Suite.
PlatformConformanceWorkbenchConfig provides the config that drives the PlatformWorkbench within the Open Metadata Conformance Suite.
PlatformConformanceWorkPad provides the work pad for the platform workbench
PlatformDeploymentElement contains the properties and header for a SoftwareServerPlatformDeployment relationship retrieved from the repository.
PlatformDeploymentListResponse returns a list of SoftwareServerPlatformDeployment relationships from the server.
PlatformDeploymentProperties describes the properties for the SoftwareServerPlatformDeployment relationship between a Software Server Platform and a Host.
PlatformDeploymentProperties describes the properties for the SoftwareServerPlatformDeployment relationship between a Software Server Platform and a Host.
PlatformDeploymentRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with the relationships between software server platforms and hosts.
PlatformManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain software server platforms and their related objects.
PlatformSecurityRequestBody passes information to set up a security connector to protect requests to the platform.
PlatformServicesClient is the client for issuing queries to the OMAG Server Platform platform-services interface
The status of the platform for the Server Author View.
The type Port.
PortBuilder is able to build the properties for a Port entity.
PortConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that includes the PortProperties.
PortConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Port bean.
PortConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that includes the PortProperties.
PortElement contains the properties and header for a port entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
PortElement contains the properties and header for a port entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
PortElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
PortElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
PortElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
PortElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
Manages the maintenance of port entities.
PortImplementation is a java bean used to create PortImplementations associated with the external data engine.
The port implementation event of Data Engine OMAS.
PortImplementationRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update port implementations
PortProperties is a class for representing a generic port for a process.
PortProperties is a class for representing a generic port for a process.
PortRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update port properties.
PortRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update port properties.
PortType defines the different port types used for open metadata.
PortType defines the different port types used for open metadata.
PostgresActionTarget provides the standard action type names to use with the postgres database server survey.
The PostgresAnnotationType enum describes the annotation types used by the PostgreSQL server survey action service.
The PostgresAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
PostgresConfigurationProperty provides definitions for the configuration properties used with the postgres connectors.
PostgresServerSurveyActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the PostgreSQL survey action service.
JDBCResourceConnector provides basic implementation of DataSource interface in order to get a Connection to target database.
The PostgresErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Kafka monitor integration connector.
PostgresMetric describes the metrics for a Postgres Server.
PlaceholderProperty provides some standard definitions for placeholder properties used to pass properties to services that use templates.
CatalogTargetEnum characterises the type of third party technology supported by a specific integration connector.
PostgresServerIntegrationConnector retrieves details of the databases hosted on a PostgreSQL Database Server and creates associated data assets/server capabilities/connections for them.
PostgresServerIntegrationProvider is the OCF connector provider for the PostgreSQL database server integration connector.
PostgresServerSurveyActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the PostgreSQL survey action service.
JDBCResourceConnector provides basic implementation of DataSource interface in order to get a Connection to target database.
PostgresUtils provides simple functions to work with Postgres names and connection strings
Link to an alternative term that the organization prefer is used.
Mapping methods to map between the preferredTerm and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
A uniquely identifying relational column.
PrimaryKeyClassificationRequestBody is used to classify a schema attribute as a primary key.
PrimaryKeyProperties describes the properties of a primary key.
PrimitiveDef supports the definition of a primitive type.
This enumeration defines the list of open metadata primitive types.
PrimitivePropertyValue stores a single primitive property.
Maps singular PrimitivePropertyValues between persistence and objects.
PrimitiveSchemaType describes a schema element that has a primitive type.
PrimitiveSchemaTypeProperties is a class for representing a primitive value.
PrimitiveSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
This enumeration defines the list of open metadata primitive types.
PrimitiveTypePropertyValue stores a single primitive property.
Process is a java bean used to create Processes associated with the external data engine.
ProcessBuilder creates the parts of a root repository entity for a process.
ProcessCallConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a bean that includes the ProcessCallProperties.
ProcessCallConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a bean that includes the ProcessCallProperties.
ProcessCallElement contains the properties and header for a process call relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProcessCallElement contains the properties and header for a process call relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProcessCallElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
ProcessCallElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
ProcessCallElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of process call relationships or an exception if the request failed.
ProcessCallElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of process call relationships or an exception if the request failed.
ProcessCallProperties describe the properties for a process call relationship.
ProcessCallProperties describe the properties for a process call relationship.
ProcessCallRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements within processes.
ProcessCallRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements within processes.
ProcessContainmentProperties when linking processes in a parent-child hierarchy.
ProcessContainmentType defines the ownership of a process withing a sub process.
ProcessContainmentType describes the type of containment that exists between two processes.
ProcessContainmentType defines the ownership of a process withing a sub process.
ProcessContainmentTypeRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a ProcessContainmentType enum.
The process context handler provides methods to build lineage context from processes.
ProcessConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that includes the ProcessProperties.
ProcessConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Process bean.
ProcessConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that includes the ProcessProperties.
ProcessElement contains the properties and header for a process entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProcessElement contains the properties and header for a process entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProcessElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
ProcessElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
ProcessElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
ProcessElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
The processes event of Data Engine OMAS.
ProcessExchangeHandler is the server-side for managing processes.
ProcessHandler provides the methods to create and maintain processes and their contents.
ProcessHierarchy is a java bean used to create ProcessHierarchy relationships.
The process hierarchy event of Data Engine OMAS.
ProcessHierarchyRequestBody describes the request body used to create process hierarchy relationships
The ProcessingState classification
The processing state event of Data Engine OMAS.
ProcessingStateRequestBody describes the request body used to create processing state classifications
The process list event of Data Engine OMAS.
PlatformManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain software server platforms and their related objects.
The ProcessManagerInterface supports the management of process definitions and lineage linkage.
Process properties defines the properties of a process.
Process properties defines the properties of a process.
ProcessPropertiesBuilder is able to build the properties for a Process entity.
ProcessRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update process properties.
ProcessRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update processes
ProcessRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update process properties.
The ProcessStatus defines the status of a process.
The ProcessStatus defines the status of a process.
The ProcessStatus defines the status of a process.
ProcessStatusRequestBody describes the request body used to update a process's status.
ProcessStatusRequestBody describes the request body used to update a process's status.
ProfileConverter generates a ProfileElement bean from a ActorProfileProperties entity.
ProfileElement contains the properties and header for a profile of a person, team, engine or organization retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileElement contains the properties and header for a profile of a person, team, engine or organization retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileIdentityProperties describes the properties for the ProfileIdentity relationship between a profile and a user identity.
ProfileIdentityProperties describes the properties for the ProfileIdentity relationship between a profile and a user identity.
ProfileIdentityProperties describes the properties for the ProfileIdentity relationship between a profile and a user identity.
ProfileIdentityProperties describes the properties for the ProfileIdentity relationship between a profile and a user identity.
ProfileIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileIdentityRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with ProfileIdentity relationships.
ProfileIdentityRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with ProfileIdentity relationships.
ProfileLocationElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileLocationElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileLocationElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ProfileLocationProperties describes the properties for the ProfileLocation relationship between a profile and a location.
ProfileLocationProperties describes the properties for the ProfileLocation relationship between a profile and a location.
ProfileLocationProperties describes the properties for the ProfileLocation relationship between a profile and a location.
TestCaseListResponse defines the response structure that lists the test case IDs available.
ProfileReportResponse defines the response structure that includes the results from a single profile.
Glossary object
ProjectBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a Project.
ProjectConverter generates a ProjectElement from a Project entity
ProjectConverter generates an ProjectCollectionMember bean from an Project entity and a ResourceList relationship to it.
The ProjectDefinition is used to feed the definition of the projects for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
ProjectElement contains the properties and header for a community.
FVT resource to call subject area project client API
FVT resource to call Glossary Author View project API
ProjectHandler provides the exchange of metadata about projects between the repository and the OMAS.
ProjectHealth lists suggested health values for a project.
ProjectListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of project elements.
ProjectListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of project elements.
ProjectManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain projects and their related objects.
ProjectManagementAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Stewardship Action OMAS.
The ProjectManagementAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
ProjectManagementBaseClient supports the common properties and functions for the Community Profile OMAS.
Provide base converter functions for the Digital Service OMAS.
The ProjectManagementErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Project Management OMAS Services.
ProjectManagementOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Community Profile OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
ProjectManagementOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Project Management OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
ProjectManagementOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Community Profile beans converters.
ProjectManagementOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
ProjectManagementRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The ProjectManagementResource provides the server-side implementation of the Project Management Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
ProjectManagementRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the Project Profile OMAS REST APIs.
The ProjectManagementRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Stewardship Action Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
ProjectManagementServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
ProjectManagerAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Project Manager OMVS.
The ProjectManagerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
ProjectManagerInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
ProjectManagerInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
ProjectManagerRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The ProjectManagerResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Project Manager Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The ProjectManagerRESTServices provides the implementation of the Project Manager Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
Mapping methods to map between Project (or a subtype of Project) and EntityDetail.
ProjectMemberListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of project membership elements.
ProjectMemberResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ProjectTeamMember object as a response.
ProjectStatus lists suggested status values for a project.
ProjectProperties describes a project.
ProjectProperties describes a project.
ProjectResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ProjectElement object as a response.
ProjectResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ProjectElement object as a response.
The Project Scope relationship links documentation, assets and definitions to the project.
Mapping methods to map between the ProjectScope and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
The ProjectManagementInterface provides methods for managing projects, their membership and content.
ProjectStatus lists suggested status values for a project.
The ProjectStatusDefinition is used to feed the definition of the ProjectStatus valid value set for Coco Pharmaceuticals' projects.
ProjectTeamMember describes a team member of a project.
ProjectTeamProperties provides a details of the purpose (and privileges) of the membership role.
PropertiesResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a property map object as a response.
This property header implements any common mechanisms that all property objects need.
This property header implements any common mechanisms that all property objects need.
This property header implements any common mechanisms that all property objects need.
The PropertyCategory defines the list of value types for the properties for open metadata.
PropertyComparisonOperator is used for search requests against a metadata store.
PropertyComparisonOperator is used for search requests against a metadata collection.
The PropertyCondition class provides support for searching against a single property using a single comparison mechanism, or for nesting further SearchProperties.
The PropertyCondition class provides support for searching against a single property using a single comparison mechanism, or for nesting further SearchProperties.
The PropertyErrorException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when the properties defined for a specific entity or relationship instance do not match the TypeDefs for the metadata collection.
PropertyFacetBuilder is able to build the properties for a SearchKeyword entity.
PropertyFacetValidValues provides the values used in the management of Property Facets.
PropertyHelper is used by the governance actions services to manage the contents of the ElementProperties structure.
Base class for the iterators supporting asset universe
Captures the key characteristics of a property mapping.
PropertyMatchFindRequest adds match properties and the match criteria to a find request.
PropertyMatchHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.
The PropertyServerException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when there isa property server error value.
PropertyServerException provides a checked exception for reporting errors when connecting to a metadata repository to retrieve properties about the connection and/or connector.
PropertyValue provides a common class for holding an instance type and value.
The provisioning governance action service is responsible for provisioning real-world resources in the digital landscape and maintaining the Assets and lineage associated with them.
ProvisioningGovernanceContext provides access to the details of the provisioning request along with basic access to the metadata store.
ProxyClassificationRequest is used when working with classifications using an entity proxy.
PublicController provides the standard information about this application.
Transaction function for adding a reference copy classification.
Transaction function for adding a reference copy classification.
Transaction function for adding a reference copy classification.
Transaction function for hard-deleting an entity.
PurgeEntityExecutor provides the executor for the purgeEntity method.
Transaction function for hard-deleting a relationship.
PurgeRelationshipExecutor provides the executor for the purgeRelationship method.
QualifiedNamePeerDuplicateGovernanceActionConnector checks the qualified name to determine the duplicates of the entity that is passed as an action target.
QualifiedNamePeerDuplicateGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the Deduplication Governance Action Service.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
QualityAnnotation records a quality assessment of the data.
QualityAnnotation records a quality assessment of the data.
QueriesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of queries or an exception if the request failed.
QueryAccumulatorBase acts as a base class to the accumulators that need to visit each repository and combine results.
QueryConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Query bean.
QueryElement contains the properties and header for a query entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
QueryAccumulatorBase acts as a base class to the accumulators that need to visit each repository and combine results.
QueryProperties is a class for representing a query that supports the access of data for a report or form.
QueryRequestBody describes the properties of the query plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
QueryResponse is a response object for passing back a single query element or an exception if the request failed.
QueryTargetProperties defines a query on a schema element that returns all or part of the value for a derived schema type.
Stores information about a rating connected to an asset.
RatingBuilder is able to build the properties for a Rating entity.
RatingConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an RatingElement bean.
RatingConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a RatingElement bean.
RatingConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Rating bean.
RatingElement contains the properties and header for a Rating entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
RatingElement contains the properties and header for a rating retrieved from the metadata repository.
RatingElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
RatingElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
RatingHandler manages the Rating entity.
RatingProperties stores information about a rating connected to an asset.
RatingProperties stores information about a rating connected to an asset.
RatingProperties stores information about a rating connected to an asset.
RatingRequestBody stores information about a rating connected to an asset.
RatingRequestBody provides a structure for passing star rating as a request body over a REST API.
RatingResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
Ratings supports an iterator over a list of ratings for an asset.
RatingsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Rating objects as a response.
RatingElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
RDBMSIntegrationModule manages the cataloguing of RDBMS entities stored in Apache Atlas into the open metadata ecosystem.
The ReadOnlyOMRSMetadataCollection represents a metadata repository that supports an in-memory repository whose content is read-only.
The ReadOnlyOMRSRepositoryConnector is a connector to a local in memory repository.
In the Open Connector Framework (OCF), a ConnectorProvider is a factory for a specific type of connector.
Configuration values for using Redis as a token store.
RefDataElementBase provides the base class for an element that is defined using metadata.
This is a view of a relationship from the perspective of one of the ends.
Process is a base java bean used to create Referenceables associated with the external data engine.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
Referenceable is a set of properties that describes an open metadata referencable object.
ReferenceableBuilder creates Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) objects based on the bean properties supplied in the constructor.
ReferenceableBuilder creates Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) objects based on the bean properties supplied in the constructor.
ReferenceableConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ReferenceableProperties.
ReferenceableConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Referenceable bean.
ReferenceableConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ReferenceableHeader bean.
ReferenceableConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Referenceable bean.
ReferenceableElement contains the properties and header for a referenceable entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ReferenceableElement contains the properties and header for a referenceable entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ReferenceableElement contains the properties and header for a referenceable entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ReferenceableElement contains the properties and header for a referenceable entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ReferenceableHandler manages methods on generic referenceables.
ReferenceableMapper provides property name mapping for all Referenceables.
ReferenceableProperties provides a structure for passing a referenceables' properties over the Java API.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
ReferenceableProperties provides a structure for passing a referenceable element's properties over the Java API.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
ReferenceableProperties provides a structure for passing a referenceables' properties over the Java API.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
ReferenceableProperties provides a structure for passing a referenceables' properties over the Java API.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
ReferenceableRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update properties in referenceables.
ReferenceableRequestBody provides a structure for passing a referenceables' properties as a request body over a REST API.
ReferenceableRequestBody describes the request body used when working with referenceables.
ReferenceableRequestBody describes the request body used when working with referenceables.
ReferenceableRequestBody describes the request body used when working with referenceables.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
ReferenceableRequestBody provides a structure for passing a referenceables' properties as a request body over a REST API.
ReferenceableRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update properties in referenceables.
ReferenceableRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update properties in referenceables.
ReferenceableRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update properties in referenceables.
ReferenceableRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update properties in referenceables.
ReferenceablesResponse returns a list of referenceables from the server.
The ReferenceableStatus enum defines the status of an instance (classification, relationship or an entity) in the metadata collection.
ReferenceableUpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties, readVersionIdentifier and effective time for a create (with parent), update or delete requests.
ReferenceableUpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties, readVersionIdentifier and effective time for a create (with parent), update or delete requests.
ReferenceableUpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties, readVersionIdentifier and effective time for a create (with parent), update or delete requests.
ReferenceableUpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties, readVersionIdentifier and effective time for a create (with parent), update or delete requests.
ReferenceableUpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties, readVersionIdentifier and effective time for a create (with parent), update or delete requests.
ReferenceDataAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Reference Data OMVS.
ReferenceDataAssetConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from AssetProperties.
ReferenceDataAssetElement contains the properties and header for a reference data asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
ReferenceDataAssetProperties is a java bean used to create assets associated with the digital architecture.
The ReferenceDataAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
ReferenceDataHandler provides the methods to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
ReferenceDataInstance caches references to the objects it needs for a specific server.
ReferenceDataInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
ReferenceDataManager provides the API operations to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
ReferenceDataRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The ReferenceDataResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the Reference Data OMVS.
ReferenceDataRESTServices provides the API operations to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
The ReferenceDataRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Reference Data Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
ReferenceValue contains the properties for the relationship between a referencable and a valid value.
ReferenceValueAssignedItem contains the properties for a referenceable that is linked to a requested valid value via the ReferenceValueAssignment.
ReferenceValueAssignment describes the link to a valid value for a referenceable via a ReferenceValueAssignment relationship.
ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionConverter generates a ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionElement bean from a RelatedMetadataElement.
ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship and linked EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionElement.
ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionElement describes a valid value that is being used as a tag/classifier for a referenceable.
ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionElement describes a valid value that is being used as a tag/classifier for a referenceable.
ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
ReferenceValueAssignmentItemConverter generates a ReferenceValueAssignmentItemElement bean from a RelatedMetadataElement.
ReferenceValueAssignmentItemConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship and linked EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ReferenceValueAssignmentItemElement.
ReferenceValueAssignmentItemElement describes a Referenceable that is using a valid values set/definition as a tag/classifier.
ReferenceValueAssignmentItemElement describes a Referenceable that is using a valid values set/definition as a tag/classifier.
ReferenceValueAssignmentItemsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
ReferenceValueAssignmentProperties is a java bean used to create a link between a valid value and a referenceable item to enable the valid value to be used as a semiformal tag/classifier.
ReferenceValueAssignmentProperties is a java bean used to create a link between a valid value and a referenceable item to enable the valid value to be used as a semiformal tag/classifier.
ReferenceValueAssignmentProperties is a java bean used to create a link between a valid value and a referenceable item to enable the valid value to be used as a semiformal tag/classifier.
ReferenceValueAssignmentProperties is a java bean used to create a link between a valid value and a referenceable item to enable the valid value to be used as a semiformal tag/classifier.
RegisteredDiscoveryService describes a discovery service that has been registered with a discovery engine.
RegisteredGovernanceService describes a governance action service that has been registered with a governance engine.
RegisteredGovernanceService describes a governance action service that has been registered with a governance engine.
RegisteredGovernanceServiceConverter transfers the relevant properties from a GovernanceServiceElement bean and the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a RegisteredGovernanceService bean.
RegisteredGovernanceServiceConverter transfers the relevant properties from a GovernanceServiceElement bean and the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a RegisteredGovernanceService bean.
RegisteredGovernanceServiceElement contains the properties and header for a governance service entity retrieved from the metadata repository plus its supported request types.
RegisteredGovernanceServiceElement contains the properties and header for a governance service entity retrieved from the metadata repository plus its supported request types.
RegisteredGovernanceServiceProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a SupportedGovernanceService relationship.
RegisteredGovernanceServiceProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a SupportedGovernanceService relationship.
RegisteredGovernanceServiceResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a RegisteredGovernanceServiceElement object as a response.
RegisteredGovernanceServiceResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a RegisteredGovernanceServiceElement object as a response.
RegisteredGovernanceServicesResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of RegisteredGovernanceServices objects as a response.
RegisteredGovernanceServicesResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of RegisteredGovernanceServices objects as a response.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorConverter transfers the relevant properties from a IntegrationConnectorElement bean and the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a RegisteredIntegrationConnector bean.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorConverter transfers the relevant properties from a IntegrationConnectorElement bean and the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship object into a RegisteredIntegrationConnector bean.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorElement contains the properties and header for a integration connector entity retrieved from the metadata repository plus its supported request types.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorElement contains the properties and header for a integration connector entity retrieved from the metadata repository plus its supported request types.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a SupportedIntegrationConnector relationship.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a SupportedIntegrationConnector relationship.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a RegisteredIntegrationConnectorElement object as a response.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a RegisteredIntegrationConnectorElement object as a response.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of RegisteredIntegrationConnectors objects as a response.
RegisteredIntegrationConnectorsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of RegisteredIntegrationConnectors objects as a response.
RegisteredIntegrationModule defines the interface for an integration module that wants to be called to synchronize assets.
RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse provides an object for returning information about a service that is registered with an OMAG Server Platform.
RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of services that are registered in an OMAG Server Platform.
Transaction function for updating an entity's home repository.
Base transaction function for updating an instance's home metadata repository.
Transaction function for updating a relationship's home repository.
Transaction function for updating an entity's unique identifier.
Base transaction function for deleting instances.
Transaction function for updating an relationship's unique identifier.
RelatedAsset describes the relationship to other assets.
RelatedAssetConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship and EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from RelatedAssetElement.
RelatedAssetConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Referenceable bean.
RelatedAssetElement contains the properties and header for a relationship to an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
RelatedAssetHandler manages B objects and optionally connections in the property server.
RelatedAssetListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of related assets with te properties from the relationship or an exception if the request failed.
RelatedAssetProperties returns detailed information about an asset that is related to an asset that is linked to the original anchor asset with a relationship.
RelatedAssets supports an iterator over a list of related assets.
RelatedAssetsRequestBody provides the request body payload for relationships between assets.
RelatedAssetsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of AssetRelatedAsset objects as a response.
RelatedDataField describes a DataFieldLink and the attached DataField.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedElementConverter generates a RelatedElement from a relationship and attached entity
RelatedElementConverter generates a RelatedElement from a relationship and attached entity
RelatedElementConverter generates a RelatedElement from a relationship and attached entity
RelatedElementConverter generates a RelatedElement from a relationship and attached entity
RelatedElementConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a RelatedElement bean.
RelatedElementConverter generates a RelatedElement from a relationship and attached entity
RelatedElementConverter generates a RelatedElement from a relationship and attached entity
RelatedElementConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a RelatedElement bean.
RelatedElementListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relatedElement objects.
RelatedElementListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relatedElement objects.
RelatedElementListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relatedElement objects.
RelatedElementListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relatedElement objects.
RelatedElementListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relatedElement objects.
RelatedElementListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relatedElement objects.
RelatedElementListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relatedElement objects.
RelatedElementRESTServices support requests about common Referenceable relationships.
RelatedElementRESTServices support requests about common Referenceable relationships.
RelatedElementRESTServices support requests about common Referenceable relationships.
GovernanceEnginePropertiesConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a GovernanceEngineProperties bean.
gafPropertiesConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a gafProperties bean.
Defines the interface that is common to multiple element types
Defines the interface that is common to multiple element types
Defines the interface that is common to multiple element types
Defines the interface that is common to multiple element types
The RelatedElementsResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the RelatedElementsManagementInterface.
RelatedElementElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.
RelatedElementElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.
RelatedEngineActionElement contains the properties for a NextEngineAction relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
RelatedEntitiesHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.
RelatedMediaConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a RelatedMediaReference bean.
RelatedMediaHandler manages RelatedMedia objects.
RelatedMediaReference stores information about an link to an external media file that is relevant to this asset.
RelatedMediaReferences supports an iterator over a list of related media references.
RelatedMediaReferencesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of RelatedMediaReference objects as a response.
The RelatedMediaType defines the type of resource referenced in a related media reference.
The RelatedMediaUsage defines how a related media reference can be used in conjunction with the asset properties.
This property header implements any common mechanisms that all property objects need.
RelatedMetadataElementsListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of GAF RelatedMetadataElements or an exception if the request failed.
RelatedMetadataElementsListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of GAF RelatedMetadataElements or an exception if the request failed.
Structure for returning a relationship between two metadata elements.
RelatedMetadataElementsListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of GAF RelatedMetadataElements or an exception if the request failed.
RelatedMetadataElementsListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of GAF RelatedMetadataElements or an exception if the request failed.
RelatedMetadataElementsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the GAF definition of the relationship (RelatedMetadataElements).
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
RelatedTerm is a relationship between a Term and another related Term.
Mapping methods to map between the relatedTerm and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
RelationalColumn is a java bean used to create RelationalColumn associated with the external data engine.
RelationalDataHandler manages the assets and schemas for relational data.
RelationalTable is a java bean used to create RelationalTable associated with the external data engine.
The relational table event of Data Engine OMAS.
RelationalTableRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update relational tables
The Relationship object holds properties that are used for displaying a relationship between two assets
A relationship between 2 subject area OMAS Nodes.
Relationship is a POJO that manages the properties of an open metadata relationship.
The Relationship object holds properties that are used for displaying a relationship between two assets
Accumulates relationships from multiple retrieval requests.
RelationshipAdviceAnnotation is used to record a recommendation that a new relationship should be made from this data field to another object in the open metadata types.
RelationshipAdviceAnnotation is used to record a recommendation that a new relationship should be made from this data field to another object in the open metadata types.
RelationshipConflictException provides a checked exception for reporting that a relationship can not be added because it conflicts with a relationship already stored.
RelationshipCreateRequest provides the bean to hold all the properties needed to create a new relationship.
RelationshipDef describes the type of a relationship.
Capture the differences between relationship instances.
RelationshipElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
RelationshipElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
RelationshipElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
RelationshipElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
RelationshipElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
RelationshipElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
RelationshipElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
RelationshipElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
RelationshipElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
RelationshipElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
RelationshipElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.
RelationshipElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.
RelationshipElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.
RelationshipElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.
RelationshipElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.
this is represents a relationship and the related end.
A Relationship end, that is associated with a Node.
RelationshipCardinality is used in a RelationshipEndDef to indicate how many relationships of this type can be connected to an entity instance.: UNKNOWN: uninitialized cardinality.
RelationshipEndDef describes the type of the entity and the attribute information for one end of a RelationshipDef.
Relationship Handler supports the lookup of the asset's relationship from the repositories.
The relationship handler is initialised with a SubjectAreaRelationship, that contains the server the call should be sent to.
RelationshipsResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns a relationships object as a response.
RelationshipListResponse holds the response information for an OMRS REST API call that returns a list of relationship objects or an exception.
RelationshipsResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns a relationships object as a response.
Static mapping methods to map between the relationship and the equivalent generated OMRSRelationshipBean
Maps the properties of Relationships between persistence and objects.
RelationshipNotDeletedException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when a request is made to purge or restore a specific relationship instance and the entity is not in DELETED status.
RelationshipNotKnownException provides a checked exception for reporting when a requested relationship instance can not be found in the metadata collection.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
RelationshipsResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns a relationships object as a response.
RelationshipResponse describes the response to an OMRS REST API request that returns a relationship object.
RelationshipsResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Catalog OMAS REST API calls that returns a relationships object as a response.
RelationshipsAccumulator accumulates and validates relationships received from a collection of open metadata repositories.
Contains a set of lineage relationship in the lineage graph with self contained properties.
FVT resource to call subject area relationships client API
FVT resource to call Glossary author view relationships API
Static mapping methods to map between the omas relationship Type and omrs relationship type.
Transaction function for re-linking a relationship when one of its entity proxy's identities has changed.
The remediation governance actin service is responsible for correct omissions and errors in open metadata and the associated digital landscape.
RemediationGovernanceContext provides access to the remediation request along with access to the metadata store and APIs to enable changes to a wide range of metadata elements.
ReplacementAttributeType characterises one of the attribute values that should be provided when using a specific template.
Link to a glossary term that is replacing an obsolete glossary term.
Mapping methods to map between the replacementTerm and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
ReportConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Report bean.
ReportElement contains the properties and header for a report entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
ReportProperties is a class for representing a report for an application or reporting engine.
ReportRequestBody describes the properties of the report plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
ReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single report element or an exception if the request failed.
ReportsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of reports or an exception if the request failed.
RepositoryConformanceProfile defines the list of functional profiles for an open metadata repository.
RepositoryConformanceProfileRequirement documents the different requirements for each open metadata repository conformance profile.
OpenMetadataTestCase is the superclass for an open metadata conformance test.
RepositoryConformanceWorkbench provides the thread that drives the repository workbench from the Open Metadata Conformance Suite.
RepositoryConformanceWorkbenchConfig provides the config that drives the RepositoryWorkbench within the Open Metadata Conformance Suite.
RepositoryConformanceWorkPad provides the thread safe place to assemble results from the repository workbench.
RepositoryElementHeader provides a common base for all type and instance information from the metadata collection.
RepositoryEntitiesIterator is an iterator class for iteratively retrieving entities (possibly restricting the type of entities returned).
RepositoryErrorException provides a checked exception for reporting situations where the metadata repository hosting a metadata collection is unable to perform a request.
RepositoryErrorHandler provides common validation routines for the other handler classes
RepositoryExecutor is the interface implemented by the executors that issue requests to a repository during a federated query.
RepositoryExecutorBase provides the common functions for all executors for a federated query.
The RepositoryExplorerController provides the server-side implementation of the RepositoryExplorer UI-component (aka Rex) This view service provides a number of functions that are needed for Rex.
RepositoryFindEntitiesIterator is an iterator class for iteratively retrieving entities based on a search criteria.
RepositoryFindEntitiesIterator is an iterator class for iteratively retrieving relationships based on a search criteria.
RepositoryGovernanceAdmin is called during server start-up and initializes the Repository Governance OMES.
RepositoryGovernanceAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Repository Governance OMES.
The RepositoryGovernanceAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
RepositoryGovernanceClient is a client-side library for calling a specific archive engine with an engine host server.
RepositoryGovernanceContext provides the archive service with access to information about the archive request along with the open metadata repository interfaces.
The RepositoryGovernanceEngineHandler is responsible for running repository governance services on demand.
The RepositoryGovernanceErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the RepositoryGovernance Engine Services.
GovernanceEngineHandler factory class for the Repository Governance OMES.
RepositoryGovernanceInstance maintains the instance information needed to execute requests on behalf of a engine host server.
RepositoryGovernanceProvider implements the base class for the connector provider for a repository governance service.
RepositoryGovernanceResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring that validate RepositoryGovernance Service implementations
RepositoryGovernanceRESTClient is responsible for issuing the REST API calls
RepositoryGovernanceRESTServices provides the external service implementation for a repository governance engine.
A marker interface to identify the service that this connector works with.
RepositoryGovernanceServiceConnector describes a specific type of connector that is responsible for managing the content of a specific open metadata archive.
RepositoryGovernanceContext provides the archive service with access to information about the archive request along with the open metadata repository interfaces.
RepositoryGovernanceServiceHandler provides the support to run a repository governance service.
RepositoryHandler issues common calls to the open metadata repository to retrieve and store metadata.
The RepositoryHandlerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The RepositoryHandlerErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Repository Handler Services.
RepositoryIterator is the shared interface of all repository helper iterators that retrieve entity or relationship details from the repository.
RepositoryIteratorForEntities is the shared interface of all repository helper iterators that retrieve entity details from the repository.
RepositoryConformanceWorkbenchConfig provides the config that drives the RepositoryWorkbench within the Open Metadata Conformance Suite.
RepositoryProxyConfigurationClient provides the configuration services for a repository proxy.
RepositoryRelatedEntitiesIterator is an iterator class for iteratively retrieving relationships for a starting entity (possibly restricting the type of relationships returned) and returning the entity at the other end.
RepositoryRelationshipsIterator is an iterator class for iteratively retrieving relationships for a starting entity (possibly restricting the type of relationships returned).
RepositorySelectedEntitiesIterator is an iterator class for iteratively retrieving entities based on a search criteria.
RepositoryServicesConfig provides the configuration properties that are needed by the OMRS components to manage access to the metadata repositories that are members of the open metadata repository cohorts that this server connects to.
RepositoryTimeoutException provides a checked exception for reporting situations where the metadata repository hosting a metadata collection is unable to perform a request due to a timeout (for example, a query that exceeds a maximum allowed response time threshold).
RequestedCatalogTarget describes a catalog target that an integration connector should refresh.
RequestForActionAnnotation is used to record an issue that has been discovered.
RequestForActionAnnotation is used to record an issue that has been discovered.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
RequestParameterType characterises one of the request parameters supported by a specific governance service.
RequestSourceElement describes the element that triggered the request to the governance action service.
RequestSourceElement describes the element that triggered the request to the governance action service.
RequestType provides a template for defining the request type for a governance service.
RequestType provides a template for defining the request type for a governance service.
RequestTypeRequestBody provides a structure for passing a requestType and requestParameters as a request body over a REST API.
RequestTypeRequestBody provides a structure for passing a requestType and requestParameters as a request body over a REST API.
RequestTypeType characterises one of the governance request types supported by a specific governance service.
ResourceElement contains the properties and header for a referenceable retrieved from the metadata repository.
ResourceEndpointConfig defines the properties of a resource endpoint that an integration view service can connect to.
ResourceListProperties provides a details of why an element providing resources (such as a community) has been attached to an initiative such as a governance domain.
ResourceListProperties provides a details of why an element providing resources (such as a community) has been attached to an initiative such as a governance domain.
ResourceListProperties provides a details of why an element providing resources (such as a community) has been attached to an initiative such as a governance domain.
ResourceListProperties provides a details of why an element providing resources (such as a community) has been attached to an initiative such as a governance domain.
ResourceListProperties provides a details of why an element providing resources (such as a community) has been attached to an initiative such as a governance domain.
DataSourceMeasurementAnnotation describes properties that describe the characteristics of the data source as a whole.
DataSourceMeasurementAnnotation describes properties that describe the physical characteristics of a data source.
DataProfileAnnotation holds properties that describe the characteristics of a specific field within a data source.
DataProfileLogAnnotation is an annotation that is used when the profile data generated is too big to store in the metadata server and has been located in log files instead.
ResourceProperties provides a summary of a resource linked to a community or personal profile or something similar.
ResourceUse describes the difference values used in the resourceUse property found in the ResourceList relationship.
ResourceUseProperties lists common property values found in the resourceUseProperties attribute when a particular resourceUse value is in use.
RESTCallLogger provides standard logging for REST API method invocations.
RESTCallToken provides a cache of information about a single REST API call invocation.
RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
RESTClientCalls provides a generic interface for calling REST Clients.
RESTClientCheckedExceptionBase provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Egeria services.
RESTClientConnector provides the base class for REST Client connectors.
The RESTClientConnectorErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the REST Client.
RESTClientConnectorProvider provides base class of the connector provider for the RESTClientConnector.
RESTClientFactory is used to create an ew REST client
The RESTConfigurationException is thrown by the connector when it is not able to configure a client to call a REST API.
RESTExceptionHandler provides support for Community Profile OMAS specific exceptions
RESTExceptionHandler converts standard exceptions to REST responses.
Transaction function for restoring a deleted entity back to active.
RestoreEntityExecutor provides the executor for the restoreEntity method.
Base transaction function for restoring a soft-deleted instance back to active status.
Transaction function for restoring a deleted relationship back to active.
RestoreRelationshipExecutor provides the executor for the restoreRelationship method.
The RESTServerException is thrown by the REST client connector when it is not able to communicate with the REST server.
Defines the retention requirements for related data items.
Defines the retention requirements associated with a data item.
RetentionBasis defines the retention requirements associated with a data item.
RetentionClassificationProperties defines the retention requirements for related data items.
RetentionClassificationProperties defines the retention requirements for related data items.
RetentionGovernanceClassification defines the retention requirements for related data items.
RetentionGovernanceClassification defines the retention requirements for related data items.
Mapping methods to map between Retention and the omrs equivalents.
Transaction function for changing an entity's type.
Base transaction function for changing an instance's type.
Transaction function for changing a relationship's type.
The RexErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within REX.
RexViewAdmin is the class that is called by the UI Server to initialize and terminate the Repository Explorer OMVS.
The RexAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The RexViewErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the OMVS It is used in conjunction with all OMVS Exceptions.
The RexViewHandler is initialised with the server the call should be sent to.
RexViewInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
RexViewOMVSAPIResponse provides a common header for the Repository Explorer OMVS managed rest to its REST API.
RexViewRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The RexViewRESTResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Repository Explorer Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The RexViewRESTServices provides the implementation of the Repository Explorer Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
RexViewServicesInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
The RightsManagementInterface supports the management of the types of licenses (terms and conditions) associated with elements.
RightsManager is the java client for managing license types and the licensing of elements.
Sets up user roles.
RootBuilder provides the super class for builders.
FVT resource to call subject area term client API FVT resources
FVT resource to call all Glossary Author View API FVT resources
FVT resource to call subject area term client API FVT resources on 2 in memory servers names Server1 and Server2.
FVT resource to call Glossary Author View FVT resources on 2 in memory servers names Server1 and Server2.
The SAFAuditCode is used to define the message content for the Audit Log.
ODFConverter provides the generic methods for the Data Manager beans converters.
The SAF error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with SAF Discovery Services.
The SampleDataExtension describes a method to retrieve a selection of data to show to an end user.
Transaction function for adding a reference copy classification.
Transaction function for adding a reference copy classification (to an entity proxy).
Transaction function for adding a reference copy entity.
Transaction function for adding a reference copy relationship.
SchemaAnalysisAnnotation is used to describe the results of reviewing the structure of the content of an asset.
SchemaAnalysisAnnotation is used to describe the results of reviewing the structure of the content of an asset.
SchemaAttribute describes a single attribute within a schema.
SchemaAttributeBuilder creates instance properties for a schema attribute.
SchemaAttributeCategory summarizes the category of a schema attribute based on its cardinality, ordering and uniques of values stored within it.
SchemaAttributeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SchemaAttributeElement bean.
SchemaAttributeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SchemaAttributeElement bean.
SchemaAttributeConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SchemaAttribute bean.
SchemaAttributeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SchemaAttributeElement bean.
LicenseConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a License bean.
SchemaTypeElement contains the properties and header for a reference data asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
SchemaAttributeElement contains the properties and header for a schema attribute retrieved from the metadata repository.
SchemaAttributeElement contains the properties and header for a data field retrieved from the metadata repository.
SchemaAttributeElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
SchemaAttributeElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
SchemaAttributeElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
SchemaAttributeElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
SchemaAttributeHandler manages Schema Attribute objects.
SchemaAttributeProperties represents an attribute that is part of a complex schema type.
SchemaAttributeProperties carries the common parameters for creating or updating schema attributes.
SchemaAttributeProperties represents a data field that is part of a complex schema type.
SchemaAttributeRelationship defines a relationship between 2 SchemaAttributes.
SchemaAttributeRelationshipProperties defines a relationship between 2 SchemaAttributes.
SchemaAttributeRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update schema attribute properties.
SchemaAttributeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema attribute plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
SchemaAttributeResponse is a response object for passing back a single schema attribute element or an exception if the request failed.
SchemaAttributes supports an iterator over a list of schema attribute elements that make up a schema.
SchemaAttributesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of schema attributes or an exception if the request failed.
SchemaAttributesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of SchemaAttribute objects as a response.
The SchemaElement object provides a base class for the pieces that make up a schema for an asset.
SchemaElementMapper provides property name mapping for SchemaElements.
SchemaElementProperties carries the common parameters for creating or updating schema elements such as schema types and attributes.
SchemaElementProperties is a bean containing the common attributes for schema types and schema attributes
ExchangeClientBase provides the base class for the clients that implement SchemaExchangeInterface
SchemaExchangeHandler is the server side handler for managing schema types and attributes.
SchemaExchangeInterface defines the common methods for managing schemas.
SchemaExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for schemas.
SchemaExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for schemas.
LineageExchangeService is the context for managing process definitions and lineage linkage.
SchemaManagerClient defines the common methods for managing SchemaTypes and SchemaAttributes.
SchemaManagerInterface defines the common methods for managing SchemaTypes and SchemaAttributes.
SchemaManagerResource is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for relational topics.
SchemaManagerRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Data Manager OMAS's support for relational topics.
SchemaProperties is a bean containing the common attributes for schema types and schema attributes.
SchemaRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new schema to attach to an asset.
Transfers metadata of a schema
SchemaType is a java bean used to create SchemaTypes associated with the external data engine.
The SchemaType object provides a base class for the pieces that make up a schema for a data asset.
SchemaTypeBuilder manages the properties for a schema type.
SchemaTypeBuilder manages the properties for a schema type.
SchemaTypeChoice supports an element that has a selection of schema types that could be used as the type of the attribute.
SchemaTypeChoiceProperties carries the specialized parameters for creating or updating a choice of schema types.
SchemaTypeChoiceRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability and the list of guids for the schema types that represent the choices.
SchemaTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SchemaTypeElement bean.
SchemaTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SchemaTypeElement bean.
SchemaTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an SchemaType bean.
SchemaTypeConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from SchemaTypeElement.
SchemaTypeConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an SchemaType bean.
SchemaTypeElement contains the properties and header for a schema type retrieved from the metadata repository.
SchemaTypeElement contains the properties and header for a reference data asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
SchemaTypeElement contains the properties and header for a reference data asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
SchemaTypeElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
SchemaTypeElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
SchemaTypeElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
SchemaTypeElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
The Schema type event of Data Engine OMAS.
SchemaTypeHandler manages SchemaType objects.
SchemaTypeProperties carries the common parameters for creating or updating schema types.
SchemaTypeProperties carries the common parameters for creating or updating schema types.
SchemaTypeProperties carries the common parameters for creating or updating schema types.
SchemaTypeRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update schema type properties.
SchemaTypeRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update schema types
SchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
SchemaTypeResponse is a response object for passing back a single topic element or an exception if the request failed.
SchemaTypeResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a StructSchemaType object as a response.
SchemaTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of schema types or an exception if the request failed.
Scope characterizes the type of lineage query request.
Scope characterizes the type of lineage query request.
The ScopeDefinition is used to define the different scope of responsibility assigned to an individual term, person or activity.
Special support for the Scope enum.
The SearchClassifications class provides support for searching against one or more classifications using a variety of comparison mechanisms.
The SearchClassifications class provides support for searching against one or more classifications using a variety of comparison mechanisms.
SearchIntegrator is the client library for the Search Integrator OMIS's REST API.
SearchIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Search Integrator OMIS.
The SearchIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
SearchIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Search Integrator OMIS.
SearchIntegratorContext provides a wrapper around the Asset Catalog OMAS client.
SearchIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of an integration service
The SearchIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
SearchIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
SearchIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
SearchKeyword stores information about a keyword connected to an asset.
SearchKeywordBuilder is able to build the properties for a SearchKeyword entity.
SearchKeywordConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Referenceable bean.
SearchKeywordHandler manages SearchKeyword objects.
SearchParameters provides a structure to make the assets' search results more precise.
SearchParameters provides a structure to make the assets' search results more precise.
The SearchProperties class provides support for searching against one or more properties using a variety of comparison mechanisms, including searching against the same property using different comparison mechanisms.
The SearchProperties class provides support for searching against one or more properties using a variety of comparison mechanisms, including searching against the same property using different comparison mechanisms.
SearchStringRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a regular expression to use as a search string.
SearchStringRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a regular expression to use as a search string.
SecretsStoreConnector is the interface for a connector that is able to retrieve secrets (passwords, certificates, ...) from a secure location.
The SecureConnectorExtension is an optional interface for a virtual connector.
This class provides a method to access the user name from the servlet session.
SecureLocation defines that a location is secure.
SecureLocationProperties carries the parameters for marking a location as secure.
SecureLocationRequestBody carries the parameters for marking a location as secure.
Configuration of HttpSecurity for Spring security.
Configuration of HttpSecurity for Spring security
GovernanceDefinitionConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceDefinition.
GovernanceDefinitionConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from GovernanceDefinition.
SecurityGroupElement is the superclass used to return the common properties of a governance definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
SecurityGroupElement is the superclass used to return the common properties of a governance definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
SecurityManagerClient is the client for explicitly managing the security groups.
SecurityGroupProperties defines a security group technical control.
SecurityGroupProperties defines a security group technical control.
SecurityGroupProperties defines a security group technical control.
The SecurityGroupResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the SecruityGroupManagementInterface.
SecurityGroupResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a security group.
SecurityGroupResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a security group.
The OrganizationRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Community Profile Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS) capability for organization management.
SecurityGroupsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of security groups or an exception if the request failed.
SecurityGroupsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of security groups or an exception if the request failed.
SecurityIntegrator is the client library for the Security Integrator OMIS's REST API.
SecurityIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Security Integrator OMIS.
The SecurityIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
SecurityIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Security Integrator OMIS.
SecurityIntegratorContext provides a wrapper around the Security Manager OMAS client.
SecurityIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of an integration service
The SecurityIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
SecurityIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
SecurityIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
SecurityManagerAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Security Manager OMAS.
The SecurityManagerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
SecurityManagerBaseClient supports the common properties and functions for the Data Manager OMAS.
SecurityManagerClient is the client for explicitly managing the user identity entities and associating them with profiles.
SecurityManagerConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SecurityManagerElement bean.
SecurityManagerElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
The SecurityManagerErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Security Manager OMAS Services.
SecurityManagerEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Security Manager OMAS Out Topic.
SecurityManagerEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the configuration events produced by the Security Manager OMAS.
SecurityManagerEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Security Manager OMAS's out topic.
SecurityManagerEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Security Manager OMAS.
SecurityManagerInterface provides the interface both for retrieving additional information in order to process OutTopic events and for making changes to open metadata to match the content of the security manager.
SecurityManagerOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Security Manager OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
SecurityManagerOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Security Manager OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
SecurityManagerOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Security Manager beans converters.
SecurityManagerOMASRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
Server-side REST API support for security manager independent REST endpoints
SecurityManagerOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
SecurityManagerOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Security Manager OMAS's OutTopic.
The SecurityManagerOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting SecurityManagerOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
SecurityManagerOutTopicEvent provides the structure of the Security Manager OMAS's OutTopic events.
SecurityManagerOutTopicPublisher is responsible for sending events on the Security Manager OMAS's out topic.
SecurityManagerOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Security Manager OMAS's OutTopic.
The SecurityManagerOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting SecurityManagerOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
SecurityManagerProperties describe the properties for a capability deployed to a software server.
SecurityManagerProperties describes the properties of a security manager.
SecurityManagerRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
The SecurityManagerRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services that are generic for all types of security managers.
SecurityManagerServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
SecurityOfficerConfig provides the properties for the deprecated security-officer-services.
SecurityOfficerEvent describes the structure of the events emitted by the Security Officer OMAS.
SecurityOfficerEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the configuration events produced by the Security Officer OMAS.
SecurityOfficerEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Security Officer OMAS's out topic.
SecurityOfficerInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
GovernanceEngineServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the access service instances.
SecurityOfficerOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Security Officer OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
SecurityOfficerOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Security Officer OMAS's OutTopic.
The SecurityOfficerOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting SecurityOfficerOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
SecurityOfficerOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Security Officer OMAS's OutTopic.
The SecurityOfficerOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting SecurityOfficerOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
SecurityOfficerRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
SecurityOfficerRequestHandler supports REST requests for security officer function.
The SecurityOfficerRESTService provides the server-side implementation of the Security Officer Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
SecurityTags holds the list of labels and properties used by a security enforcement engine to control access and visibility to the contents of the real-world object described by the Referenceable.
SecurityTagsProperties provides a structure for passing information about the security tags that should be attached to an asset or one of its fields.
SecurityTagsProperties holds the list of labels and properties used by a security enforcement engine to control access and visibility to the contents of the real-world object described by the Referenceable.
SecurityTags holds the list of labels and properties used by a security enforcement engine to control access and visibility to the contents of the real-world object described by the Referenceable.
SecurityTagsRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about the security tags that should be attached to an asset or one of its fields.
SemanticAnnotation provides a recommendation as to the likely meaning of data.
SemanticAnnotation provides a recommendation as to the likely meaning of data.
Links a glossary term to another element such as an asset or schema element to define its meaning.
Mapping methods to map between the semanticAssignment and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
SemanticAssignmentProperties links an element to a glossary term to indicate that the glossary term describes its meaning.
SemanticAssignmentProperties links an element to a glossary term to indicate that the glossary term describes its meaning.
SequencingOrder is used for search requests against a metadata collection.
SequencingOrder is used for search requests against a metadata collection.
SequentialFederationControl provides a simple sequential federation control loop to manage a single federated query.
SequentialSurveyPipeline is a survey action pipeline that provides an inline sequential invocation of the supplied survey action services.
SequentialDiscoveryPipelineProvider is the provider for the SequentialDiscoveryPipeline - an ODF discovery pipeline connector.
Server active status defines the state of the server (or a service) on a single platform.
ServerAssetUseElement contains the properties and header for a ServerAssetUse relationship retrieved from the repository.
ServerAssetUseElement contains the properties and header for a ServerAssetUse relationship retrieved from the repository.
ServerAssetUseListResponse returns a list of serverAssetUse relationships from the server.
ServerAssetUseListResponse returns a list of serverAssetUse relationships from the server.
ServerAssetUseProperties describes the properties for the ServerAssetUse relationship between a software server capability and an asset.
ServerAssetUseProperties describes the properties for the ServerAssetUse relationship between a software server capability and an asset.
ServerAssetUseProperties describes the properties for the ServerAssetUse relationship between a software server capability and an asset.
ServerAssetUseRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with the relationships between software server capabilities and assets.
ServerAssetUseRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with the relationships between software server capabilities and assets.
ServerAssetUseResponse is a response object for passing back a single relationship between a software server capability and an asset (or an exception if the request failed).
ServerAssetUseResponse is a response object for passing back a single relationship between a software server capability and an asset (or an exception if the request failed).
ProcessContainmentType defines the ownership of a process withing a sub process.
ServerAssetUseType defines how a software server capability may use an asset.
A server Author response containing an Open Metadata and governance (OMAG) Server configuration
The Server Author Exception handler maps OMAG exceptions that have been produced by the admin client into Server author Exceptions.
A Server Author response containing the known platforms
Server Author's list of Resource endpoints, which contains the list of platforms.
ServerAuthorViewAdmin is the class that is called by the UI Server to initialize and terminate the Server Author OMVS.
The ServerAuthorViewAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The ServerAuthorViewErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the OMVS It is used in conjunction with all OMVS Exceptions.
The ServerAuthorViewHandler is initialised with the server the call should be sent to.
ServerAuthorViewInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
ServerAuthorViewOMVSAPIResponse provides a common header for the Server Author OMVS managed rest to its REST API.
ServerAuthorViewRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The ServerAuthorViewRESTServices provides the implementation of the Server Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
This is a simple exception class that can convey the few types of exception that it is sensible to propagate back to the user interface.
ServerAuthorViewServicesInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
ServerConfig creates configuration documents that used by servers to define the subsystems and connectors that should be started when the server starts up.
Server instance status defines the state of the server (or a service) on a single platform.
ServerListResponse returns the list of servers running in a platform.
ServerManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain servers and their related objects.
ServerOperationsClient is the client for issuing queries about an OMAG Server
AssetOwnerRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
ServerOps provides a utility for starting and stopping servers on an OMAG Server Platform.
The ServerOpsAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The ServerOpsErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the OMAG Server It is used in conjunction with OMAG Exceptions, both Checked and Runtime (unchecked).
ServerPropertiesRequestBody is the request body to add the basic server properties to an OMAG Server's configuration document.
ServerPurposeManagerInterface manages the server purpose classifications on the IT Infrastructure assets.
ServerServicesListResponse returns the list of services active in a particular server running in a platform.
ServerServicesStatus documents the status of a server and the services within it.
ServerStatus documents the start and end of a server instance.
ServerStatusResponse returns the status of a server running in a platform.
ServerTypeClassification manages a list of different server types.
ServerClassificationResponse provides an object for returning information about a server type that is configured on an OMAG Server Platform.
ServerTypeClassificationSummary provides an object for returning information about a server type that is configured on an OMAG Server Platform.
ServerTypeClassifier is responsible for reviewing the configuration document to determine what type of server is being requested in the configuration document.
ServiceOperationalStatus sets up whether an open metadata service is enabled or not.
SimpleAPICatalogArchiveBuilder provides API metadata.
SimpleCatalogArchiveHelper creates elements used when creating a simple catalog.
SimpleCatalogsArchiveWriter creates four physical open metadata archive files for each of the sample catalogs.
SimpleComboCatalogArchiveBuilder pulls together the metadata from the four simple catalogs into a content pack that can be used in other scenarios.
SimpleDataCatalogArchiveBuilder provides data source metadata.
SimpleEventCatalogArchiveBuilder provides event and topic metadata.
SimpleEventCatalogArchiveBuilder provides governance metadata.
SimpleSchemaType describes a schema element that has a primitive or enum type.
SimpleSchemaTypeProperties describes the properties of type that has a single value.
SLF4JAuditLogStoreConnector provides a connector implementation for a sls4j audit log destination.
SLF4JAuditLogStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the SLF4J audit log store destination.
SoftwareCapabilitiesProperties describes a functional capability of a software server.
SoftwareCapabilitiesProperties describe the properties for a capability deployed to a software server.
SoftwareCapability describe the properties needed to describe a specific software server's capability.
SoftwareCapabilityBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a software capability.
SoftwareCapabilityConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SoftwareCapabilityElement bean.
SoftwareCapabilityConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a SoftwareCapabilityElement bean.
SoftwareCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a software capability entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
SoftwareCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
SoftwareCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a software server capability retrieved from the metadata repository.
SoftwareCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a software server capability retrieved from the metadata repository.
SoftwareCapabilityHandler provides the support for managing software capabilities.
SoftwareCapabilityListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of software server capabilities or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareCapabilityListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of software server capabilities or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareCapabilityManagerInterface defines the client side interface for the IT Infrastructure OMAS that is relevant for cataloguing software capabilities.
SoftwareCapabilityProperties describe the properties needed to describe a specific software server's capability.
SoftwareCapabilityProperties describes a function implemented in software that is supported by an instance of IT Infrastructure.
SoftwareCapabilityRequestBody describes the basic properties of a software server capability.
SoftwareCapabilityRequestBody describes the properties of the software server capability for creation and update.
SoftwareCapabilityRequestBody describes the properties of the software server capability for creation and update.
SoftwareCapabilityResponse is a response object for passing back a single software server capability element or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareCapabilityResponse is a response object for passing back a single software server capability element or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareDeveloperAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Software Developer OMAS.
The SoftwareDeveloperAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The SoftwareDeveloperErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Software Developer OMAS Services.
SoftwareDeveloperOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Asset Consumer OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
SoftwareDeveloperOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Software Developer OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
SoftwareDeveloperOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
SoftwareDeveloperRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The SoftwareDeveloperResource provides the server-side implementation of the Software Developer Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
The SoftwareDeveloperRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Software Developer Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
SoftwareDeveloperServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
SoftwareServerCapabilityManagerInterface defines the client side interface for the IT Infrastructure OMAS that is relevant for cataloguing software server capabilities.
SoftwareServerElement contains the properties and header for a software server retrieved from the metadata repository.
SoftwareServerElement contains the properties and header for a software server retrieved from the metadata repository.
SoftwareServerListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of software servers or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareServerListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of software servers or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareServerManagerInterface defines the client side interface for the IT Infrastructure OMAS that is relevant for softwareServer assets.
SoftwareServerPlatformElement contains the properties and header for a software server platform retrieved from the metadata repository.
SoftwareServerPlatformElement contains the properties and header for a software server platform retrieved from the metadata repository.
SoftwareServerPlatformListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of software server platforms or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareServerPlatformListResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of software server platforms or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareServerPlatformManagerInterface defines the client side interface for the IT Infrastructure OMAS that is relevant for software server platform assets.
SoftwareServerPlatformProperties is a representation of the properties for a software server platform.
SoftwareServerPlatformProperties is a representation of the properties for a software server platform.
SoftwareServerPlatformRequestBody describes the properties of the software server platform for creation and update.
SoftwareServerPlatformRequestBody describes the properties of the software server platform for creation and update.
SoftwareServerPlatformResponse is a response object for passing back a single software server platform element or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareServerPlatformResponse is a response object for passing back a single software server platform element or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareServerProperties is a representation of the properties for a software server.
SoftwareServerProperties is a representation of the properties for a software server.
SoftwareServerRequestBody describes the properties of the software server for creation and update.
SoftwareServerRequestBody describes the properties of the software server for creation and update.
SoftwareServerResponse is a response object for passing back a single software server element or an exception if the request failed.
SoftwareServerResponse is a response object for passing back a single software server element or an exception if the request failed.
SolutionComponentProperties represents a logical architectural component that is part of the digital landscape.
The SolutionViewServiceConfig class is a specialization of ViewServiceConfig for solution-level view services
ReferenceValueAttributeName provides definitions of the standard attributeName values used in the ReferenceValueAssignment relationship.
Identifies a glossary term that describes an attribute of a spine object.
glossary term representing an attribute
Mapping methods to map between SpineAttribute and the omrs equivalents.
Identifies a glossary term that describes a type of spine object.
A glossary term representing an object
Mapping methods to map between SpineObject and the omrs equivalents.
RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the server's REST APIs.
SpringRESTClientConnectorProvider provides the connector provider for the SpringRESTClientConnector.
This class provides configuration bean for customizing the SSL environment used by and Tomcat server ssl.
StagingGlossaryProperties is used to provide the properties for an EditingGlossary classification.
StakeholderProperties provides a details of a stakeholder for an initiative.
StakeholderProperties provides a details of a stakeholder for an initiative.
StakeholderProperties provides a details of a stakeholder for an initiative.
StakeholderProperties provides a details of a stakeholder for an initiative.
A StarRating defines the rating that a user has placed against an asset.
Application event used for the case of startup list fails
The Status defines the status of a relationship or an entity in the glossary.
The StatusFilter is used on the API to Filter the status of instances.
The StatusNotSupportedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when a status is not supported value.
StatusNotSupportedException provides a checked exception for reporting that the metadata repository hosting a metadata collection is not able to support the requested status.
StatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the annotation status of an Annotation.
StatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing a new EngineActionStatus.
StewardshipAction provides the generic client-side interface for the Stewardship Action Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
StewardshipAction defines methods that are used to request help for a situation that the caller can not handle.
StewardshipActionAdmin manages the start up and shutdown of the Stewardship Action OMAS.
The StewardshipActionAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
Base class converter for Stewardship Action OMAS.
The StewardshipActionErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Stewardship Action OMAS Services.
StewardshipActionEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Stewardship Action OMAS Out Topic.
StewardshipActionEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the events produced by the Stewardship Action OMAS
StewardshipActionEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Stewardship Action OMAS.
StewardshipActionEventType describes the different types of events produced by the Stewardship Action OMAS.
StewardshipActionInterface defines the client-side interface for the Stewardship Action OMAS.
StewardshipActionOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Stewardship Action OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
StewardshipActionOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Stewardship Action OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
StewardshipActionOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Data Manager beans converters.
StewardshipActionOMASFVT provides the main program for the Stewardship Action OMAS Functional Verification Tests (FVTs).
StewardshipActionOMRSTopicListener received details of each OMRS event from the cohorts that the local server is connected to.
StewardshipActionOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Stewardship Action OMAS's OutTopic.
The StewardshipActionOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting StewardshipActionOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.
StewardshipActionOutTopicEvent describes the structure of the events emitted by the Stewardship Action OMAS that are about assets.
StewardshipActionOutTopicPublisher is responsible for sending events on the IT Infrastructure OMAS's out topic.
StewardshipActionOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Stewardship Action OMAS's OutTopic.
The StewardshipActionOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting StewardshipActionOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.
StewardshipActionRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The StewardshipActionResource provides the server-side implementation of the Stewardship Action Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
AssetOwnerRESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
The StewardshipActionRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Stewardship Action Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
StewardshipActionServicesInstance caches references to objects for a specific server.
StewardshipExchangeClient is the client for assigning relationships and classifications that help govern both metadata and its associated resources.
The StewardshipExchangeInterface supports the exchange of relationships (such as SemanticAssignment) and classifications that are added by stewards (or automated stewardship processes) such as Confidentiality.
The StewardshipExchangeResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
StewardshipExchangeRESTServices provides part of the server-side support for the Asset Owner Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
StewardshipExchangeService is the context for managing classifications and exceptions and other actions of stewards.
ActionTarget provides some standard action type names to use in the implementation of governance services.
StewardshipExchangeClient is the client for assigning relationships and classifications that help govern both metadata and its associated resources.
The StewardshipManagementInterface supports the exchange of relationships (such as SemanticAssignment) and classifications that are added by stewards (or automated stewardship processes) such as Confidentiality.
StewardshipRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with stewardship actions.
StewardshipRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with stewardship actions.
StewardshipRequestInterface defines methods that are used to request help for a situation that the caller can not handle.
StringMapResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a map of names to description as a response.
StringRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passed a string.
GUIDResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a unique identifier (guid) object as a response.
StructPropertyValue supports the value part of property that is defined as a complex structure.
Maps singular StructPropertyValues between persistence and objects.
StructSchemaType describes a schema element that has a number of nested data fields.
StructSchemaTypeProperties is a class for representing a set of schema attributes - also known as a structure, struct, group or object in different programming languages.
StructSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
StructTypePropertyValue supports the value part of property that is defined as a complex structure.
Identifies a glossary category as a subject area.
The SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
SubjectAreaAdmin is the Subject Area Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) implementation class that controls its lifecycle.
The SubjectAreaAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
SubjectAreaBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a subject area definition.
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.subjectarea.server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
SubjectAreaCheckedException provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Subject Area OMAS services.
A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
SubjectAreaTermHandler manages config objects from the property server.
The SubjectAreaTermRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) for Terms.
SubjectAreaConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from SubjectAreaElement.
A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
A type of Category called a Subject Area Definition is one that describes a subject area or a domain.
FVT resource to call subject area subjectArea client API
FVT resource to call Glossary Author View API
SubjectAreaDefinitionResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a subject area with the linked governance definitions.
SubjectAreaDefinition Sample provides a client program that calls the Subject Area OMAS to create a category hierarchy that matches the subject area definitions defined by Coco Pharmaceuticals.
SubjectAreaElement is the bean used to return a subject area definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
SubjectAreaElement is the bean used to return a subject area definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
The SubjectAreaErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Subject Area OMAS Services.
SubjectAreaEvent describes the structure of the emitted by the Subject Area OMAS.
SubjectAreaEventType describes the different types of produced by the Subject Area OMAS.
Test exception for FVT
SubjectAreaGlossaryHandler manages Glossary objects from the property server.
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.subjectarea.server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.subjectarea.server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.subjectarea.server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.subjectarea.server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
SubjectAreaProjectHandler manages Project objects from the property server.
SubjectAreaHandler provides the exchange of metadata about subject areas between the repository and the OMAS.
SubjectAreaImpl is the OMAS client library implementation of the SubjectAreaImpl OMAS.
SubjectAreaListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of subject area descriptions.
The SubjectAreasInterface is used by the governance team to define the subject area for topic related governance definitions.
Mapping methods to map between SubjectArea and the omrs equivalents.
A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
Annotating client class for working with Node objects.
SubjectAreaProjectHandler manages Project objects from the property server.
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.subjectarea.server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.subjectarea.server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
SubjectAreaRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The OMAS client library implementation of the Subject Area OMAS.
Annotating client class for working with Node objects.
Client class for subject area relationships Relationship
The SubjectAreaDefinition Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) API for relationships.
TheSubjectAreaTermRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) for Terms.
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
TheSubjectAreaTermRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) for Terms.
The SubjectAreasResource provides a Spring based server-side REST API that supports the SubjectAreasInterface.
SubjectAreaResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a subject area.
RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the Subject Area OMAS REST APIs.
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
SubjectAreaRESTServices provides the server side logic for the Governance SubjectArea Manager.
SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
The SubjectAreaSampleDefinitions is used to feed the definition of the subject areas for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
The SubjectAreasInterface is used by the governance team to define the subject area for topic related governance definitions.
SubjectAreaTermHandler manages Term objects from the property server.
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
The SubjectAreaTermRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) for Terms.
Subject Area OMAS utilities.
SubtypeLimitedFindRequest extends the type limited find request to allow the caller to request that only a restricted list of subtypes of the overall type are included in the results.
SuccessMessageResponse provides the reposnse structure when starting a server.
SupplementaryProperties describe additional information about a technical element (typically assets and schemas) that has been added as part of a governance process.
SupplementaryProperties describe additional information about a technical element (typically assets and schemas) that has been added as part of a governance process.
SupplementaryProperties describe additional information about a technical element (typically assets and schemas) that has been added as part of a governance process.
SupplementaryProperties describe additional information about a technical element (typically assets and schemas) that has been added as part of a governance process.
SupplementaryPropertiesValidValues provides the valid values for managing the glossary terms that provide additional business information for assets to help make them more findable.
A supported severities for audit log response containing the known platforms
SupportedCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a SoftwareServerSupportedCapability relationship retrieved from the repository.
SupportedCapabilityListResponse returns a list of SoftwareServerSupportedCapability relationships from the server.
SupportedCapabilityListResponse returns a list of SoftwareServerSupportedCapability relationships from the server.
SupportedCapabilityProperties describes the properties for the SoftwareServerSupportedCapabilities relationship between a Software Server and a Software Server Capability.
SupportedCapabilityRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with the relationships between software servers and software server capabilities.
SupportedCapabilityRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with the relationships between software servers and software server capabilities.
SupportingDefinitionProperties provides a details of why a governance definition is supporting other governance definition.
SurveyActionAdmin is called during server start up to set up the Survey Action OMES.
SurveyActionAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Survey Action OMES.
The SurveyActionAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
SurveyActionClient is a client-side library for calling a specific survey action engine with an engine host server.
The SurveyActionEngineHandler is responsible for running survey action services on demand.
GovernanceEngineHandler factory class for the Survey Action OMES.
The SurveyActionErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Discovery Engine Services.
The SurveyActionGuard enum describes the standard guards that are automatically set up for all survey action services.
SurveyActionInstance maintains the instance information needed to execute requests on behalf of a engine host server.
DiscoveryPipeline is a discovery service that is responsible for choreographing the discovery services passed on initializeEmbeddedConnectors.
SurveyActionResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring that validated Discovery Service implementations
SurveyActionRESTClient is responsible for issuing the REST API calls
SurveyActionRESTServices provides the external service implementation for a survey action engine.
A marker interface to identify the service that this connector works with.
SurveyActionServiceConnector describes a specific type of connector that is responsible for analyzing the content of a specific asset.
SurveyActionServiceHandler provides the support to run a survey action service.
SurveyActionServiceProvider implements the base class for the connector provider for a survey action service.
SurveyActionTarget provides some standard action type names to use in the implementation of survey action services.
This connector builds a profile of the types and instances in an Apache Atlas server.
EntityTypeMetrics maintains counts about entity instances of a certain type.
RelationshipTypeMetrics manages counts of the usage of a particular relationship type
TagTypeMetrics maintains counts of the classifications or business metadata attached to this type of entity.
SurveyApacheAtlasProvider is the connector provider for the SurveyApacheAtlasConnector that publishes insights about the types and instances in an Apache Atlas server.
This connector builds a profile of the types and instances in an Apache Kafka server.
SurveyApacheKafkaServerProvider is the connector provider for the SurveyApacheKafkaServerConnector that publishes insights about the topics it supports.
SurveyAssetStore defines the interface to a connector broker backed by an open metadata repository that returns information about the Asset that a survey action service is to analyze.
SurveyAssetStoreClient provides a concrete implementation of the SurveyAssetStore for the Survey Action Framework (SAF).
SurveyContext provides a survey action service with access to information about the survey request along with access to the open metadata repository interfaces.
The SurveyFileAnnotationType enum describes the annotation types used by the File survey action service.
The SurveyFolderAnnotationType enum describes the annotation types used by the folder survey action service.
SurveyOpenMetadataStore provides an interface to the open metadata store.
SurveyReport describes the properties for a survey report.
SurveyReport extracts the survey reports for an asset defined in the open metadata ecosystem.
SurveyReportBuilder supports the creation of the entities and relationships that describe a Survey Analysis Framework (SAF) Survey Report.
SurveyReportConverter converts GAF elements into a survey report bean.
SurveyReportConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into an SurveyReport bean.
SurveyReportConverter converts GAF elements into a survey report bean.
SurveyReportHandler manages the storage and retrieval of metadata relating to survey reports as defined in the Survey Analysis Framework (SAF).
The SurveyReportInterface is used by the steward to review the survey reports associated with an asset.
SurveyReportListResponse is the response structure used on OMAS REST API calls that return a list of SurveyReport properties objects as a response.
SurveyReportProvider is the OCF connector provider for the "SurveyReportService" Governance Action Service.
SurveyReportService extracts the requested survey report and turns it into a Markdown document.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
The SurveyServiceAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The ProjectDefinition is used to feed the definition of the projects and teams for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
The SustainabilityRoleDefinition is used to feed the definition of the governance roles for Coco Pharmaceuticals' sustainability program.
SynchronizationDirection defines the permitted directions of flow of metadata updates between open metadata and a third party technology.
Link between glossary terms that have the same meaning.
Mapping methods to map between the synonym and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
These are the core ' system' attributes
The SystemDefinition is used to feed the definition of the organization's systems for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
The SystemTypeDefinition is used to set up the deployedImplementationType and cloud classifications.
Transfers metadata of a table.
TabularColumnConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a TabularColumnElement bean.
TabularColumnElement contains the properties and header for a table column entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
TabularColumnProperties is a class for representing a column within a table type structure.
TabularSchemaTypeProperties is a class for representing a tabular schema such as the structure of a CSV file.
RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
TagRequestBody provides a structure for passing an informal tag as a request body over a REST API.
TagResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Tag object as a response.
TagResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Tag object as a response.
TagsResponse returns a list of tags from the server.
TagsResponse returns a list of tags from the server.
InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
Identifies a glossary that includes a taxonomy.
Mapping methods to map between Taxonomy and the omrs equivalents.
TaxonomyProperties is used to classify a glossary that has the terms organized in a taxonomy.
A Taxonomy summary is a summary of a taxonomy.
TeamMemberConverter generates a CollectionMember bean from a RelatedMetadataElement.
TeamMembershipElement contains the properties and header for a role that shows a person is a leader or a member of a team as retrieved from the metadata repository.
TeamPlayerRequestBody provides the request body payload for linking roles to teams.
TeamProfileElement contains the properties and header for a team profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
TeamProfileElement contains the properties and header for a team profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
The TeamProfileProperties describes an team of people.
The TeamProfileProperties describes an team of people.
The PersonalProfileProperties describes an individual.
TechnologyTypeHierarchyResponse is the response structure used on the OMVS REST API calls that returns a technology type hierarchy object as a response.
TechnologyTypeReport summarizes the reference data for a particular technology.
TechnologyTypeReportResponse is the response structure used on the OMVS REST API calls that returns a technology type report object as a response.
TechnologyTypeSummary is used in return summary information about a technology type.
TechnologyTypeSummaryListResponse is the response structure used on the OMVS REST API calls that return a list of technology type summaries as a response.
TechnologyUnderTestWorkPad is the class used to aggregate information about a technology (typically a metadata repository) that is being tested by the ODPi Egeria Conformance Suite.
TemplateClassificationProperties carries the parameters for classifying an element as suitable to use for a template.
TemplateClassificationRequestBody carries the parameters for classifying an element as suitable to use for a template.
TemplateClassificationRequestBody carries the parameters for working with template classifications.
TemplateElement provides the base class for a template element.
ConnectorReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single template object.
TemplateElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of template objects.
TemplateManager provides specialist methods for managing templates
TemplateManagerAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Template Manager OMVS.
The TemplateManagerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
TemplateManagerInstance caches references to the objects it needs for a specific server.
TemplateManagerInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
TemplateManagerRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The TemplateManagerResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the Template Manager OMVS.
The TemplateManagerRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Template Manager Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
TemplateRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update elements from templates.
TemplateRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update elements from templates.
TemplateRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new asset using a template.
TemplateRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new asset using a template.
TemplateRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new asset using a template.
TemplateRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new asset using a template.
TemplateRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new asset using a template.
TemplateRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new asset using a template.
TemplateRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element that is to be created via a template.
TemplateRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element that is to be created via a template.
TemplateRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update elements from templates.
TemplateRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element that is to be created via a template.
TemplateType defines a template supported by this integration connector.
TemplateTypeEnum characterises the type of templates supported by an integration connector.
TemporaryEditingGlossary demonstrates how to use a temporary editing glossary to manage updates to a glossary term so that they are only visible once they have been approved.
A Term in the Subject Area OMAS is a semantic description of something, such as a concept, object, asset, technology, role or group.
TermAnchorRelationship is a relationship between a Glossary and a Term.
Mapping methods to map between the termAnchor and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
Defines the provenance and confidence of a term assignment.
TermAssignmentStatusListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
Mapping methods to map between the termCategorization and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
FVT resource to call subject area term client API
FVT resource to call Glossary Author View term API
Mapping methods to map between the termHASARelationship and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
use IsATypeOfRelationship not TermISATypeOFRelationship
Static mapping methods to map between the Term and the generated OMRSBean for GlossaryTerm.
TermRelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking two terms together.
Defines the confidence in the assigned relationship.
Server-side implementation of the Glossary View Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
A SummaryTerm is a summary of a term.
Mapping methods to map between the termTYPEDBYRelationship and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
TestCaseListReportResponse defines the response structure that includes a list of test case results.
TestCaseListResponse defines the response structure that lists the test case IDs available.
TestCaseReportResponse defines the response structure that includes the results from a single test case.
Test that all defined classifications can be linked to at least one of the supported entities.
Test performance of entity search operations by classification.
Test performance of classification update operations.
TestConsistentAttributeTypeDef tests attribute type defs
TestConsistentTypeDef tests type defs
Test performance of entity classification operations.
Test performance of entity creation operations.
Test performance of entity declassification operations.
Test performance of entity delete operations.
Test performance of entity history retrieval operations.
Test performance of entity search operations against history.
Test performance of entity purge operations.
Test performance of entity purge operations.
Test performance of entity purge operations.
Test performance of entity re-home operations.
Test performance of entity re-identify operations.
Test performance of entity restore operations.
Test performance of entity retrieval operations.
Test performance of entity retype operations.
Test performance of entity retype operations.
Test performance of entity retype operations.
Test performance of entity retype operations.
Test performance of entity search operations.
Test performance of entity undo operations.
Test performance of entity update operations.
Report on characteristics of the environment used for the performance test.
Test that all attribute type definitions are retrieved by findAttributeTypeDefsByCategory.
Test that all type definitions are retrieved by findTypeByExternalId.
Test that all type definitions are retrieved by findTypeDefsByCategory.
Discover the types supported by the system under test.
Test performance of graph history query operations.
Test performance of graph query operations.
Test that the repository under test can create graphs from the supported entity and relationship types and that the graph queries are correctly supported.
TestInstanceEvent validates that
TestLabReportResponse defines the response structure that includes the test results.
TestLabReportResponse defines the response structure that includes the test results.
TestMetadataCollectionId tests the metadata collection id
Retrieves the origin id from the server
Test performance of relationship creation operations.
Test performance of relationship delete operations.
Test performance of relationship retrieval operations.
Test performance of relationship search operations against history.
Test performance of relationship purge operations.
Test performance of relationship purge operations.
Test performance of relationship purge operations.
Test performance of relationship re-home operations.
Test performance of relationship re-identify operations.
Test performance of relationship restore operations.
Test performance of relationship retrieval operations.
Test performance of relationship retype operations.
Test performance of relationship search operations.
Test performance of relationship undo operations.
Test performance of relationship update operations.
TestRepositoryServerIds tests server ids
Test that the attribute type definition is properly filled out and can be retrieved in different ways.
Test that all defined classifications can be created, retrieved, updated and deleted.
Test that all defined entities can be created, retrieved, updated and deleted.
Test that all defined entities can be stored and retrieved as proxies, that the proxies support all (and only) valid operations, and that they can be deleted/purged.
Test that all defined entities can be saved as reference copies, that the copies support all (and only) valid operations, and that the copies can be purged.
Test that all defined entities can be created, reidentified and deleted
Test that all defined entities can be created, retyped and deleted
Test that all defined entities can be retrieved by property searches.
Test that all defined classifications can be created, retrieved, updated and deleted.
Test that all defined relationships can be created, retrieved, updated and deleted.
Test that all defined relaitonships can be created, retrieved, updated and deleted.
Test that all defined entities can be created, reidentified and deleted
Test that all defined relationships can be retrieved by property searches.
Test that the type definition is properly filled out and can be retrieved in different ways.
TestValidTypeDefEvent validates the format of an incoming TypeDefEvent
Methods for building up complex conditions that search text (strings).
TexViewAdmin is the class that is called by the UI Server to initialize and terminate the Type Explorer OMVS.
The TexAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
The TexViewErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the OMVS It is used in conjunction with all OMVS Exceptions.
The TexViewHandler is initialised with the server the call should be sent to.
TexViewInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
TexViewOMVSAPIResponse provides a common header for the Type Explorer OMVS managed rest to its REST API.
TexViewRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The TexViewRESTResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Type Explorer Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
The TexViewRESTServices provides the implementation of the Type Explorer Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
TexViewServicesInstance caches references to objects it needs for a specific server.
ToDoConverter generates a ToDoElement from a "To Do" entity
ToDoElement contains the properties and header for a "to do" (informal task) retrieved from the metadata repository.
ToDoListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of to do objects.
The "To Do" describes an action - it may be assigned to a person role (see PersonRoleAction).
ToDoRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new to do.
ToDoRequestBody provides a structure for passing to do details over a REST API.
ToDoResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a "to do" object as a response.
ToDoStatus defines the progress towards completing a to do.
ToDoStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the status.
CreateToDoTest calls the ToDoManagementClient to create a "to do" and then retrieve the results.
TokenClient defines the interface for a stateful web token by using persistence and expiration validation.
TokenOption is used to have statefull webtoken by using persistence and expiration validation
This class provides a method to access the userId from the servlet session.
The TokenControllerErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when processing user security information on an incoming REST API call.
TokenLogoutSuccessHandler handles successful logout.
Redis token client
Token service
Topic is a java bean used to create Topics associated with the external data engine.
TopicConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a Topic bean.
TopicConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a TopicElement bean.
TopicElement contains the properties and header for a topic entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
The topic event of Data Engine OMAS.
TopicIntegrator is the client library for the Topic Integrator OMIS's REST API.
TopicIntegratorAPI is the interface to validate that a connector is suitable to run in the Topic Integrator OMIS.
The TopicIntegratorAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
TopicIntegratorConnector is the base class for an integration connector that is managed by the Topic Integrator OMIS.
TopicIntegratorContext is the context for cataloging topics from an event broker server.
TopicIntegratorContextManager provides the bridge between the integration daemon services and the specific implementation of the DataManagerIntegrator integration service
The TopicIntegratorErrorCode error code is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Integration Services.
A marker interface to identify the OMIS that this connector works with.
TopicIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
TopicIntegratorRESTServices provides the ability to validate that a connector will run successfully in this integration service.
TopicProperties is a class for representing a topic for an event broker or streaming service.
TopicRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update topics
TopicRequestBody describes the properties of the topic plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
TopicResponse is a response object for passing back a single topic element or an exception if the request failed.
TopicSchemaElement contains the properties and header for a schema element entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
TopicsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of topics or an exception if the request failed.
TransferCustomizations manages the settings of the configuration properties that select which elements of database metadata should be catalogued.
Link between glossary terms that provide different natural language translation of the same concept.
TranslationDetail provides translated strings for an open metadata element for a specific language/locale.
TranslationDetailResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the GAF definition of the TranslationDetail.
TranslationListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of TranslationDetail properties or an exception if the request failed.
Mapping methods to map between the translation and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
The triage governance action service is responsible for determining which of the possible courses of action to take for a specific situation.
TriageGovernanceContext provides access to details of the triage request and associated governance action plus with access to the metadata store.
Consumer that accepts 3 parameters
Common validations to use within transaction functions.
The Type object holds properties that are used for displaying the Open Metadata Types
The Type object holds properties that are used for displaying the Open Metadata Types
Defines the relationship between a spine attribute and its type.
The TypeDef is the base class for objects that store the properties of an open metadata type definition (call ed a TypeDef).
TypeDefAttribute stores the properties used to describe a attribute within a Classification, Entity or Relationship.
TypeDefAttributeStatus is an enum that describes the status of a specific typeDef attribute.
A shadow cache of all typeDef information.
The TypeDefCategory defines the list of valid types of TypeDef for open metadata instances.
TypeDefChangeRequest carries details of the old and new TypeDef used to re-type an instance.
TypeDefConflictException provides a checked exception for reporting that a typedef can not be added because it conflicts with a TypeDef already stored.
TypeDefDeleteRequest carries the TypeDef properties for deleting a TypeDef.
TypeDefElementHeader provides a common base for all typedef information.
TypeDefGalleryResponse contains details of the AttributeTypeDefs and full TypeDefs supported by a rep
TypeDefGalleryResponse provides the response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns a TypeDefGallery.
TypeDefGalleryResponse provides the response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns a TypeDefGallery.
TypeDefInUseException provides a checked exception for reporting that a typedef can not be deleted because there are instances currently using it.
TypeDefKnownException provides a checked exception for reporting that a type definition (TypeDef) can not be added because it is already known to the repository.
The TypeDefLink holds basic identifying information used to link one TypeDef to another.
TypeDefListResponse provides a simple bean for returning a list of TypeDefs (or information to create a valid OMRS exception).
TypeDefListResponse provides a simple bean for returning a list of TypeDefs (or information to create a valid OMRS exception).
TypeDefNotKnownException provides a checked exception for reporting that a requested typedef can not be found.
TypeDefNotSupportedException provides a checked exception for reporting that a typedef can not be added because the local repository can not support it.
TypeDefPatch describes a change (patch) to a typeDef's properties, options, external standards mappings or list of valid instance statuses.
The TypeDefProperties class provides support for arbitrary properties that belong to a TypeDef object.
TypeDefReIdentifyRequest carries the TypeDef properties for changing the identity of a TypeDef.
TypeDefResponse provides the response structure for an OMRS API call that returns a TypeDef
TypeDefResponse provides the response structure for an OMRS API call that returns a TypeDef
TypeDefStatus is an enum that describes the status of a specific typeDef.
The TypeDefSummary holds basic identifying information for a specific TypeDef.
TypeDefValidationForRequest carries the TypeDef validation properties for destructive requests (such as delete).
The TypeErrorException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when the requested type for an instance is not represented by a known TypeDef.
The TypeExplorerRESTServicesInstance provides the server-side implementation of the TypeExplorer UI-component
TypeLimitedFindRequest extends the paged find request to allow the caller to request results from only one type of instance.
TypeLimitedFindRequest extends the paged find request to allow the caller to request results from only one type of instance.
TypeLimitedHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.
TypeLimitedHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.
TypesAccumulator accumulates type information for each of the members of the connected cohort members.
Encapsulates server base url and the serverName form the configuration.
Transaction function for updating InstanceProperties on a metadata instance.
Base transaction function for rolling back the last changes made to an instance's properties or status.
Transaction function for updating InstanceProperties on a metadata instance.
The UnrecognizedGUIDException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when the unique identifier (guid) used to request an object is either unrecognized, or is the identifier for a different type of object.
UpdateEffectivityDatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the effectivity dates for a metadata element, classification or relationship.
UpdateEffectivityDatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the effectivity dates for a metadata element, classification or relationship.
Transaction function for updating InstanceProperties on a metadata instance.
Transaction function for updating InstanceProperties on a metadata instance.
Transaction function for updating InstanceProperties on a metadata instance.
Transaction function for updating InstanceProperties on a metadata instance.
Transaction function for updating an entity's status.
UpdateGovernanceActionProcessRequestBody describes the request body used to update governance action process properties.
UpdateGovernanceActionProcessStepRequestBody describes the request body used to update governance action process step properties.
UpdateGovernanceActionTypeRequestBody describes the request body used to update governance action type properties.
UpdateGovernanceActionTypeRequestBody describes the request body used to update governance action type properties.
UpdateGovernanceEngineRequestBody provides a structure for passing the updated properties of a governance engine as a request body over a REST API.
UpdateGovernanceEngineRequestBody provides a structure for passing the updated properties of a governance engine as a request body over a REST API.
UpdateGovernanceServiceRequestBody provides a structure for passing the updated properties of a governance service as a request body over a REST API.
UpdateGovernanceServiceRequestBody provides a structure for passing the updated properties of a governance service as a request body over a REST API.
Base transaction function for updating an instance's properties.
Base transaction function for updating an instance's status.
UpdatePropertiesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for updating metadata elements, relationships or classifications.
UpdatePropertiesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for updating metadata elements, relationships or classifications.
Transaction function for updating InstanceProperties on a metadata instance.
Transaction function for updating a relationship's status.
UpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties and effective time for a create, update or delete request.
UpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties and effective time for a create, update or delete request.
UpdateRequestBody provides a structure for passing the common request parameters for updating metadata elements, relationships or classifications.
UpdateRequestBody provides a structure for passing the common request parameters for updating metadata elements, relationships or classifications.
UpdateSemantic defines the different types of update for a process REPLACE - entities found is in the process payload will be updated or added, existing entities not included will be removed APPEND - entities found is in the process payload will be updated or added, existing entities not included will be ignored
UpdateStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the updated status and effectivity dates for a metadata element.
UpdateStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the updated status and effectivity dates for a metadata element.
Link between glossary terms where on describes the context where the other one is valid to use.
Mapping methods to map between the usedInContext and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
Entity User used for in-memory mocked demos, for when the real authentication is missing.
Entity User used for in-memory mocked demos, in case the real authentication is missing.
User details service for the demo user repository.
UserIdentitiesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of user identities or an exception if the request failed.
UserIdentityBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a user identity.
UserIdentityConverter generates an UserIdentityElement bean from an UserIdentity entity.
UserIdentityConverter generates an UserIdentityElement bean from an UserIdentity entity.
UserIdentityConverter generates an UserIdentityElement bean from an UserIdentity entity.
UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
UserIdentityHandler provides the exchange of metadata about users between the repository and the OMAS.
UserIdentityListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of user identity elements.
UserIdentityListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of user identity elements.
UserIdentityListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of user identity elements.
UserIdentityManagement is the client for explicitly managing the user identity entities and associating them with profiles.
UserIdentityManagementInterface provides administrative function to alter the association between a profile (either personal profile or IT profile) and a user identity.
UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.
UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.
UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.
UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.
UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.
UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.
UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.
UserIdentityRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on UserIdentity entities and their link to profiles.
UserIdentityRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on UserIdentity entities and their link to profiles.
UserIdentityRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new user identity or updating an existing one.
UserIdentityResource provides the APIs for maintaining user identities and their relationships with profiles.
UserIdentityResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a UserIdentityElement object as a response.
UserIdentityResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a UserIdentityElement object as a response.
UserIdentityResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a UserIdentityElement object as a response.
UserIdentityResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a user identity.
UserIdentityResource provides the APIs for maintaining user identities and their relationships with profiles.
The UserNotAuthorizedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when a userId passed on a request is not authorized to perform the requested action.
The UserNotAuthorizedException is thrown by the OCF when a userId passed on a request is not authorized to perform the requested action.
The UserNotAuthorizedException is thrown by an OMRS Connector when the supplied UserId is not permitted to perform a specific operation on the metadata collection.
UseTypeRequestBody for passing the use type and effective time.
UseTypeRequestBody for passing the use type and effective time.
ValidatePatientRecordDiscoveryService is a discovery service implementation for analysing patient records.
CSVDiscoveryServiceProvider provides the connector provider for the CSV Discovery Service
ValidMetadataAdmin is the class that is called by the View Server to initialize and terminate the Valid Metadata OMVS.
The ValidMetadataAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
ValidMetadataInstance caches references to the objects it needs for a specific server.
ValidMetadataInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.
The ValidMetadataOMVSResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the Valid Metadata OMVS.
ValidMetadataRegistration registers the view service with the OMAG Server administration services.
The ValidMetadataRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Valid Metadata Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
ValidMetadataValue provides the properties for a valid metadata value.
ValidMetadataValueConverter transfers the relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ValidMetadataValue bean.
ValidMetadataValueDetail retrieves a single valid value for a property.
ValidMetadataValueDetailListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of ValidMetadataValue properties or an exception if the request failed.
ValidMetadataValueListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of ValidMetadataValue properties or an exception if the request failed.
ValidMetadataValueResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the GAF definition of the ValidMetadataValue.
ValidMetadataValues maintains valid value sets for the properties found in open metadata elements.
ValidMetadataValuesInterface maintains valid value sets for the properties found in open metadata elements.
ValidMetadataValuesTest sets up a list of valid values for the projectType property of ProjectCharter.
Link between glossary terms where one defines one of the data values for the another.
ValidValue provides the common super class for ValidValueSet and ValidValueDefinition.
ValidValueAssignmentConsumerConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship and linked EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ValidValueAssignmentConsumerElement.
ValidValueAssignmentConsumerElement describes a Referenceable that is using a valid values set/definition to define the values that may/must be assigned to it.
ValidValueAssignmentConsumersResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
ValidValueAssignmentDefinitionConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship and linked EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ValidValueAssignmentDefinitionElement.
ValidValueAssignmentConsumerElement describes a a valid values set/definition that is defining the values that may/must be assigned to a referenceable.
ValidValueAssignmentDefinitionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
ValidValueAssignmentProperties describes the properties between a referenceable and its valid values.
ValidValueAssignmentProperties describes the properties between a referenceable and its valid values.
ValidValueAssignmentProperties describes the properties between a referenceable and its valid values.
ValidValueConverter generates a ValidValueElement from a ValidValue entity
ValidValueConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ValidValueElement.
ValidValueConverter generates an ValidValueElement bean from an ValidValueProperties entity.
ValidValueConverter generates an ValidValueElement bean from an ValidValueProperties entity.
ValidValueConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ValidValueElement.
ValidValueDefinition defines a value that can be legitimately assigned to a field.
ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value definition or set entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value definition or set entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value definition or set entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value definition or set entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ValidValueImplAssetConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship and linked EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ValidValueImplAssetElement.
ValidValueImplAssetElement contains the properties and header for a reference data set linked to a valid value retrieved from the metadata repository.
ValidValueImplDefinitionConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship and linked EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ValidValueImplDefinitionElement.
ValidValueImplDefinitionElement describes a Valid Value that defines one if the values in a reference data asset.
ValidValueImplementation contains the properties for a relationship between an asset and a valid value.
ValidValueImplementationAsset contains the properties for a reference data set implementing a requested valid value.
ValidValueImplementationAsset contains the properties for a reference data set implementing a requested valid value.
ValidValueListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value objects.
ValidValueListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value objects.
ValidValueManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain valid values and their related objects.
ValidValueManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain valid values and their related objects.
The ValidValueManagementInterface provides methods for managing valid values.
The ValidValueManagementInterface provides methods for managing valid values.
Mapping methods to map between the validValue and the equivalent omrs Relationship.
ValidValueMapping contains the properties and ends of a valid value mapping.
ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) Relationship and linked EntityDetail object into a bean that inherits from ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionElement.
ValidValueMappingElement contains the properties and remote end of a valid value mapping as seen from a valid value.
ValidValueMappingsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value mappings.
ValidValueMember describes a member of a valid value set.
ValidValueMemberConverter generates a ValidValueMemberElement bean from a RelatedMetadataElement.
ValidValueMembershipProperties provides a flag to indicate if this value is the default value for the set.
ValidValueMembershipProperties provides a flag to indicate if this value is the default value for the set.
ValidValueMembershipProperties provides a flag to indicate if this value is the default value for the set.
ValidValueMembershipProperties provides a flag to indicate if this value is the default value for the set.
ValidValueProperties provides the common super class for ValidValueSet and ValidValueDefinition.
ValidValueProperties provides the common super class for ValidValueSet and ValidValueDefinition.
ValidValueProperties provides the common super class for ValidValueSet and ValidValueDefinition.
ValidValueProperties provides the common super class for ValidValueSet and ValidValueDefinition.
ValidValueProperties provides the common super class for ValidValueSet and ValidValueDefinition.
ValidValueResponse is a response object for passing back a single valid value object.
ValidValueResponse is a response object for passing back a single valid value object.
ValidValueResponse is a response object for passing back a single valid value object.
ValidValueResponse is a response object for passing back a single valid value object.
ValidValueResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a valid value bean object as a response.
ValidValuesAssetOwner provides the API operations to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
ValidValuesAssignment contains the properties for a valid value's reference data assignment to a referenceable.
ValidValuesAssignmentConsumer contains the properties for a referenceable that is linked to a requested valid value via the ValidValuesAssignment.
ValidValuesAssignmentDefinition describes the link to a valid value for a consumer of a valid value via a ValidValuesAssignment relationship.
ValidValuesBuilder is used to manage the properties of a valid values set and definition.
ValidValueSet defines a collection of valid value definitions.
ValidValueConverter provides common methods for transferring relevant properties from an Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail object into a ValidValueElement bean.
ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value set entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
ValidValueSetProperties provides the class for ValidValueSet.
ValidValueSetsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of valid value sets or an exception if the request failed.
ValidValuesExchangeClient provides the API operations to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
The ValidValuesExchangeInterface supports the exchanges of valid values and reference data.
ValidValuesExchangeService is the context for managing valid values and reference data.
ValidValuesHandler provides the methods to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
ValidValuesImplAssetsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of assets (reference data sets) that use the valid value in their implementation.
ValidValuesImplDefinitionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
ValidValuesImplProperties is a java bean used to associate a reference data asset with a valid value.
ValidValuesMappingElement contains the properties and ends of a valid value mapping relationship.
ValidValuesMappingProperties is a java bean used to create a mapping between two valid values from different valid value sets.
ValidValuesMappingsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value mappings.
ValidValuesOnboardingResource provides the API operations to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
ValidValuesReport extracts the valid values defined in the open metadata ecosystem.
ValidValuesRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new valid values element.
ValidValuesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value objects.
ValidValuesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value objects.
ValidValuesResponse returns a list of assets from the server.
ValidValuesAssetOwner provides the API operations to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
ValidValuesRESTServices provides the API operations to create and maintain validValues information.
ValidValuesRESTServices provides the API operations to create and maintain validValues information.
The verification governance action service is responsible for testing the values in the metadata elements and relationships and setting up guards to guide the next step of processing.
VerificationGovernanceContext provides access to details of the verification request along with access to the metadata store.
VerifyAssetGovernanceActionConnector evaluates an asset to be sure it has zones, an origin and an owner.
VerifyAssetGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the "Verify Asset" Governance Action Service.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
VerifyAttributeTypeDefExecutor provides the executor for the verifyAttributeTypeDef method.
VerifyTypeDefExecutor provides the executor for the verifyTypeDef method.
ViewServerConfigurationClient provides the configuration services for view servers.
ViewServiceAdmin is the interface that a view service implements to receive its configuration.
The AssetConsumerAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log.
ViewServiceConfig provides the configuration for a single Open Metadata View Service (OMVS).
ViewServiceConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a ViewServiceConfig object as a response.
ViewServiceDescription provides a list of registered view services.
ViewServiceRegistrationEntry is used by a view service to register its admin services interface.
ViewServiceRequestBody passes the minimum information to set up a view server.
ViewServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of services that are configured in an OMAG Server Platform.
Transfers metadata of a view.
A virtual connection is for an asset that provides data by delegating requests to one or more other connections.
The VirtualConnectionProperties is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a virtual connector to access a virtual asset that is constructed from access to one of more other assets.
The VirtualConnectorExtension is an optional interface for a virtual connector.
VoidResponse defines the response structure for the OMAS REST API calls that returns a void as a response.
VoidResponse defines the response structure for the Conformance Suite REST API calls that returns a void as a response.
VoidResponse defines the response structure for an OMRS REST API call that has a void return with checked exceptions
EvaluateAnnotationsGovernanceActionConnector is currently a placeholder for a governance action service that will look through the annotations from a survey report and set up guards to drive actions that process the different types.
EvaluateAnnotationsGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the "Evaluate Annotations" Governance Action Service.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
WatchdogClassificationEvent describes the structure of the events passed to the WatchdogGovernanceActionService that describe changes to classifications attached to metadata elements.
WatchDogEventInterface defines the interface for receiving watchdog events.
WatchdogEventType describes the type of event that the WatchdogGovernanceActionService can listen for.
The watchdog governance action service is responsible for monitoring changes to the metadata elements and then initiating further governance activity.
WatchdogGovernanceContext provides the watchdog governance action service with access to information about the request, open metadata store, the ability to register a listener to receive governance events and initiate new governance activity.
WatchdogGovernanceEvent describes the structure of the events passed to the WatchdogGovernanceActionService.
WatchdogGovernanceListener defines the listener interface implemented by a WatchdogGovernanceActionService.
WatchdogGovernanceServiceEvent holds a formatted event for a watchdog governance action service.
WatchdogMetadataElementEvent describes the structure of the events passed to the WatchdogGovernanceActionService that relate to changes to metadata elements.
WatchdogRelatedElementsEvent describes the structure of the events passed to the WatchdogGovernanceActionService that represent changes to relationships.
WatchStatus specifies whether changes to assets in an asset collection should be passed as notifications to the actor who's profile is linked to the collection.
TestLabReportResponse defines the response structure that includes the test results.
WorkbenchStatusResponse defines the response structure that includes the status of a workbench.
The WorkLocationDefinition is used to feed the definition of the primary work locations for Coco Pharmaceuticals employees or its business partners.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
WriteAuditLogMessageGovernanceActionConnector writes requested messages to the Audit Log.
EvaluateAnnotationsGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the "Evaluate Annotations" Governance Action Service.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.
The XTDBAuditCode is used to define the message content for the Audit Log.
The XTDBErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with XTDB as an OMRS Metadata Repository.
Captures the structure of a query against XTDB that spans the graph, and therefore could return both relationships and entities together.
Provides the OMRSMetadataCollection implementation for XTDB.
Provides all connectivity and API-based interaction with a XTDB back-end.
In the Open Connector Framework (OCF), a ConnectorProvider is a factory for a specific type of connector.
Captures the structure of a query against XTDB.
An iterator to walk through the list of assets assigned to a zone.
ZonePublisherGovernanceActionConnector sets the supplied governance zone names into the assets supplied as action targets.
ZonePublisherGovernanceActionProvider is the OCF connector provider for the Zone Publisher Governance Action Service.
The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.
RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.